Cyrus (2 page)

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Authors: Kenzie Cox

Tags: #paranormal romance, #girl next door, #bear shifter, #shifter romance

BOOK: Cyrus
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But I’d be damned if I let Claire get swept up in their family politics just so Vince could satisfy the clan’s conditions. I’d marry her myself before I’d let that happen.

A vision of her in a white dress walking down the aisle filled my mind. Fucking gorgeous. Yeah, Vince wasn’t getting anywhere near her.

“Well, this changes things,” Crane said, rubbing his stubbled jaw. “I was under the impression Claire was single.”

I narrowed my eyes at him. “Were you trying to make a move on my girl?”

Claire let out a small strangled noise and quickly covered by clearing her throat.

I gave her a hint of a smile and squeezed her hip. Even if she threw me out as soon as I got rid of Crane, I was going to enjoy the hell out of this. Claire Erickson was my ideal woman...someday. Unfortunately, I knew I was far from her dream mate.

In my youth, I hadn’t been much better than Crane. My family had always been on the wrong side of the law, and as a young adult, I’d been perfectly fine with that. Right up until my younger brother Chase had gotten shot and almost died. It was then we’d turned our shit around. But Claire would know all about my old man’s chop shop days, and most certainly would have heard the rumors that my two brothers and I had been right in the thick of things. The entire clan had. The only difference between me and Crane is that he’d gotten caught and I hadn’t. And the chances of her overlooking my past deeds were slim to none.

Everyone knew Claire Erickson only dated respectable men. That description wasn’t on my resume.

I cleared my throat. “Well, Vince, I’m glad to see you back among the land of the free, but if you don’t mind, Claire and I have some things to take care of. Maybe it’s better if we catch up later.”

A muscle pulsed in the other bear’s jaw. “I had an appointment.”

I glanced at Claire and raised one eyebrow.

She gave me a small shake of her head.

“Looks like the appointment is over.” I clasped my hand over his shoulder and urged him toward the front door. “Maybe when you find a new mate Claire can help you plan the celebration.”

“The elders aren’t going to like this,” he said, glancing over his shoulder. “They have no idea you two are an item.”

“We’ve been keeping it under wraps. You know how they are when two bears get together. Always in a hurry to pair us off in the hopes of new bear cubs.” I yanked the door open and nudged him through. “But make no mistake, you’re trespassing on my territory.”

Crane’s green eyes darkened as he glared at me. “She was mine first.”

I made no attempt to hide the irritation bubbling under my skin. “No seventeen year old belongs to anyone, man. And until she chooses her mate, she belongs to no one.”

“Exactly,” Claire said from behind me, conviction in her tone. “You go back to the clan elders and let them know I’m not available for whatever rehabilitation they have planned for you. If they’re trying to make you respectable, they’re going to have to do it without me.”

I swallowed a laugh at the storm that rolled through Vince’s gaze as he glanced at her over my shoulder.

“No one disobeys the clan elders,” he said through clenched teeth. Then he met my stare head on, pure determination shining back at me. “I hope you’re prepared to fight for her, because I’m not letting her go this easily.”

A flash of anger heated my skin, and it took all my effort to not growl at the jackass in front of me. “Looks like we have a problem then, doesn’t it?”

“Looks like it.” Then after one last sweep of his gaze over Claire, he stalked to his Chevy four by four truck and sped off down the street, paying no regard for the posted speed limit.

Fighting off the urge to chase him down and beat the shit out of him, I took a step back into Claire’s house and gently closed the door.

“What exactly do you think you’re doing?” She scowled at me and placed her fists on her hips.

“Helping you out of a jam?” I couldn’t help the twitch of a smile as I admired her feistiness.

“This is not amusing. Now he’s going to tell the elders we’re an item.”

“Are you saying you’d rather be tied to Crane than me?”

“No. Dammit.” She spun and stalked into the back of her house to the kitchen.

I followed, perversely enjoying her frustration. But when I found her sitting at her kitchen table, holding her head in her hands, my amusement fled. “Is it really so terrible for people to believe we’re dating?”

“Yes,” she said flatly, without looking up.

“Why?” I made myself busy, starting a fresh pot of coffee as if I had every right to make myself at home.

Her eyes followed my movements, watching me, but she didn’t protest. “Because you know they’re not just going to take our word for it. We’re going to have to actively go out on dates. Pretend we’re a couple. Lie to everyone.”

I sat down directly across from her at the table. “Are you seeing someone else?”

“No.” She frowned and picked up a muffin from a nearby tray, but didn’t eat it.

“Do you
to date Crane?”

Her head snapped up, a look of outrage claiming her features. “God, no. What gave you that idea?”

I shook my head. “Nothing. Just wanted to make sure I hadn’t misread you.”

“But I don’t want to date you either.” She grimaced. “No offense. You’re just not my type.”

“Ouch.” I clutched at my chest and gave her a wounded look. Though she hadn’t said anything I hadn’t already known.

“Sorry.” She gave me an apologetic smile. “I didn’t mean that the way it sounded. I just don’t want to be caught up in any clan directives. You know?”

“Fair enough.” I sat back and crossed my arms over my chest. Then I raised an eyebrow in challenge. “I could walk away from this. Just get up and go back home and pretend this never happened. Or...”

She narrowed her eyes slightly. “Or what?”

“Or, we could see this out until the elders are satisfied you aren’t the woman for Crane. Then we could both go our own ways.”

“What makes you think they won’t just drop it when I tell them I’m not interested?”

There was no way that was going to happen. Not with Beauxbridge calling the shots. “When’s the last time the elders backed down from a match once they made up their minds?”

“Shit.” She wrapped her hands around her empty coffee mug and hung her head in defeat. “Never. Even if we convince them we’re dating they might not let it go. Not unless they think we’re serious enough to make it permanent.”

The image of her lying in my bed on a Sunday morning, hair tousled and face flushed from a lazy morning of making love flashed in my mind. It was an idea I could get used to. Serious and permanent wasn’t out of the question. Not for me. But it was clear she felt differently. I’d just have to change her mind.

“How about we set some ground rules,” I offered.

“For our fake relationship?” The skepticism in her tone frustrated me, but I did my best to ignore it.

“Yes. We can spend the next month dating, making sure we’re seen together out on the town. Holding hands, some public PDA, a little kissing—”

“No kissing,” she said, cutting me off as her face flushed pink.

Christ, she was adorable.

“And absolutely no sex.” The determination in her eyes was a challenge I wasn’t going to be able to refuse.

“Until the fever sets in,” I said in a matter of fact tone.

She let out a huff and shook her head. “That’s not going to happen.”

“Don’t count on it.” I stood. “No bear shifter is immune. And when you’re ready, I’ll be happy to help you...uh, scratch that itch.” Smiling, I headed for the back door and paused. She was frozen, watching me with her mouth formed into a shocked “O.”

Damn, she was irresistible, even when she was being naïve. “I’ll be back at six to pick you up for our very public date. Wear something sexy.”

Her expression morphed into one of irritation again. “I hope jeans and a T-shirt are sexy enough for you.”

“If they show off that perfect ass of yours, then sure.” After one last, leisurely perusal of her perfect body, I nodded at her and then left. If we were going to make sure the elders heard about our date, I had some planning to do.

Chapter 3

ad that really just happened? Had Vince actually shown up to tell me I was to be his mate, and it was sanctioned by the elders? And had Cyrus just waltzed right into my house and offered himself as my cover?

I blinked and took a deep breath, trying to calm the jitters in my stomach. But it was no use. My heart was racing and my mind whirling.

Holy cracker crumbs. I had a date with Cyrus Doucet and only moments ago, he’d complimented my ass. I stood and wandered into my bathroom. After first checking the yard to make sure he wasn’t going to pop up in the window again, I turned and jutted my hip out, inspecting my backside.

Yeah, it was okay. High and firm and enough shape to give it some dimension. Maybe I would wear my jeans. The skinny ones that left nothing to the imagination. Then I could torture him all night.

And myself. Because whoa. All he had to do was take one look at me and I was ready to melt under his gaze.

This was dangerous. What made me think Cyrus was any better for me than Vince? Everyone knew Cyrus and his brothers had been trouble during high school. Now they made a living in the private security field. Their firm, Black Bear Outlaws, had a reputation as well. If one needed to disappear for a while, they were who you called. There was no telling how many of their clients were actually criminals who needed someone to get them out of town.

Of course that was all rumors, and ever since Cyrus and his brothers had opened their business, he’d never once caused any problem or had a brush with the law. At least not that I’d seen, and we’d been neighbors the entire time. It was possible I was listening too closely to the gossip mill. Still, that didn’t change the fact that he did have a past. One I wasn’t interested in knowing about.

I’d just left the bathroom, determined to not think about Cyrus for the rest of the day, when my house phone started to ring. Not my business line or my cell. My house phone.

It had to be dad. He was the only one who called me on the private number.

“Hello,” I said into the phone, pulling strawberries and homemade whipped cream out of my fridge.

“Ms. Erickson?” a female voice drawled.

“Yes?” I frowned. “Who may I ask is speaking?”

“This is Elder Giselle Greyson. I understand you’ve taken up wedding coordinating. Is that correct?”

I frowned.  What were the odds of an elder calling me this morning after what had happened with Vince? “Yes. I’ve been a professional wedding coordinator for more than a couple of years now. Is there something I can help you with?”

“Oh, good. My Melinda has a wedding coming up and I’m hoping you’re free to help us with the details.”

“Sure, I’d love to. The first step is to schedule a meeting, preferably with the bride and groom, so I can get an idea of what they’re looking for.” I pulled out my planner and flipped it open. I had a few appointments with prospective clients over the next few weeks, but nothing pressing.

“Mathew is unavailable. He’s on a business trip and Melinda is...well, she’s asked me to step in and take care of things for her. She’ll join us when she can. But for now, it’s just me. Can you meet at my office in an hour?”

I flipped my planner closed and tried to ignore the warning going off in my head. This was entirely too coincidental. And the fact that the bride wouldn’t be there was problematic. But what was I going to say? No? Not to an elder. If they called, one went. I’d just have to stand my ground, because Vince Crane wasn’t ever going to be part of my life again. “That’s not a problem. Are you positive you don’t want to schedule it when Melinda can be there?”

“Yes. I’m positive. Melinda has waited long enough. It’s time to get the details nailed down or this wedding is never going to happen. Thank you for being so flexible. I’ll see you in an hour.”

The line went dead, and I stood there holding the wireless receiver for a moment before gently placing it back on its base. It wouldn’t be the first time a mother of the bride had taken over, but it would be the first time I started on the details without meeting the bride first. I grabbed a fresh wedding planner binder and shook my head. As long as Greyson was paying me, it didn’t really matter. Because judging by the appalling lack of clients in my book, I couldn’t afford to say no.


he old plantation was just on the outskirts of town, surrounded by moss-filled cypress trees. I drove my Honda CRV down the old dirt lane and parked in the area marked
. Off to the left were a half-dozen higher-end sedans, each sparkling clean in the spring sunshine. Nothing but the best for the clan elders.

I strode into the front door, lugging my tote full of basic wedding samples, my appointment book, and the wedding planner marked Greyson.

“Good morning, Ms. Erickson,” the receptionist said, standing to greet me. “Mrs. Greyson is waiting for you in her office.”

She took off down the hallway, indicating I should follow. The house was silent except for the click of her heels on the old hardwood floors. No phones were ringing and no chit-chat at the water cooler. Bears were like that; loners for the most part, preferring to spend the bulk of their time in solitude. If it weren’t for the weekly public meetings put on by the elders, they would probably do all their business over email.

“Can I get you anything?” the receptionist asked, as she held Greyson’s door open for me. “Water? Coffee? Tea?”

“No thanks. I’m fine.”

She nodded and waved me in before closing the door behind me.

“Ms. Erickson,” the elder said, peering at me over a report. Her raven-black hair was pulled up into a tight bun, and she wore a light blue, polyester sheath dress. Talk about conservative.

“Hello,” I said, taking a seat in front of her desk. “It’s nice to see you again.”

“I’m glad it’s under happier circumstances.” She put her report down and peered at me, her expression full of interest.

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