Dalton (Mistress & Master of Restraint) (24 page)

BOOK: Dalton (Mistress & Master of Restraint)
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“I’m glad you don’t wear shoes to the dungeon. It would take too long to remove them,” he growls.
He rips my shirts from my back leaving me completely naked. It’s a thrill to be this way knowing anyone could see. His fingers pull the wig from my head and he moans in pleasure when my hair falls to my face.
“Take those fucking contacts out. I want to make love and see my lover, not your alter ego.” He looks crazed.

He places my shirts on a stair-tread and lowers me onto it. I pluck the contacts from my eyes and drop them wherever. I have an endless supply of them anyway.
He falls to his knees between my thighs and sucks my cock into his mouth. I hiss in surprise. I just came five minutes ago and
already hardening in his mouth. He groans when I reach full capacity and I manage to get harder for him.

I smile down at him as his blue
eyes gaze at me adoringly. It’
s wild to sit on a st
ep and have my dream guy suck
me off
nd expertly, I might add, for his first time.
“This is your first time, right?” I ask with my accent stronger than ever. He groans on me again and it vibrates to my soul. He shakes his head yes and sucks me harder.
I laugh down at him from the sheer joy of it. I make him insan
e. He’
s such a gentleman, prim
and proper with his dress shirt and trousers on. The
contradiction of the
wild look in his eyes
has me coming into his mouth in a second.

“Mon Dieu, Daniel,” I cry out as my hips thrust up and I shoot down his throat. He takes me to the root and groans in satisfaction as I take my pleasure from him. I fall back gasping for breath.
“No rest for you, beautiful,” he says with a devious smile. His dimple is even sexier when it takes on a sinister edge.

He grabs my hips and flips me over to rest on my knees. I hear the metal of his zipper being torn open and then I feel the wonderful warmth of his cock resting on my ass cheeks.
“You make me fucking insane. I’ve never wanted anything as bad
as I do you. I never go soft. I walk around with a hard-on constantly. And since I’ve had you
no one looks appealing at all.
You’ve captured me in your web,

he growls.
“Dalton,” he moans out as he enters me completely. He grabs my hips and pounds viciously inside
me. All I can do is grip the stair-tread above me and hold on for dear life. As soon as he rubs over that
amazing gland a few times I bloom to full-size. I pant and bi
te my lower lip to stay my cries
. He takes me brutally, but not out of anger- out of need. It feels so
good that my cock is tight to my belly and eagerly dripping to cum again.
A startled gasp surprises me and I look over my shoulder at the entrance to the stairwell. Ezra’s huge, gray eyes are wide with lust. His chest is visibly rising and falling rapidly.
“I-I-I’m sorry to interrupt,” he stutters out. “I was going to work in the rooms we’re renovating.”
He doesn’t move, just continues to stare like he can’t look away.

Whitt thrusts into me a few more times, each one slower and longer than the last. “Can you make sure no one else comes up here? I’m not ready for everyone to know yet,” Whitt says over his shoulder.
He starts to thrust again and continues to look at Ezra while he does it. “You can watch. I don’t mind. I’d offer to have you join, but-”
“I can’t,” Ezra says quickly
scared he

answer differently. “It’d be cheating.”
He sounds like he is trying to convince himself.
“You can watch. That wouldn’t be cheating. You can take care of that too,” he says looking at the strain
ing bulge in Ezra’s pants. “We’
pretend you aren’t here.” He starts to roll his hips into me again.
“Why?” Ezra’s smooth voice is shaky.
“The three of us in this stairwell know more about longing that anyone else. I know you love your wife, but
re married to two people for a reason. It takes both of them to meet your needs and one of them isn’t at the moment. One of them is with Marcus, sucking cock. Take your pleasure and go home to your wife. I saw how she looked at us. She knew what we were doing and it made her hot. Go home and fuck her while you tell her what you saw and about what you did.”
Whitt turns around and picks up a brutal rhythm. I can’t look over my shoulder anymore because I have to hold on so that we don’t slip down the stairs. I white-knuckle the tread with my fingertips and grip my toes on a lower step. I can feel Ezra’s gaze on us and then I hear the telltale sound of a zipper.
Whitt and I don’t look back. We offer him the privacy
he needs. I hurt for his pain and
the agony of rejection.

I fall into the connection I feel to Whitt. He keeps whispering my name and nipp
ing at the back of my neck. He’s taking me harder than I’
ve ever been taken. Even when it was force they weren’t allowed to hurt me. But this doesn’t hurt. It is the
best feeling in the world. It’
s the feeling of being consumed by someone you’re falling in love with and it heightens the experience.
The very quiet groan that Ezra emits when he finds release rockets me off the edge. I cum screaming and I pour all over the step and my chest. I laugh when I hit myself in the chin. The rumble of Whitt’s laugher vibrates my

“It’s my turn, beautiful.
I think I’ve made you cum enough tonight,” he groans out as he climaxes. His heat floods my insides and I groan from the warmth and silkiness of it. He wraps his arms around my chest and holds me tightly for a few moments as our
breathing slows.
I look back at
the entryway to the stairwell and Ezra is gone. The light glares off the pool he left on the bottom step and I chuckle- he enjoyed the show. I see the tip of his shoe peeking in the do
orway. He didn’t leave his post.
just gave us some privacy. I think he was too embarrassed to face us after the fact.

“I have an idea- follow my lead.” Whitt says as he stands up and fastens his pants. The mischievous look is back in his eyes and the wicked dimple is gracing his cheek.

“Anything for you, Gorgeous.”



































“Why do you always have to dominate time with Kristal? Every time I’m with her you insinuate y
ourself,” I yell at Whitt.
re standing in the middle of the dungeon. Most of the members are still lingering around. Marcus and Cort look satisfied with themselves. Ezra didn’t work on the rooms upstairs after all and it makes me wonder if that part was a lie. I doubt he knew we were on the stairs, but he wanted to watch. He sits next to his husband and they both look guilty. Marcus keeps looking at both of them in confusion.
Even my parents are back. They

re sitting on opposite ends of the couch as far away from
each other as possible. My soon-to-
be ex-wife, Bianca is sitting next to Devlin and Sebastian is between her and my mother. My family fills that couch uncomfortably.

“She could say no. I think you can’t satisfy her so she chooses us both. When it’s just me and her she doesn’t go look
you.” Whitt looks at me like I’m nothing to look at. I’
m back in disguise and I agree with his interpretation. I look like nothing- that is the point.
“Don’t doubt this cock
’s ability
to fuck someone into oblivion.” I grab my crotch and squeeze. My breath hisses out of me when I see the hunger in his eyes. I could go another round too, gorgeous. I could go all night and this game is amping
my needs. 

“So what?
A huge cock can’t make up for poor technique.” He smirks at me. Poor technique indeed, I’ll show you my technique.

“Guys, there’
s plenty of me to go around. You know how much I love two guys at once.” Kristal says as she
tries to separate us as if we’
re about to fight over her. I roll my eyes at Whitt and he stifles a laugh.
Kris winks at us and I realize she’s in on the game.

“If it wasn’t for your sister we wouldn’t have two fucking babysitters sitting over there. It’s your fault for all the shit we have going on.” I glare at Whitt. “Sweetheart, I’d find a better person to top you. Pick someone else and the pair of us will fuck you right now. You deserve better than a Whittenhower.
How about I share you with your boyfriend? Alex is a lot hotter than Whitt.

I f
eel horrible because I know I’
ve hurt Whitt when I see the pain cross his face. He chose this p
loy and I need to make it work to my advantage. I’ll tel
l him I didn’t mean it when we’
re alone.
“My sister has nothing to do with me. She doesn’t answer to me.” His comeback is weak and I feel awful.
“Do crazy sociopaths run in your family? I wouldn’t reproduce if I were you.” That got the intended smirk I was going after and I run a hand over my face to hide my gr
“I find it weird that you’
re worried about my super-sperm, Dalton. Maybe it’s not Kristal who wants
my company. Maybe secretly you’
re lusting after me and you can’t handle it.” He raises an eyebrow and smirks until his dimple appears. I groa
n in frustration- the sound he’
s notorious for making.
“Ah- the Whittenhower super-sperm that’s created Adelaide and Mini-Shit-Whitt. I don’t think I’d boast about its special powers unless you mean t
he other definition for special,

I taunt him.
“You’re such an asshole. I bet you love to have that asshole of yours fucked. And I don’t mean the one
between your ass cheeks
. I mean the one that spew
bullshit out your face. Why don’t you kneel down here and let me show you how special my sperm is. I’ll cram my cock so far down your throat
that you’ll
choke on the special.” 

I try not to laugh and I fail. I burst out laughing and I have to hold my side to keep my rib from aching. I
takes me a few minutes to regain my composure.
“Sorry, I’m not laughing because it’s funny. I’m laughing that you’d think for one second that
I’d suck your cock.
I think I should fuck that
polite mouth
of yours
for swearing. Let me show you what a real dick looks like- not that thumb you think
qualifies as a penis,

I say snidely and grin. My cock is pulsing in my pants from the thought of Whitt’s lips surrounding it. I groan.
“OH! I’ve had no complaints on my size. I seem to remember someone screaming how much they loved it three times tonigh
“I’m sure they were faking,

I say dramatically.
I smirk at him and turn to Kristal. I had forgotten she was standing between us. “Kristal, be honest, who fucks better- me or him? You fake for him, don’t ya?”
She licks her lips a few times and looks between us. Her eyes are huge and her car
amel skin takes on a healthy pink

“I can’t answer that without getting into trouble with one of you,” she gasps out.
“So that would mean that one of us is better than the other?” I smile tauntingly at Whitt like s
he is admitting it’s me. But I’
ll a
gree that he has to be who she’
s thinking of. He can fuck.
“I didn’t say that,” she stammers out.
“Okay, then at least tell me if you’ve ever faked with us.” Whitt commands her.
“No, I wouldn’t do that. It’s against the rules.” She looks frightened by the consequences for faking. We tie you down and force orgasm after orgasm on you until you learn your lesson. It sounds fun at first. I’ve seen several women scream to be released. No one ever repeat
s that mistake. I’m just glad no one ever figured out that I faked all the time. I don’t think they figured a guy would do that.

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