DangerouslyForever (2 page)

Read DangerouslyForever Online

Authors: A.M. Griffin

BOOK: DangerouslyForever
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She and Eva had spent the last three years trying to stay
alive. Ally had prayed—and she hadn’t been the only one—that wherever they were
going would be a whole helluva lot better than the Loconuist ship.

But what would be the point of trying to stay alive if she
had to face this uncertainty without Eva? Losing Jim had been hard enough. She
didn’t know how she was going to get through any of this alone.

I can’t do this on my own.
Ally closed her eyes
against the thought.

As if reading her mind, Inga added, “Hey, remember what I
just told you. She could be somewhere nice by now. Maybe
somewhere nice.” She picked at her nails, refusing to meet Ally’s eyes. “I
mean, this is already better than the Loconuist ship. They’ve given us edible
food and clean water at least.”

The aliens had left them alone once they’d secured everyone
in the ship. The only contact had been first when food was delivered, and then
when blankets were passed around. From that little bit of experience, everyone
somehow assumed these new aliens were compassionate and taking them all to the
Promised Land.

Ally didn’t trust them.

She shook her head and rested her chin on her knees. “I
don’t know where they’re taking us, but I’m not naïve enough to think we’re
going off to be queens and princesses.”

Inga indicated the bowl that she held in Ally’s face.
“Wherever we go, do you really want to get there tired and weak?”

Tired and weak?

Ally grabbed the bowl and sniffed the contents. It didn’t
smell bad. But it didn’t smell good either. Her stomach growled and made up her
mind for her. She tipped the contents into her mouth. She chewed but mostly
swallowed chunks of the food whole. It dripped from the sides of her mouth to
fall on her chin.

She was hungrier than she’d thought.

She gulped the last drop and used her forearm to wipe her

An announcement came from overhead. She, like everyone else,
looked up for its source. A small speaker nestled in the corner of the ceiling.

“What are they saying?” Inga asked.

Ally shook her head. It’s not as if any of them could speak
alien languages. She wanted to ignore the rhetorical question, but instead she
said, “They’re saying, ‘Thank you for flying Alien Air. We understand that
while you have a choice of many different alien ships, you have chosen ours.
Please sit back and enjoy the ride’.”

Inga ignored her sarcastic remark.

“I think we’re slowing down,” someone else said.

Ally put her hands on the floor. She could feel the craft
dropping its speed as well. She hopped to her feet. “You’re right.”

The craft jostled, making everyone bump into each other and
against the walls.

They stopped. Ally sidestepped to the far wall. There was
only one way in and one way out. She could be the first at the door or the
last. But the question was, did she even want to go out there to whatever was
waiting for them?

A couple of women moved to stand next to her.

“Don’t crowd me,” she warned. If the doors opened and she
didn’t like what she saw, she wouldn’t be leaving willingly. She didn’t have a
plan after that singular thought. Anxiety had her on high alert.

The door opened and the alien who had passed out the food
and blankets was on the other side.

His yellow eyes gleamed under the bright lighting. He smiled
at them as if to say, “Trust me”.

Yeah right.

He waved his hand, displaying brown, dirty nails, gesturing
for them to follow.

Two didn’t hesitate. As if waiting to hear screams and
yells, the others waited.


Slowly, one by one, the others filed out.

Until Ally was the only one left. She pressed her back flat
against the wall. The door closed.

Maybe they’ll forget about me and leave me here?

A second later the door reopened. The alien poked his head
through the doorway. He waved, wearing that same fake smile.

There were no yells. No screams.

But still…

Inga poked her head through the entrance. “Ally, come on.
They’re nice.”

Swallowing her fear, Ally stepped off the vessel.

* * * * *

Yes, they were nice at first, even putting a universal
translator in her head so she could understand what the aliens were saying.

And that’s when she found out how fucked she

She’d been lured, with all the other women, to another
auction block—she was being sold yet again.

The real hell was just beginning.

Chapter Two

Brothel Number One

Gyerta, Latreian Star System, Torus Galaxy


“I will kill you, human,” the alien snarled. He had his arms
outstretched, ready to grab her the minute she let her guard down.

Ally twirled the stolen staff in her hand like a baton. “You
have to catch me first,” she taunted.

Crazy Horse lurched forward, but light on her feet, Ally
stepped clear of his grasp. His name wasn’t really Crazy Horse. It was just
what she liked to call him. It fit.

One, he looked like a horse, and two, he was crazy. As
evidenced by the way he snarled at her with white froth dripping from his lips
onto his chin, lips that he had tried to kiss her with just minutes before. The
thought made her stomach churn.

She swung the body-length staff at his knees, hitting him
with a hard

That’s what you get for trying to kiss me.

He jumped back and rubbed his legs. “When I get you, I’m
going to kill
fuck you.” He tilted his head in thought and then a
slow smile eased across his face. “In that order.”

She chuckled. The sound came out deep and throaty.

If he followed through on his threat, she would be a very
happy girl. But she doubted Crazy Horse had the credits needed to buy her
freedom—essentially her death. She didn’t even mind that he planned to rape her
afterward. Hell, he could do anything he wanted with her body as long as she
was dead. It wasn’t as if there would be a funeral or burial for her. No, she’d
seen what happened to dead brothel whores.

They got thrown away. In the trash.

“You promise?” she asked.


Is he that stupid? Did he forget that quick?
“Do you
promise to kill me?”

He straightened, squinting his silver eyes at her. “I’m
going to snap your neck like a twig.”

She nodded to the arm that hung loosely at his side.
“Shouldn’t you take care of that first?” Thanks to her, it was dislocated at
the shoulder.

He looked down briefly. “I can kill you with one arm.”

“I’ll tell you what.” She settled her weight onto one leg
and rested her free hand on her hip. “If you promise to be quick about it, I’ll
put down the weapon.”

Grinning, he began pulling down his pants. “I’ll be quick. I
have to return to my vessel anyway.”

She rolled her eyes. “Not
, you idiot.”


“Holy shiznits.
Killing me
.” She waved her free hand
through the air, trying to jog his short memory. “Be quick about killing me.”

He frowned and looked at her as though
was the
crazy one. “And face the fines associated with your death? No.” He pulled up
his pants.

“No one keeps their promises anymore,” she whispered to

He started for the door.


He flicked his hand back to her. “Keep the weapon.”

He walked away. She threw the staff just as the door slammed
closed behind him. It bounced to the floor and rolled to a stop.

The weapon wouldn’t do her a bit of good and he knew it.
What purpose did a stick serve against blasters?


And they wouldn’t even set the blasters to kill.

Damn. Why won’t anyone kill me?

* * * * *

Brothel Number Two

Enan, Delta Star System, Torus Galaxy


“Push, Adrienne. Push,” Ally coaxed as she held onto
Adrienne’s right leg, holding it back so far that the knee almost touched her

Adrienne scrunched her face in determination as she grunted
with another push. She was sweaty. Her normally brown skin was an unhealthy,
dull gray color.

When Adrienne let out a hard breath, Ally and Joyce—who held
on to Adrienne’s other leg—passed concerned looks between each other.

Adrienne had been pushing for what seemed like hours now.
The alien baby within her wouldn’t budge. Unlike most of the women at this
brothel, Adrienne had not been sterilized.

Ally had made sure the deed had been done to her. She didn’t
mind that they had taken out all of her woman parts. She didn’t need them

Mari, the only human doctor at the brothel, sat on a stool
between Adrienne’s legs. She eased a hand into Adrienne’s birthing canal,
trying desperately to grab a hold of the baby in an effort to pull it out.

“I think…I have it,” Mari grunted, twisting her arms and
concentrating hard on her task.

“See?” Ally said, trying to soothe Adrienne. “Almost done.
You can do it. Be strong.”

Adrienne turned her head to look at Ally. Her eyes were
glazed over with pain. The bastard owner hadn’t even offered Adrienne pain
medication, saying it would be a waste of meds. “I don’t think I can do this,”
she said between shallow breaths.

Ally met her gaze. “You can and you will,” she said,
unblinking. There was no other choice but death—for her, the baby or both.

“You’re almost done,” Mari said. “On three.”

Joyce tightened her grip on Adrienne’s leg and began the
countdown. “One. Two. And three!”

Ally and Joyce held Adrienne’s knees to her shoulders again
while Adrienne strained and pushed.

“Here it comes,” Mari said as she pulled.

No one objected to her calling the baby “it” because no one
was sure what Adrienne would have. There was no way of telling which species
had impregnated her, not until after it was born.

Adrienne gave one last scream as Mari pulled the baby from
her. “You did it,” Mari exclaimed, whisking the baby to a table where a blanket
had been placed.


“What is it?” Adrienne asked.

“A boy,” Mari replied. She used the blanket to rub the baby
vigorously, causing the baby to murmur and finally cry.

Adrienne closed her eyes. “No. I mean,
is it?”

Joyce and Ally looked to Mari for an answer, holding their

“Don’t worry about that right now, Adrienne. You have a
healthy baby boy. That’s all that matters,” Mari said, refusing to meet
anyone’s gaze.

“She has a right to know,” Joyce said. “What is it?”

The baby began to cry louder, making a high-pitched screeching

The hairs on the back of Ally’s neck stood on end. Her
eardrums felt as if they would pop.
That doesn’t sound right.

“It’s a baby,” Mari said, standing her ground.

“Let me see it,” Adrienne asked weakly. “Give me my baby.”

Mari looked up, giving Adrienne a quivering smile. “Maybe
you should wait until after you get out of the healing tank. You’ve lost so
much blood.”

“Fuck this.” Joyce rounded the bed and went to the far table
where Mari had the baby, shielding it with her back. The baby screeched louder
and louder.

Joyce pushed Mari away, making her stumble. “Move, let me

Mari regained her footing and rushed to Joyce, trying to
keep her from the baby. “No, I don’t think—”

“What is that?” Joyce screeched.

Ally’s heart skipped a beat as she and Adrienne watched
Joyce hold the baby up toward the light.

Ally dropped Adrienne’s hand.
This can’t be right.
“Oh my God.”

Adrienne’s screams filled the room.

* * * * *

Brothel Number Three

Sien, Delta Star System, Torus Galaxy


Ally pressed indiscriminately at the buttons on the control

Which one starts this fucking thing?

She didn’t know what any of the buttons did, but she hoped
to find the one that would fire up the engines and get her out of here.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

She didn’t look at the door. The guards on the other side
had been trying to get in ever since the transporter landed and the doors
hadn’t opened.

“Shit,” she muttered. Nothing seemed to be working.

She pushed the pilot’s body out of the way and it hit the
floor with a thump. She didn’t worry about him waking up and stopping her.
Unless he had powers of reincarnation, that wouldn’t be happening.

It wasn’t her fault he was dead—well, not entirely.

She had asked him nicely to turn around and drop her off
somewhere safe—anywhere but another brothel. But he had laughed, which was
rude, to say the least. She’d lost her temper and punched him in his throat,
crushing his trachea. He’d gurgled and gagged, flailed about, before finally
slumping dead in his seat.

asked him nicely.

The doors opened.

Too late. No escape for her this time.

But one thing was for certain. She wouldn’t go willingly.

She rushed at the first alien she saw, screaming. She hoped
he would kill her on sight.

* * * * *

Brothel Number Four

Ardan, Hylio Star System, Torus Galaxy


Ally dug her nails into the Lioi between her legs and arched
against his hard body. His cock pumped inside her, slow and steady. Although it
was a little on the small side, it still did the job.

She met each stroke, rolling her pussy onto him. Each time
she did, her clit rubbed against his coarse pubic hairs, creating a tantalizing

He plunged, grinding his cock within her. Her clit fired
with pleasure.

She tossed her head back. “Just like that,” she whimpered.

Rykiz knew exactly how to make love to her. That was the
only saving grace to this brothel owned by his father. As long as she kept
Rykiz happy, his father didn’t see the need to offer her up to the other

Which was just fine with her.

At least this way she didn’t feel as if she were whoring.
Rykiz was…her boyfriend. She smiled at the thought. He didn’t care that she was
human or that she lived and worked…well,
used to
work in a brothel.

Maybe he would take her away from here one day and move her
into the main house with him and his father. She’d gone there a couple of times
with him. It was a different world. They’d sat at a table and ate dinner like a
regular couple. They’d made love in his bed—not a brothel bed. They’d slept the
night away in each other’s arms. And he’d even woken her up to breakfast in

Yes, if she played her cards right, he would keep her. She
could live with that.

Or maybe, just maybe, he would free her. She’d no longer be
a slave.

He pulled out and sat back on his heels. His dick glistened
from her wetness. Small and fat, it jutted toward her. Knowing her cue, she
turned on her stomach and arched her back, raising her ass high in the air. She
turned to look at him over her shoulder, her hair partly obscuring her view.
His eyes were focused on her ass. He placed his hands on her cheeks and spread
them apart.

She bit her lip and gave him a little wiggle, inviting him
to fuck her.

His cock bounced in the air, aiming right for her.

“Come on, baby, fuck me.”

“So impatient,” he teased with a lopsided grin. He smacked
her ass. “How do you want it?”

She dug her hands into the bed, reveling in the feeling of
his palm vibrating against her cheek. “Mmm, any way you want to give it to me.
Make me feel it.”

“I can do that.”

She had time to moan just before he leaned forward and
pressed the head against her opening. In one solid movement, he breached her,
sliding into her slick sheath.

“Oh God, yes,” she said breathlessly.

He liked to know that she enjoyed him. It didn’t matter what
she could or couldn’t feel. If it meant living this life, she would scream at
the top of her lungs.

She enjoyed herself.

She enjoyed fucking without anyone paying for it. She
enjoyed that he treated her like a real person. She enjoyed how he was gentle
when needed and rough when desired. She enjoyed that she was with someone who
liked her—someone she could persuade to eventually love her.

love her. She would coat his dick with her
cum and he would do anything for her.

It had been so long since she’d felt anything like this that
Ally reveled in it now. It didn’t matter that he wasn’t big enough, long enough
or fat enough. What mattered was that she fucked him willingly.

She rested her head on the bed. Her face slid up and down
the sheets with each thrust. She stretched her arms and placed her palms flat
against the wall, steadying herself in place. Every time he entered her, she
clutched the walls of her pussy around his dick and released as he eased out.
Flames ignited in her core.

“Yes, baby. Fuck me,” she begged. Her breathing picked up.
Her heart slammed against the walls of her chest.

Rykiz leaned close and ran his tongue up her spine, licking
the sweat that formed there. The sensitive contact made her pussy melt around
him. “Are you going to come for me?”

Her eyes rolled back. Her body shook, erupting. “Ohh!”

Her head pounded from the full force of her orgasm. He
didn’t slow his pace. Each slick stroke could be heard in the room, joining the
sounds of his moans.

He nestled his face into her hair. “I’m going to miss this,”
he said, breathing into her ear. “I can’t believe I have to give this up.”

Immediately her eyes flicked open with surprise. “What…what
are you talking about?”

“I’ll have to give up this pussy.” He straightened. “I wish
I could stay in you forever.”

“You can.” She slammed her ass back against him.

“See? That’s what I’ll miss most. Your eagerness to please

“I’m not going anywhere.” She slammed back again, rocking
him back on his knees.

“I’m getting married.”


She whipped around and pushed him off her. “You’re

“Can we finish this conversation later?” He pointed to his
dick, which suddenly looked like a grotesque stub.

She squinted as she stared at him. “What does that mean for
us?” That was the only thing she wanted to know right now.

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