Dare to Dance: The Maxwell Series (19 page)

BOOK: Dare to Dance: The Maxwell Series
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the steam from the mirror in the hotel bathroom then dipped into my backpack and found my brush. As I untangled my wet hair, I sifted through the last few hours, and a host of emotions flitted through me. But one shined brighter than the sorrow, hurt, sadness, and despair that had consumed me in the cemetery—hope. Hope that Kross and I could build a relationship. Hope that we could live as a family and watch Raven grow up. Hope that he had the same feelings for me as I did for him. I wasn’t naïve enough to believe that he loved me. I did, however, believe he cared for me. I prayed it wasn’t just because of Raven, but because he wanted

A warm tingle started in my chest and worked its way down to my toes as I replayed Kross’s kiss. Electrical sparks ignited parts of me I hadn’t felt ever, not even when we were teenagers exploring each other or kissing for the first time. I’d been so consumed with him that I found myself playing with his huge, solid erection. My heart did a wild tap dance at that thought. I swallowed the dryness in my throat. I was equal parts excited and scared out of my mind. It was as though I was teetering on the edge of life’s cliff, hanging on by the tips of my fingers, and at any moment, I would fall so hard and fast. In the end, Kross and I would be together or he would walk away again.

“Through fear comes strength” was my mom’s favorite saying. I’d had my share of fear, and I was stronger for everything I’d been through. But when it came to my heart, I wasn’t sure I could test her wisdom.

Kross knocked on the door. “Ruby, are you coming out?”

I giggled softly. We’d found a hotel not far from the cemetery. I’d offered to pay, but Kross wouldn’t let me, which was fine. Payment for a hotel wasn’t a reason to argue. I’d taken my time in the pristine tiled shower, sampling the soaps and shampoo, washing my hair twice, making sure my nails were clean, and brushing my teeth. I’d purchased a razor, toothbrush, and toothpaste in the hotel store, so I was able to shave my legs and other spots.

“Almost done.”

Pulling the brush through my hair, I smiled at myself. The dark circles underneath my eyes that I’d had for so long were fading. Norma had even noticed how much healthier I looked. She did as well. We’d both gained some needed weight. As I set the brush down on the sink, I wondered if she had been able to see her parents. I couldn’t exactly call her since we didn’t own cell phones. I frowned. Not only did I want to find out how she was doing, I wanted to tell her about Kross, our kiss, and ask her for advice on sex.

My pulse accelerated as I slipped on my underwear then Kross’s T-shirt that he’d given me to sleep in. I giggled again. I wouldn’t be able to sleep, not with Kross beside me in that king-size bed. I checked my stomach to ensure I wasn’t covered in hives, which often occurred when I was nervous. I braved a quick look in the mirror. Red colored my neck and the upper part of my chest. I checked my arms and stomach. All clear. I inhaled and exhaled, splashed water on my face, then patted it dry with a towel.

After another calming breath, I smoothed down the T-shirt, which fell to my knees, then opened the door. A wave of cool air swooped in as I went out. The TV was on, but muted. Outside the window, the snow came down in big flakes. On the bed, Kross sat bare-chested with his back to the headboard, his denim-encased legs kicked out to cross at the ankles. He wiggled his bare feet, absorbed in something on his phone. Lazily, I continued to assess the man I wanted to spend my life with. Yellow briefs peeked out of his unbuttoned jeans. His rippled abs had a couple of drops of water that lingered from the shower he’d taken before me. The man was downright gorgeous with his freakishly toned chest, six-pack abs, and biceps that flexed and relaxed every time he typed on his phone. The urge to feel all that hardness beneath my fingers was enough to cover me in goose bumps.

When he lifted his gaze, my knees went weak, my stomach tumbled, and a fuzzy, tingly sensation throbbed between my legs. Even though I’d pleasured myself in the past, my arousal was different, stronger this time.

He tracked me from head to toe in a slow, languid path as though he was snapping picture after picture. I thought about locking myself in the bathroom because I wasn’t sure I would survive if he had his way with me. I would want more, more, more. “
was all my subconscious said.
But will he want more with me?
And not just sex. A life. A family. Those two things were a tall order.

He patted the spot next to him on the down comforter. “Come here.”

I moved on his command, the sweetness in his voice seemingly the trigger to get me to put one foot in front of the other as I crossed the carpeted floor to the bed.

He gave me one of his dimpled grins. Yep, I wouldn’t survive the night. I wouldn’t survive the next five minutes. I climbed up on the bed, adjusted my T-shirt, and crossed my legs underneath me as I faced him. Then I toyed with the hem of the T-shirt, not sure what else to do or say.

“Breathe, Ruby.” His voice was hypnotic and packed with raw male strength intertwined with pure silk. “We’re just two adults watching TV.”

I giggled through the nerves. I either had a frightened look, or my damn neck was splotchy again.

He set his phone on the nightstand. “Do you want to watch a movie?”


He flipped through channels as the last of daylight spilled in through the window. I should probably turn around to see what movies he was searching for. Maybe the distraction would quell my racing heart. But I had one problem. I couldn’t take my eyes off him. Anticipation sparked through my veins, giving me a full cup of courage to trace the writing on his left arm just above the crease of his elbow. In cursive, the tattoo read,
blood comes first
, and behind the writing were five hearts. When I dragged a finger over the words, a string of goose bumps popped out on his arm.

“Family,” he said as sure as it was snowing outside, “always comes first.”

It was then I knew without a shadow of a doubt that Raven would be loved and taken care of as though she was his princess. My heart tripped as I also realized that the feelings I had for Kross just multiplied. “And the hearts?”

“My sister, Karen, loved them. Each heart represents a sibling. One for her, Kade, Kelton, Kody and myself.”

If I hadn’t believed him about family, I certainly did now. Tears stung the backs of my eyelids. I wanted to be part of his family. I blinked once then twice to dry the tears. This wasn’t a night to cry or feel sorry for myself, or worse, have Kross pity me. It was a night to relax, to sink my head into a plush pillow, to feel the softness of the sheets against my body, and just maybe sleep in Kross’s arms, or better yet, do more than sleep.

“So a snake, huh?” I asked. Raven would like that. She loved lizards and worms and frogs, anything related to nature.

“Rattlesnake. Some reporter dubbed me with the name after one of my fights.”

I remembered someone at my fight shouting out “rattlesnake” at Kross.

“Every boxer has a tell. Mine is that I curl my lip on one side before I go in for the kill. Since then, it’s stuck.”

“Does the snake bite?” I asked playfully.

“Only if you want him to,” he returned with a menacing grin.

I chewed my lip. “As long as he’s not poisonous.”

“His venom is filled with sugar and all kinds of pleasure.”

A heady rush of bravery washed over me. Before I could grasp what I was doing, I was straddling him.

He grinned all kinds of sexy as his hands disappeared under my T-shirt. Immediately, my skin pebbled in goose bumps. Then he dragged his fingers lightly over my thighs, the feeling soothing, yet keeping me alert. He watched me as though he were waiting for permission to continue. So I wiggled against him.

He sucked in a sharp breath as he pulled me closer. I closed my eyes, disbelieving I was alone in a hotel room, in a huge comfy bed, sitting on Kross Maxwell. The throbbing between my legs intensified, even more so when I adjusted myself on his rock-hard erection.

“Fuck,” he barely got out. “Too many clothes.”

I swallowed thickly at the feral look in his eyes.

He grabbed the edges of my T-shirt. As though he was programming me, I lifted my arms. In less than a second, the T-shirt was gone. I shivered, not only from the cool air that instantly hardened my nipples, but from how that predatory look in Kross’s dark-blue eyes intensified as his gaze raked over me.

I looked beyond him to the buttoned gray fabric headboard as though the piece of furniture had the answers as to what I should do next.

He caught my chin between his thumb and forefinger. “Hey, look at me.”

My gaze returned to his.

“I love when you’re shy. To me, it makes you that much sexier. But I sense more than shyness. I see some fear in those pretty eyes.”

“I…” I was afraid to tell him I hadn’t had sex with anyone since him. He might think I was pathetic. I had experience in childbearing, living on the streets, sleeping in dark alleys and abandoned warehouses, eating out of dumpsters, stealing, jail, begging for change, and fighting. But sex? No freaking experience. My only memory was how uncomfortable sex had been my first time with him at sixteen.
You had his child. The man will understand.
“I… um. I haven’t had sex since you.” I held my breath.

He cupped my face in his humungous hands. “Hey, you shouldn’t be afraid of that.”

I knitted my eyebrows. “What if I’m no good?”

“There’s no right or wrong way. It’s all about you and me and what makes us feel good. What will make me feel good is you, and pleasing you.” His tone was gentle.

I leaned in and kissed him. After that heart-warming response, I didn’t care if we did or didn’t have sex. I just wanted to kiss him and have him hold me. The only problem was when our tongues touched, sparks went off, and the throbbing between my legs was back.

I nibbled on his lower lip. “Make love to me?”

He growled, low and husky. Before my brain could catch up with his next move, I was on my back, and Kross was hovering over me, kissing his way down my body until he reached my breasts. When he teased one nipple to a painful peak, I squirmed and squealed at the same time.

He chuckled. “Too much.”


He let out a soft laugh as his mouth closed around my nipple, bit lightly, then moved on to the other one. I wiggled again, moaning and whimpering until he lifted his head and climbed off me.

“Don’t move,” he said as he removed a condom from his wallet. Then he shucked his jeans and his briefs.

When he was completely naked, I sat upright with my mouth open. The man was every girl’s wet dream. His muscles were cut in all the right places, and while that made my mouth water, his huge erection was a different story. He was long, hard, and thick. Instantly, my throat dried to the point I had no saliva in my mouth. My mind scrambled to understand how he would fit inside me. I was a petite girl. One who hadn’t had sex in four years. That tidbit alone drove me to wince. The first time was painful, and in essence, this would be my first time again.

He crawled on the bed. “No need to be nervous,” he said through a satisfied smirk. “I’ll go as slow as you need me to.”

“You weren’t that big in high school.” I slapped a hand over my mouth. Damn nerves. Damn foot in my mouth. My friend, Nick, had always teased me about how I came out with the craziest things at the craziest times.

Laughter rumbled from Kross’s chest as he settled next to me. “Thank you for the compliment.” He lay on his side as he propped his head in his hand. “I didn’t have a chance to ask you. How are you feeling after the fight? Vickie punched you hard in the gut.”

I stifled a laugh. The man was naked, oozing sex, and he wanted to talk about my injuries. My stomach had been sore, but the pain was fading. I stretched out to face him. “I’m fine. Sorry to ruin the mood.”

“You didn’t.” He grasped my hand then guided it to his very hard erection.

As soon as my small fingers wrapped around his shaft, he groaned, a sound that made my body tingle. So I squeezed. He groaned again. Feeling quite brave and loving that I was eliciting those thigh-squeezing sounds from him, I dragged my hand up then down his shaft. The feel of velvet came to mind as I got into a rhythm. With my bottom lip between my teeth, I peeked at him out of the corner of my eye. My breath caught at the pure hunger beneath his hooded eyelids.

He buried his hand in my hair then pushed his tongue into my mouth. I grabbed his toned butt then pressed my hips to his, but it wasn’t enough. I was about to guide him into me until I realized he needed to put the condom on, and I was still wearing underwear. As though he knew what I was thinking, he moved down so he was kneeling in between my legs. When he slipped his fingers inside my panties, I cursed the fabric that separated me from ecstasy. He watched me as though he was waiting for me to protest.
Hell, no.
My trepidation had faded. More than anything, I wanted him.


on my knees in between her legs, holding all the wildness inside me. I started to remove the only piece of clothing separating me from having my way with the mother of my child. The woman I wanted to make love to. The woman I wanted to show that she meant something to me, and not because of Raven. Ruby was more beautiful than I remembered. Her stomach was toned, even after giving birth to twins, although a couple of stretch marks marred the area just below her navel. Her auburn hair sprayed out around her, her skin felt satiny, and her breasts were perfectly round. As she lay there with her chest rising and falling, her gaze riveted on me, I couldn’t help but think how much of a moron I’d been to her.
That’s in the past. Focus, asshole. Show her the man you are now.

Her eyes glistened as she shimmied her hips right out of her panties. If she was frightened before, she wasn’t showing any signs as she softened in my hands. Then a maniacal laugh broke out in my head because suddenly I was the one who had a tiny bit of apprehension. When she’d admitted that she hadn’t had sex with another man since me, I nearly pumped a fist in the air.
But could I please her? Would she enjoy it?

“Kross, are you okay?” She sat up, pressing her hands into the mattress behind her.

“Sorry, baby. I guess I’m the one who’s scared.”

As if my admission was what she needed to totally let go of her anxiety, her legs parted slightly. “Why?”

I rubbed a finger lightly over her clit. She fell back, releasing an audible whoosh of air. I did it again, only a little harder.

She squirmed, lifting her hips and clutching the blankets. She whimpered loudly, and my balls tightened. I drove one finger inside her.

“More,” she breathed.

Sweat broke out on my entire body. I slid down the bed then lowered my head and captured her clit in my mouth. I slowly swirled my tongue around it as my gaze crawled up her body.

Her eyes were heavy, but watchful, and her voice was breathy. “Don’t stop.”

I fell into a rhythm, licking, lightly pulling, and sucking. She hummed low. I stopped briefly. “Baby, grab your nipples.”

Without breaking the soft sounds, she touched her breasts before her fingers pinched her nipples. I resumed my assault as I watched her roll her nipples between her fingers. A pleasurable pain slashed across her face. Beautiful.

Then I pushed two fingers inside her, and I thought I would lose my mind at how fucking wet she was. She rocked her hips up. I kissed the inside of her leg as I pumped her with my fingers. She thrashed around, her mewling sounds growing louder. I fought the urge to grab my cock and jerk off, but as tight as she was, I had to feel her around me.

I moved my lips from her leg to her clit and sucked, flicking my tongue as I thrust my fingers inside her. She screamed my name, her back arching, her body shuddering.

While she rode out her orgasm, I kissed and licked my way up her stomach to her breasts, my cock grazing her body along the way. She shot up, her cheeks a deep red, her hair wildly messy, with a satisfied look in her eyes. I grinned, knowing I was the only one to take her to that place of euphoria.

I crawled up further and nipped at her chin. “Hi,” I said.

She attacked my mouth, my jaw, and back to my mouth as she lifted her hips. “I need more.”

I reached over and snatched the condom. Then I sat on my knees as I tore open the packet. Before I could whip that baby on, Ruby took it from me with a seductive smile. “I want to put it on.”

As long as her hands were on me, I wasn’t about to question her reason.

Instead of rolling the condom on, she planted a hand on my chest. “Lie down.”

Stretching out my legs, I leaned back on my elbows as she sat on her knees. I wasn’t missing this. Then she curled her small fingers around my shaft and lifted her gaze to me before her tongue slithered out to lick the tip of my cock.

Holy fuck!
When we were sixteen, we’d fooled around, but she’d never gone down on me.

“Baby, I would love your mouth around me, but I’m not going to last one fucking second if you keep doing that.”

She gave me a proud look then licked the tip again.

My muscles constricted and coiled, my breathing shallow. “That snake is ready to bite,” I said through clenched teeth.

She giggled as she closed her mouth around my cock and sucked. For a moment, I gave in, relishing the way her tongue swirled around before she sucked as hard as she could. A sheet of white blinded me. All I could think about was how tight she would feel when I was inside her.

“Ruby,” I barely said as she held me prisoner between her lips.

She stopped, eyeing me.

“Condom.” I held out a hand. “Now.”

Handing me the condom, she pouted through a smile, seemingly thrilled that she was affecting me. The woman who hadn’t had sex since me was letting herself explore and feel, and that was sexy in itself.

I rolled on the condom, wasting no time in adjusting us so I was on top. I considered having her on top, but since this was her first time in four years, I needed to be in control until I knew she was feeling pleasure and not pain.

I kept my gaze on her as I pushed in slowly. She gnawed on her lip.

“Spread your legs a little more.” When she did, I inched in further then pulled out then back in, but her whole body was still too tense. “Talk to me, baby.”

“It’s a little painful.”

“Do you trust me?”

She nodded

“Then play with yourself.”


“It will help you relax.” That was true, but it would also drive me insane.

Her cheeks turned a dark shade of pink as she slipped her hand in between us then down to her clit. She started to rub herself as I began to move. She was extremely tight. I had to squeeze my ass cheeks so hard so I wouldn’t lose it. I stopped, took in a breath, and let her get into a rhythm. Within a second, she parted her legs wider, opened her mouth, and spewed those soft noises that drove me fucking wild.

In one motion, I thrust all the way in and stilled, making sure she was okay, although I wasn’t. A drop of sweat dripped from me, hitting her forehead. A tiny crease formed in between her eyebrows for a second before her features relaxed. I pressed my hands farther into the mattress as I pumped in then out, her walls gripping me in a sweet and painful way. I groaned.

She abandoned her clit then locked her legs around me. When she did, I drove in harder, faster, flying, soaring, approaching that one place that sparked pulsating waves of ecstasy.

Ruby met each thrust until her nails dug into my back. Then she screamed my name. As though her release was the final piece to our puzzle, I crashed my lips to hers with one final thrust. Then I was freefalling as wave after wave of pure bliss blinded me. I sucked on her tongue as my body continued to shudder with release. If I thought I was done, I wasn’t. Ruby tugged on my hair, her teeth grazing my jaw. I rolled us over, our bodies sliding together, sweaty, slick, and smooth. I grabbed her ass, anchoring her to me. Then I pushed into her one last time, my cock throbbing inside her, my chest heaving.

She planted her hands on my chest, her hair falling to graze it before she sat up. Sweat slid down in between her breasts. Her cheeks were flushed, her lips swollen, and her nipples were still hard. Man, she looked beautiful.

“Hi,” I said, panting. “Are you okay?”

Her eyebrows pinched together. “You didn’t seem scared. What were you afraid of?”

I rubbed my hands up her thighs. “Not being able to please you.”

“You made me feel things I’ve never felt before. How come we didn’t know all those moves in high school?” She squeezed, clamping down on my cock.

I briefly closed my eyes, absorbing the arousal flowing through my veins. I couldn’t tell if she knew what she was doing to me or not. It didn’t matter. She was so much sexier with the innocence in her eyes.

“Well?” She dragged her nails down my chest.

A laugh rumbled out. “Says the girl who hadn’t had sex since then,” I teased as I lifted her off me. I had to take a breather. I didn’t want to wear her out too fast since it was only eight p.m., and we had all night. “Be right back.” I went into the bathroom to dispose of the condom and quickly cleaned up. When I rounded the corner, Ruby had my phone in her hand, pursing her lips.

“Did I get a text?” I’d texted Penelope a couple of days ago, and I was waiting on a reply. I’d also texted Kade while Ruby had been taking a shower to let him know I wouldn’t be home until tomorrow.

“From Penelope.” Her face twisted. “Are you still seeing her?”

The bed dipped as I snuggled up against her naked body, taking my phone from her. “Again, no. She missed her training appointment. I wanted to make sure she was okay after her drug-induced state. I also wanted to find out why she was babbling about you and some guy.”

The text read,
I’m out of town. Chat when I get back.

“You said she was referring to you.”

“I’m almost positive she was, but I just have to make sure.” I wanted to be cautious. Firefly wasn’t exactly the safest place to work. I kissed her softly and tentatively, not only because I was dying to, but with the unease in her voice, I didn’t want her to worry. “Thank you.”

“For what?”

I trailed a finger over her eyebrow. “You.” Sex had never been that amazing.

Her eyes watered.

“I didn’t mean to make you cry. Talk to me.”

“We have a child, and I know that I’ll see you because of Raven. But—”

“Hey, what we did tonight wasn’t a one-time thing. I want more with you.” I couldn’t let her think it was just sex. I wasn’t sure what would happen tomorrow, but I was sure I wanted her with me tomorrow.

“I do too, but I’m scared. I have to be my own person. I want to get my diploma, a good job, and a nice place to live so I can provide a good home for Raven. I don’t want to be my mom, who relied on my dad for everything until he went to jail. Then I relied on her to take care of Raven and me. I have to show Raven that I’m a hard worker, a good person, and a good mom.”

“Why can’t you do all that with me?”

Laughing, she rolled her eyes. “Because you’re bossy and possessive.”

I couldn’t help but smirk. “I’m protective. Let’s just take one day at a time. We have a lot to do with lawyers and paternity tests. For now, we’ll hang out when we can.” I wanted to keep things casual and not scare her or suffocate her with what I wanted, and that was I didn’t want her working at Firefly. Tommy was into some bad shit, and whether she kept fighting or not, it wasn’t
the cops raided the joint. It was
. I also didn’t want her staying with Alex and Norma. Not that they were bad ladies, but my selfish side wanted her with me, regardless of whether Raven was my daughter or not.

BOOK: Dare to Dance: The Maxwell Series
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