Damaged (The Dark Billionaire, #6) (2 page)

Read Damaged (The Dark Billionaire, #6) Online

Authors: L.N. Pearl

Tags: #erotica, #contemporary romance, #romance, #Alpha Male, #billionaire, #sex, #sexy, #office, #workplace

BOOK: Damaged (The Dark Billionaire, #6)
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“I like it when you lick me,” she said, her fingers trailing along his impressive pole.

“I can do it again if you want,” he offered. “We have the whole night.”

She closed her eyes and shook her head. “No, don’t do it. I think I should go soon.”

“Go where? Why don’t you stay with me?”

“Because it’s wrong.”

“Isn’t it a bit late to think about that?”

“I allowed you to do what you wanted with me and I gave you something. I don’t want to think about anything else.”

“You did it because you felt obliged?”

Jennifer paused and sighed. “No. I wanted it as well, but you know I’m not supposed to.”

“I don’t understand you, Jennifer. You keep saying that you can’t, yet you’re here. We’re naked in my hotel room, how do you call that? And at the same time, you refuse to completely let go. You don’t want to enjoy the moment one hundred percent.”

“I know.”

“It’s a waste of time, you know that? If you were not prepared to go further, you shouldn’t have come at all.”

Jennifer squeezed her eyes shut and pinched the bridge of her nose; this situation was giving her a headache. “You’re right and I’m sorry.”

sorry, Jennifer.”

“Listen, I’m here because we had some unfinished business together. We started to have something in Bangkok and then, I had to go. I thought I would forget about you, but you kept insisting.”

“So this is entirely my fault?”

“No... that’s not what I’m saying. Enzo, I like you, that’s for sure, but I’m not available. I’ve never been available since I met you.”

“You have to choose.”

“I know. This is what I’m trying to tell you. It’s difficult, I can’t decide.”

Enzo said nothing and scratched his chin, thinking. “Okay. Let me help you then. What is it between us? How would you define our relationship?”

“Can I be honest with you?”


“I’ve been fantasizing about you for a while now.”

Enzo chuckled. “Really? Tell me about it.”

“It’s embarrassing, I’m not sure I want to talk about it in details.”

“Come on, Jennifer!”

“All right. At first, you started to appear in my mind while... while I was masturbating.”

“Sounds good.”

“Wait. I was having sex with Bruce in my fantasy.”


“Yeah it’s weird, I know. He was fucking me and then, next thing you know, I was sucking your dick.”

Jennifer felt his cock getting hard again and slowly rising. “That’s pretty arousing,” he said.

“You’d like to be there with Bruce?”

“No, not that part. Just the blowjob thing...”

She took his cock in her hand and stroked it gently. “I’m getting horny too, just talking about it.”

“Let go, Jennifer. Please, let’s do it...”

She squeezed his cock in her hand and bit her lips. She felt her arousal growing in her guts. “Don’t make things more complicated,” she said.

“I don’t. For me, things are simple. You want me and I want you, but you can’t make up your mind.”

“This is purely sexual, do you know that? I don’t want to be a bitch.”

“Maybe it’s only physical for you, but not for me.”

She rose on her elbow and turned around to look at him. “What do you mean?”

“I really like you, that’s what I mean. I can’t forget about you.”

“Enzo, do you have... feelings for me?”

He nodded. “Yes. It hurts me to see you struggling with your emotions. There’s something between us, can’t you see?”

“Listen, I want to make sure you’re not playing with me.”

“I’m not. You’re very special to me. Look, I came all the way from Thailand to see you.”

“You came for work.”

“And I could have ignored you, but I’m here.”

“Did you really mean it when you asked me to go with you to Bangkok?”


“You weren’t just trying to get into my pants?”

“I’m not like that.”

“You’re sure you’re not playing with me?”

“I swear.”

Jennifer bit her lips and closed her eyes. She was extremely tempted to go all the way with him, but she knew she would regret it for the rest of her life. However, the strong impulse and sexual attraction she felt for Enzo was nearly impossible to resist. Her whole body was tingling and her pussy was burning like a volcano.

“We have to end this,” she said. “We have to do something to make things clear once and for all. But I repeat; I cannot let you fuck me.”

“Why not?”

“Things are still unclear with Bruce.”

“So? Oral sex?”

“And then, we’re done. Okay?”


Jennifer turned around, her back facing the head of the bed and she sat down on Enzo’s face. She buried it between her legs and bent forward to take his swollen cock in her mouth. Enzo’s mouth connected with her pussy before she could reach the tip of his dick, and she moaned loudly. “Yeahhh!”

She squeezed his hard cock and took him between her glistening lips. They both provided each other’s genitals a soft and wet massage with their tongues and climaxed nearly at the same time. Jennifer jerked with Enzo’s head between her legs and felt his warm cum deep inside her throat.

They stared at the ceiling of the room in silence, catching their breath. They had climaxed twice in less than an hour and slowly drifted into unconsciousness. When Jennifer woke up, twenty minutes later, she felt a knot in her stomach. She felt guilty as hell. What did I do? she thought.

She stood up and went to the bathroom to take a shower. Enzo woke up and followed her.

“What’s wrong?” he said, looking at her preoccupied face.

“I just cheated on Bruce,” she said with watery eyes.

Enzo took her in his arms and rubbed her shoulders. “Come on, this isn’t your fault. He neglected you and I was very convincing. You couldn’t help it.”

“Nice try but it doesn’t make me feel any better.”

“We didn’t sleep together.”

“What did we do then? It’s not like we didn’t do anything either.”

“Let’s say that we were flirting and it was very hot.”

“I feel like a slut. Bruce is probably working hard and here I am, playing with someone else’s dick. I’m a bitch!”

“Hey! Don’t talk like that. It’s not helping, trust me. And that’s kind of insulting; I’m not just a dick.”

“Sorry, that’s not what I meant. Please, tell me you weren’t playing with me just to have sex.”

“No, I told you already. Stop thinking too much.”

“How can I stop thinking? Bruce and I are engaged...”


“He proposed me.”

“What did you say?”

“I said ‘yes’ of course, what do you think?”

“What happened? What are you doing here then?”

“I have doubts; second thoughts.”

“You don’t want to marry him anymore?”

“I don’t know.”


“It’s his whole lifestyle. He’s busy and I understand; but at the same time, I don’t see how we can stay together in the long run like this.”

“It’s just about his work?”

“Mostly, yeah. But hey, it affects everything. And it’s not like he comes home from a long day of work and he watches TV all night. He has meetings all the time, he has to travel and he has to party with his business associates...”

“That’s just networking.”

“Yes, but he acts like I’m not here anymore; as if he was single again. He comes home early in the morning and I don’t even know what really happens when he’s out all night.”

“I see. You need somebody to take care of you...”

Jennifer didn’t say anything but she nodded. Now that she was hearing it from Enzo’s mouth, it all made sense; she was with him because she wanted someone to care about her. And Enzo knew how to do it better than anyone else.

“I should probably go now,” she finally said.

“Just like that?”

“How do you want to do it? I don’t want to feel worse. If I stay, I might regret it forever.”

“How can you regret something that you really want?”

“I don’t want to hurt him.”

“He will never know.”

“My God, stop please. I don’t want to hear it.” Jennifer felt even worse, knowing that she would keep a secret from Bruce.

“What about me?” Enzo asked. “You don’t care if you hurt me?”

“I’m not with you, Enzo; I’m with him. I’m supposed to care more about him than I do about you.”

Enzo kept silent and stared at Jennifer. She could tell from the look in his eyes that he was hurt. He looked sad and shocked, but there was nothing she could do about it.

“I don’t want you to go,” he finally said.

“Enzo, please. I’ve done enough already.”

“We don’t have to stay in my room if you think you can’t control yourself or if you don’t trust me. But I want to spend more time with you.”

Jennifer sighed and rested her hands on his chest. “Okay. We can go out then.”

“What are you going to do with him? Ultimately?”

“Enzo, you always want more. I said we can go out tonight, isn’t it enough? What do you want from me?”

“I want to know if this is the last time we go out together or if there will be another time.”

“It depends. What do you want from me? Sex?”

“No. I want to be with you. I want to be your man.”

“You’re lying.”


Jennifer studied his face for a minute and figured he looked sincere. “I need time...” she said, looking away.

“So this is not the last time,” he said grinning.

“I don’t know yet. Maybe, maybe not.”

“As long as it’s not a definite ‘no’, I’m fine.”

Jennifer smiled and kissed him on the lips. “Come on, I need to get out of here. Let’s get ready.”

Chapter Three

ennifer and Enzo sat down on a sofa and a waitress immediately brought them a bottle of champagne. Enzo had ordered it as soon as they had entered the club, as a celebration, he had said. She could tell from the smile on his face that he was satisfied. He had definitely achieved something that night by having her in his bed, even though they hadn’t slept together.

Technically, she hadn’t slept with him but she had been far from passive during the time they’d spent in his hotel room. Jennifer couldn’t really enjoy the night, though. The music was good and the club wasn’t too crowded, but she felt like a fraud. She was having a date with Enzo, with whom she had just performed a sixty-nine. She didn’t have many close friends anymore and it was very unlikely that she would meet anyone she knew. She could always introduce Enzo as a friend, which was the truth, but she still felt uncomfortable. What if somebody saw them? She wasn’t sure what she was doing in this club with him. Was she giving him false hopes? Or was she fooling herself?

“Hey, why do you have to make such a face?” Enzo said in her ear, shouting to make sure she could hear him over the loud music. Jennifer slightly pulled away from him and frowned.

“What?” She said.

Enzo imitated her sad expression, pointed at himself and pretended to pull each corner of his lips upward with his fingers. The unnatural and silly smile on his face made her laugh.

“Enjoy,” he said. This time, she heard him.

“I’m trying.”

He poured them champagne and Jennifer finished her second glass of the night. Enzo stood up and took her wrists. He wanted to dance. Jennifer pursed her lips and shook her head, but Enzo was dragging her.

“Come on,” he said. “Stop thinking. What is done is done. Worrying won’t change anything!” He was shouting, smiling and bobbing his head up and down, definitely enjoying himself.

“I’m a bad dancer.”

“Who cares? Nobody will judge!”

Nobody will judge
. This simple sentence made something click in her mind. She was afraid to be judged by others, simply because she could be seen with someone other than Bruce. But Enzo was right; nobody would see them and nobody would judge.

She finally stopped resisting and followed him on the dance floor. People were jumping around them, throwing their hands in the air, swinging their arms around and moving their heads along the beats. Enzo stood behind Jennifer and pressed his body against her. Her back and her ass connected with his torso and his crotch like a perfect mold. He dived his nose between her shoulder and her neck, and started licking. Their hips were moving from side to side, their bodies tight against each other. Jennifer closed her eyes and let him guide her in the middle of this torrid night.

Within a few minutes, she started to sweat. The heat was increasing in the club and between them again. She threw her arms in the air and backward, to grab Enzo’s head. As she did, she stuck her chest out and Enzo cupped her breasts with both hands. She felt his erection growing in his pants and he started to grind his crotch. Jennifer bit her lips and finally let go. Her body started to relax and her moves became fluid, in sync with the music.

After forty-five minutes on the dance floor, Jennifer needed a break. “I’m having so much fun,” she said. “You’re a great dancer!”

“You’re pretty good too. I don’t know how long I’ll be able to resist...”

Jennifer pretended to ignore his comment but she knew exactly what he meant. She could feel the tension between them growing again.

“I have to go to the restroom,” she said.

“Yeah, me too.”

They walked together to the back of the club. Enzo went to the men’s side and Jennifer entered an empty stall. Her panties were damp and creamy; her sexy dance with Enzo had aroused her as hell.

God damn it, this is getting weird again. If we keep going like that, I know how it will end. I just don’t see any other possibility. Enzo and I will end up sleeping together if we continue flirting...

She stepped out of the stall and looked at her reflection in the mirror. Her heart was beating fast. She knew she was playing with fire and things were getting extremely dangerous. She sighed, washed her hands and got out of the restroom.

She couldn’t see Enzo. He was probably still doing his thing. Jennifer took her time to look around. She hadn’t been in a club for ages and suddenly felt old. There were so many things she had probably missed while she was working her butt off for Bruce.

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