Dangerous Lovers (196 page)

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Authors: Jamie Magee,A. M. Hargrove,Becca Vincenza

Tags: #Anthologies, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Collections & Anthologies, #Anthologies & Short Stories, #Romance, #Vampires, #Paranormal, #sexy, #Aliens, #lovers, #shifters, #dangerous

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“So you would have rather left him with those stinking fuckers? Come on Liasare, how many times did you say you would do anything to get him out of there? His brain is damaged. It’s been traumatized. His neurons have to calm down. That nanochip was invasive. It was like a cancer, taking over. Now that it’s gone, his brain has to adjust to it not being there. Even January predicted this. You have to give it time, love.” He held her while he spoke, calming her frayed nerves.

“It kills me to see him like this. It was like his eyes were dead. There were no sparks of life in them.”

Jurek pulled back so he could look at her. Pushing her hair back he said, “Remember when he shot you? You said his eyes didn’t look like they belonged to him then.” He massaged her back, trying to ease the tension in her shoulders.

“I remember. I don’t think I’ll ever forget that. I was hoping against hope, I guess.”

“No, you love him and you want the best for him. Give him time Liasare. He’s just now woken up. His brain needs time. Don’t ever stop hoping.” He continued to hold her and move his hands across her back, warming her with his energy. “Recognition will return. The healing will do that. Be patient, my love. It will happen.” He turned her to face him and placed his hand on her forehead, infusing her with his energy.

“That’s exactly what I needed. That really feels wonderful, you know. Thank you. You always seem to know exactly what I need.” She leaned in to place a kiss on his lips.

He smiled and got a mischievous gleam in his eye. “If you really want me to, I can think of something that will take your mind off things.”

She squinted her eyes at him. “Hmm. Whatever did you have in mind?”

Smiling suggestively, he ran his tongue along his lower lip. She immediately felt a rush of heat in her belly. “I’d rather show you than tell you,” he breathed, as his scent bathed her in its exotic essence.

She was always amazed at how little it took for her body to respond to him. Reading her mind, he said, his voice low and husky, “It’s our energy, Liasare. It has bound us together. It recognizes itself in each of us. And please don’t feel guilty for feeling pleasure in the midst of all this madness. It’s the only thing that can keep us sane.” He kissed her then, his mouth erasing further questions and replacing them with thoughts of where she wanted his tongue next. She felt his lips curve into a smile as he read her thoughts.

Jurek knelt in front of her and tugged her pants off. Tracing her markings with his tongue, he veered across her hip and slightly nipped at her tender flesh, until she moaned unabashedly. He moved across her body, repeating the same motions across her other hipbone, sucking and biting, until she cried out his name.

“Jurek, I want you now!” she demanded.

“Bossy, aren’t you?”

“Yes! Now!”

Standing, he undid his pants, picked her up and slid into her in one fluid motion.

“Liasare,” he cried her name, as he moved within her. “Say it! Now!” It was the one thing he loved to hear coming from her lips, other than the signs of her pleasure.

“I love you Alaric!”

“As I love you Liasare,” he said as they both felt their energy buzzing them into ecstasy.

He was still holding her as he fell onto their bed. “You want me to call you Alaric, don’t you?”

“When we are loving each other, yes. I love hearing you say my name.”

“I can call you that all the time. I call you Jurek out of habit, but I think Alaric is a beautiful name. I do think your middle name should have been Jurgasmic though.” She said it with a straight face, but when he looked at her, she exploded with laughter. “In fact, I’m going to start calling them Jurgasms.”

“You think you’re pretty comical, don’t you?” he smirked. “Let’s just see how many more Jurgasms I can give you today.”

He was very gracious with his gifts of several more.

As they lay together in their aftermath, she said, “I wish we could stop the world from spinning, if only for a few days. Stop all of the worries so we could enjoy this without anything clouding the backs of our minds.”

“Well, let me give you something to think about then. Hopefully, it’s something pleasant that will take your mind off the worries.”

“What is it?”

“Marry me Liasare. I know I broached this subject with you before and you told me that what we have is good enough for you. It’s not good enough for me. I want to have you as my wife, my true mate, the way things are done in your world. I want to show your family how much I adore you. Marry me.”

Her eyes filled with unshed tears and her throat burned, making it difficult to swallow. Her mind sped back to her nasty mother and to comments she would make about how she’d never find a husband. The tears that threatened spilled down her cheeks and she blinked repeatedly, trying to clear her vision.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t realize this would upset you so.”

“You misunderstand Alaric.” She threw her arms around his neck and buried her face in that place she had come to love, her own special nook that offered her comfort and security.

“Talk to me sweetheart. Your tears hurt my heart, as much as they hurt your own.”

She explained, “I wasn’t expecting that from you and it took me back to my mother and her comments about how I’d never find anyone to marry me.”

“Ah, I see. Well, then, I guess that means you’ll have to marry me after all. Just to spite her.”

“No! I’ll marry you because I can’t live without you Alaric and for no other reason. My mother can go to hell!”

“That’s my girl,” he said, laughing, and kissing away her tears.

“Do you really want to do a wedding thing? Because I meant what I said. I’m with you now and I feel as if we’re already married.”

“I know, but I want to make it right and I want to show your world how right it is.”

“I’ll be proud and honored to be your wife Alaric. I love you.” She kissed him then.

They lay together and she started to think about all the obstacles they had to face.

Noticing her change of expression, he said, “Tell me, why the deep, troubled look?”

“The usual. Reality. I was thinking how great it would be to stay like this forever, but then reality busted in. Everything we have to do and our rosy future.”

He rubbed her lower lip with his thumb and said, “Reality. That filthy word. Yes, it would be nice not to have to worry about the state of the universe, wouldn’t it? I suppose I need to get back to the lab before they send out a search party for me. Care to accompany me?”




Ludo had worked nonstop to unlock all the information from the chip. He had uncovered a lot, although not as much as they’d hoped for. There were ten colonies scattered throughout the universe that were being used to build armies. They were using the abductees, as they’d suspected, and all of them had chips implanted in their brains. They were living automatons, trained to follow all orders, without question. Many of the humans were given drugs to enhance their physiques, making them much stronger than they normally were.

The non-humans were separated by their abilities and placed in special units designed for each specific ability. For example, if they had the power of speed, they would be placed in a unit where speed would be used for certain tasks. Or if they were gifted with telepathy, they would be placed in a unit where they would be trained to gather intelligence.

What the chip didn’t tell them was what the final goal of the armies would be. They knew the Xanthians wanted complete and total control of the universe through the Universal Super Power. However, where did Abaddon fit in? Was he using the Xanthians to get what he wanted? Was he telling them he was helping them achieve their goals? Or was he simply controlling their every move?

Liasare wondered what would happen to Tommy. Would he ever be normal again, or would he be faced with life filled with unknowns. How did she fit into this puzzle? Abaddon wanted her, but to what end? She was becoming more powerful, but was she powerful enough to fight him off and save the universe? She was supposedly the Key to the Light, but in reality, what the heck did that mean? She was frightened. Having to defend the universe from Satan was a bit much, more than she thought she was capable of doing. Jurek was convinced her powers weren’t developed yet, and she hoped he was right, because they were going to have to be a hell of a lot stronger in order to defeat Abaddon, the Prince of Darkness.




The End ... for now


Coming Soon


Death Waltz






A Rebirth Novel


By Becca Vincenza




ISBN: 9781311101655


Copyright © 2014 Becca Vincenza

Cover done by: Airicka Mystical Creations






To my family and friends - my friends who are more family than anything else.







I have to be frank, this is going to be hardest part of the whole damn book. There are a ton of people that I have to thank. And I don’t want to offend anyone if you aren’t part of this but felt like you were a huge part of it. So sorry if I forgot you.

First and foremost I have to thank Sammie my amazing, amazing, editor who worked her amazing magic to make the re-edit happen and make it BEAUTIFUL. Also for being a totally amazing friend and PA. Love you bunches sweets.

I have to thank both Andrea and Anna for being my girls, and being my support in person, and helping me through the very beginning stages of this book. Well actually they were there when I was writing in High school, reading my stuff, and even editing me then. You ladies are my friends from home, and my life-perseveres.

I have to send a special – so very special – thank you to Stephanie Constante. A friend that I met and emailed for a month or two until we moved over to Facebook and chat at least once a day. You my dear are one of the biggest reasons I decided to do this. And I can never thank you enough for being there during the beginning of Damaged, when I would message you giving you only bits and pieces but helped me all the same.

To Hannah Pole, my love, who I instantly clicked with, though you weren’t there for the very beginning you support me the moment you found out, and have gone over and beyond with keeping me sane.

My beta readers: Melissa Haag – I cannot thank you enough, you really went over and beyond what I was ever expecting and really helped the final draft of Damaged to shape up. Nanette Del Valle Bradford, Crystal Allmon, Janelle Stalder, Nellysa, which all of you ladies contributed so much to Damaged, and so much support to me, thank you all, you are all my personal heroes, and I love you so much. Jaime Radalyac another beta who I adore and who helped do the final, final, final read through. She is my life line at times, and I adore her with all my heart.

My awesome support system, my girls I am more than certain you know who you are; I can’t thank you ladies enough. Airicka Phoenix, Kimberly Schaaf, Terri Dion, Kathy Pegg Eccleston, Mary Unterstab, and there are so many I could make a book of people I want to thank.

And lastly thank you, yup you who is reading this right now. Thank you for picking up this book and thinking to yourself, this sounds kinda awesome, so yes I do want to read this. I hope this does what reading does for me for you. I hope this takes you away from the world for just a bit, and lets you experience something truly unique.




The paranormal world was ruled by a council of the Elder races. This was a time of peace, where true mates were abundant, and harmony ruled. There was the movement to reveal the hidden world to the humans, certain races refused.

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