DangerouslyForever (7 page)

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Authors: A.M. Griffin

BOOK: DangerouslyForever
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Alharad was reclining on a multitude of pillows. Well…he was
either reclining or being held up by his back fat. Either way, he was
disgusting to look at. His pale skin looked oily and slippery.

It didn’t seem possible that Alharad could have as much skin
as he did. It rolled and folded against itself. Though he obviously didn’t
think there was anything wrong with his girth. He displayed his body under a
see-through tunic, as if it were something to behold.

“Join me,” Alharad exclaimed as he motioned to the trough of
food between his outstretched legs.

Kiehle strode deeper into the room with Thesan at his side.
“Thank you for inviting us to dinner,” he said once he’d reached an available
cushion. He lowered himself as Thesan took a seat across from him.

“I was very surprised to learn that you wanted to spend your
vacation in my humble compound,” Alharad began. He picked up a leg of
unrecognizable meat and bit into it, grease slipping down his lips and onto his
chin. Kiehle wanted to vomit. Yoshi, using a napkin, wiped it away before it
could drip onto his clothes. “That’s my good pet,” Alharad said, patting the
top of her head.

He could feel Thesan’s temper rising. If Kiehle had known
Alharad was keeping children in this compound, he would’ve thought twice about
bringing Thesan with him. His friend had spent his childhood years as an
indentured servant. Watching Yoshi was likely bringing back horrible memories.

“I had business to attend to here and the journey back home
is long. I thought it would be nice to have fun before spending a grueling
month on a vessel. When I asked around about the best brothel in the sector,
your name kept coming up.” Kiehle shrugged. “The choice was obvious.”

Alharad laughed, showing a mouthful of small, pointy teeth.
His rolls of flesh shook uncontrollably. Kiehle swallowed down the bile that
had risen to the back of his throat.

“I have spared no expense to offer my esteemed guests a
variety of tastes. My females are beautiful and exotic. They will work hard to
please you.”

Kiehle bowed his head, making sure to keep his face from
showing what he really thought of Alharad. “I’m sure they will.” He picked up a
piece of fruit and nibbled on it, trying to kill the bad taste in his mouth.
Thesan didn’t eat anything. He kept his glaring eyes on their host.

Alharad noticed as well.

“It’s not often that I feel vulnerable in my own home.
Should I place one of my guards between myself and your friend?” he asked

“I would apologize for Thesan’s open hostility, but I
believe he’s just as surprised as I am that you have a child working in your
establishment. Children have been banned from brothels for quite some time
now.” Kiehle chewed slowly, waiting to hear Alharad’s answer.

Alharad placed a hand over his chest. Each finger held a
large and glittery ring. “Is that what has your Madyry friend so upset? While
it is illegal for children to work the brothel rooms, it is
to keep them as slaves. Yoshioka is my pet—my personal slave. I assure you—and
she will also attest—that she is not a whore.”

Kiehle raised a brow. “Yet,” he pointed out.

Alharad’s stomach rippled as he chuckled. “I cannot predict
the future, my friend, but according to the law, she won’t be of age for a
little longer. Let’s focus on the present.” He put his hands down, slipping
them into his trough and bringing out another leg of meat. “So tell me,” he
said, changing the subject. “How do you like your accommodations? The brothel
rooms are suitable for regular guests, but for those with your lineage, I like
to offer something better. Do you like your suite?”

“It’s lovely, thank you.”

”Excellent,” Alharad declared. “Let’s eat!”

Kiehle nodded, letting the subject of Yoshi go for now.
Alharad could assume his little speech had appeased him. If he thought
otherwise, he might get scared of what Kiehle would tell Taio, and hide Yoshi.

No, he needed Yoshi in plain sight where he could keep an
eye on her. Her days here were limited.

Chapter Seven


With her eyes downcast, Ally scanned her surroundings. It
wasn’t often that Alharad took her from the brothel to his private rooms. The
last time she was in this part of the compound, she was in chains and Alharad
was threatening to make Max work the brothel. She didn’t know what Alharad had
planned this time, but she didn’t trust him.

Besides Alharad, there were eight other males in his private
entertainment room. The room itself was large, with holographic walls that projected
a tropical island scene. She assumed the other males were some kind of VIPs.
Alharad only invited the wealthy or important guests into his home.

She straddled Alharad’s leg as he lay sprawled out on
various pillows. His semi-naked state made her want to hurl. His shirt had been
discarded earlier in the evening and she was now forced to look at the rolls of
flesh covering his stomach, chest, neck and arms.


And slippery flesh, at that.
Good lord.
What had he
been bathing in? She couldn’t even get a grip on him to stop herself from
slipping off.

Thank God he still had on his bottoms. He had tried to
wiggle out of those as well but every time he reached for them, she pushed his
hands away. Any other female would’ve been backhanded, but not her.

They’d come to more than one understanding since they’d
struck their deal. If he didn’t hit
, she wouldn’t hit
. It
was mutually beneficial.

She rubbed herself up and down his fat, mushy thigh. He
seemed to enjoy when she did that. Whatever. It was his prerogative. As long as
he kept his pants on and didn’t expect her to fuck him, it was all good. She
could ride his thigh the whole night through.

His large hand gripped her ass, squeezing it almost
painfully. She wanted to move it away, but thought better of it. Pissing him
off would only get her sent back to her room. She didn’t mind going back there,
but it also meant she wouldn’t have a chance to earn her and Max’s food for
tomorrow. And according to Alharad, she worked for two now. Her stomach
grumbled. She could endure his touch for a couple of hours.

When he busied himself kissing the female sitting on his
other thigh, Ally looked up again. She recognized six of the males as regulars.
Most of them were engaged in some type of sexual activity with various females.
There were males getting blowjobs. There were two females having sex with each
other, and another was bent over a chair and getting fucked from behind.

Everybody seemed to be involved with the scenes going on
except for two men. One sat stiffly while a woman perched next to him, stroking
his thigh, and the other…


She’d never seen him before. His skin was a flawless golden
color. His long black hair was pulled off his face, revealing sharp features
and plush lips. Voluminous lashes framed his eyes. But what held her interest
the most was the tattoo that covered one side of his face and traveled down his
muscled torso before dipping into his pants. She’d love to see the rest of it.
Where did it end? What was it? She longed to see it up close.

Gloria, the female on his lap, was doing pretty much the
same thing Ally was doing to Alharad. Killing time. He leisurely palmed one of
her breasts but it was obvious he really wasn’t into it. He kept his eyes on
her. She could feel the weight of his stare.

If he wasn’t into any of this, then why was he here?

Her gaze lingered longer than she’d intended it to. He
cocked his head to the side and raised a brow. Their eyes met briefly. There
was a millisecond in which he looked as though he knew her.

Does he?

She pulled her stare away quickly. No. She was certain she’d
never seen this male before. She would’ve remembered him.

He was gorgeous.

Even though he was sitting, she could tell he was large and
Seven and a half feet tall or so, and maybe three hundred pounds?
She mentally shook her head. No. She definitely didn’t know him. He wasn’t the
type a girl could easily forget.

She looked over at him again. He still watched her. But his
expression had turned from recognition to lust. She could feel his gaze
consuming her body like a scorching blaze. When was the last time anyone had
looked at her like that, with so much passion and ferocity? He ran his tongue
slowly across his bottom lip. Heat spread through her body in response.

She could spend the rest of the evening dry-humping
Alharad’s thigh or she could get lost in a cute stranger’s arms. The latter
seemed more appealing. She had to fuck, her growling stomach reminded her that
she did, but if she played her cards right, she could spend the night with
someone she was actually attracted to.

She arched her ass and rubbed her nipples against Alharad’s
stomach while observing the beautiful stranger. His eyes, dark and sinful,
stared back. The way he watched her made her nipples harden painfully, coming
alive with sensation. She needed him to touch them, caress them between his

Alharad’s hand moved from her ass to caress the side of her
hip and then around to her pussy. His fingers slid over her clit and she
inhaled sharply. Alharad’s touch never did anything for her, but now, with
eyes on her, she could imagine it was
hand between her legs.

“Oh,” she moaned. She arched her back and bit her lower lip.
It felt so good.
would feel so good.

His finger delved into her wet valley and she shuddered. She
wanted to shut her eyes, roll them to the back of her head, but to do so would
mean she’d have to take her eyes off

The stranger pulled his bottom lip into his mouth and a fine
tingle went up her spine. Alharad added another fat digit to the first,
stretching her walls. She hissed in a breath and dug her nails into his skin.
She imagined the stranger’s cock caressing her with slow, controlled movements.
Only his cock would be thicker, harder and deeper inside her.

The stranger slapped his palms on Gloria’s ass. Her round
cheeks bounced underneath his hands. Gloria squealed and threw her head back
with a giggle.

Jealousy surged through Ally. If he took Gloria to his room,
then she’d be stuck with someone else. Someone less…

She closed her eyes and let her head roll back. She gripped
Alharad’s thigh in both hands and moved her hips provocatively on his fingers,
pumping up and down.

Alharad stiffened. He wasn’t used to this type of response
from her. They both carried scars from the last time he’d tried to force her to
do something she didn’t want to. She opened her eyes to find his gaze trained
hard on her. She cut them to the stranger to her left and then back to Alharad.

Looking over at the male, Alharad smiled. “You like what you

She nodded. Alharad had a strict rule. Whores were not
permitted to talk in the presence of paying customers. Talking was for the
bedroom, and only at the client’s request.

“He is a prince. He comes from a very wealthy family. If you
cause him harm, I might have to kill you. And we both know what would happen to
Max if you were to die. Do you understand?”

She nodded again. The deal they’d struck was what kept most
of the guards and customers alive.

“I’ve offered him female after female and he’s not seemed
interested in any of them.” Alharad looked her up and down with a slow,
appraising stare. “Maybe he’ll find something in you.”

With the flick of his wrist, a guard came over, leaning in
as Alharad gave him instructions. Ally watched as the guard then went over to
the stranger and whispered into his ear. The stranger nodded. Ally had
witnessed this sort of exchange enough to know what was being said and how this
would play out.

Alharad nodded in the stranger’s direction. Just that
quickly, they had agreed on a price. Alharad tapped her thigh, signaling the
deal was struck. She didn’t waste any time. She got up and stood on shaky legs.

She’d never had this kind of response to a customer before.
But she’d also never chosen a customer to bed either.

Her legs still shook as she was escorted to the stranger’s
room, where he would join her. For the first time ever, she hoped he would come
sooner rather than later.

After the guards left her alone, she stood in the middle of
his bedroom. She began taking off her clothes but stopped. Would he rather do
that? Unsure of what to do, she went to his bed and sat on the edge. It was
much softer than the beds in the brothel—a lot softer than hers.

She bounced a couple of times before moving to lie in the
middle. She adjusted herself, making sure to display her breasts. Her nipples
were already hard, but she tweaked them just the same. She used to consider her
hair her best asset. Once upon a time it had been thick waves of blonde, shining
and healthy. She would’ve spread it around, framing her face with it. But now
she pulled the dull, broken strands back and twisted them behind her neck.

And then she waited.

* * * * *

Kiehle kept his eyes on her as she was being led across the
room by two guards. Why were the guards escorting her? The other females were
escorted by slaves. He’d never seen guards taking away any of the other whores.

Is Alharad on to us?

Thesan inclined his head toward Ally and raised an eyebrow.
“Are you sure that’s the female you wish to spend your night with?”

Kiehle nodded, understanding Thesan’s real question. “She’s
the one I want.”

The only description of Ally he had to go on was Eva’s, and
this human matched it. Kiehle found he couldn’t pull his gaze away. He watched
Ally walk across the room and exit through the door. Only when the door closed
behind her did he let out a breath.


That’s what Eva had left out of her description.

Her eyes were the lightest of blues—light yet so dark. Her
body was lean. He could say skinny, but there were muscles wrapped around those
bones. Her skin was pale, as if she hadn’t been outside in a very long time.
The thought upset him more than it should’ve.

“I thought we would never find a female suitable to your
needs,” Thesan said. “I was beginning to think our trip was wasted.”

“I’m glad he’s finally chosen one he likes. I prefer to
offer the finest females for my important guests,” Alharad said, joining them.
doesn’t attend my personal parties, but she’s been

“Behaving? Is that why she left with two guards as escorts?”
Kiehle asked.

“She had some…personality kinks that we’ve worked out. But
you don’t have to worry. She’ll do anything I command.” Alharad smiled and
Kiehle couldn’t help balling his fist at his side. Unfortunately he could think
of many reasons why a woman would do anything Alharad commanded, torture being
chief among them.

“What’s her name?” Kiehle asked.

“That one is called Ally.”

I knew it
. “I’ll take my leave now.”

The female on his leg shifted. He’d forgotten all about her.
Now that he’d chosen Ally, this one would have to hope someone else in the room
claimed her for the night. He tapped her hip and moved her to the side.

She rolled off and sat beside him. Her shoulders immediately
slumped and she hung her head to stare at the floor.

“Alharad,” Kiehle called out to the retreating male. When he
looked at Kiehle, he added, “I’ll pay for a full night with her as well.”

The female lifted her head and smiled at him. She was
pretty, but nowhere near as pretty as Ally.

“Two females?” Alharad chuckled. “I’ll send her to your room
right away.”

The female jumped up but before she could leave, Kiehle
caught her arm. “No, she can return to her room for now. When I want her, I’ll
Not happening
, he thought. “But I want the other for my entire
stay.” Thesan nudged him on the arm. “Oh, and my friend would like his
companion for his stay, as well. She can also return to her room for the time

Alharad scrunched his brows together and then just as
quickly smiled. “Yes, yes! The females will be reserved for just the two of

Kiehle left with Thesan at his side, neither giving Alharad
a second glance. The brothel owner might get curious when he and Thesan never
called for the other females, but as long as Kiehle was paying for their
services, he was sure Alharad wouldn’t make a fuss.

Now all he had to do was explain to Ally that, though he’d
bought her services, he didn’t intend to have sex with her.

When they reached their suite, Kiehle went straight to his
room. He’d expected to find her naked and waiting for him. And she was indeed
on his bed, as anticipated.

Fast asleep.

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