Dark (Beautiful Ashes #1) (15 page)

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“Do you?” He cocked his head. “Then how will you feed the beast in control of you?”

She shot to her feet and raced to the ladies’ room. No time to hit the toilet, so Keeley emptied the contents of her stomach in the sink. She was in too deep.

The demon leaned against the wall, watching. Leith was becoming quite the adversary.

Worst part of it all, the emotional turmoil she was experiencing was having the same effect on her as physical pain. A splash of cool water to her face helped settle the uneasiness snaking its way up her body. Her eyes darted to the blood spreading along the gauze inside her arm. She pressed hard against it, bringing a drawn out hiss through her teeth. The self-induced pain along with the blood, now sprinkling in droplets, calmed her. Keeley regained control and wrapped her wound with the hoodie she wore. Odds were, she just discovered yet another addictive tendency. But at the moment, she couldn’t care less.

Leith followed the sway of her hips as she approached. The lack of color on her face told him something was off. Way off. His gaze caught the awkward makeshift bandage she’d made with her hoodie. He continued taking inventory as he searched her from head to toe with his eyes. The blood drops on her Chuck’s told him more.

“You’ll meet me at eight o’clock sharp a block from the club tomorrow night. The sooner I get the info, the sooner I can stop this nonsense and get back to my life.” She turned on her heel and traipsed out of the coffee shop.

Leith couldn’t help but admire her tenacity. He had to wonder how magnificent she would be healthy and whole. Fucking unbelievable if she was this spectacular wounded and lost. Tar better hold onto her tight. That seemed oxymoronic considering Leith wanted her for himself. Yet somewhere inside, he knew who she belonged with.




Tar could not believe his eyes when Alex Strand walked into the bar. He finished off his Jack and Coke as Alex spotted him, signaling he was grabbing his own drink. The two men shook hands before sitting down.

“I know I’m not who you were expecting,” Alex assessed.

“True,” he confirmed. But I have a feeling I get why.” Tar had a wry grin on his face. Figured, considering he and E were actually good friends.

Alex took a healthy swallow of his gin and tonic before responding. “Investigations is a specialty of mine. And to be frank, I’m all for bringing down these motherfuckers, but not at the cost of our Keeley.”

Amazing. How did Keeley miss all this love? Then it hit, she was running from it due to her feelings of unworthiness. His broken girl had so much to learn, so much healing to do. Yet he could relate. He’d been there once before himself. True the situation was different and he didn’t battle an addiction, but wrestling a demon was still all-consuming. Harder you fought, the more it tried to hang on. “Glad to hear that. Nice having someone on the same page,” Tar admitted.

“E and Nik are, too. But I get why E needs to stay a little in the dark on this one. Though, you should know, he’ll be pissed off when he finds out.”

“Hell yes, he will.” Tar rubbed the stubble on his chin. “If this were in his club, I wouldn’t withhold anything.”

“I understand that. So, you think Keeley is doing what exactly?” Alex queried.

“Honestly, I’m not sure. I do know that fucker Leith is involved somehow,” he grit out. “But to what extent, I’m clueless.”

“Why do you think he’s assisting her?”

“Because he wants to fuck her.” Alex’s eyes widened at that little gem. Tar continued, “He’s helping her cover up wounds.”

“Expound on that, please.”

“She’s getting hurt but says it’s due to training with the dickwad.” Tar raked his short hair, sounding like the jealous lover even to his own ears.

“Why isn’t she training with you?”

“Oh, she is,” Tar affirmed.

“I see.” Alex leaned back with a puzzled look. “Is she training so hard for the pain?”

Tar’s throat was crowded with a huge lump. Alex absolutely knew his shit. He could only nod.

“My God,” Alex exhaled, “has she figured out emotional pain will give her what she craves?”

“Not sure she’s put that together. Yet.”

“And she’s found self-induced injuries do the same trick.”

E had kept him in the know. Tar ground out, “I’m trying to figure out the best course of action on that one.”

“Fair enough. It’s rather common. Don’t blame yourself for it. Keeley needs your strength until she realizes how strong she really is.”

“Yeah, I get that. But Alex, I’ve gotta tell ya. We need to hurry the fuck up before we can’t help her.” The confession was ripped from his soul. They were on borrowed time.

“That’s why I’m here, Tar.” He stood up. “Let’s go see what Leith is doing.”

Hell yes. Something to do to keep his mind in the game and not playing the what if’s over and over again. Keeley did need him strong. And he’d do anything for her. He’d give her everything. Even if that meant his own life.





There were eyes on them. Leith searched the shadows but saw nothing and no one out of the ordinary. Then again, men he worked with specialized in not being seen until they wanted to be. A disconcerting sensation crept up his spine, as if a snake spotted an unsuspecting mouse eating its dinner. He reached forward and pulled Ms. Jones into his arms, whispering on a hiss, “Ssssssssomeone’s watching us.”

She spoke into his ear, “Someone you’re working with?”


She gave an affirming nod, trekking her long, blood red fingernails down his arm. “Follow me.”

A side entrance into the underground club brought them straight into a small room. Leith observed there was another door as he heard footsteps where they’d just been. Ms. Jones worked fast yanking him into a viewing room. Without pause, she raked her nails down his body as she hit her knees. What the hell? Her eyes slid up his body until they locked on his. He saw the flash of heat in hers and remembered where they were. “Open your mouth,” he commanded, unsure of what to do, but knowing it was crucial to play the part.

Ms. Jones complied as he stuck his thumb far enough back to gag her. “Suck it.”

Leith knew he had to take this to a whole new level. Problem with that, all he could see was Keeley. Some unforeseen force encompassed him and, all of a sudden, in his mind’s eye this was Keeley in front of him on her knees begging to suck him off. He grew impossibly hard, pulling her hair as she latched tighter around his thumb. Leith grasped some rope in his other hand while he removed his thumb. “Hands in front of you.”

Her head was down as he bound her wrists too tight. Ow, stupid fucker didn’t know what he was doing! But Ms. Jones knew she couldn’t blow their cover. She had way too much to lose. He ripped her blouse open and roughly moved the bra beneath her breasts. He pinched her nipples and twisted in a brutal way that, to her surprise, she enjoyed. A moan let him know so.

He ordered, “Free my dick.”

A challenge with her hands tied together but she managed to do it, scraping a nail along his length. He yanked her wrists up in one hand and wound her hair in the other. She was off balance and completely at his mercy. Leith nudged her mouth with his cock, and when she didn’t open immediately, he pulled up sharply. Her cry got the result he sought, jamming his dick all the way to the back of her throat. Wide eyes met his at the realization he literally held her life in his hands. The power he held over her was intoxicating, and she found herself sucking with determination to please him.

What the ever-loving fuck?! she thought, but it didn’t stop her from deep throating the man who held her captive to his pleasure. He came harshly as she swallowed every drop. Leith jerked the beauty before him up and took her mouth with ruthlessness. Both were breathless as he praised the fantastic blow job. “Fucking perfect, Keeley.”

Everything stilled: Leith at his slip of the tongue. Ms. Jones at the emotional slap. Commotion outside the door broke the tension between them. They watched the knob turn, helpless to go anywhere. Both positive whoever was stalking them was there to make their claim.

Braxton tossed some scared shitless, naked female to the floor as they entered. Leith might have become an asshole when it came to Tar and Keeley, but the soldier in him rose at that sight. Ms. Jones caught it before he blew the entire operation straight to hell.

She moved in and rubbed her exposed boobs all over the powerful business man. Braxton’s eyes were locked on his prey, but he was enjoying the feel of those implants aching for his bite. Deciding there was no reason he couldn’t do whatever the hell he wanted, Braxton bent forward and captured a fat nipple between his teeth. Ms. Jones’ eyes widened as he bit down hard enough to draw blood. He licked the coppery crimson from his lips as a command came over the speaker, “Leave the room Mr. Braxton.” He shot a menacing smirk at the frightened girl curled up in the fetal position. “Next time, my dear, no one will save you.” The threat hung in the air like an acrid poison choking its victims.

Leith gently cradled the frightened girl in his arms as he stood. Ms. Jones covered herself and held the door open for them. A spark of jealousy spiked her pulse at seeing his compassion. Leith was hers.




Something was different about Leith, Tar noted as he studied the man. Didn’t take long to figure out what that was when the woman he was with walked out with another by her side. He leveled a look at Alex. “Who the hell is that?”

“No clue. But damn she’s young.” A deep crease was visible between his eyes as thoughts of Ari, his daughter, danced. Wasn’t all that long ago they were rescuing her from a madman. The father and protector in him rose as he took in every detail possible: Caucasian, light brown hair, small frame, approximately eighteen. From that distance he couldn’t gather anything more.

Assessment was key, and from where Tar stood the young female looked injured, but he wasn’t positive. “Yeah, she is. So who hurt her? Or am I seeing things?”

“Hell,” Alex growled, “no, you’re not. If that shithead Leith did this…”

“He’s a fucktard,” Tar declared, “but not one to prey on the innocent, or any other for that matter. He’d lay his life down in a heartbeat.”

Of course he would. Alex shook his head at himself. “I apologize. I let my imagination get carried away.”

“Happens, man. Been there myself a few times,” Tar admitted. There was a noticeable shift in Leith as he helped the other woman get the younger one into the car. Gone was that calculating, conniving look the man wore ninety-nine point nine percent of the time. Now his face was laced with empathy, sincerity, and compassion. On closer observation, Tar also saw more there. “Well, would you look at that.”

Alex turned to see what he missed. “Okay, bring me up to speed.”


“How the hell can you? Ohhhhhhh, you’re right,” Alex gasped. “Thinking he’s no longer a threat to Keeley.”

He wasn’t sure that was entirely true but did see that the ticking time bomb was defused. For now. The woman Leith entered the club with turned and both Tar and Alex whistled. “Holy hell,” Tar affirmed, “she’s jealous.”

Alex cocked his jaw. “She’s dangerous. I’d go out on a limb and say deadly even.”

“Yeah, how are we getting her out of the picture?”

“No idea, but we better do it swiftly before that girl with them gets hurt more,” Alex assured.

“Copy that.”

They tailed Leith and the two women across town hoping to learn more, gain something to help with Keeley before it was too late.




Keeley soaked in the Jacuzzi trying to wrap her brain around how she was going to get out of this mess. Nothing popped. More and more she was beginning to think it was best to tell Tar the truth and damn the consequences. Yet a part of her craved what Braxton offered. Talk about fucked up. How could anyone want another to hurt them? But she did. Although, she glanced down at her wrist, didn’t seem to matter who did it along as there was the superb bite of pain involved. She dug her nails into the wound, hissing from the torture. Tar leaned in the doorjamb. “Stop,” he ordered.

Her shocked gaze met his and she noticed there was an edge to him. Wanting to test what was there, she boldly replied, “Are you going to make me?”

“Stand up.”

He didn’t move from his position that seemed relaxed in pose, but Keeley saw the fire in his eyes. Tar was a loaded weapon and she was his target.
Take your best shot, baby
. “Like what you see?”

Keeley’s hands traveled up her hips, ribs, before resting on her breasts. A light reflected off the rods in her nipples. Fuck. Me. “Do I like that you want to hurt yourself?” He pushed off the jamb. “No,” making his way toward her with a promise of retribution in each step, “you need to give it to me.”

She angled her head, not missing how brutal his words sounded. “Give you permission to what?”

“To give you what you need.” He yanked his shirt over his head.

Keeley licked her lips at the play of muscle and pure male beauty before her. “You don’t know what you’re saying.”

He was on her now, cupping her face in his hands and burning the truth into her gaze with his. “I do.” Tar willed her to listen, hear what he was telling her. He licked the outside of her mouth then nipped at her bottom lip. She opened for him but he didn’t accept the invitation, sliding his tongue along her jaw to her ear, he rasped, “Let. Me. In.”

“I-I,” she breathed heavily while moving her hands to his magnificent, sculpted chest, but he caught them.

“I’m calling the shots here, Tigress.” There was no mistaking his authority in the statement dripping with naughty promises.

She stared into those harsh, desired filled emeralds. “What—”

“Turn around,” he ordered without letting her finish the question.

She should be pissed, but Keeley craved his dominance more. Her pivot was slow and deliberate, ensuring her ass swept across the heavy bulge in his black BDU’s. His sharp intake of breath told her how much she affected him. Damn good thing, considering how he affected her any given moment. A sudden smack to her ass brought a yelp of surprise. “Hey,” she admonished, earning her a harder, firmer one across the other cheek. God, she needed
, like a belt in his hands. As if he could read her wayward thoughts, Tar fisted her hair and yanked her back against him.

Mouth wide, he bit the top of her shoulder which brought goose bumps everywhere on her body. His heavy cock ground into her backside as he spoke, “You will do
what I say. Each time you beg for more exquisite pain, I will punish you with soft pleasure.”

Holy fucking shit. Her mouth was dry but she forced the words out, “Yes, Sir.”

His hands snaked around, massaging her perfect tits. There wasn’t any place on her delectable body he didn’t want to fuck thoroughly. Fighting his own urges with the knowledge she needed to trust he could handle her demons, he pinched the rods on her peaks and twisted. She moaned and began to move her ass against him. Tar released the jewelry he’d been manipulating and blew gently along her jaw before barely tracing the same path with his lips. Keeley swallowed hard. “I n-need-d,” she stuttered.

Tar teased with the tip of his tongue along the shell of her ear. “More?”

“Yessssss,” she hissed.

He moved to the corner of her mouth and licked, not letting her tongue meet his. “I like it gentle, too, baby.”

Her brow furrowed with concentration searching for his meaning. Light bulb. If she wanted him to play hard, no begging for it. Bastard was determined to kill her. She meant to tell him so until he placed the most tender kiss on her lips. Damn, she could get used to this. “Tar,” she breathed into his mouth and felt his smile.

“Are you wet for me?” He continued his soft torture of light licks and gentle strokes around her mouth, along her jaw, down Keeley’s neck. His fingers walked between her breasts, down her flat tummy, and fluttered across her bare secrets. He stayed tormenting her, daring her to move, but she held still. “Good, girl,” he praised as he dipped into her and pumped. In. Out. Wet sounds filling the air. Tar drew in the scent of her arousal deeply. “So ready to be fucked,” he said with not a little awe. She wasn’t as far gone to her addiction as she thought. “Such a desirable wench.” His other hand swatting her ass hard enough to move her forward. He zeroed in on that huge mirror. Maybe if she got a glimpse of how he saw her, Tar could get Keeley to let him in. Show her how loved and wanted and worthy she was. With laser focus, he nudged her toward the vanity. Tar lifted her onto the counter top. “On your knees, baby.”

Keeley’s hawk-like gaze watched his every move as he positioned himself behind her. “I want you naked,” she dared.

He licked up her spine and whispered, “Do you now?”

Hell yes. Keeley met his gaze with her desire laden one. “Please.”

“Play with those rods, but keep your eyes on me.”

She obeyed immediately, wanting whatever it was he planned on offering. Her regard locked on his incredible abs. Like the rest of him, they were heavy with muscle, but not overly bulky. Perfection. He was tall, dark, and handsome. She feasted while tugging and twisting until her nipples were red and past erect, demanding his teeth. Her tongue snaked out as his long, wide cock was freed. His piercing, lust-filled gaze met hers and forced the confession, “I want you to come in my mouth,” out of her.

Tar chuckled. “Not right now,” all humor left him, “I have other plans for you.”

Naked and aroused, he was sexy-sin personified. The threat of so much more sent her clit into overdrive. Holy shit. She was going to come. His sly grin told her he was aware of it, too. Fucker. Keeley ran her fingernails along the over-sensitized tips above the metal, causing a long hiss between her teeth. Tar towered behind her looking down her body. His searing gaze licked a trail of fire from her nipples to her clitoris. The hot head of cock shoving into the small of her back. Oh hell, he was dripping pre-cum, she registered at the wetness left behind when he eased his hips back. Anticipation was ratcheting higher as he traced his lower lip with his tongue. She matched the motion, pleading for him to fuck her with that skilled muscle. He repeated the action and she saw it, the stud running through and reflecting the light. “You pierced your tongue for me?”

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