Dalton, Tymber - Stoneface (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (38 page)

BOOK: Dalton, Tymber - Stoneface (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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“Touch that RV, and I’ll beat you,” she joked back.

“Don’t worry,” Jack assured him. “I promise I won’t screw up like that again.”

She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. “And I promise I won’t screw up like that again, either.”

They quickly ended up in bed. Jack stared into her eyes, melting her soul in the process. She did believe him. She was willing to put herself out there and trust him the way she trusted Tim. To be honest, she’d known Tim longer than she’d known Jack. It was natural for her to have that easier relationship with him.

Jack was more than worth it, in her mind. “I think I need a good fucking from you, Detective Kelly,” she joked.

“Mmm. I think you do, too.” He crushed her lips with his. Heat flared deep within her as her world shrunk to encompass nothing outside the feeling of his hot flesh pressed against hers and Tim curled next to both of them, kissing any available flesh he could get his lips on.

“I second that motion,” Tim said, handing Jack a condom.

Jack smiled, further incinerating any remaining doubts. During one of their talks, Tim had confided in her that Jack had never looked as happy as he did when the three of them were together. Now, she could clearly see that. His smile held an easy, happy feeling.

She felt moisture pooling inside her pussy. Her clit throbbed, wanting to feel his hot shaft stroking inside her.

He pressed the head of his cock against her cunt. “You want me, baby?”

She dug her nails into his ass and greedily fucked her hips up toward him. “Does that answer your question?”

“Damn, girl.” He kissed her as he fucked her, hard and fast. “You’re ours, do you understand? I won’t let you get away again. If you really want to leave, say so, but our lives have been miserable since we lost you.”

His words more than his talented fucking were what drove her over. The sincerity in his husky tone.

The tears in his eyes.

“I love you both. I don’t want to get away. Just don’t push us away, Jack.”

He threw his head back and let out a loud cry as his orgasm hit. His cock rammed deep inside her, triggering her own climax. Tim leaned in and flicked her nipple with his tongue. “That’s it, baby,” he encouraged. “Come for him. Come for us.”

It wasn’t as strong as some of the orgasms they’d given her in the past, but it felt better than any of them because she knew exactly where she belonged.

Jack collapsed on her, taking her with him as they rolled to their sides. He clung to her. “I missed you so much.”

“Me too,” she agreed.

“Ahem,” Tim said, clearing his throat. “What about me?”

They looked at him and laughed as they held their arms open to him. “We wouldn’t be the same without you, Tim,” Jack said. “Who would take care of us and keep us in line?”

Tim moved in close and kissed Jack, then Gwen. “You two would be lost without me.”

“Absolutely,” she agreed.

Jack pushed Tim back and knelt over him. “I owe you a little special treatment too, I do believe,” Jack said. He bent down and sucked Tim’s cock into his mouth.

Gwen gasped, turned on beyond belief at the sight. “Holy crap,” she whispered in an awed tone.

“There’s room for two,” Tim said.

She giggled. Jack slid over, and she helped Jack work over Tim’s cock and balls with her tongue. Only when he was squirming on the bed and begging for relief did Jack sheath his lover in a condom and motion for her to climb on.

Jack knelt behind her, holding her as she rode Tim. Tim’s sweet blue gaze melted her. “Jesus, you’re so beautiful, babe.”

She felt beautiful. The men always made her feel hot and sexy.

He cupped her breasts in his hands as Jack reached around her and found her clit. She moaned, her pussy contracting around Tim’s cock as Jack chuckled.

“That’s the magic spot, isn’t it, baby?”


Tim’s thumbs brushed against her nipples, hardening them into taut peaks. “You like knowing we’re always panting after you, don’t you, baby?”

She ground her hips against Tim, enjoying the way he bottomed out inside her. “Yeah!”

Jack growled into her ear, “You belong to us, baby. Forever.” He nibbled on her neck and that was all it took to send her over the edge. Sobbing from the sheer relief of having both her men back, she collapsed against him as Tim grabbed her hips and pistoned his cock up into her until he exploded with a cry.

Tired and sated, the three of them collapsed onto the bed. Tim and Jack both wrapped their arms around her, creating a secure cocoon of love. “Sweet dreams, baby,” Jack whispered as he kissed the back of her neck.

She wiggled her ass against him. “I will, believe me.”

Tim kissed her lips. “Dream about us,” he said.

“Absolutely.” She pulled their arms tightly around her. “Forever.”

Chapter Seventeen

Loaded to the gills with antinausea and antianxiety meds, Gwen sat, terrified, between Jack and Tim in the boarding area at the departure gate at the Rapid City airport. Liam watched from the other side of the aisle with amusement on his face.

“Don’t hurl on me, sis. Please?”

“Shut up,” she growled.

He twirled his cane around. Specifically opting not to bring his wheelchair was a calculated risk Gwen hadn’t interfered with. She felt a little guilty not trying to persuade him to bring it, but knew he was an adult who could make his own decisions.

He was ready to make his final stand against their parents.

In the past month, one thing had become perfectly clear to her—that Jack and Tim were her home, and the thought of living anywhere else filled her with dread. She could handle brutal winters with two hunky, loving men to warm her bed every night.

True to his word, Jack had made every effort to open up. Sometimes either she or Tim had to prod him to not hold in his feelings, but his every action spoke of his dedication to proving his love for her.

They had Pete over for dinner several more times, the two men mending fences and at least regaining their friendship. Pete also helped Ed with Helen, taking some of the burden off Jack and Ed and giving them much needed respite. Tim gave him a job at the store at Jack’s suggestion. Tim and Liam usually rode to work together, while Gwen enjoyed having the house to herself during the day for writing.

When the gate agent called their flight, Liam stood. “Don’t let her get away,” he snarked. “She’ll bolt if you give her half a chance.”

“I think even you could outrun her, as loaded as she is right now,” Tim joked.

Gwen didn’t think the meds were helping her at all. She still felt terrified, although she didn’t feel an urge to yak all over her men. She settled into her seat on the plane between Tim and Jack, with Liam in the row behind them. She fastened her seatbelt, laid her head back, and closed her eyes.

Minutes later, Jack gently nudged her. “You going to fly to Florida, or are you coming with us?”

She groggily lifted her head and realized people were getting off the plane. Tim had already stood and gathered both his and her carry-ons. “What?”

“We’re here. Time to change flights.”

“Huh?” She’d only closed her eyes for a minute. “Quit screwing with me.”

Liam reached over the seat and tapped her on the shoulder. “Better living through chemistry, sis. Get your butt moving.”

Emboldened by this development, she didn’t feel nearly as scared as they boarded the connecting flight. Ruthie, who had passed her driver’s course with flying colors, even if her budding relationship with the instructor flunked, would pick them up upon their post-midnight arrival. Gwen dozed off on that flight, too, and felt remarkably calm when they emerged from the terminal and found Ruthie waiting on them with her new SUV.

She squealed and threw her arms around Gwen, then Liam. “So you going to introduce me, girlfriend?”

Gwen blushed as she did. She’d overcome most of her initial discomfort after Tim’s disclosure to his staff that Gwen was now officially part of the family.

They still hadn’t told her parents…or Amy.

Jack and Tim loaded their luggage while Liam stiffly climbed into the front passenger seat. When he caught Gwen’s worried look, he smiled. “Don’t worry. I’m fine.”

Ruthie had been sworn to secrecy about their plans and drove them back to what would soon officially be her house, once the sale paperwork went through. Tomorrow they would pick up a large rental truck and a rental car and packing supplies.

All their parents knew was Liam and Gwen were visiting for a few days.

No reason to bring trouble earlier than necessary
, she’d thought.

Rather than evict Ruthie from what was now her bed, Liam opted to sleep on the comfortable couch so Gwen and the men could have his former room.

Exhausted, they fell asleep nearly immediately. When Gwen awoke the next morning, she felt a brief moment of disorientation before she remembered where she was. Home.

No, not home anymore.
Home was in Rapid City, with her men and Liam.

The two men didn’t awaken when she carefully extricated herself from between them. She made her way out to the kitchen to start coffee, only to find Liam had beat her to it.

She wrapped her arms around his waist as he stood at the counter and waited for the coffee to brew. “How you feeling, bro?”

“A little stiff, but not bad.” He turned in her arms, smiling. “Going to stand tall and strong when we go over there for dinner tonight.”

She groaned. He’d talked to their mother and handled the arrangements for them going over for dinner that evening. “Do we have to?”

He kissed the top of her head. “Yep. We’re done hiding, remember? What, they going to disown us or something?” He laughed. “The guys wubs us. They especially wubs you. We’ve got a home.”

“I was just thinking that. This isn’t home anymore. Being here doesn’t feel like being home.” She pondered that. “I didn’t expect that.” She’d spent so long convincing herself she’d made a horrible mistake falling in love with Tim and Jack, and that she’d never see them again, that to have her future laid out so brightly before her felt as surreal as her first night in their bed.

“But it makes things easier, doesn’t it?”

She nodded. “Sure does.”

Ruthie walked in, looking barely awake. “God bless you, my son. You got the coffee started.”

While Gwen and Ruthie chatted via webcam several times a week, the dramatic changes in her friend still startled Gwen, in a good way. Ruthie looked healthier and more vital than she had in years. She acted more confident, walked taller, much the way she’d been before the attack that ruined her life. She even had a telecommuting customer service job where she could work from home.

“So how are you doing?” Gwen asked her. “Really?”

Ruthie laughed and pointed to her counter. “How many pill bottles you see?”

Gwen counted only two. “What are those for?”

“One’s for cholesterol, the other’s a very mild antianxiety med, and they’ve stepped my dosage down on that one. Doctor says I might be able to start tapering off it completely next month.”

Gwen squealed and hugged her. “I’m so proud of you!”

BOOK: Dalton, Tymber - Stoneface (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
10.68Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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