Read Danger in Paradise Online

Authors: Katie Reus

Tags: #Romance

Danger in Paradise (19 page)

BOOK: Danger in Paradise
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Chapter 15


One month later

Hope slipped a summer dress over her head and quickly slid on a pair of sandals. She was supposed to meet Maria and Sonja for dinner, and Hope had come to learn how much her sister hated to be kept waiting. In Hope’s opinion, Maria needed to learn to relax. A lot.

Maybe now that she was living in The Keys she would.

Hope still couldn’t believe Maria had sold her half of her real estate business to her partner and was now living in the same building as Hope. If Maria stayed in real estate, Hope had no doubt Maria would be a success. The woman was a bulldog and she was already talking about opening up her own business here.

Even though Hope’s life seemed to be heading back to normal—well, as normal as it ever would be with a whole new family to call her own—she hadn’t quite learned to stop looking over her shoulder. It would come eventually, she knew that. Until then, every little noise at night startled her. That probably had something to do with the fact that she was sleeping alone when she could be sleeping with Luke. But she hadn’t seen him in almost a month and he hadn’t come after her. That alone told her enough about his feelings. Even thinking about him shredded her insides to ribbons. She missed him so much. More than she’d imagined and more than she’d admit to anyone else. The short time they’d spent together had branded her in a way she didn’t know that she’d ever get over.

The ring of her phone caused her to jump and scattered those painful thoughts. She fished her phone out of her purse and winced at her sister’s name on the caller ID.

“Where are you? You’re ten minutes late.” Maria’s voice held that note of annoyance Hope was coming to actually enjoy.

They might look alike on the outside, but they were like night and day. “I’m coming. Order me a glass of red wine and I’ll be there in five minutes.”

Maria snorted. “Five minutes in real time or in Hope time?”

Hope chuckled and locked her front door behind her. “Real time. I’m leaving right now.”

Seconds later she walked down Duval Street, enjoying the salty air, but tripped and nearly stumbled into a drunk tourist when she saw a man who reminded her of Luke. Blinking a few times, she realized she was mistaken.

She clenched her fist against her purse strap. She had to stop doing that. Everywhere she went, she thought she saw him. It was maddening. She’d ended things, so she certainly shouldn’t be conjuring him up in her mind. Unfortunately that’s all she seemed to do lately. Think about Luke, dream about him, fantasize about what he could do with those talented hands and very sensuous mouth…She cursed her wayward thoughts.

When she entered her dad’s Irish pub, it took a few moments for her eyes to adjust to the dim lighting. Maria had yet to eat there and had insisted they try it out. She glanced around, but the place was empty. Literally. Frank wasn’t behind the bar, and there weren’t any of his normal wait staff hanging around, pretending to work.

At one booth, a bottle of wine, candles, and two plates were laid out. She frowned as she stepped closer then pulled out her phone to call Maria when Luke stepped out from the kitchen entryway.

Her breath caught in her throat. She’d been aware of how much she missed him—she’d endured enough sleepless nights to prove it—but actually seeing him stole her very breath. Her legs threatened to give way as she stared into his charcoal gaze. “What are you doing here?” The question came out as a raspy whisper.

Luke stepped out of the shadows, looking lean, tired, and good enough to eat. “I had to see you.”

While she mutely stared at him, he walked to the front door and locked it. At her raised eyebrows, he spoke again. “Frank let me have the place for the night. It’s just us tonight.”

“Frank did? So you guys are friends now?”

He shrugged and his lips curved into a half smile.

“Where are Maria and my mom?” Thinking of Sonja as her mother had happened quicker than she’d imagined.

“They’re not coming,” he said quietly as he studied her, gauging her reaction.

“So they were part of this?” Whatever ‘this’ was. Her heart stuttered rapidly as she drank in the delicious sight of him. Just looking at this man made every part of her flare to life.
How the hell did I walk away from him?

He nodded and motioned toward the booth.

Unsure what to do or think, she took a seat. Immediately, he sat across from her and poured two glasses. Her throat clenched impossibly tight, but she managed to take a few sips. Anything to take off the edge of seeing Luke. Of being reminded of what she’d been missing for far too long.

“I’ve missed you.” His honest words touched her core, releasing something wound tight inside her.

“Me too. A lot.” No sense in lying.

“Last time we were together, you got to say what you wanted, but I never got to tell you how I felt.” He looked at her for a long moment so she nodded.

“I’m listening.”

He opened his mouth, but one of Frank’s servers appeared with two salads. She picked up her fork and pushed lettuce around the plate just to keep her hands busy.

Luke placed both hands on the table, not bothering with the pretense of eating. “Everything you accused me of is true. Taking your DNA was wrong. It’s not an excuse, but I couldn’t stand to see Sonja go through any more heartbreak if you weren’t Anna. I had to give her some sort of peace of mind. As far as putting the tracking devices in your shoes, I…I’d do it again under the same circumstances. Losing you wasn’t an option, even if you hated me for it in the end. Knowing you like I do now, I wouldn’t invade on your privacy like that. Not without your permission.” His eyes held so much truth in them. As far as apologies went, his made her melt more than just a little.

“So what are you doing here exactly?” she asked softly.

“I want to take you out on a regular date.” The corners of his mouth curved up into a slight smile. A

She expelled a small breath. She’d been pining away after him for a month and he just wanted a date. “That’s it?”

Those dark eyes of his glinted with unhidden lust. “Of course not. I want a whole lot more than that, but I’m willing to settle for a date right now.”

Hope bit her bottom lip. She’d missed him. A lot. She’d never had a serious relationship with a man, but she wasn’t so stupid she didn’t realize she loved him. They’d just done everything backward. They’d started with sex—albeit hot sex—and moved from there.

Silently, the server returned and removed their barely touched salads, before placing two steaming plates of Seafood Fontanella in front of them. She narrowed her eyes at him. “How did you know this was my favorite?”

Another slight grin as he picked up his fork. “I managed to get this much out of Mac.”

Mac had known about this, too? She swallowed her surprise and took a bite.

“You still haven’t answered my question.”

“I don’t remember you actually asking a question.” She smothered a smile as she took a sip of wine.

“Okay, are you free this weekend?”

“The entire weekend?” Something told her he already knew the answer. If he’d managed to get Frank to agree to use the restaurant, he no doubt knew her schedule.

“Yes. I want you all to myself. No interruptions.”

That sounded promising. “What did you have in mind?”

A wicked, almost mischievous smile. “You and me, doing stupid tourist stuff around town.”

It sounded nice. Perfect, actually. And after so much time apart from him she knew without a doubt she wanted him in her life. Worry still niggled at the back of her mind. “How is this going to work? Us, I mean. Not for the weekend, but…” She didn’t finish, mainly to hold on to some of her pride. What constituted his idea of long term? Her life had been tough and she dealt with that, but she wanted something normal for once. Marriage, maybe kids, but definitely marriage. She’d never thought about it before, but after she’d left Luke, she’d known she needed that kind of stability. And she wasn’t so sure he was the kind of man who wanted all that.

He seemed to understand though. “Miami isn’t far and I can work from anywhere.”

“You can?”

Luke nodded. “As of a week ago, I’m no longer on full detail for the Santiagos’ security. Kyle practically runs half the company anyway so now he’ll be taking on more responsibility. Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if he bought me out in the next year.”

“But…but, you love what you do.” Or at least she assumed he did.

“I love you more.”

His words sliced through her quickly fading barriers. She dropped her fork. The loud clatter was the only sound she could hear other than the rush of blood in her ears. “What did you just say?”

“I knew it that day at the restaurant, when you disappeared without telling us where you’d gone.”

Her throat clenched as he reached out and grasped her hand in his. A shiver spread through her at the scorching touch she felt all the way to her toes.

“You don’t have to say anything. I just wanted to lay all my cards on the table. No more lies or secrets between us.”

“What if you get bored down here? The Keys are a lot slower than Miami and I don’t plan on moving.” Though she might consider it for him. The thought terrified her. “And I travel a lot.” Sure, it was usually only for a week at a time, but she wanted him completely aware of her lifestyle.

He shook his head and expelled a long breath that sounded like laughter. “You can’t scare me away Hope. I’ve already sold my condo…” He stopped, as if he realized he’d said too much.

Her heart leaped, wild and full of hope. “You did?”

Luke nodded and rubbed a hand over his face. “I didn’t want to scare you, that’s why I want to start out slow, but this is it for me. You’re it for me.”

How could things be so absolute for him? “You’re sure? Just like that?”

“Yes. Just like that. I want it all from you. Till death do us part.” His face was so solemn she knew he wasn’t joking.

“I love you too.” The words were out before she could think about stopping herself. She’d never told a man that before but at this moment she knew she needed to tell Luke. He had to know. No matter what happened between them in the future, they deserved a chance at happiness. And she couldn’t be a coward any longer. Because that’s what she’d been when she’d run from him and Miami.

He reached for her other hand and threaded his fingers through hers. “One day at a time.”

She slightly frowned. “What?”

“We’ll take this one day at a time. We know we love each other so everything else…” he shrugged, “will be a piece of cake.”

She couldn’t fight the smile spreading across her face. “Do you want to meet Maria and everyone after dinner?”

He nodded. “They’re all at Mac’s place. I told them if things went well, they could expect us in a couple hours. Unless of course you want to head back to your place instead…”

She mock kicked him under the table. “What happened to taking it slow?”

“We can take everything else except
slow. I’ve been going crazy without you in my bed.” His voice had dropped to that incredibly sexy octave that made her toes curl and heat rush between her legs.

She was glad he’d been just as frustrated as her. In truth, she’d been missing him in her bed in more ways than one. When he was near, all her nightmares disappeared.

And he was right.  One day at a time was all anyone could ask for. “Hmm, we’ll see.” But she knew they wouldn’t make it to Mac’s after dinner. She was hungry for Luke in a way that had her entire body humming with pent up desire and excitement. Going back to her place with him sounded like heaven.




One year later

Hope smoothed her hands down her simple white dress and stared at herself in the oval, full length mirror. She’d left her hair down and styled it into soft curls that fell around her face. She wore a veil and dangly diamond earrings—a gift from Luke’s parents.

“You look gorgeous,” Maria said behind her.

Hope swallowed hard and gave herself another critical glance. She’d opted for a simple white wedding dress. The silky material clung to her curves and fell right at her ankles in a soft, frothy swirl. Since it was strapless it showed off her tan—and she’d luckily been able to get rid of her tan lines before her and Luke’s wedding. “You’re sure?”

“You look like me, of course you’re gorgeous.” Maria grinned as she lightly fluffed Hope’s veil. “It wouldn’t matter what you looked like anyway. Luke is so smitten with you it’s disgusting.”

“You’re one to talk,” Hope murmured as she turned away from the mirror to face her sister.

To her surprise, Maria’s cheeks tinged pink. “Whatever. I don’t think Kyle will ever work up the courage to propose to me… Or if he even wants to.”

Hope bit back the words she desperately wanted to tell her sister. That Kyle had dragged Hope shopping to help pick out an engagement ring for Maria weeks ago. “I wouldn’t be so sure about that.”

Maria shook her head, her dark hair swishing around her face. “Whatever. Today is all about you and sister, you look stunning.”

Hope grinned, but turned as the door to the room they were waiting in, opened. She’d opted to get married in a small Catholic church even though she wasn’t religious. Luke didn’t practice, but his family did. Plus Sonja and Maria were Catholic and it had seemed like such a small concession. One she definitely didn’t mind making to keep the family in her life happy.

Sonja stepped inside and immediately batted away tears. “I swore I wouldn’t cry and mess up my makeup,” she said through sniffles. “You both look so beautiful. I love seeing the two of you together…”

Hope crossed the small distance and gathered her mom into a hug. She’d quickly gotten over her non-affectionate attitude once being inducted into the Santiago family. While Jose had never quite warmed to her, and Hope was pretty sure he and Sonja were headed for divorce—Maria had mentioned something a week ago—her mom and sister had run right over any issues she had with hugs and outward affection. Not to mention Luke’s mom, her soon-to-be mother-in-law was huge on hugs and already pressuring her for a grandchild. While that could wait, Hope liked this new side to herself and loved having more people to call family.

Even Mac and Luke were on good terms. Luke was still a partner with Kyle, but he’d become more of a silent partner this past year. Now he and Mac were talking about opening up a restaurant together. And possibly a Jet Ski rental place. Whatever Luke decided to do, Hope just wanted him to be happy and this past year he’d been nothing but happy with her. They’d even closed on a house a month ago.

“If you start crying I will too and I refuse to look like a raccoon in the pictures.” Maria’s watery voice pulled Hope and their mom apart.

Sonja laughed lightly and ran her fingers under her eyes, catching the last few stray tears. “I’ll be in the church. Your father is waiting right outside for you.” After a quick peck on Hope’s cheek, Sonja disappeared back through the door.

Hope knew Sonja mean Mac when she’d said ‘your father’. There was also something about the way Sonja looked at Mac that made Hope wonder if something was going on between them.

Not a physical relationship because she knew her dad better than that—and Sonja for that matter—but if Sonja and Jose were getting divorced…Hope shook her head. It was none of her business. They were both adults and could do whatever they damn well pleased.

After the last year she’d had, nothing could faze her anymore. The man who’d stolen part of her childhood was dead—and that murder was likely to forever be unsolved. And the man who’d helped kidnap her as a child out of greed was also dead. Of a heart attack, weeks after his incarceration. That was fine with Hope.

Right now all she cared about was walking down that waiting aisle to the man she loved more than anything.

After a quick knock, one of Sonja’s friends who’d helped organize most of the wedding popped her head in. “It’s time.”

Maria hurried out ahead of her and Hope followed to be met by Mac. His elbow was bent slightly as he waited for her to take his arm.

“You’re beautiful,” he murmured low enough for only her to hear and she didn’t miss the sheen of tears in his eyes.

If anything was going to make her well up, seeing Mac cry would do it. Swallowing hard she nodded tightly so she wouldn’t break down.

As the doors to the church opened and she locked eyes with the man she loved with a fierceness that still moved her, she realized she’d never been happier than she was at that moment. They had their whole lives ahead of them to make millions of memories but this one day, this moment, would forever be seared into her brain.

Smiling, she gripped her dad’s arm and began her walk toward the man she planned to spend the rest of her life with.


BOOK: Danger in Paradise
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