Dalton, Tymber - Stoneface (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (32 page)

BOOK: Dalton, Tymber - Stoneface (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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She didn’t want to talk—she wanted him to make love to her. “I’d hate to disappoint him.”

“So would I.” Tim kissed her. He ran his lips down her neck to where he nibbled on her shoulder. “Babe, I love you.” He slid her bra strap down her arm, kissing the flesh as he bared it. “And we’ve got a lot of talking to do, and so does Jack, but for now…” He reached around her and unhooked her bra, tossing it over his shoulder. His flesh felt hot against hers as he leaned in and cupped her left breast with a tender hand, sucking her nipple into his mouth.

She bit down on her lower lip to keep from crying out. It felt so damn good to have his hands on her again. Even though they’d only been together a few days in Rapid City, those few days felt like a lifetime, like the three of them had been made to be together.

She’d missed Jack more than she cared to admit.

Tim teased and taunted her nipple, sucking, nipping, laving his tongue around it. After he had her whimpering with need, he moved to her right breast, repeating the treatment and churning her cunt into a wet, needy, pulsing ball of heat.

Her hands fumbled at his slacks until she finally got them opened. He shoved them down his legs and nearly tripped when he couldn’t get them off past his shoes. Grumbling, he yanked them off, threw them over his shoulder, pulled his pants off, and let her push him back onto the desk.

She’d dreamed about them both, fantasized about them with her vibrator. But nothing compared to the real thing. She sucked his hot member down her throat, moaning softly over the sweet, musky smell of him, of laundry detergent and soap and the salty tang of pre-cum that rolled down her tongue.

His hands tangled in her hair. “Oh, Jesus, baby, yes!”

She ran her tongue up and down his cock, tracing every ridge and vein, remembering how much fun the three of them had enjoyed in their few short days and nights together.

Was it possible to ever recapture those good times?

She shoved that thought away. She wanted this, right now.

He finally pulled her off him. “Baby, if you don’t stop, I’m going to blow right here.” He switched places with her, pushing her skirt up over her hips and yanking her panties off. He buried his face between her legs with a happy sigh. “This is what I missed.”

Gwen collapsed back on the desk, for a moment nearly overcome with giggles at the sight she must present. Then Tim latched onto her clit with his lips, flicking it with his tongue and rapidly driving her over the edge to a climax she had to slap her hand over her mouth to stifle.

He stood up with a silly grin on his face. “Glad to see I didn’t forget how to do that.” He found his slacks, pulled a condom out of the pocket, and quickly put it on. He grabbed her by the hips, pulling her legs around him as he sank his cock deep inside her.

His sweet blue gaze burned right through her. “I love you, Gwen, and I’m not letting you go.” He crushed her lips with his as he pounded into her.

She grabbed his shoulders, moving with him, relishing the feel of his hard shaft fucking her. She didn’t just want this, she needed this. She needed him.

She needed them.

She closed her eyes as another orgasm pulsed through her. Tim nipped at her lower lip. “That’s it, baby. Give it to me. Jesus, I missed you so fucking much.”

She wanted to sob with relief, that the missing piece was returned to the gaping hole in her soul. She didn’t want to think about next week or tomorrow or even the book signing in a couple of hours. She wanted to lose herself here and now with Tim, to feel once again like she was a part of something greater than herself.

Something better.

Someone well loved.

Even more than the sex, she’d missed Tim’s friendship through e-mail. She missed their banter. She even missed ole Stoneface’s glaring mug.

Another orgasm, not as strong as the first two, swept through her. She clung to Tim as he sank his cock deep inside her with his own climax. She felt him pulsing, throbbing, coming.

He reluctantly withdrew and gathered her into his arms where she cried on his shoulder. He turned and sat on the desk, holding her, cradling her, his face buried in her hair as he whispered apologies to her over and over again.

When she finally calmed herself, he cradled her face in his palms. “I love you. I love you so much, and I’m not letting you get away from me again,” he whispered.

He scooped her up and carried her to the sofa. “One way or another, you will be coming home. And by that I mean Rapid City.”

It was silly of her to even entertain the fantasy, although every cell in her being wanted to. They made love again on the couch. She lost all track of time in Tim’s arms.

Then she caught sight of the time. “I’d better get ready.”

He helped her to her feet and led her over to his private bathroom, where he started kissing her. He almost managed to seduce her again before she remembered why she was there. “Tim, I need to get cleaned up.”

He pulled her close one last time. “I know, babe. But I prefer not to share you. Well, with the masses. I love sharing you with Stoneface.”

She couldn’t help but smile. She loved being shared with him, too.

* * * *

Gwen spent a nervous and emotional afternoon. She read a few excerpts from her books, greeted fans, signed books, and avoided Tim’s intense stare. All through it, despite their hot sex earlier that afternoon, she was terrified to hope for more despite what he’d said, and even more terrified to get her heart broken again. When it came time to leave, she hooked her arm through Liam’s. When Tim tried to embrace her, she wouldn’t let go of Liam. All Tim could do was give her a one-armed hug.

Tim kissed her. He whispered, “I meant it when I said you’re not getting away from me again, sweetheart,” in her ear. “I love you, and you’re mine. I don’t care what I have to do to show you.” He nipped her earlobe before stepping away. Her knees practically unhinged, but somehow she remained upright.

Without a doubt she loved him. And, God help her, Jack too, despite how he’d treated her.

Unfortunately, it couldn’t work. Tim wasn’t there when she had it out with Jack. He hadn’t seen the look on Jack’s face. And she refused to take Tim away from Jack. Most likely Tim wouldn’t want to leave Jack anyway. What might have been had things worked out differently between the three of them?

Gwen didn’t talk much as they picked up the RV, loaded the Toad, as they called the Element, and drove north out of the LA area. Much of the time Liam sat in the passenger seat and stared out the front window. He knew better than to try to get her to talk in the dark mood she was in.

She felt guilty as hell for making love to Tim when she suspected nothing more would ever come of it. If Jack couldn’t man up and tell her how he felt, what did that say about the strength of his feelings?

Not very damn much, in her book.

Later that evening, as they pulled into the campground they’d made their reservations at, she turned to Liam. “Why did you do that to me?” she quietly asked. “You set me up.”

He arched an eyebrow at her. “I didn’t hear you complaining. You love them, they love you. Time for you to fight for what you believe in.”

“Tim loves me. Jack hates me.”

“Funny, it seems Tim said Jack loves and misses you. My MS must be fucking with my language comprehension.”

She glared at him before storming out of the RV to the office to pay for their space and find out where it was. When she returned, he hadn’t moved.

“They. Love. You,” Liam emphasized. “Deal with it. They want you. They miss you.”

“Jack sure has a funny way of showing it, telling everyone but me. Nice. Sounds like everyone else is trying to convince Jack of how he feels.”

“Ouch. Neurotic much? Jack was supposed to be here today, too. Didn’t Tim tell you that?”


“Then what’s your problem?”

“I don’t have a problem! I already agreed we’d go to Rapid City, didn’t I? If he really loves me, maybe by the time we get there he can figure out how to say the damn words himself, ’kay? If not, it’s not like I’m too much worse off than I am now.” She threw the keys down on the table and fought the urge to throw something.

“Harsh, sis. Really harsh. His mom’s in the hospital. Cut him some slack.”

“Last time I saw him, Detective Dick-for-brains was able to use a fucking phone and a computer. He could have called or e-mailed me. Oh, big surprise, he hasn’t.” She snatched her keys from the table and stormed outside again. She made three aimless, stomping laps around the rig before she could get her thoughts together and remember what she was supposed to be doing.

They’d stay at the campground for a week in order to avoid a storm to their north. Liam always worked enough flexibility in their schedule to allow for detours and downtime, especially since Gwen did all the RV driving and still needed time to write. Unfortunately, the forced stay for the weather meant Gwen couldn’t use driving to take her mind off the afternoon’s events.

Gwen stormed to the back of the rig and started unhooking the Element from the tow dolly. Liam emerged from the RV, leaning on his cane and watching her without saying anything. After Gwen moved the Element out of the way, she returned to the RV and Liam guided her back into their space. He handled hooking up the sewer connection and set up the levelers, while she rigged the electrical, water, and cable and got the slide-out positioned. This park had free Wi-Fi, meaning they didn’t need to rely on their slower air cards. Over the past few months they’d developed a smooth-running routine, and within an hour they were set up, showered, and eating dinner.

After doing his research, Liam had opted to buy them the gently used thirty-foot Class A with a diesel engine, reassuring Gwen she’d soon easily learn how to drive the rig. Just big enough for them to have room to comfortably move around in, including a back bedroom one of them could escape to if needed. He’d had more confidence in her driving skills than she had, but after two weeks of practice before heading out on the road, she did admit to feeling comfortable. They frequently bunked together in the large queen-size bed in back, although sometimes one or the other opted to sleep on the comfortable sofa bed if either of them needed alone time.

Tonight, she needed alone time. Once Liam realized she wasn’t budging from her laptop at the dinette table, he kissed the top of her head before heading to the back. “See you in the morning, kiddo.”

“Sleep tight.” She knew she wouldn’t sleep much, her mind roiling, thinking about Tim and Jack. She tried to work and ended up playing Solitaire on her computer. At one point she thought she heard noises in the back bunk, like maybe Liam was talking to someone on the phone, but she turned on the TV and channel surfed to drown him out. Stretched out on the sofa bunk and cuddled around her pillows, she tried to fall asleep as the TV played.

Somewhere in the middle of the night, she thought she heard Liam moving around. Knowing he’d call for her if he needed help, she closed her eyes and tried to go back to sleep. She heard what sounded like people softly talking outside, but she’d gotten used to noises like that when staying in a park. She preferred sacrificing the relative privacy of boondocking for the security of parks, in case she ever needed to get help for Liam in a hurry.

She dozed, then felt someone crawl into the bunk with her. At first she thought it was Liam, and she settled back against him…

Until the man’s hand comfortably settled between her legs. She let out a frightened scream and tried to pull away when a familiar voice asked, “Do you have any idea how fucking expensive it is to take a taxi from Laguna Beach to here?”


“Hey, sis, let’s change up bunks for tonight,” Liam said from the other side of the cabin. “I have a feeling you’re going to want to sleep late.”

She sat up and glared at Liam, who stood by the door with an amused look on his face. Tim stared up at her, his blue, wide-eyed, innocent look soon melting her irritation.

BOOK: Dalton, Tymber - Stoneface (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
13.62Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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