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Authors: R Gendreau-Webb

Dare to Trust (27 page)

BOOK: Dare to Trust
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“I know.” Jason stood up and dragged Mia with him. “Let’s have a swim,” he suggested. He didn’t want to discuss his mother anymore. This was a happy time and he wasn’t going to ruin it with thoughts of things he couldn’t change. His mother was gone. He needed to put all of the conflict he and his mother had shared behind him. “Come on.” Jason gently pulled Mia with him towards the water.

Back on the beach, they enjoyed the sun. “What do you want to do for dinner tonight?’ Jason asked Mia as he watched her read. “Go out? Room service?”

“I don’t care.” She was enjoying the sense of calm with having no agenda. Mia couldn’t remember the last time she had not had to worry about a class or getting to shift at the hospital. For years, she had been constantly running full speed ahead. The respite from the pace was wonderful.

“Okay, I’ll come up with something.” Jason got up from the sand and stood, hands on his narrow hips, taking in the beauty of the beach and his fiancée. “We should go back to the suite. I don’t want you to burn.” Mia looked up at him, admiring the way his surfer shorts hung off his waist. She got up and followed Jason to their suite.

Jason had suggested they shower and then get ready to go out. Once in the large, travertine shower, they became distracted with each other. Jason had decided he was going to keep his hands to himself for the next two days, until he and Mia were married. Once under the hot water, he couldn’t stop his soapy hands roaming over her body. Instead of going out for dinner, they ended up in bed, making love. Hours later, Jason ordered room service.


As the sun dipped down from the blue sky, Mia made her way towards Jason. He waited for her on the beach, barefoot, looking sexy and handsome in khaki pants and a white, button up linen shirt. His sleeves were neatly rolled exposing his muscular forearms Mia loved to admire. He was nervous and couldn’t wait to see his bride. When Mia finally came into view, he was breathless. She had never been more beautiful---her dark hair piled on her head, the short, silk gown clinging to her curves and her shy smile. Jason had never been more confident of anything in his life as he was that making her his wife was the best decision he had ever made.

The ceremony was short, with Mia’s family and Kate, who Mia considered her closest family, looking on. Mia had forgotten they were there; she had focused all of her attention on Jason and the vows they exchanged. When they were pronounced husband and wife, Mia’s eyes became misty. Jason---her new husband---was looking at her with such love. She had never felt more cherished.

They walked, hand in hand, across the beach, back up to the small private patio where a catered meal waited for them and their guests. Kate was the first to give them both a huge hug and peck in the cheek. “I am sooo happy for you two,” she smiled at them. “I thought this would never happen,” she joked.

“Congratulations,” her father offered the pair as they reached the patio.

“Thanks, dad.”

Her mother interrupted the conversation as she looked up at Jason. “I hope you’ll be able to support Mia. And kids in the future.” She didn’t think Mia should have married a cop, and Mia had never shared how well off Jason was.

Jason could feel Mia cringe as her mother spat out the words. Instead of being angry and offended, Jason offered his new mother-in-law a wide, charming smile. “Not to worry, Mrs. Hitchcock. I have a large trust fund that is now Mia’s as well. In fact, as a wedding present, I paid off all of Mia’s student loans.”

“What?” Mia gasped. Jason had offered several times to pay off the almost two hundred thousand dollar loans for medical school but she had always vehemently said no to him.

His arms were around her and Mia felt them tighten as Jason kissed her cheek. “I love you,” he whispered. He looked up at the surprised look on his mother-in-law’s face and offered a wolfish grin. He knew he had just won over---and silenced---his mother-in-law. “Mia doesn’t have to work if she doesn’t want to. She’ll be more than taken care of.”

“Well,” Mrs. Hitchcock started, “it does sound like she will be well taken care of.”

Jill walked towards her sister and reached out for a hug. “Nice going, sis. Sexy and rich,” Jill murmured into Mia’s ear as she embraced her. “I hope he makes you happy.”

“He does,” Mia replied.

They enjoyed a lovely dinner on the patio as twilight fell over the beach. Jason liked that he had the opportunity to get to know his new in-laws and sister and brother-in-law, he couldn’t wait to get his new wife back upstairs to the suite and get her naked. Having her so close in the stunning dress was almost killing him. Once dinner was finished, Jason thanked them for attending the wedding and he disappeared with Mia.

As soon as they entered the suite, Jason’s mouth and hands were all over his wife. “So beautiful,” he murmured against her throat. His hands had reached her hair, releasing it from being pinned up, his fingers entangled in it. “I’m so in love with you.” He caressed one of Mia’s bare shoulders with his lips. “Such a lucky man,” he whispered against her skin, eliciting goose bumps.

She smiled and started working on the buttons of his linen shirt. Her manicured hands ran over his pectoral muscles and down his six pack. Jason groaned as Mia pushed his shirt off his shoulders and started to focus on unbuckling his belt and unzipping his pants. “I can’t wait until you’re inside me,” she told him as she gently nipped at the hollow of his shoulder with her teeth.

Jason’s patience was gone. He swept Mia up into his arms and deposited her on the bed. He reached around and unzipped her gown, helping it fall off her. His hands continue to work on the bra and panties she still wore. “You’re all mine,” Jason told her as he laid Mia back onto the bed. He quickly shed the rest of his clothes and maneuvered his tall frame over her. His erection nestled between her thighs.

“Hurry up,” Mia demanded. “I can’t wait any longer.”

“Always so impatient, baby,” Jason told her as he slowly thrust into her. As he heard her moan, a wolfish grin developed on his face. At first, his thrusting was slow and rhythmic. Mia writhed beneath him, clawing at his back and broad shoulders.

“Jay, faster….I’m so…close…”

“Like this?’ Jason teased as he increased the pace. His answer was a loud moan from Mia. He had intended to tease her for a while. But then he started to lose control. Mia found her release and her muscles contracted around Jason, sending him over the edge. With one more thrust, he was spilling into her. “God, Mia…so good…love you…” As soon as he could breathe, he opened his eyes, smiling as he gazed into Mia’s eyes. She still lay underneath him. He ran a hand through her dark hair. “I love you, Mrs. Howard. More than you will ever know.”

She smiled back up at him. “I love you, too, Jay. Thank you for making me so happy.” He slowly rolled off her and gathered her in his arms. Mia rested her cheek on his chest; he loved feeling her breath on his skin. They slept for a few hours until Jason awoke, suddenly hard, craving his new wife. He woke Mia as he started to make love to her again.

They spent another week in the Sarasota area, mostly sunbathing on the beach. Mia was relaxed and happy. And Jason loved seeing her that way. He was grateful that the months of stress they had endured were over and their life together was finally back on track. Officially as husband and wife.

Jason also had the opportunity to spend some time with his new family. Mia’s parents had them over for dinner, holding a pool side barbeque with Jill and Brad also in attendance. Early on in the visit, the conversation shifted from the recent nuptials to the impending birth of the first grandchild. Although she never said a word about it, Jason was confident her sister’s pregnant belly was enough to upset Mia, let alone all the discussion about baby showers, nurseries and labor.

He maneuvered out of a conversation with his new brother-in-law, who was fascinated with Jason being a cop, and headed over to sit next to Mia. She was alone, dangling her feet in the pool. He handed her a diet Coke and pulled her to lean against him. “You okay?” Jason nuzzled her neck, tightening his embrace. He could feel her tense muscles.

“Fine,” Mia responded.

“They don’t know, do they?” Jason asked her softly. He didn’t want to believe Mia’s family would be so callous as to rub Jill’s pregnancy in her face, so soon after Mia had miscarried.

Mia shook her head. “I never told them. There wasn’t any reason.”

“Do you want to go?” Jason didn’t wait for her answer. He stood up, helping Mia up as well and started towards her parents and started the goodbyes.

Mia was quiet as they drove back to the hotel. Jason knew she was more upset than she was letting on. He wished more than anything that he could take away the pain she felt because of the miscarriage. As he drove, he laced his fingers with hers.

“We can try again, Mia.” His voice was soft.

She looked at him with surprise and gave a weak smile. “I don’t think I’m ready.” Mia didn’t dare think about another pregnancy when the miscarriage had almost broken her. Mia didn’t think she would ever make it through another. Trying again terrified her.

Jason didn’t bring it up again. Once back at the hotel, he focused on taking Mia’s mind off the past and enjoying their honeymoon. He brought her down to the beach instead of back to the suite. The sun was just beginning to set over the water.

“Where are we going?” she asked him as he led her through the hotel lobby and out to the ocean front.

“I want to walk on the beach with you.” Jason paused and gave her a quick kiss. “Thought I’d try some romance with you.”

Mia flashed him a smile and grabbed his hand. “I love you, Jay.”

“I know, and I love you, too.”


Over the next few months, it seemed that life had returned to normal. Jason had finally been blessed by the doctor and able to return to full duty. Shuffling paper work had been driving him mad, and he felt that he couldn’t train Lisa properly unless they were able to be out investigating---not reading about it in a policy manual.

Mia was happy back in the ED with her former colleagues. They were all thrilled wither return. On her first day back, Mia had been apprehensive, worrying that the memories of the miscarriage would overwhelm her. They didn’t. It seemed as though she was finally at peace with what had happened.

It was the sixth month anniversary of their wedding. Jason got home earlier than he had expected. He had been hoping to surprise Mia with flowers and some romance. He found her upstairs, instead, her head hung over the toilet as she vomited. It appeared that his plans for the evening would have to wait.

“Are you okay, baby?” he asked. He knelt down next to her, rubbing her back. She didn’t say anything but vomited again. Jason got up, grabbed a facecloth and a hair tie, pulling Mia’s hair back to get it out of her blotchy red face.

“It’s got to be something I ate,” she finally said when the heaves stopped. “I don’t have a fever.” Mia slowly stood and made her way to the vanity, gripping the edge. After vomiting, she felt weak.

“You look like shit,” Jason gently told her. He reached out for her hand. “Let’s get you into bed.”

“Thanks,” she said as she glared at him. “You’re so romantic,” she told him. “I’m going to take a shower first. Then rest.” Once Mia finished her shower and climbed into bed, she fell asleep. Jason had made sure she was covered up and had left her, letting her nap. When he finally came to bed, Jason was careful not to disturb her. She ended up sleeping through the night.

It was later in the week when Mia was sick again. There was nothing left in her stomach and dry heaves wracked her body. She and Jason had invited his new partner, Lisa, over for dinner that evening and Mia knew there was no way she could make dinner and play hostess tonight. She was starting to think she was not going to be able to make it out of the bathroom.

She called Jason when she couldn’t stop vomiting. “Can you ask Lisa if she wouldn’t mind re-scheduling?” Mia asked him, her voice weak. Lisa had moved in town for the job and didn’t have any family or friends in the area. When Mia had first met her, they had instantly become friends.

“Everything okay, baby?” Mia didn’t sound right.

“I’m not feeling well. I just need to go back to bed. I can’t make the lasagna and---“

“Okay, get some sleep,” Jason told her. “Don’t worry about the dinner. I’m sure Lisa won’t mind doing it another night. Do you need anything?”


“I’ll see you tonight,” Jason promised.

Mia was in the bathroom when he got home. He could hear her being sick. He ran up the stairs, into the master bathroom. “Something is wrong, Mia. It has to be more than something you ate.” Jason looked at her, full of concern, dismissing the excuse she had given him. She winced as her stomach muscles clenched again. “You’re sleeping an awful lot, too.” She had been in bed yesterday when he had gotten home. And then he smiled at her, the concern on his face disappearing.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” Mia had taken a drink of water to neutralize the burn of the bile in her throat.

“Are you pregnant?” Jason asked, a small grin forming on his lips. With her symptoms, it made perfect sense.

“What?” The color drained from Mia’s face as she sat on the edge of the soaking tub. She had already considered her symptoms and dismissed that as a possibility. No way…she had simply picked up a virus.

BOOK: Dare to Trust
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