Authors: Mallory Monroe,Katherine Cachitorie

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“Okay, Jed.
Yes, that’ll be fine.
I’ll wait to hear from you.

When he finished that conversation,
and finished loading the dishwasher, he made his way upstairs.
To the master suite.
He lived alone in a home he loved, but that
could feel lonely at night.
He was
always pleased when Nikki decided to spend the night.
Over the last few months, when he wasn’t out
of town, she’d been spending most nights with him.

As the shower water ran forcefully, he
undressed in the bedroom and then made his way to the bath.
Nikki was standing in the shower, enjoying
the drench, when the door to the stall opened.
When she saw that Daniel was naked, she smiled.
And as his hazel eyes trailed down the length
of her brown body, she watched his cock slowly rise into arousal.
She loved how easily she turned him on, and
how easily, she noticed, just seeing him in the flesh, made her own vagina

“What took you so long?” she said as
he settled behind her, his penis jutting against her ass.

“I had a kitchen to clean,” he said,
slapping her on her bare ass and trailing kisses down her neck and back.

“More like a kitchen to prepare for
the maid to clean.”

Daniel smiled.
“That too,” he said. “Now be still so I can
love you.”

Nikki loved the way he always took
Weak men didn’t turn her
They were just too easy to even
bother with.
That was why, as a general
rule, she was never attracted to boys her age.
But Daniel was the boss in bed, and was always in control, and she loved
that about him.
Submitting to him was a
piece of cake, she thought, as his fingers slinked in between her thighs and
began to rub her folds.
She began to get
wet almost immediately.

“That’s the way I love doing you,”
Daniel said as her wetness began to saturate his fingers.
He rubbed harder, and harder, his mouth
against her ear, his cock settled in between the crack of her ass.

“I love the way you do me,” she
“You make me feel so alive!”

“That’s how I want you to feel.”
He rubbed harder.
“That’s what I want from you.”
Harder and harder.
“I want you to want it.”

She felt as if he was going to rub it
She squirmed against his fingers,
as he dug in deep within her, and her wetness became a drenching.
“I want it,” she said.
“I want it!”

And he gave it to her.
He took his cock and shoved it into her
pussy, not even pretending that this was going to be a slow drag.
She wanted it bad, and he wanted to give it
to her even worse.
And he thrust into
her, over and over, his dick exploding with size as her muscles clenched around
He slapped against her ass as he
fucked her.

She began to scream and clench harder,
her fingers clawing the stall as she held on for dear life.
And he kept thrashing her.
His balls kept slapping and his dick kept
And she clenched around his
Until the clenching itself,
the tightening itself, caused her to cum.

Daniel continued to fuck her.
He couldn’t let up even if he had wanted
He didn’t know who this Luke Finley
was, or what was in the man’s heart.
if he had any designs this way, with Nikki, he’d better redesign.
Because this was Daniel’s woman.
This was Daniel’s queen.
The idea that some guy she seemed particularly
blown away by, or any other man alive, was going to take her away from him was
He wrapped his arms around
her tighter as he fucked her even harder, until he was pouring into her, until
he was saturating her with his juices and shuddering at the thought of just how
much he loved this woman.


When it was over, and his release
began to ebb, he leaned against her small, fragile, sexually battered body, and
He knew he had to do right by
To hell with what he told her when
they first began dating.
He knew he had
to stop pretending that she was not ready, or that he was not ready, and do the
right thing.


There was a woman in his bed.
His eyes opened and there she was.
Not very beautiful.
Hell, not beautiful at all.
He vaguely remembered her from the club.
Some two-bit hoochie who was shaking her booty for whichever sucker she
felt could put down the most cash.
apparently won out.
Now it was all a
blur to him.

He turned over.
But as soon as he did he could feel her arm
drape around him.
She wanted to
He got out of bed.

His naked body was tanned and
statuesque as he walked over to his wallet and pulled out fifty bucks.
He could feel her stare, and she was getting
heated again no doubt, but he wasn’t feeling it.
He wish it wasn’t like that.
He wish he didn’t hate every female that
easily fell in bed with him.
But that
was exactly the deal.
He loathe
There was nothing they could do
for him, except get him off and then get out of his life, and he hated being
that way.
It was bothering him now.
He was going to end up old, alone, and bitter
if something didn’t give.

“Here’s cab fare,” he said to the
woman in his bed, the nameless, naked woman he now despised.
“Lock the door behind you, will you?”

The woman was easily hurt, cab fare
was date code for get lost, but she tried not to show it as she hurried out of
his bed and slipped on her mini dress and heels.
Then she hurried for the front door, as
embarrassed as he was annoyed.

Luke hopped into the shower when she
And bathe hard.
As if he could scrub her off.
As if he could wash away the memory of yet
another nothing piece of tail.

After showering, he wrapped a towel
around his waist, went into the kitchen of his small apartment, and poured
himself a glass of juice.
He hated this
hick town they had thrown him into, but they’d never know it.
He knew how to go along to get along until
he could take that Editor promotion and move on to bigger and better things.

in the meantime
,” he said aloud with a smile, as he thought about that
captivating lady named Nikki Graham, he was going to sit back and enjoy the
And before she even realized she
was under his control, he was going to be riding her.




The dinner party was held at the
mayor’s home.
It was a massive estate on
the outer banks of the White River, and many big wigs in Wakefield and the
whole of the surrounding communities were in attendance.
Daniel had to be there, along with Phillip
Grayson and a handful of other senior executives from Dreeson.
Wayne Murdock, the company’s embattled and
now soon-to-be-ex CEO, was conspicuously absent.
Which forced Daniel to become Dreeson’s chief
representative, and Mayor Todd Bainbridge, who knew more about the inner
workings of Dreeson than Daniel felt appropriate, was forced to have to deal
with him.

“Welcome, welcome, welcome,”
Bainbridge said jovially as he hurried across the crowded room and shook
Daniel’s hand.

Daniel and Phillip and the entire
Dreeson contingent had been present for nearly an hour, but Daniel had been
purposely avoiding the mayor.
But the
mayor had sought him out.

“Hello, Todd,” he said, his smile only
mildly gay.
The two men shook heartily.

“Glad you could make it, Danny.
I knew if Wayne couldn’t be here, you
wouldn’t let me down.”

“He gives his regards and offers his

“No doubt, no doubt.
But listen, Dan,” the mayor said, as he
placed his arm around Daniel’s shoulder and pulled him aside, away from
“I heard a very disconcerting
Very troubling rumor.
Is it true?”

Daniel looked at the mayor.
“Is what true?”

“I heard it’s true,” the mayor said as
if he was certain Daniel knew exactly what he was talking about.
“I heard they’re planning to ask for his
resignation, which is unfortunate.
forty years?
Come on.
Murdock’s a good man.
But that’s life, isn’t it?”

Daniel said nothing.

Bainbridge grinned.
“His misfortune could very well be somebody
else’s good fortune, if you know what I mean.”

Daniel again said nothing.
Bainbridge was playing games, seeking to
gather information by insinuating that he had some.

“Anyway, it’s good to see you,”
Bainbridge continued.
“I see Nikki
couldn’t make it.”

“She could have made it,” Daniel
“She preferred not to.”

“Well, I appreciate the fact that you
were man enough to come here after what happened.
It pains me what happened.
I feel horrible about the entire situation.
I honestly didn’t think she would go that

“She’s a passionate lady who felt she
needed to point out some problems with your plan.”

“Yeah, well,” the mayor said.
He wasn’t expecting any defense of what he
considered was her indefensible conduct.
“Just an unfortunate event all around.
They got rid of Joe Paulson behind that fiasco, you know that?
But of course you would know it, wouldn’t
you, since they fired Joe, but Nikki’s still working there.
But that woman,” he said smilingly, “she’ll
drive you to an early grave, I’m telling you.
She’s a handful, that’s all I’m saying.”

“Not really, but yeah.
That’s what you’re saying.”

Bainbridge looked oddly at
“Not really my ass!
She doesn’t let up.
She’s always disrespectful toward me.
Now I know she’s your lady, Daniel, but give me a break.
How do you put up with her?”

“The same way she puts up with me.”

The mayor was astounded.
“Her kind should be glad to be in the same
room with you!”

Daniel frowned.
“What’s your problem?” he asked him.

“What’s my problem?”

“What is it?
Do you think I’m going to stand up here and
allow you to speak that way about Nikki, as if you have that right, and let you
get away with that?”

The mayor smiled, as if it was all a
big misunderstanding.
“No, no, you

“Because I can leave.”

“I didn’t mean to disparage her at
What are you talking about?
I was just joking around.
You know how I can be.
So please, don’t leave.
Don’t even think it.
You represent the largest employer in this
city and I represent this city’s government.
We need to show a united front.”

When Daniel didn’t respond, Bainbridge
slapped him on the back.
“Well anyway,”
he said, “I’d better spread myself around before the wife starts
Hope you enjoy yourself,
We’ll talk later.”

Bainbridge couldn’t get away from him
fast enough.
Daniel wanted to leave
right then and there.
It was this part
of his job that he could barely stomach.
He looked around.
The ballroom
where he stood was one huge open space filled with movers and shakers and
wannabes galore.
He unbuttoned his white
tux, grabbed a glass of wine from a waiter’s tray, and braced himself as mover
and shaker and wannabe shook his hand, gave him their business cards, and talked
him senseless.

And then Phillip Grayson asked if he
could have a private moment, and ushered him to the side.

“They will not let up, will they?”
Phillip asked.

“It’s part of the business,” Daniel
“The part I hate, but still.”

“I see Mayor Asshole was giving you an

“What a loser,” Daniel said.
“He expected me to go along with his bullshit
about Nikki.
He was out of his fucking

“I can’t stand him,” Phillip
“Too slippery even for me.
And that’s saying something.”

Daniel laughed.
“So what’s up?”

“Who said anything was up?”

“I know you.
What’s the news you can’t wait to tell me?”

Phillip was amazed at how little he
could get past Daniel.
Fastower,” he said.

He’s with Botch, isn’t he?”

“Now he is, yes.
And he’s also, along with you, in the running
for CEO of Dreeson.”

Daniel nodded his head.
“A heavy hitter.”

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