Damaged (The Dark Billionaire, #6) (4 page)

Read Damaged (The Dark Billionaire, #6) Online

Authors: L.N. Pearl

Tags: #erotica, #contemporary romance, #romance, #Alpha Male, #billionaire, #sex, #sexy, #office, #workplace

BOOK: Damaged (The Dark Billionaire, #6)
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“Not for very long.”

“Why? Are you trying to avoid me?”


Jennifer pinched the bridge of her nose and exhaled loudly. “Bruce... Why are you so tough with me? Can’t you try to listen and understand?”

“I’ve been in this situation before and I know how it works.”

“Are you comparing me with your ex?”

“Aren’t you doing the same to me?”

“I’m not like her. And you have your share of responsibilities too.”

“Yeah, yeah. It’s all my fault, I expected that...”

“Bruce, are you listening to me? I’ve asked you to come home. You keep going out with Fancelli like I don’t exist anymore.”

“So your solution is to cheat on me?”

“Come on, Bruce! I didn’t...” Jennifer struggled to say it. It was a gray area for her. She didn’t want to lie and she didn’t want to hurt him. “I didn’t cheat on you,” she finally said.

“Don’t sweat it, honey. I don’t believe you. I can smell it. I’ve been fucked before and I know how to spot a liar.”

“How about you? You told me the whole truth?”

“Okay, we’re done talking. I don’t want to hear from you for the next couple of weeks at least.”

“Bruce!” She said, but he hung up before she could say anything to stop him.

She put her phone in her purse and unlocked the door. There was a mirror in front of her and she looked terrible. Tears were rolling on her face. It was the worst time of her life. Problems and obstacles were accumulating and she had no idea how to get out of this mess.

She went back to Enzo’s room and opened the door, but jumped at the sight of a large woman kissing him. Jennifer blinked several times, trying to make sense of what she was witnessing. Am I in the wrong room? She wondered. She stepped back and looked at the room number again. It wasn’t a mistake, though. She was in the right room. What was going on?

The woman had her large breasts pressed against Enzo and they were holding hands. They stopped kissing as soon as they heard Jennifer get in.

“We’re okay,” the lady said. “We already asked for water.”

“I’m not a nurse,” Jennifer said.

The woman looked at her with surprise. She was definitely chubby but she had nice curves and a feminine frame. Jennifer estimated that with thirty pounds less, she would look gorgeous. Her face wasn’t fat; it was actually pretty slim considering her size. She had good genetics and hadn’t accumulated her extra-weight on her cheeks.

“I’m sorry,” the lady said. “Can I help you?”

Jennifer kept silent and stared at her. She looked familiar. She had seen her face somewhere, but where? Oh yes, she thought. She’d seen her on a magazine.

“Are you... Ashley Thompson?” Jennifer asked, skeptical. It couldn’t be her. She looked like her, but it couldn’t be possible.

“Yes, nice to meet you,” Ashley said. “And you are?”

Jennifer glanced at Enzo. He didn’t say anything and avoided her eyes, but she could tell that he was embarrassed. He was still holding hands with Ashley and her deep cleavage was sitting just under his nose.

It took Jennifer a few seconds to understand. She couldn’t believe it. Enzo and Ashley; they were lovers. She didn’t know if he was really in New York for work and she didn’t care, but he had an affair with her - there was no doubt about it. Enzo had lied to her. Jennifer felt like a complete idiot; she had been fooled. She should have listened to her gut feeling and trusted herself. Yes, Enzo had been playing with her since the beginning. He just wanted to sleep with her. He just wanted to have fun. He was an asshole and Jennifer was in trouble because she had been dumb enough to trust an asshole. She deserved it.

“I’m...” she said, trying to hide her disgust. “I’m just leaving.”

Chapter Five

ennifer walked around her block for fifteen minutes. She was exhausted but couldn’t go home; not yet. She needed to breathe and to feel the cold air of the night cleanse her lungs after such a dramatic day.

Enzo had been playing with her all along. She couldn’t believe it. What a jerk! Whether his relationship with Ashley Thompson was recent or not, he hadn’t been honest with her. She didn’t really expect Enzo to be available; he probably had other opportunities, but he had asked her to follow him to Thailand. He had asked her to give up everything and Jennifer had actually thought about it - a few seconds only, but long enough to get an imprint on her soul. It wasn’t every day that somebody offered you to live like a princess, she thought. The offer had been very tempting and very satisfying for her ego. Jennifer had definitely received a boost of confidence but now, that superficial invitation tasted quite bitter and she felt ashamed.

She felt ashamed to have been so naive. She should have gone home instead of following him to his hotel room. She should have guessed that he just wanted to take advantage of her. She should have resisted more. She had betrayed Bruce for someone who wasn’t even worth it. What a joke!

Jennifer had never been really lucky or happy with men. Bruce had been the first one to give her hopes in a better future but the early days of their perfect relationship seemed like a distant memory. The most painful thing to accept was the fact that her couple was in danger by her own fault. Bruce hadn’t been perfect, but if Jennifer had stayed completely faithful, she wouldn’t have felt so sorry to lose him. She would have let him go and moved on.

Unfortunately, things were worse than that. She was also responsible for this incredible mess. She had participated in the chaos she was forced to live in and that was a difficult idea to digest. Bruce had neglected her and she had pushed things even further by falling into Enzo’s arms - only to realize he was sleeping with another woman at the same time.

Jen, congratulations. You did something that nobody else could have done better than you.

She needed to talk. She really needed to have someone next to her to listen and offer advice. She desperately wanted a strong shoulder to lean against. She had so much to say and so much to complain about, that she knew she wouldn’t be able to sleep. She would probably let all her negative and guilty thoughts drive her crazy before she could close her eyes.

I’m so, so lonely...

Jennifer walked back to her building and thought about calling Victoria. She was the only one who seemed mature enough to understand and who wouldn’t judge too quickly. The last thing Jennifer needed was to receive a lecture about love and relationships in a perfect world. This was the real world and she had a real-life dilemma. She needed someone strong and down-to-earth to make her feel better.

“Hi Vicky, this is Jennifer. Jennifer Stuart. I’m sorry to call you that late.”

“What’s going on?”

“Well, I have a big problem.”

“Is it about work? Something happened to Bruce?”

“It’s about him but it’s not about work.”

“Let me guess... It’s about your friend, Enzo. You were supposed to meet him today if I remember well.”


“So? Have you come to a conclusion?”

“Vicky, I know you have other things to do but I’d really appreciate if we could meet.”

“Sure. Why don’t you come home tomorrow morning. We can have brunch together.”

“No, I mean tonight.”


“I don’t know what to do, Vicky. I’m lost. I almost slept with Enzo and then, I met Bruce in a club.”

“Does he know? Bruce?”

“Yes. When he saw me, he knew right away. I could see it in his eyes.”

“Jesus. There are so many clubs in New York and you had to be in the same one, at the same time.”

“I think this is karma. I’m being punished.”

“Where are you now?”

“I’m home but I can take a taxi to meet you...”

“Oh no, don’t. I just had a fight with Shane.”

“Oops, I’m sorry. I didn’t know he was here.”

“He’s not. We always argue on the phone.”

“I guess it wasn’t the best moment to call you but I had no one else to call.”

“It’s okay. I’ll drive to see you. Driving will help me to calm down.”

“Thank you very much, Vicky. I really appreciate.”

Victoria arrived an hour later. She was wearing sweat pants and had no make-up, but she still looked pretty. She looked very different from the bossy manager Jennifer had been used to see during the week and it allowed her to relax. Vicky was less intimidating when she wasn’t wearing high-heels.

“So what’s the problem?” Vicky said as she sat on the couch. “What happened with Enzo?”

“We went further than a kiss but we didn’t do it.”

“And Bruce knows.”

“Not in details, but he saw me with Enzo. He’s not stupid.”

“And what did Enzo say?”

“He couldn’t say anything. He got his ass kicked by three bouncers who apparently were following orders...”


“Yes. From Mr. Fancelli;

Vicky didn’t seem surprised. “So what happened then? Is he okay?”

“Well, I was with him at the hospital, just to make sure he was fine and... there was that woman... Jesus, I feel so dirty.”

Vicky rested her hand on Jennifer’s lap. “Calm down and explain to me.”

“I had to go to the restroom and when I was back, Enzo was kissing Ashley Thompson. Can you believe it?”

Ashley Thompson? The cosmetic girl?”

“Yes. I mean, he had someone else. He played with me. I betrayed Bruce and I got fooled.”

Vicky closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Jennifer could feel that she was about to criticize her and braced herself.

“Did you talk with Bruce?”

“Briefly. He’s mad.”

“Listen,” Victoria said slowly. “I’m not going to tell you how to live your life but you made a mistake. It happens. Now, what matters is what you’re going to do about it.”


“Do you think that Bruce has been perfectly faithful and honest with you?”

“I’m not sure.”

“What do you do for a living?”

Jennifer paused and looked at Vicky with wide eyes. It seemed like she had completely switched to another conversation.

“Excuse me?”

“You heard me; what do you do for a living?”

“I... don’t understand what you mean. I thought we were talking about Bruce.”

“Please, answer.”

“Well, I’m trying to launch my business.”

“How much progress so far?”

Jennifer wasn’t sure whether Vicky was trying to help her or make her feel worse. “Vicky, what are you doing?”

Victoria cleared her throat. “Jennifer. Don’t tell me that you still don’t understand how it works with men like Bruce?”


“I see. You don’t.”

“I don’t what? I don’t get it, what are you talking about?”

“You know why Bruce can afford to fool around? That’s because he doesn’t feel in danger. You’re not a threat; you’re no match for him.”

Jennifer said nothing, trying to understand. “Are you trying to make me cry?”

“He can do whatever he wants,” Vicky said. “Do you understand? All you’ve been doing is follow him and help him. You didn’t fight for yourself, you gave him too much! Now, he’s too confident. It’s always like that with men. We’re nice and they take us for granted. In your case, it’s even worse; he’s a billionaire and you
to launch a business. You try but you don’t run anything yet.”

Jennifer felt her throat getting tight as tears rushed to her eyes. It wasn’t such a good idea to talk to Victoria after all. “Are you trying to break me? Because it’s very effective...”

Vicky took Jennifer’s hand. “No. I’m trying to empower you. I’ve been there, believe me. You have to have your own life. Make Bruce respect you. Make him want to chase you. Stop being so easy; be hard to get.”

“How? I love him!”

“Forget about him for a while and focus on your business. Be independent, be strong. Isn’t it what you said you wanted?”

“Of course, but I didn’t mean to give up on him.”

“He will come back.”

“How do you know?”

“Men like Bruce... they’re used to be chased and to have people at their feet all the time. If you want to stand out, don’t do that. Ignore him. Be a diva. That’s the only way to really, really get his attention. Maintain the attraction between you two, that little fire. For that, you need to have your own business up and running. That will turn him on, as weird as it sounds.”

“I can’t be successful overnight, though. How do you want me to be independent that quickly? It’s going to take years for me to take off. He’ll be gone by then.”

“I can help you.”

“Really? How?”

“You’ll have to be flexible, though. It won’t be exactly what you expected.”

“I’m open to new ideas.”

“Fine. Have you heard about

“Vaguely. These are chefs who come and cook at people’s house, right? Sort of private catering services?”

“Exactly. I have a good network of people who might consider hiring someone like you, a few nights per month.”

“Only a few nights? I appreciate your help but it doesn’t sound very profitable...”

“Even if I told you that you can generate four to five thousand dollar per night on average?”

Jennifer squinted at her. “Are you serious?”


“Why would you do that?”

“Sometimes, I need to impress my clients and going to the restaurants all the time has become boring. I want something new. I need to keep that
factor. What if I could have you as my personal chef while you build your reputation and your network?”

“That’s a very generous offer...” Jennifer said, thinking and calculating. “With that kind of money, I’ll be able to save a lot for my cooking school.”

Vicky nodded. “So how does it make you feel? Better?”

Jennifer smiled. “Well, it sure does make me feel excited, even though it won’t help my relationship...”

“It will. Trust me.”

Jennifer paused and took a good look at Vicky. She had misjudged her; Victoria was trying to help her be stronger and more desirable for Bruce. It was a completely different perspective, another level, but Jennifer was grateful for the opportunity. Vicky had been tough but she was right: she needed to impress Bruce if she wanted to keep him.

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