Darcy's Temptation (57 page)

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Authors: Regina Jeffers

BOOK: Darcy's Temptation
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Elizabeth moved her things out of the inn, bidding farewell to all her new acquaintances. Darcy looked pleased, and Elizabeth could not take her eyes off his countenance.
coach took them back to
inn where they had a leisurely meal in
room. “I must send word to Bingley and to Edward you are found,” he said casually, reaching out to caress her hand.
“You were quite thorough in your search, Sir.” She challenged him the way he liked for her to do.
“I had a worthy opponent.” Darcy's fingertips caressed her palm. “Perhaps you could inform your sister of your return to
Pemberley and your expectation of her return also. I prefer not to replace Mr.Ashford if possible.”
“And what of Georgiana? Will she return to Pemberley soon?” Elizabeth bit her lower lip, not sure what Darcy would think about Georgiana leaving London.
“My sister wishes to return to our home. Once Mr. Harrison appeared at Lord and Lady Elliott's ball, my plans for her to find a
match changed. She is quite bold where that gentleman is concerned.”
“Do you think Mr. Harrison encourages her boldness?” Elizabeth asked softly.
“I think Georgiana is as much in love with Mr. Harrison as I am with you, Mrs. Darcy.” He lifted her hand and kissed it, softly brushing his lips across her knuckles.
Nearly unable to think of anything but her husband, Elizabeth stammered, “Then we will no longer object to Mr. Harrison's attentions toward Georgiana?”
“My objection to Mr. Harrison lies in his cooperation with you, my Love, in trying to make your escape.” Darcy held her eyes with his. “Yet, if he makes Georgiana happy, I will accept him willingly in my home. Mr. Harrison is being courted for a position in the House of Commons. My sister would be moving in a powerful circle as Mr. Harrison's wife. My parents would be pleased with that fact.”
Elizabeth's eyes flashed with the humor of it all, and Darcy braced himself for her next cut. “Then there was no need for your going to London, no need for all the stress of the past few months, and no need for my risking everything. Your sister's great love simply walked through our front door and presented himself as a man of honor.The irony cannot escape even your notice, Fitzwilliam.”
Darcy offered her another of his devastating smiles. “It seems so, my dearest Elizabeth. Some day I may shamefacedly proclaim I taught the man everything he knows.”
“Something to tell our grandchildren?” she laughed lightly.
“I will tell our grandchildren to be themselves—to listen to their hearts, while respecting their parents. I will also tell them childhood ends soon enough, and they will have the rest of their lives to try to forget it.”
“Darcy philosophy again—you are very profound, my Husband.” Elizabeth moved from her chair to sit on Darcy's lap.
He pulled her to him, needing to hold her once again.“The advantage of a university education.” Darcy traced a line of kisses along her shoulder.
“You are a devastatingly handsome man, Fitzwilliam Darcy.” Elizabeth grasped the back of his neck to keep his mouth near hers.“And I am blessed among women you chose me as your wife.” Elizabeth kissed him deeply again, trying to convey her passion for him.
When he eased away from the intensity of her kisses, Darcy breathed deeply, trying to control his desires. “We cannot allow Bingley and Edward to search fruitlessly for something I hold in my grasp at this moment; however, I have needed you in my arms for so long, I wonder whether another hour could make a difference.”
Elizabeth trailed her fingers along the line where his hair met the back of his shirt. “I do not see where an hour would make a difference to Mr. Bingley or the colonel, but to us, I believe we have put our lives on hold for too long.”
When Elizabeth awoke, Darcy sat at the desk in the room penning one of his letters. She allowed herself the pleasure of watching him undetected for several minutes.
Lord knows I love this man,
she thought. “Will you not come back to bed, my Husband?” Her voice was husky with desire.
Draping his arm over the back, Darcy turned slowly in the chair. “Again, Mrs. Darcy?” He looked amused while drinking in the beauty of his Elizabeth. With her wrapped in the bedclothes
and her auburn curls draped over the pillow, Darcy fought the urge to take her once more.“Should I not finish my letters, my Wife?”
“If you must, Sir, but I am a very impatient woman.” Elizabeth offered him a pretend pout.
“Within moments, Mrs. Darcy.” He looked at her lovingly before returning to his pen and paper. Elizabeth rolled over to cuddle with his pillow, breathing in deeply the essence of him left on the cushion.
Shortly, he returned to the bed. “May I join you, Madam?” Darcy gathered her hair in one hand and then bent to kiss the nape of Elizabeth's neck. Discarding his robe, he slid back under the counterpane with her.“I will remind you, my Love, some things are worth the wait.” He took Elizabeth in his arms to reclaim her mouth.
Awakening late in the morning, Darcy ordered breakfast for their room. Finishing her toilette herself, Elizabeth dressed simply for the day. “Do we not return to Pemberley today?” Elizabeth asked when Darcy did not indicate she should pack her belongings.
Placing jam on his toast, Darcy dropped his eyes from hers when he said,“I thought we might stay in Bath for a few days. Anne is already here, and I am sure Edward will rush to her side now I no longer need his services in your pursuit.Would you not enjoy a few days alone?”
Elizabeth did not answer right away. “I brought nothing with me to merit being seen in Bath's society.” Darcy hid something, and she knew not what it might be.
He gave her half a smile. “That will give me a good excuse to take you shopping, my Love.”
Stalling before saying anything, Elizabeth poured them both some more tea. “Fitzwilliam, I would love a few days of
just the two of us for I can never get enough of you, but you, my Love, are not adept at deception.What else should I know?”
Darcy placed the teacup back on the saucer; he did not want to tell Elizabeth about the McFarland rumors.“Elizabeth, you are right; I keep something from you because I want no more pain on your pretty face, but you should be aware of how my foolishness cost you.”
Elizabeth stiffened with his words, dreading what her husband would say. Darcy cleared his throat before continuing. “Miss McFarland let many people know the same lies she placed in her letter. Rumors are rampant; the Matlocks told Edward. We will be under the eyeglass for some time. My absence from London will be noted.” He left the rest unsaid.
Elizabeth's eyes misted over with tears. “Upon what are these rumors based, Fitzwilliam?” Her voice was barely audible.
Darcy moved immediately to kneel at her side. “Elizabeth, there was nothing between Miss McFarland and me; she and her cousins repeatedly accompanied Georgiana and me to different events, but I never purposely gave her any encouragement. At the Elliott ball, the lady at dinner slipped her hand into mine.”
He heard Elizabeth begin to sob, and, desperately, Darcy caught her hand in his. He would not allow them to slip apart again. “Elizabeth, please, you must listen to me. I emphatically removed my hand from hers immediately. I told Miss McFarland I love you. She stormed from the room, much to the obvious amusement of many of our tablemates. After this incident, I wanted to come home to you immediately, but Georgiana heard the rumors from Mr. Harrison that evening. I never considered how tongues might wag.When Georgiana made me aware of what was being said, she and I agreed we would remain in London and publicly shun the Dorchesters. I made a point of singing your praises at each opportunity, as has Georgiana.”
Elizabeth finally raised her chin and turned to look at him. Darcy's eyes held the truth she needed from him. “Then those in Bath,” she said slowly, “need to see Mr. and Mrs. Darcy in love; you left London because I wanted a holiday before my lying in.”
Darcy allowed the breath he held to escape with an audible sigh.“You are magnificent, Elizabeth.” He leaned in to kiss her tenderly, cupping her chin line in his palm.
“I believe I am ready to spend your money, Sir.” Elizabeth gave him a quick kiss before standing.“I hope your pockets are deep, Mr. Darcy. It will be my revenge on you for placing us in such a precarious position. I cannot resist your appeal so exacting my vindication must come in a more flamboyant way.”
Darcy laughed at her directness. “I am your obedient servant, Mrs. Darcy.” He made her a proper bow.
Without warning, Elizabeth rushed into his arms, nearly knocking Darcy over with the impact. “I love you, Fitzwilliam.” She buried her face into the lapel of his coat. “I love you more than life.”
“Elizabeth, I will spend the rest of my life taking away any doubts you have of me. We will raise our children to know love.” He held her to him for several long, exquisite moments. Finally, he said, “If we do not leave, Mrs. Darcy, you will need no new clothes at all.”
“Enough, Mr. Darcy—we must reestablish your wife's reputation as the Mistress of Pemberley, but first some form of penance on your part is necessary,” she teased as she led him toward the bed.
“What is right to be done cannot be done too soon.”
Jane Austen,
, 1815
Darcy bought Elizabeth several expensive dresses as well as jewelry, along with a satin-lined pelisse. They walked through RoyalVictoria Park, visited the Roman Baths, strolled along the Royal Crescent, and explored Sydney Gardens. They laughed; they cuddled, often pushing the lines of propriety. When Edward finally arrived in Bath, they joined Edward and Anne for dinner in a very public setting. To everyone Darcy introduced to Elizabeth, they told the same story: Darcy left Georgiana in London to bring his wife to Bath for a surprise holiday before the arrival of their child. Georgiana would return to Pemberley as soon as Darcy could properly escort her there.
After four days of constantly smiling for the public, Elizabeth asked,“May we not return to Pemberley soon, Fitzwilliam?”
He took her hand in his. “I was thinking the day after tomorrow, if that is acceptable to you, my Dear.”
“It cannot be soon enough for me.” Elizabeth leaned in to feel his closeness, and Darcy laced his arm around her waist.
Constantly needing Elizabeth's assurances, Darcy asked, “Then you are satisfied at Pemberley?”
“Wherever you are, my Love, is my home, but how could I not love Pemberley. It is a part of you; Pemberley runs through your veins, and now with this child, it runs through mine.”
Although in a very public forum at the time, Elizabeth's words were nearly Darcy's undoing. He cupped his free hand
over hers and pulled Elizabeth closer. “I love you, my Wife, with all my heart; when you are not with me, I cannot get you off of mind. I love you most ardently.”
In the carriage ride home, Darcy finally got enough nerve to ask something that had bothered him for some time. “Elizabeth, when I left for London the first time, I left a letter of apology with Hannah. I told you of my wishes for our happiness—our life together. I waited for a response from you, but one never came. Did you stop loving me during that time?” Obvious pain showed on his face.
“Fitzwilliam.” She motioned for him to move to the seat bench next to her.When he complied, Elizabeth turned so she could look at him directly; they had a connection where their eyes told the true story.“When I saw the letter that morning, I could not face the possibility you planned to send me away from Pemberley. I never opened the letter; it is in my drawer in my dressing room.”
“You never read it?” A bit of relief overspread his face. “I thought for the past two months you did not want me in your life.”
Elizabeth laughed lightly.“I thought the same thing, but for different reasons. We always misconstrue each other. Do you suppose, Mr. Darcy, either of us will ever be secure in the knowledge of the other's regard?”
“I certainly hope so, my lovely Wife; the pain I felt when I needed your comfort is not something I would wish to live with forever.” Darcy kissed her cheek lightly.
Elizabeth turned and snuggled into his shoulder. “I would wish more of this in my life—simply more of this.”

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