Darcy's Temptation (27 page)

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Authors: Regina Jeffers

BOOK: Darcy's Temptation
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Harrison mimicked her casual manner in case anyone watched them too carefully. “Mrs. Darcy, I received news from Hannah More regarding your husband's disappearance. I am astute enough after the last conversation I had with Mr. Darcy to realize he traveled to Hull because of what I shared with him regarding Captain Rutherford. I came to beg your forgiveness and to offer my assistance to you in any way I may be of service.” His eyes searched Elizabeth's face for her reaction.
“You need no forgiveness from me; you did nothing. I honestly believe God sends us no more than what we can handle. At least, that is what my dear Fitzwilliam assured me
after my announcement of delivering an heir for Pemberley. If Captain Rutherford was not the problem, another issue would take Fitzwilliam away. It is part of our life's journey.”
“You are so wise, Mrs. Darcy; it is obvious why Mr. Darcy knew he needed you in his life.” Admiration showed on Harrison's countenance.
Elizabeth blushed with his praise and then touched his arm lightly before adding,“I am going to offer you one reprimand, Sir, if I may.”
“Of course.”
“Please do not entice my sister to join you in the woods again,” she teased.
Harrison chuckled lightly. “It was not my intention, but I will not lie and say I was not pleased to see Miss Darcy. I came to see if you would accept my help, but I held back knowing of my promise to you and your husband regarding your sister. Plus, I felt guilty about Mr. Darcy's disappearance.”
Elizabeth smiled largely. “At least you sent her back to the house quickly.”
Harrison allowed his eyes to drift toward Georgiana. “One of the hardest things I ever did.” His lips turned up in the beginnings of a smile as he watched the woman who inspired him. Looking back at Elizabeth, he asked, “May I inquire as to why your brother caused such chaos today, or have I overstepped my bounds in doing so?”
“It is not something I readily share,” Elizabeth hesitated. “Mr.Wickham spent a lifetime trying to exact revenge on my husband. He was once a favorite of the Darcy family, but he chose to let his jealousy control his fate. My husband's father educated the man and offered him a living. Instead, Mr. Wickham chose a more nefarious lifestyle—he took a settlement instead of the living. Then he came back to seek additional funds from my dear Fitzwilliam. Mr. Darcy refused.” At
this point, Elizabeth hesitated, not sure if she should share Georgiana's shame.
Finally, she began again. “Considering your admiration for my sister, I will tell you something of what happened, but she must trust you herself and tell you the specifics.” Mr. Harrison nodded his agreement. “Mr. Wickham once played on Georgiana's innocence. That is why Fitzwilliam and I are careful about with whom she associates. She was not compromised, but Mr. Wickham is quite persuasive; he even once tried to entice me from Mr. Darcy.”
Harrison looked a bit shocked, but he said nothing. Elizabeth continued, “The fact Georgiana faced Mr. Wickham today tells me how she matures.” Harrison's eyes returned to Georgiana's face. “Mr. Wickham eventually compromised my youngest sister Lydia. Needless to say, I would prefer this did not become common knowledge.” He nodded again, assuring her of his secrecy. “Mr. Darcy arranged Lydia's wedding in order to save her, my other sisters, and me. He did it because of his love for me, keeping it a secret and not wishing just my gratitude. Mr. Darcy is such an honorable man—the best man I have ever known.”
Elizabeth let images of Darcy play across her mind. “Mr. Wickham's commission is a
from my husband. It is a
long way
from here to Newcastle.” Elizabeth laughed lightly. “Mr. Wickham saddled himself with the least of my sisters—my mother's darling girl whose head is filled with balls and military officers. I warned them before my wedding never to come here, but Mr. Wickham tried to take advantage of Mr. Darcy's absence to insinuate himself back at Pemberley.That is why I sent him packing.”
“That is quite a story!”
“The truth is stranger than fiction,” she mused. “Yet, it could make a great novel, could it not?”
“Maybe you could suggest it to Mrs. Radcliffe.”
“I do not think it has enough drama for her taste—it would all have to take place in a darkened castle.” Elizabeth allowed herself to laugh again.
Harrison returned to his mission in coming to Pemberley. “Then I will ask again, Mrs. Darcy, how I might be of service to you.”
“Later today, if you would, I will ask you to ride into Lambton and be sure my sister and her husband have a room for tonight and tickets on tomorrow's coach. I cannot let Lydia suffer because of my disdain for Mr. Wickham,” Elizabeth offered her plan.
Harrison bowed gently to take his leave. “That would be my pleasure, Madam.”
Elizabeth touched his arm again to stop his withdrawal. “Would you stay with us for a few days? If it is not too much trouble, I would ask you to ride out with Mr. Howard and inspect the lands. I trust Mr. Howard, but it would do the tenants good to see someone—a man—who takes an interest in the estate.They know Mr. Howard to be an employee. I will ask Georgiana to ride out, too. If the two of you are with Mr. Howard, it will send a message to the tenants that Pemberley's future is in safe hands.”
“Mrs. Darcy, how quickly you learned your husband's ways.”
“Fitzwilliam's voice is always in my head. Let us rejoin the others.You may even sit next to my sister today,” Elizabeth teased. “It will be your reward for your valiant efforts on her behalf.”
“She is magnificent,” Harrison verbalized his thoughts.
Elizabeth cautioned, “I have not changed my mind about your declaring yourself, Mr. Harrison. With my Fitzwilliam's departure, I need Georgiana more than ever.”
Harrison dropped his eyes.“I know, Mrs. Darcy.”
“Plus, you should know my husband and I are teaching Georgiana about the running of an estate. She will be a formidable mate for any man brave enough to choose her,” Elizabeth taunted.
“If I believe in liberty for men of color, I certainly could not consider making my wife my
Miss Darcy's knowledge of an estate would not intimidate me nor would it intimidate any man who truly values a woman's ability. In the Americas, women work alongside their men; it is a liberating concept.”
“Well spoken, Mr. Harrison.” Elizabeth grinned largely. “Now, I am in need of some tea.”They walked back toward the others. Harrison quickly claimed the seat next to Georgiana, fearing Elizabeth might change her mind, but Elizabeth took note of Georgiana's fragile condition after the scene with Mr. Wickham and allowed her husband's sister to glory in Mr. Harrison's attention to her.
Stress filled the day at Darling Hall. Miss Donnelly prowled the passageways, pacing the floors and possessing a foul mood. Fitzwilliam Darcy avoided her, going riding and shooting. He decided several days ago he would leave the estate soon; Miss Donnelly's temperament was too mercurial for his tastes. He decided he would beg his father for forgiveness rather than align himself with such a self-possessed woman. In fact, a little over a week ago, he addressed a letter to his father, pleading for just that—the right to come home and start anew.
Darcy stayed at Darling Hall for nearly a month. Now, he would wait for the response from his father and then bid Miss Donnelly adieu. She would not be happy with his decision, and Darcy dreaded the scene that would occur, but even a dutiful son had to consider the price he paid to please his father.
He remembered various facts in the past fortnight, but Darcy did not discuss them with Miss Donnelly. Her answers played down his recollections; however, the same ideas kept resurfacing nightly in his dreams. Darcy had not abandoned his
thoughts of a sister. In fact, the name
rang clearly in his memory, and the girl in his dreams was too young to be his brother's wife.
He remembered a large estate, grieving for his mother's passing. His father grieved also to the point of distraction, often leaving his children alone. He felt a sister, but he could not recall a brother.As these memories resurfaced, he decided Miss Donnelly deceived him. He knew not why unless she simply did not have other options. The confusion caused by the memories and the lies deepened his anxiety each day.
As Darcy crawled in bed this particular evening, his own nerves frayed, he anticipated a return of his favorite dream—the dream of the woman who saw only him and who loved only him. The dream this evening was a new one, and he allowed it to overtake his senses.
More pensive than usual, his calmness possessed an intensity he knew not before. Finishing his ablutions quickly, he entered Elizabeth's bedroom to wait for her. He lit several candles and took a seat facing the door to her dressing room; yet, the door opened before he could settle his nerves completely, and she was framed in the backlight of the adjoining room. He remembered her being framed in a doorway at his friend's estate, boots and petticoat covered in mud. He actually thought her lovely then; now she was beautiful. With the light behind her, Darcy could see Elizabeth's perfect body through the gown. They looked at each other, entranced by the moment until she stepped slowly into the room, and the door closed behind her. Darcy could not stand to not be near her; so he rose and crossed to where she stood.
His touch of her skin sent a shiver through Elizabeth's body; he cupped her chin as he lifted it to kiss her lips—the kiss warm and tender. She moved in closer, encircling her arms around his waist and instinctively sliding her hands under Darcy's shirt and up the muscles
of his back. He trembled as he kissed her again while slowly pulling her closer to him and letting his hands rest on her hips. Their breathing became shallow as the kisses became more intense.
Darcy scooped her into his arms and carried her to the bed, laying her gently against the pillows. She shifted nervously as his gaze grew in its eagerness. He removed his nightshirt and lowered himself beside her, kissing her repeatedly, his hands searching her body beneath her gown while his lips moved down her neck. Elizabeth reached out and pulled him to her; she would be his.
He felt her soft hands on his chest, and her lips caressed his chin line. Darcy moaned, knowing in moments she would give herself to him and, at last, be his forever. He allowed his hands to move down the curve of her back, and he pulled her hips to him. Unbelievably, she touched him intimately, and Darcy groaned with anticipation. His hands slipped her gown upward, desperately wanting the assurance of her embrace.
This dream was perfect. He felt it all—the heat of her breath, the warmth of her skin, the gloved hand caressing him. Darcy knew this could not be real, but he never wanted it to end. He cupped her chin with his hand to bring her mouth to his. “I love you,” he gasped.
“I love you, Frederick,” she purred.
The realization of her words and the encumbered feeling of her touch finally invaded his psyche, and Darcy violently pushed the woman from him while grabbing at the bedclothes to cover himself.
“Madam, what do you mean by being here?” he demanded.
Miss Donnelly stood before him, wearing nothing more than a silky nightgown along with wrist-length white gloves. Her appearance struck him as comical, and he fought the urge to start laughing.
“I desired your attentions.” Miss Donnelly offered him a sugary smile. “May we not finish this?” She stepped closer to him to let him know her receptivity to the idea.
“I do not think so, Madam!” He put distance between them as he secured the bed linens around his waist.
Again, Miss Donnelly closed the distance between them. “But you told me of your love. You said, ‘I love you,' not a minute ago.”
“Madam, I assure you love is not the feeling I possess at this moment. You should not be found here,” he tried to reason with her.
“We are to be married soon. We can anticipate our happiness,” she argued.
Darcy's eyes took on a steel gray hue, his anger evident as he spoke to the woman still offering herself to him. “Miss Donnelly,
we marry, I will not be visiting your bed; even if we are alone forever, I shall not take my pleasure in you.” His voice held a controlled resolve. “Now, I will ask you to leave my chambers.”
“I will tell everyone you brought me here and compromised me; you will have to marry me.” Miss Donnelly picked up her robe from the floor where she dropped it.
“If you tell people what happened this evening, I will deny it, and it will be your shame alone. As a female, your word will never take precedence over mine in a court of law, and I will take it that far if you insist on our marrying. What reputation you have will be ruined; your lifestyle is too idiosyncratic for the conservative farmer found in this area to believe anything you say.You will be left with no reputation at all.This is not a bourgeois neighborhood. Do I make myself clear!? You are eight and twenty and have no marriage prospects to date. Whom do you think the populace will believe?You invited me to Darling Hall; in fact, your carriage brought me to Darling Hall for all I know. I will swear you did so to ensnare me.”

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