Cyrus (4 page)

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Authors: Kenzie Cox

Tags: #paranormal romance, #girl next door, #bear shifter, #shifter romance

BOOK: Cyrus
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Cyrus was definitely an adrenaline junkie and sage wasn’t exactly the word I’d use to describe his profession. But he was fun...for now.

He pulled into a reserved parking spot in the lot of Adelaide’s.

“Are you sure you’re supposed to park here?” I asked, glancing around. “Seems like it should be for the manager or something.”

“It is, except for special nights like tonight.” He killed the engine and pushed his door open.

I reached for the handle, but he put his hand on my arm. “Wait right here.”

A second later, he was on my side of the Jeep, opening the door for me. Holding out his hand, he gave me a small nod of his head. “Ready?”

“Very gentlemanly of you,” I said, highly amused.

“That’s the plan.” He closed the door, tucked my hand around his arm, and escorted me into the fifties-style burger joint. The booths were pink, and the walls were wrapped in pink-and-white-striped wall paper. But most interesting, was that two of the clan elders were sitting at a table near the plate glass windows. Clarence Riley and Jet Booth. And they were both staring at us.

I smiled and sent them a small wave. Jet gave me a slight nod, while Clarence took one look at Cyrus and frowned. Obvious disapproval. Well, if he thought I should be dating Vince, that was no surprise.

“Hello there, Cyrus,” the hostess said and popped her gum.

“Hey, Lissa. Is our table ready?” Cyrus wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me in closer, a move designed to tell everyone in the place we were a couple.

“Yep. Right this way.” The young waitress led us over to a special table that had been set with a white table cloth, a vase with a single Gerbera daisy, and two tapered candles in silver candlesticks.

Cyrus held the chair out for me, and turned to Lissa. “Can you bring us two chocolate malts and a side of fries to start?”

I opened my mouth to protest him ordering for me, but closed it, deciding malts and fries sounded delicious.

“I’ll be right back.” Cyrus crossed the room to the jukebox, fed the machine a series of coins, and punched in some numbers. Immediately,
Wonderful Tonight
by Eric Clapton started playing. He sauntered back over, his dark eyes meeting mine as he sat across from me. “What do you think so far?”

My pulse was elevated, and butterflies had taken up residence in my gut. He was pulling out all the stops. I cleared my throat. “Very thoughtful.”

He reached across the table and covered my hand with one of his. In a teasing tone, he said, “Only the best for my girl.”

I knew he was putting on a show for the two elders sitting across the restaurant, but I’d be lying if I said he wasn’t scoring major points. In fact there was a significant part of me that wished none of this was an act. Damn. If he actually made a move, I was going to be in big trouble.

The malts and fries showed up, and we ordered burgers. Then Cyrus added cheesecake for dessert.

“You have got to be kidding me,” I said, shoving a fry in my mouth.


I swallowed. “Burgers? Cheesecake? I’m going to gain ten pounds.”

His lips turned up into a half smile. “We’ll just have to work it off when we get home.”

I was in the middle of taking a sip of my malt and came up sputtering.

He laughed. “Relax. I was joking.”

A shot of disappointment rippled through me, and I caught myself frowning.

He raised his eyebrows in surprise. “But I could be talked into a little physical activity if you prefer.”

I gave him a tiny shake of my head. “That’s not on the agenda.”

He leaned back and relaxed against his chair. “That’s what I thought. But the offer still stands.”

“Good to know,” I mumbled as the burgers arrived.

“Anything else?” Lissa asked.

“I’m good,” I said.

“She most certainly is,” Cyrus added, keeping his eyes locked on mine.

My face flushed. I knew he was laying it on extra thick because the elders were there, but every time he flirted with me, it only proved to break down a little bit of my defenses. It had been ages since a man had paid this kind of attention to me. Not since Max Collins had taken me out in the tenth grade, determined to get into my pants. Too bad for him I’d only gone out with him as a favor to his mom. He’d never stood a chance, despite being a really nice guy. Apparently he hadn’t been bad boy enough for teenage me.

I let out a tiny sigh, already feeling my resolve slip away. And by the time the cheesecake arrived, I was a total goner. Watching him, watch me while he licked that fork...Jesus.

“Let’s get out of here,” I said, standing before he could even answer.

He stared up at me from his side of the table. “You don’t want any cheesecake?”

I shook my head. “I think I’m ready for something else.”

Heat flashed in his coffee-colored eyes, and without a word, he stood, threw some bills on the table, and wrapped his arm around my shoulders as he walked me to his Jeep. But instead of opening the door for me, he pressed me up against the side and cupped my cheek with his large hand. “Do you have any idea how beautiful you are? Honey-blond hair, piercing blue eyes, and golden skin just screaming to be touched. You’re the most gorgeous woman in this town.”

His voice was low and seductive, sending sparks of desire to all the right places. He’d barely even touched me, and suddenly my entire body was on fire.

“Not nearly as gorgeous as you are,” I said, placing my hands on his muscular chest. What I wouldn’t give to rip his shirt off right then and there.

He let out a small strangled moan and then dipped his head, barely brushing his lips over mine.

My hands curled into his T-shirt as I tasted the sweetness of the cheesecake on his lips. “Take me home, Cyrus,” I whispered.

He responded by tonguing my lips open and branding me with his demanding kiss. I melted into him, forgetting everything except his intoxicating male scent and the press of his body against mine.

“Christ, Claire,” he said in a throaty tone when he finally came up for air. “You taste so damned good.”

I smiled up at him, already pulling him back down to meet my lips.

But he resisted and shook his head as he pulled his keys out. “Not until I get you home. If you kiss me like that again, the diner workers are going to get quite the show.”

His words only fueled the fire consuming me. As he held the door open for me, I stepped in close and ran the tip of my tongue up his neck, stopping only when I reached his rapidly fluttering pulse. Then I kissed him there and my knees nearly buckled when a low moan escaped his lips.

In one swift movement, he lifted me up and placed me in the passenger seat of the Jeep. The next thing I knew, he’d taken his place beside me, the engine had started, and the Jeep was flying out of the parking lot.

My head cleared just enough for me to look over at his shadowed profile. Perfect chiseled jawline, short military-style haircut, and a musky male scent that was driving me utterly insane. Oh, how the mighty had fallen. Just this morning I was insisting sex wasn’t part of our deal. Less than twelve hours later, I was ready to rip his clothes off.

He glanced over at me. “Are you okay?”

I nodded. “Better than okay. But could you hurry? I’ve suddenly got plans for you.”

“Plans?” he asked, marked interest in his tone.

“Hot, sweaty plans,” I said, staring right at him.

Understanding flashed in those intense eyes, and he sped up, breaking more than a few traffic laws.

Chapter 6

he drive back to Claire’s house was sheer torture. I had half a mind to pull over and take her right there on the side of the road. But this was Claire Erikson. The woman I wanted to savor, to memorize every inch of, and make sure she never forgot our night together. It wouldn’t be a forgettable five minute lay she could’ve had with just anyone.

When we finally pulled into her driveway, I slammed the Jeep in park and was out of the car before she was even able to release her seatbelt.

“You’re in a hurry,” she said when I opened the passenger side door for her.

“Only to touch you again. Trust me when I say nothing about this is going to be rushed.” I wrapped my hand around hers and waited for her to climb out of the Jeep.

“Well...” she flushed slightly at my words. “That sounds enticing.”

I tugged her to me and wrapped one hand around the back of her neck. Then, once again pressing her against the Jeep, my lips came down on hers, my tongue tasting and taking everything she had to offer.

Her arms came around my neck, the soft mounds of her ample breasts nearly driving me insane as she pressed firmly against me.

I let out a low growl and lifted her up. Her legs came around my waist, and I carried her the few feet to her front door. After pausing for another insanely hot kiss, she fumbled for her keys, and then handed them to me to let me do the honors.

Within seconds we were in her house, the door closed, with nothing standing in our way of devouring each other.

I put her down and pressed my forehead to hers. My breath was coming in short spurts, mostly from the intense need throbbing through me. “Which way to your bedroom?”

She trailed two fingers over my cheek and pressed a soft kiss to my lips, her other hand resting lightly on my chest. “Upstairs.”

Grabbing her hand, I took off, taking the stairs two at a time. She giggled as she ran up the steps behind me. The sound nearly made me come undone.

“It’s the door at the end of the hallway,” she said.

I kept up my pace and kicked the door open, spinning to catch her up in my arms. Her face was flushed and her eyes sparkling with anticipation.

“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted you,” I said, and dipped my head to taste her neck.

“About as long as I’ve wanted you, I suppose,” she said breathlessly.

I pulled back slightly and stared down at her. “You wanted me?”

She let out a small huff of laughter. “Look at you. Who doesn’t want you?”

Her words made me take a step back. “Is that all this is to you? A good time in the sack before you throw me out in the morning?” The words came out harsher than I’d intended, but I needed to know.

She bit down hard on her bottom lip. Then she gave me a slow shake of her head. “It’s what I want to tell myself it is.”

Her wide eyes and slight frown gave her an air of vulnerability that made my heart squeeze. There was something special about her that made me want to gather her in my arms and never let go. “I see.”

She averted her eyes. “If that offends you—”

“It doesn’t.” I closed the distance between us. It wasn’t that I was above a one night stand; a no-strings-attached encounter. But I was against one with her. I wanted more. So much more. And knowing there was more than just physical attraction was enough for me.

She lifted her gaze and gave me a small smile. “It doesn’t matter to you that I don’t want to like you?”

“Sure it does. But that means you
like me, and I can work with that.” I slid my hands up her sides beneath her silky black top, running my thumbs lightly over her taut nipples.

She sucked in a short breath and closed her eyes.


“Yes?” she asked, already breathless from my touch.

“Are you sure about this?”

She pushed my blazer off my shoulders and nodded. “Very sure.”

It was all I needed to hear. “Turn around.”

She hesitated for a moment, but when I flashed her a mischievous smile, she turned and leaned her back against my chest. “Now what?”

“This.” I pulled her top off and lowered my mouth to her neck, tasting and nipping at her sensitive skin.

“Oh.” She moaned and reached back, grabbing the front of my thighs as she tilted her head to the side, giving me full access.

I took my time, kissing every inch of her exposed flesh while cupping her heavy breasts. And when I could no longer stand the layer of fabric between my palms and her skin, I gently unhooked her bra and freed her from the restraint.

“Finally,” she whispered and tried to turn into me, but I stopped her.

“Not yet, love.” I lowered my hands and deftly undid the button to her jeans. Then I stripped them from her body, leaving her in lacy black panties that made me salivate. “You’re the most gorgeous thing I’ve ever seen.”

“Not as gorgeous as you,” she said, glancing back at me over her shoulder. “Though you do have me at a disadvantage.”

I chuckled and splayed my hands over her soft stomach. “Soon.”

“I’m counting—oh!”

My hand was already inside those panties, my middle finger sliding over that slick magic spot, finding that bundle of nerves that made her instantly melt. My other hand slid up and cupped her breast, my thumb and forefinger lightly pinching her nipple.

“Cyrus,” she nearly whimpered as I bit down on the nape of her neck.


“I’ve never...god.”

I froze. “Never what?”

She squirmed against me. “Why’d you stop?”

“Never what, Claire?” Was it possible she’d never...? No.

She laughed, a low and throaty sound. “Sorry. I was going to say I’ve never felt this wonderful before.”

“Ah. Well in that case, prepare to have your mind blown.” I pulled the scrap of panties down, then lifted her into my arms and gently placed her on her bed.

She stared up at me through hooded eyes. “Take your clothes off. I want to see you.”

I didn’t hesitate. Reaching behind my head, I pulled the T-shirt off in one smooth movement and then shucked my jeans and boxer briefs along with my boots. “Better?”

She raked her heated gaze over my body. “Fucking spectacular,” she said and licked her lips.

I wanted that tongue everywhere. Was so hard for her, it was all I could do to not take her that instant. Instead, I climbed onto the bed and brushed my lips over hers.

She met my kiss with passion and a hunger so fierce I felt like I was going to combust from the inside out.

“I want you,” she said against my lips.

“And you’ll have me... eventually.” I nipped at her bottom lip and then lowered my head, taking one nipple in my mouth, pleased when she arched into me. Everything about her was hot and perfect and willing. I could’ve spent hours loving her with my mouth, but she became impatient, writhing against me, making me nearly lose my mind.

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