Dare to Desire (17 page)

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Authors: Carly Phillips

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Dare to Desire
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Later, when she thought about the job offer he’d received, reality broke through the sensual bubble he’d put her in. Because Rachel had offered him fame again. He’d been used to the attention and accompanying perks before having it suddenly ripped away. And it had been the lack of those things that had led him back to Madison. To proclamations of wanting a relationship, to the changes she’d seen in his entire personality since his forced retirement.

What would happen if he returned to that life? To the hoards of fans, the women … Would she lose him all over again? Madison’s stomach did a complete one-hundred-eighty-degree flip at the thought, and everything inside her grew cold. The truth was, everybody ultimately left her, and she’d be better off preparing for the eventuality with Alex sooner rather than later.


adison returned to Miami and a normal routine. She worked, spent nights with Alex, and dealt with prep for the upcoming hearing about her foster mother. Jonathan was thorough in questioning her and keeping her in the loop about what to expect. His private investigator hadn’t found anything on Eric to help their case, indicating her foster brother had been very careful. No way did Madison believe he was clean or operating in his mother’s best interest. The hearing was in two weeks, and she scheduled a final meeting the week before with Jonathon, who wanted to run Q and A by her one last time.

She tried hard not to think about what could possibly come up at the hearing, pushing it away into a box in the back of her mind until she needed to open it and deal with the contents. It was the way one of her social workers had taught her to deal with long-term problems when she was a child, and the method had stuck.

In the meantime, life went on. To her surprise, Alex had invited her to his mother’s house for dinner this coming weekend, and despite her nerves, she’d agreed.

There was no further discussion about Rachel or the job offer, and the wondering niggled at the back of Madison’s mind. She still wanted him to consider the PR campaign proposed by Derek Fine, but she knew better than to think he’d be receptive now. Especially when he had another offer on the table.

She stared at the inside of her closet, attempting to pick a dress to meet her boyfriend’s mother. Wasn’t that a first? she mused. In all her relationships, none had progressed to the point where she’d met the parents. She had met Alex’s other side of the family when they’d dated, more because of Riley than Alex’s instigation. She hadn’t met his full siblings or parents, and she shivered, glad Riley and Ian would be there offering familiarity and support.

Even she knew what a big deal it was for Alex to bring a woman home, especially after he’d mentioned he’d done the same with Rachel. She pushed thoughts of the other woman away. Again. Madison’s insecurities were just that, her own. Alex had given her no reason to let them interfere in the present. She’d counseled enough women over the years to know how to talk to herself and keep herself looking forward, not back. She found the more she kept thinking positively, the easier it became to continue on that way.

She chose a pastel-printed sundress along with a tasseled pair of sandals. Because of the heat and humidity, she pinned her hair up in a loose bun, letting soft strands fall to her shoulders. A spritz of light perfume, a swipe of blush, some lip gloss and she was as ready as she’d ever be. It certainly was the most she’d angsted over clothing choice, she thought wryly.

Her doorbell rang just as she’d changed her purse to something small she could slip over her shoulder. Drawing a deep breath, she headed to answer the door for Alex, who’d showered and changed at home after a trip to the gym.

She answered the door, her gaze drifting over his fine form, a pair of khaki cargo shorts, and docksiders on his feet, a light blue collared short-sleeve polo shirt accenting his tanned skin and brown eyes.

His gaze skimmed over her in return, those chocolate eyes darkening. “You look beautiful, Angel.”

She felt herself blushing. “Thank you. You look pretty hot yourself.”

He grinned. “Ready?”

She nodded. “Just let me grab my purse and the gift.”

He shook his head. “You didn’t have to buy them anything.”

“I can’t show up at your parents’ house empty-handed! What will they think of me?” She stepped into the entry, where she’d left her bag, keys, and a small arrangement of flowers.

“They’ll think you’re amazing just like I do.” He came up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist. “Damn, baby, you’re nervous?”

She turned to face him, their bodies in intimate contact, her gaze close to his. “Your father owns one of the most luxurious hotels in Miami. Your mother’s been photographed in magazines with him. She’s gorgeous. And you’re their oldest son. Yes, I’m nervous!”

He smoothed his thumb over her lower lip, replacing her nerves with desire. “They’re going to love you just like I do,” he assured her, his gaze hot on hers.

She swallowed hard, not knowing how deeply to read into those words. They weren’t
I love you
per se, and yet her heart kicked up a silly rhythm of excitement and hope. Damn, how she hated hope. It always knocked her on her ass. And yet … it remained.

A forty-minute drive later, thanks to traffic, they arrived at a well-kept home in a regular neighborhood, similar to Franny and Daniel Grayson’s. Ian’s car was already in the driveway, and Alex pulled up behind him. She stared at the house in silence, trying to process the difference in what she saw and what she’d expected.

“You okay?” Alex asked.

“Yes. I’m just surprised. I thought the place would be bigger.”

“Grander?” he asked, a grin on his face.

“Well … yes.”

He let out an amused chuckle. “Galls my father to no end. His home with Ian’s mother was like a mansion. It turns out, at first, he put Mom up in a regular house so nobody would suspect she was an important man’s mistress.” He snorted, letting her know what he thought of that situation. “Later, when they married, my mother refused to change her lifestyle or ours. She didn’t want us spoiled by money.”

Madison shook her head and smiled. “Turns out your chosen career did that instead.”

He tipped his head back and laughed. “Never thought of it that way, but you’re right. Then it took it all away just as quickly, which is why I appreciate my mother’s down-to-earth ways.”

“Yet you kept the Porsche,” she said, patting the dashboard lightly.

“A man’s gotta have his toys and some luxuries.”

She caught his wink and grinned, unable to resist him when he was playful and fun. Okay, she was never able to resist him.

“Ready to go in?”

She blew out a long breath and smiled. “Actually, I am.”

He led her up the front path, surrounded by perfectly manicured greenery and flowers. He knocked once and pushed open the door.

Alex’s mother greeted them as soon as they stepped inside. Madison recognized the beautiful woman from the photo shoot in a local magazine that had spotlighted her devotion to charitable causes.

“Alex!” She wrapped her arms around her son, pulling him in for a motherly hug.

“Hi, Mom.” He hugged her back before easing out of her embrace.

“It’s been too long,” she chided him. “It’s about time you stopped hiding from the world. And is this the woman I have to thank?”

Madison blushed, certain she hadn’t had anything to do with that change in Alex. More likely, it was Ian’s job that had given him purpose again and made him feel worthwhile.

“Mom, this is—”

“Madison! I know. I’ve heard all about you from Riley and of course from the little I could pry out of my son.” She stepped over to Madison and grasped her free hand. “It’s so wonderful to meet you.”

“I feel the same way, Mrs. Dare.”

“Oh my goodness, call me Savannah, please.” She squeezed Madison’s hand and released her.

Madison blinked. Alex had been right. She liked his mother already for making her feel comfortable immediately. She’d expected a staid, Palm Beach type of socialite. Instead of a set, trendy bob, her blonde highlighted hair fell past her shoulders, and although she wore a sundress, on her feet were flats, not heels. There was no air of pretense to be found.

Instead, Savannah Dare was real. Madison breathed out a sigh of relief and held out the flowers. “Thank you for inviting me today.”

Savannah smiled, giving Madison a glimpse of an expression similar to her son’s. “These are beautiful.” She paused to sniff the fragrant blooms. “Thank you, although you really shouldn’t have. Now come inside, you two. The rest of the family is in the great room. Unfortunately, your father had an emergency at the hotel, so he’ll be back in a little while.”

Alex led Madison inside, his hand on her back, a position she was beginning to anticipate and get used to. She relaxed when he laid his hand on the base of her spine, and she’d long since stopped cautioning herself not to, even if the occasional thought did pop out as a warning. She was getting better at trying to accept things when they were good. Not so much at stopping the notion of anticipating the other shoe falling.

Alex introduced her to Sienna, his baby sister, now almost twenty-one years old.

The young woman was a bouncing ball of energy, blonde like her mother, with Alex’s dark brown eyes. She immediately began a not-so-subtle get-to-know-you session that consisted of her peppering Madison with questions.

“So how old are you?” Sienna asked.

Alex shot his sister a glare.

“My God, your mother would smack you for being rude,” Riley said, joining them. She grinned at Madison.

“What? I’m almost twenty-one,” Sienna said, as if that would help.

Madison bit the inside of her cheek so as not to laugh. “It’s okay. I’m twenty-six.”

“And where did you go to school?”

“I did my undergrad at Lynn University, and I got my MSW at the University of South Florida.”

“What’s an MSW?” Sienna asked.

“Master of Social Work.”

“I’m graduating with a bachelor’s in management, but I have no idea what I want to do with my life. I just know I want to experience everything,” she said with the exuberance of the truly young and carefree, and who’d nearly lost it all.

“I hope you do. And you certainly have time and options,” Madison assured the girl.

“Oh! Dad’s here,” Sienna said, waving at the tall man who entered the room before she turned back to Madison without missing a beat. “What about your family, Madison? Are you from Florida? Do your parents live here?”

Madison opened and closed her mouth, but no words came out.

Riley’s mouth opened in a silent O.

“Dammit, Sienna.” Alex grasped Madison’s hand.

She pulled herself free. She’d been around enough to know this question came up in different situations. “I was born in Miami, but my parents no longer live here.” She smiled to alleviate everyone else’s tension.

“Oh. Where—”

“Done,” Alex said, gripping Madison’s hand and pulling her away. “Sorry,” he said when they were alone.

“There’s no reason to be. Those are perfectly normal questions. I have my standard answers. It’s fine.”

He met her gaze, admiration that made her uncomfortable staring back at her.

“Alex, have you offered Madison some of my tea? It’s really the best, if I do say so myself,” his mother said, breaking into their conversation.

Madison smiled in relief. “I’d love some tea.”

“I made it just this morning. None of that premade stuff my son keeps on hand.” She wrinkled her nose. “Alex, go introduce Madison to your father. I’ll be right back with some glasses for everyone.”

“Come on,” Alex said. He led her next to his father, who stood with his brother, Jason. Introductions were quick. “It’s a pleasure to meet you both,” Madison said, noting the similarities in all the Dare men. Tall, dark, and handsome wasn’t a cliché when it came to them.

“I’ve been looking forward to meeting the girl who has tamed my brother.” Jason lifted his glass to Madison.

Alex rolled his eyes.

“The right woman will do that to you, son. Just you wait,” Robert said to Jason.

Then he turned his gaze on Madison. He possessed the same steely-gray gaze as Ian, although his was a touch warmer. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. Alex tells me you’re working together with the Thunder?”

She nodded. “He’s been a real asset with the players and the program we’re instituting.”

Robert smiled. “Wonderful. He needed a distraction from things. And what’s this I hear about a television offer?”

Madison’s stomach cramped at the enthusiasm in the older man’s tone.

“It’s just an offer,” Alex said. “No decisions have been made.”

“I’d think it would be a no-brainer. You love the spotlight. Hell, you were born for it,” Robert said, slapping his son on the back. “Whether it’s on the football field or in front of a camera, you love being in the thick of things.”

“I was going to talk to Jace about it later.” Alex caught sight of Ian making his way toward them. “And I’d rather not discuss it now.” He wasn’t ready to tell Ian he might leave the team before he’d really begun to make an impact.

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