Dare to Desire (7 page)

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Authors: Carly Phillips

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Dare to Desire
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The illness was stealing the older woman piece by piece, and putting her in a home felt like the final stage of loss. On top of Madison’s foster dad’s death, Franny’s memory lapse was yet another blow. But moving her was the right thing to do. Of course, Eric was fighting that too, not wanting his mother to be
locked up
, in his words.

In this, Madison wanted to believe that Eric was looking at his mother as a son afraid to make the wrong choice. He feared she’d wake up and, in a rare lucid moment, be lost in her strange surroundings. Madison was more afraid she’d burn the house down one night while the aide was asleep or wander off when no one was looking.

A week after Madison had been served with legal papers, she met with the lawyer Alex had recommended. He’d made time for her right away, and she appreciated Alex using his connections to get her in.

Not long after she checked in with the receptionist, a tall, dark-haired man strode out into the lobby to greet her.

“Ms. Evans?”

She rose to greet the attorney. Jonathan Ridgeway, Esquire, was a good-looking man with warm eyes and a genuine smile. Madison immediately felt comfortable with him. She knew this whole ordeal wouldn’t be simple or easy, and she was glad this lawyer didn’t put her on edge.

“Hi,” she said, extending her hand, which he briefly took.

“It’s good to meet you, Ms. Evans. But I prefer to dispense with formalities. Is it okay if I call you Madison?” he asked.

She nodded. “Of course.”

“Then please call me Jon. Did you bring the papers?” he asked.

She dug the documents out of her purse and handed them to him. “I also brought the power of attorney and health care proxy. There are other copies filed with my foster mother’s lawyer.”

Jon accepted those as well and gestured for her to sit.

She eased herself into a chair across from his desk. She was nervous as she waited for him to read through her papers and shifted uncomfortably in her seat, taking in his diplomas and wildlife photographs around the room.

Someone knocked on the door, and the sound of it opening had Madison turning in her seat.

“Did I miss anything?” Alex asked, walking inside as if he were expected before shutting the door behind him.

“What are you doing here?” she asked, stunned to see him.

“Good morning, Angel.”

She shivered at the nickname, the sound rolling off the same lips she’d been recently kissed by. Ignoring the sexual tension at work was nearly impossible, and she felt it again now—the subtle tremors in her stomach and the overwhelming feeling of need she experienced whenever Alex was near.

He glanced at his friend. “Jon. Thanks for making time for us.”

“Alex? Why are you here?” she asked again.

The attorney rose to his feet. “Should I give you two some time alone?”

“Yes,” she said.

“No,” Alex countered before searing her with a determined look. “I said we’d handle this, remember?
. I’m here. I would have made it sooner, but I got caught in traffic.” He strode around her and settled into the chair beside her.

“Is there a problem?” Jon asked her.

Madison swallowed hard. “No, no problem.” She didn’t wish to make a scene, so she’d let him stay.

But if Alex thought just because he was paying for the lawyer that he had a right to be part of her personal business, she planned to set him straight later.

Jon refocused on the documents she’d given him, and Madison turned her attention to Alex. He still wore his hair on the long side, but on him, it worked. He sported a button-down shirt and jacket, filling out the material like it had been cut for his broad frame. Just last night, she’d dreamed of the tattoos beneath, covering his tanned skin.

Madison’s mouth grew dry. He’d shaved, and his smooth cheeks made her want to press her lips against his warm skin and breathe him in. She could already smell his cologne, and the scent did things to her that should be illegal during the day while she was fully dressed.

He met her gaze, caught her staring, and his lips turned up in a sexy grin.

Before she could react, Jon spoke, breaking the silence. “I take it you want to fight to hold on to the rights assigned to you?”

She forced her gaze to the lawyer and nodded. “It’s more complicated than it looks. My foster mother’s house is located on property that is surrounded by land owned by the town. It’s been in the family for generations and has been zoned in as a private residence, but with Franny—that’s my foster mother—suffering from Alzheimer’s, she specifically told me when she’s no longer able to make decisions, she wants to go into a home. And she wants to sell the house and have the land dedicated to the town so they can turn it into a rec center for needy kids.

“Why didn’t she handle this when she was capable?” Jon asked.

A logical question. “Because she was always busy with charity and other things, and she never got around to doing it while she was lucid. No attorney would say she’s in her right mind now and change her will. Apparently, Eric, my foster brother, has a deal in the works to sell the land the house is on to a corporation wants to turn it into an exclusive resort on the edge of town.”

Jon took notes as she spoke. Beside her, Alex listened intently.

“Go on,” Jon said.

“Eric claims he wants to enhance the beauty of the land, but that’s not it. He had a drug problem as a teenager, and he’s always run with a fast crowd. Wealthy people, parties with cocaine hidden but available.” She shook her head in disgust. “Anyway, Eric needs the cash influx the resort would provide. He has an inheritance from his grandparents, but he tends to blow through money and likes get-rich-quick schemes with his wealthy friends. There’s no financial interest involved for me. It’s about fulfilling Franny’s wishes. That’s all.” She twisted her hands in her lap until Alex reached over, stilling her with his calming touch.

Unfortunately, his touch also worked to arouse her, and she squirmed uncomfortably in her seat.

Jon cleared his throat. “Okay. According to this, he’s accusing you of exerting undue influence on his mother. How so?”

Anger grew once more at the unfair accusation. “I have no idea how his mind works. All I know is I spend more time with her than he does. I’m sure he’s going to claim I pressed her into making me her power of attorney. It’s just not true,” she said, getting worked up at the thought.

Alex squeezed her hand harder in reassurance that he was there. Solid and beside her.

She forced out a calming breath. “Eric has always resented the very air I breathed, from the minute I came into that house.”

Jon glanced at the papers. “When was she diagnosed?”

“About a year ago. Her husband was her power of attorney and health care proxy before me.”

“She changed it after he died?”

Madison nodded.

“After she’d already been diagnosed,” Jon said grimly.


Jon blew out a breath. “When did your foster brother find out?”

“When Franny started talking about going into a care facility.”

The other man made notes then asked, “Were you their only foster child?”

She shook her head. “There were others in the past, but I was the only one who stayed on. Others were transferred out quickly.”

“Hmm. I’d like to get my P.I. to do some digging. Maybe we can get something on him that’ll scare him enough to make this go away easily. Let me see what I can turn up. Okay with you?”

More money she’d owe Alex if she agreed. “Umm…”

“Whatever you have to do,” Alex said.

Jon looked to her for confirmation, and she nodded, both resigned and grateful at the same time.

He rose from his seat, and both she and Alex did the same. “I’ll take things from here,” Jon said. “I need you to send me a list of people who saw your interaction with your foster parents when you lived there, possible witnesses for us and for them.”

“I’ll do that. Thank you.”

Jon smiled at her. “Do your best not to worry, okay?”

She nodded. “Thank you. Franny was really good to me. I just want to do right by her.”

A few minutes later, they were out in the hall by the elevators. Madison decided not to call Alex on showing up today. How could she be angry when he was behaving so thoughtfully? She appreciated having someone by her side even if she had to constantly remind herself not to get used to it.

“Ready to go back to work?” she asked as the elevator door opened and they stepped inside.

The large doors slid shut.

“Actually, I think we should call in sick.”


“Play hooky. Take the day off and do something fun.”

She raised an eyebrow, considering his words. “Like what?” She couldn’t believe she’d asked him that. Why wasn’t she just saying no to doing anything or going anywhere with him?

“Somewhere you can forget about your problems and relax.”

“But we have work to do.” And she couldn’t imagine taking time off … with him. She’d be too tempted to act on her desires. Her willpower if he even touched her was nonexistent.

“Look, we’re going on a business trip in a few weeks. We’ll be working then. A day off isn’t too much to ask. Besides, I’m related to the boss.” He tapped her nose playfully.

“If I recall, your relationship with him isn’t the most stable. Are you sure you want to test his temper?”

Alex shrugged. “I also have an in with his wife.”

Madison rolled her eyes. “Way to go, using your friendship with Riley to get what you want.”

“Whatever works, Angel. Whatever works. Are you with me?”

She hesitated but had to admit it was tempting. Not just the time with him but the day of freedom. She never played hooky, always took her job seriously. Earning money had always come before anything else.

“You, me, the sun, the pool,” he continued with his litany of temptations. “I’ll even get you one of those fruity drinks with an umbrella in them. Come on, what do you say?” He bumped her hip with his own.

His playful touch sent a shock of electricity shooting straight through her body. She couldn’t deny she liked this mischievous side of him, and after a morning in a lawyer’s office, she was tempted to allow herself time to let loose.

The elevator doors slid open to the lobby, and the bright sunshine from the glass doors beckoned to her as they stepped out.

She felt his questioning gaze on her. All he’d asked for was a day off to have fun.

She didn’t need to overthink this. “Okay. We can go.”

“Really?” He grasped her shoulders and turned her to face him.

His eyes lit with pleasure at her agreement, and she wanted to keep the sparkle there.

She nodded. “Now let’s go before I change my mind.”

*     *     *

Ian had lived well before he’d married Riley and moved out of downtown Miami. His apartment was an offshoot of The Ritz, a condominium with all the amenities of a hotel. The perfect place for Alex to bring Madison for a day off, one they could spend together. He thought it was a brilliant idea when he thought of it.

Now, as he watched Madison peel off a silky top to reveal the bikini beneath, he wondered if he’d thought this through enough. Lavender-colored ruffles covered her breasts, and a matching bottom barely concealed everything else. His mouth grew dry at the sight, the idea of tugging on the strings and revealing that luscious body to his hungry gaze all he could think about. He adjusted himself as discreetly as possible in his swim trunks.

It being a weekday, most people were at work, and other than another couple at the far end of the pool, they were alone. Alone with thoughts he shouldn’t be entertaining for a woman who was still playing it cool with him.

“I didn’t realize Ian kept his apartment after he and Riley moved to their new house,” Madison said. “It was nice of them to let us hang out here. And on a work day, no less.”

“Perks, Angel,” he reminded her.

“Something tells me you only asked Riley for permission,” Madison said.

He grinned. “I’m connected, not stupid.”

She burst out laughing, the first freely given laugh since he’d seen her again in Ian’s conference room, and he soaked in the joyful sound. Damn, he had it bad.

He’d driven her home to drop off her car and let her change clothes before stopping by his place to do the same. He’d called Riley for permission while Madison was getting her stuff together. They’d then headed here. Thanks to the confined car, he now knew she smelled of peaches and cream, and his cock had been at attention ever since.

He hoped seducing her was the answer to this all-consuming need, because he didn’t know what else would satisfy him. Nor did he know how long it would take to achieve his goal. At the thought of sliding into her wet heat again, he stiffened even more. He raised his knee up to deflect attention.

She lay down on the lounge chair and clipped her hair up, revealing her slender neck. His tongue begged to run down the smooth skin.

Slow down, asshole, he cautioned himself. Where Madison was concerned, he had a lot to prove. So he’d wait her out and would be here on her terms.

For as long as it took.


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