Daddy's Boy (5 page)

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Authors: Samantha Grady

BOOK: Daddy's Boy
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Fuck this, and fuck her.

Picking the envelope up I walked on shaky legs across the room and threw the envelope, money and note into the trashcan.

“Are you sure you want to throw all that money away?” Olivia whispered.

Saying nothing I walked out of the room. I was just about to climb the stairs when a hard knock came from the front door. Cussing everyone and everything I stomped to the door and threw the door open.

“What?” I snapped first then looked at the person who’d knock on my door.

All the air rushed out of my lungs, words failed me and all I could do was stare at the little baby staring back at me through thick black eyelashes.

Well fuck what was I supposed to do now?

Pulling in a deep breath and trying to hold on to our kid who’d started wiggling in her arms, Rachel wrinkled her nose, a nervous habit of hers and spoke in a rush. “I’m sorry Denny, but I really need your help.”


Chapter 4


I’d pictured and dreamed about this day since the night Denny broken it off with me, but never in my dreams did Denny look like that. Anger with a side of total happiness, the first I was guessing was directed my way the second for Lucca.

“You need my help?” Denny asked the most beautiful smile creeping over his lips as he looked at Lucca.

“Why don’t you meet your son Lucca first then we can talk.”

“Lucca?” Denny whispered.

It was honestly sad that this was the first time Denny was meeting his son and finding out what his name was. Guilt weighed heavy on my shoulders before I could remind myself that this wasn’t my doing, Denny had done it when he walked out on us.

“You named him the name we picked out.” Denny whispered.

“What the fuck?” Jonah yelled from behind Denny.

“Jonah!” Olivia Rees the girl I’d given the envelope to, yelled.

Oh shit the money. I’d forgotten I’d done that. When I found out Denny had time to give Dad money but no time to come see his son, I lost it. I put things in that note I really shouldn’t have.

Denny stepped back and turned around allowing me to see the three people standing behind him. Olivia was in front, long black hair as dark as Denny’s, hung over her shoulders almost touching her waist, light baby blue eyes and bright red lips against her fair skin. Jonah had found himself a truly beautiful girl. Behind her was Jonah, the golden haired bad boy. Eyebrow piercing, ear piercings, tongue piercing, tattoos up and down both arms, thick hair falling across his green and yellow eyes covered by black rimmed glasses. Jonah hadn’t changed one bit since I last saw him. And last standing over Jonah and Olivia like a protector was Mason. Brown hair shaved closed to his head, clean shaven face, light brown eyes that were always shining and a body so defined with muscles it was praiseworthy. Then there was the face I saw every day, Denny. Out of control black hair that was perfect for grabbing, hair that curled when wet, hair that fell into his dark blue eyes when looking down on me. His face darkened by day old stubble and his pink tongue darting out to play with a new lip ring. New and old tattoos lined both arms and those damn nipple piercings I loved way too much were visible through his black t-shirt.

Lucca let out a screech and lunged himself at Denny. Denny’s eyes all but bulged out of his head.

“Would you like to hold him?” I asked trying my best to hold on to Lucca.

Denny carefully slipped his hands under Lucca’s armpits lifting him with such care I felt a fluttering in my stomach.

Holding Lucca to his chest with one hand under his butt and the other running along his back to cradle his head in his hand, father and son stared at each other. Lucca never one to sit still for long grabbed on to Denny’s lip, thankfully the side without the piercing.

A sniffling pulled my attention from Denny and Lucca and I couldn’t help but gasp when I looked at the red faced Olivia with tears streaming down her face.

“Is she ok?” I asked looking at Jonah who had wrapped his arms around Olivia’s chest and was whispering softly to her.

Jonah didn’t answer only glared at me.

Shaking her head and pulling away from Jonah, Olivia looked at me with disbelief. “This is the first time Denny is holding his son why aren’t all of you crying.” Olivia cried out before turning quickly and running up the stairs.

Jonah shot me a dirty look before running after Olivia.

“She’s a crier.” Mason said shrugging, not fazed by Olivia’s crying fit. Touching Denny’s back Mason leaned in. “Why don’t we move this into the living room so we can shut the door.”

Nodding Denny tried to hand Lucca back; looking at my son smiling at his dad I shook my head. “He’s fine where he is.”

“He looks just like you Denny.” Mason whispered as I shut the door and followed them into the living room.

 The living room hadn’t changed much since I was last here. A big black leather corner couch still dominated the room facing a flat screen TV. Only now dark colored throw pillows lined the couch and candles and artwork decorated the room. The room was also spotless. Olivia had to be the one keeping these boys in check; Lord knows I never managed it.

 Mason sat close to Denny both of them showering my baby boy with affection, and by the look on Lucca’s face my boy was loving it.

Several minutes later Jonah, sporting a glare, which I was sure was just for me, walked into the room, Olivia following close behind him.

Jonah sat beside Mason and as Olivia went to sit beside me Jonah quickly pulled her into his lap leaving at least three couch cushions between us. Jonah was really pissed at me, which I found kind of funny seeing as I wasn’t the one to leave Denny, he left me.

“So Rachel,” Olivia said slapping a hand over Jonah’s mouth to stop his protest of her talking to me. “How old is Lucca?”

 Clearing my throat I tried to push past the cold look Jonah was giving me, but damn even with a hand over his mouth the man was terrifying. “Six months.” I finally whispered.

Taking a deep breath Olivia looked at me then looked down at Jonah, “one second Rachel.” Olivia said holding up a finger to me. “Jonah do you like having sex with me?”

“Whoa!” Denny screeched putting his hands over Lucca’s tiny ears.

“If you like having sex with me Jonah and want to continue to have sex with me, you will stop glaring at Rachel and you will not speak to her unless it is something nice. Got it?”

Jonah’s lips were pushed together so tightly they were almost white. A small growl slipped his lips and both Denny and Mason started laughing hysterically.

“Got it baby.” Jonah said in a strained voice.

Damn Olivia really did have a handle on these boys.

“Good now where was I. Oh yeah I was about to ask−”

Olivia’s question was cut off by the sound of the front door opening and a man’s very pissed off voice. “Liv I don’t care how cute that guy is at the dog park, I refuse to spend one more minute with this demon dog. First it refuses to sleep on the floor, well I refuse to have it on my bed. I kicked it out of the room and guess what it did? Scratched a freaking hole through my door is what it did. Then it gets back in my bed and bites me in the ass while kicking me off my own freaking bed.” A skinny guy with brown wavy hair said standing in the doorway.

“How can you say that?” Olivia yelled, “Miss Daisy is not a demon. She’s a sweetheart.” Olivia said as a German Shepherd puppy flew across the room and jumped on to Olivia, causing her to fall off Jonah’s lap.

The dog’s tongue came out licking Olivia across her face. Jonah reached over to pull Olivia back on to his lap but the dog’s growl quickly stopped him.

“Baby your dog is a demon to everyone but you.” Jonah said pulling his hand away from Olivia.

“I’m Ty, Olivia’s best friend.” Ty offered stepping around the couch with his hand held out, but stopped so fast it looked like the guy hit a wall. “That baby really looks like you Denny.” As fast as lightening his hand slapped across his mouth, “Denny has a kid and you didn’t tell me! How dare you Olivia Rees I thought we were best friends.”

“I would have told you if you hadn’t been spending all your time with your hands down what’s his names pants!”

“Oh God. I need a smoke.” Denny groaned. “Rachel would you take him?” Denny asked standing up and making Lucca’s little hands fall off his face.

“Actually would one of you mind holding him?” I asked looking at the three people sitting on the couch. “I really need to talk to Denny.”

“Back off boys my turn. Off Miss Daisy.” Olivia yelled, excitedly jumping up to take the baby from Denny.

Lucca was one of these kids that really didn’t mind anyone holding him just as long as someone was holding him and giving him their full attention. So it was no surprise that Lucca lunged for Olivia’s outstretched hands and started to giggle his head off.

Laughing at my silly son I followed after Denny not even close to being ready to asking him for help.






Tucking the lighter back in my pocket, I brought the cigarette to my lips and took a long drag, knowing I was going to need all the help I could get. Rachel did not stop by to shoot the breeze with me, something was wrong.

The backdoor opened and closed followed by footsteps sounding across the deck. Rachel leaned her arms against the deck railing and took a deep breath, while her damn honey scent circled the air around me. The smell of honey was so strong on Rachel, Lucca even smelled like it.

I hated the taste of honey but loved the smell of it on Rachel. Always had.

I was more than happy that I’d finally gotten to hold Lucca, but now I wanted to know why.

“What do you want Rachel?” I asked bringing the cigarette back to my lips.

“Maybe I wanted you to meet your son.”

Yeah well her note said nothing close to that. Feeling pissed again I snapped at her. “You’ve had six months Rachel why the hell now?”

“Don’t act like that with me Denny, you’re the one that walked away from me, not the other way around.”

“Fine I walked away. But don’t act like you still care that I did walk away.”

“Why do you think I don’t care?” Rachel hissed, smacking her hands against the deck railing.

“I got the money and the note.”

Sighing Rachel spoke softly. “I was a bitch for writing what I did. I’d just found out about the money and I lost it. You know me Denny bitch first, think later.”

Whatever, pissed or not she meant every word she wrote. “Why are you here Rachel?” I said feeling absolutely exhausted.

“I need your help.” Rachel whispered turning to face me. “Early this morning some guys showed up looking for my dad. When I told them I didn’t know a Jack they told me to tell my dad that Adam is looking for him. I’m guessing it’s the same Adam that works in the drug scene.”

It was on the tip of my tongue to tell her I didn’t give a fuck who was after Jack. But before I could say it, I made the mistake of looking at her, and just like old times her hazel eyes went straight to my heart.


What did Adam want with Jack? Actually no fuck it. Jack had fucked up my life, it was only fair someone fucked up his. Plus Jonah and I were done with that scene.

“I can’t help you Rachel, Jonah and I are out of the drug business.”

Wide hazel eyes stared at me for several minutes before Rachel dropped to her knees beside me. “You’re out? When, how?”

“Vinnie’s dead.”

Biting her lip Rachel’s small hand softly touched my shoulder. “What happened?”

God did I want to tell Rachel everything. To finally rid myself of Vinnie, but I couldn’t, not when I didn’t understand how I felt about everything that had happened. What Vinnie did to Jonah, to me, to Olivia. Was it even right to mourn such an evil person?

“I can’t talk about it Rachel.”

Nodding her head she squeezed my shoulder then let her hand drop, leaving an ache where her hand had touched.

“If you don’t want to talk about it that’s ok. But if you ever want to talk, I’ll listen Denny.”

Not going to happen.

“Has this guy ever been to the house before?”

“No, it’s the first time.”

Stubbing my cigarette out on the deck I stood up, “Jack probably shook down someone working for Adam. By Adam sending someone to your door he’s sending a message to Jack basically saying back off. Call Jack tomorrow and tell him what the guy said about Adam.”

“What if the guy comes back?”

Watching Rachel’s graceful body unfolded and stand up on those beautiful legs I felt heat rush through my body.

Turning away quickly I walked across the deck hearing Rachel following after me. “They won’t come back, either your dad will take care of it or me and Jonah will, either way they won’t come back.” I was hoping her dad would take care of Adam as I wouldn’t have the time over the next week as Jonah’s grandparents were due to fly in tomorrow morning. Jonah’s grandparents knew about the drug business, but I was guessing Jonah wouldn't want to bring attention to it while they were visiting.

Rachel’s cold hand wrapped around my upper arm pulling me to a stop, “Denny thank you for this. You didn’t have to let us in after everything, you know. So thanks.”

The guilt that was never too far away slammed in to me stealing my breath not only for what I had done, but also for what she still didn’t know.

“I’ll follow you and Lucca home.” I said in a shaky voice pulling my arm away, unable to stand her touch another moment longer.


Chapter 5


My head felt all fuzzy from lack of sleep and every five seconds I was yawning, wrecking the makeup covering the dark circles under my tired eyes. The smell of coffee filled the air making me feel slightly better and Lucca’s happy babble coming from his playpen was keeping my cranky mood at bay.

The first sip of coffee was heaven, the second sucked as it cleared my sleepy mind and brought back last night. Denny had apparently been drinking so he made Mason drive while he sat in the passenger seat his eyes never straying from my car. When we got to the house he made me wait in the car with Mason standing watch, while he did a walkthrough of my house with a gun I pretended not to see. I had no time for the gun though because all my attention was on the funny feeling of Denny caring enough to follow me home and check my house, to make sure it was safe. Denny was a lot of things some good, some bad but the one thing that shined through everything was the love and protectiveness he felt for those he cared about. He was a big strong man with more tattoos and piercings than I could count these days, he was the picture of dangerous badass that didn’t give a shit about anything or anyone but that was all just a look. I knew the man inside, the man who helped my brother after we slept together once, the man who never went a day without telling me how much he loved and needed me, the man who would follow me home and not let me in the house before he checked to make sure it was safe. That was the man I fell in love with. That man disappeared the night he came to break up with me and I hadn’t seen him since. Now a little bit of the man I fell for was shining through the asshole he pretended to be.

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