Cyrosphere 3:: Lives Mingling Together (2 page)

BOOK: Cyrosphere 3:: Lives Mingling Together
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It was three in the morning when she pulled into the drive-way. Thankfully she didn’t detect anybody awake, so she didn’t have to hide or avoid a billion questions. Still Ginger was silent as the dead, making her way up to her room.


Easing the door closed behind her, Ginger saw a note on her desk. She walked over to it, and unfolded it. A smiley face from Stacey saying she tried to ease the stress Aaron was under worrying about her. The man was ready to send out a team to find her.


Luckily Stacey knew she’d be able to handle herself, plus the Prius had GPS so they tracked her down and let her be.


Ginger thought, “No way is that creepy. Not!”


She laughed at her own joke, changing into some boy shorts and an old shirt of Diego’s, before headed to the bathroom. She washed up and prepared for bed. In minutes she was fast asleep.


The banging on her door by an over-bearing, upset Yvette let her know breakfast was ready. She mumbled she’d be down and dragged her feet.


It was seven in the morning, she barely got a little over three hours of sleep. Her body felt useless and before she could reach for the coffee, Yvette’s anger radiated off her.

Nearly causing Ginger to stumble backwards into the wall. She never saw the girls upset and realized this time one of them was upset about her. The waffles would have to wait.


Ginger says, “Let me explain.”

Yvette rolls her eyes and replies, “Oh, you’re gonna.”

Stacey answers, “Let her eat before you jump in on the interrogation or biting her head off.”


Aaron chuckles.


Yvette intense gaze turns on her father and asks, “Oh, you think this is funny? Or, is this acceptable behavior?”


Aaron stops smiling and Ginger realized she almost cowered at the harsh, truthful words.


Ginger jumps in, “This is my entire fault, like me tell you everything.”


This seemed to defuse the situation, and so Ginger began to reveal everything about her meeting with Jensen Sanders.


Chapter Seven:


weeks later.


Ginger sat frustrated waiting to hear back from Jordan, or Jensen.




Absolute radio silence! Instead of waiting around Ginger decided she wanted to be active. Engaged and doing something that would take her mind off everything. She cleared the place yesterday, the entire house was spotless.


Ginger sighed and thought, “Text Lupio.”


She pulled out her phone and shot him a quick text. In two more weeks summer would end, and she’d be at school at USC. And also planned taking a few extra courses at Dark Force University. That tiny bite of news excited her, regardless of how in control she’d become with her abilities.


She trained with Stacey numerous times and learned some neat tricks with magic. Mostly putting her analytical brain to work with research, but that wasn’t work. That was fun.


Books were her world. She always proudly smiled like a fool when in a library, or got giddy when she got a new book.


Before she could allow her mind to go off on a tangent, she got a reply text from Guadalupe. Apparently he finished up early on a construction job, so was free in a hour or so after he went home to shower and change.


She became thrilled and thought, “How about a hike?”


The idea made her happy, and coincidentally Lupio loved to hike. So she was waiting to hear back from Frost about a used Toyota. He said he would look it later in the week, so she decided to fly there.


The fresh air would do her some good, so she transformed into a shadow. The wind helped levitated her and she glided across the city to the HOLLYWOOD sign. She sat for a few moments, waiting on Guadalupe.


Chapter Eight:


After hiking, she felt exeratered and loved Lupio’s company. They went down to the 24 Hour Fitness, showered and changed. It seemed Guadalupe had borrowed his friend Cole’s car.


Ginger asks, “Is this the same friend Cole from the bar?”

Lupio smiles and replies “The one and only.”

Ginger says, “Is it serious?”

He shrugs and responds, “Not at all, totally casual. We mess around, and besides he isn’t the one. Or, the right guy for me that is.”


Ginger sucks her teeth.


Lupio asks, “What? Spill it babygirl.”

Ginger replies, “How do you know he isn’t the right one for you?”

Lupio smiles and answers, “The sex is great. Conversation flows easily. Chemistry is amazing. What’s not to enjoy? The problem is my heart doesn’t race or my insides get all tangled up thinking about him. He is a great
guy; just no the guy is all.”


She nods and says, “How insightful.”

Lupio beams and responds, “What you thought I was all muscle with no brawn?”

Ginger replies, “Hardly. You’re awesome so why wouldn’t you be a smarty pants? Just I never considered love in them terms.”

Lupio laughs and says, “Lets grab a smoothie and I’ll drop you off.”


She nods and felt a strange sensation. Hopefully that wasn’t foreboding.


Chapter Nine:


Back at the house Ginger looks in the mirror.


She thinks, “I am a smart, enthusiastic, compassionate, and resourceful young lady. I can handle anything.”


Ginger knew this but felt a little overwhelmed with everything going on in her life. She decided to take a nap, and then go for a jog when Stacey got home.


All of her training with Stacey has greatly improved her abilities. She was getting better at keeping up her mental shields without being reminded.


Lying down as Ginger tried to drift off to sleep she couldn’t help think about her parents. What her life would be like if they were still alive. And how excited they’d be for her to start college, which has always been a big deal. She whipped a tear away, and all her emotions had drained her.


Startled Ginger snapped up to a dark room, what time was it. She looked at the clock and it was one thirty in the morning. She groggily went to the bathroom, on her way back to the room. She felt an urge to eat, so she headed downstairs.


The house was eerily quiet, but what else did she expect at this God awful hour. The tiny traces of a brain nearby, it had to be Yvette or Aaron. Lately she was able to detect Stacey, or any other indigos from their unique brain pattern.


Yvette was sipping tea in the dead of night in the kitchen alone. The sight didn’t frighten her, but lured her closer. It was as if she was transformed.


She thought, “What a vision, like a mirage.”


The closer Ginger got, a startled Yvette yelped.


Yvette says, “You scared me shitless.”

Ginger replies, “Sorry. I figured no one was up.”


Between pants Yvette answers, “I usually am. I sometimes get insomnia before a big case. I always wonder about things I might overlook. A person’s life is in my hands, so the anxiety catches up with me. I get four, perhaps five hours a night.”


Ginger asks, “Do you win?”

Yvette sighs and responds, “Nine out of ten times. So I must be doing something right. Say, why are you awake this late?”


Ginger states, “I just woke up. My days have been a little strange. I’m not quiet sure the end result.”

Yvette says, “Duh. Where is the fun in that? Life is filled with possibilities. Have some warm milk and go to bed immediately.”


Yvette’s warm laugh fills the room, as she gets off the stool. She leaves Ginger alone with her thoughts. Ginger took her advice, and surprisingly enough the warm milk did help ease her worries. In moments she was upstairs, back under the sheets and drifting off to sleep.


Chapter Ten:


Ginger learned a lot from her parents. For instances, taking matters into her own hands and that was exactly what she planned to do today. She’d call Frost after breakfast.


Once she got downstairs, she saw Yvette making oatmeal to go with the bagels they bought. After breakfast, Aaron did the dishes and Stacey asked if she wanted to tag along.


The determined look in her eyes, scared Ginger a little but she might need to help control the situation so agreed.


Ginger ask, “Where we going?”

Stacey replies, “To visit my aunt.”


She thinks, “This can get bad real quick.”


The drive from Westchester to
Manhattan Beach was a quick twenty-two minutes. In that time, Ginger didn’t come up with any kind of plan or contingence of what might happen.


She felt powerless in this situation. Maybe she shouldn’t have come along. This was a family altercation after all, and she had no place interfering.


Ginger thought, “Too flipping bad I am outside this grand house about to witness some issues firsthand. Thank God I am an only child. Did she have any family left? Doubtful, since she been alone so far in all this craziness.”


Stacey bailed out the car before Ginger could attempt to talk her out of whatever this was. She didn’t have a clue what Stacey was feeling or thinking, she built up a great wall.


Ginger reluctantly followed her up the steps and the door swung open to reveal Alkmene Kincaid. The similarities between the women was easy to spot.


Stacey says, “Can we come in?”

Alkmene seemed shocked by their presence but replies, “Why of course.”


She stepped back to allow them entrance. The inside of the foyer to the eight room house was a deep dark midnight blue, it could past for black.


The chrome and rich deep blue gave the place a cold vibe. This room was simply for greeting people or delivering packages, no more- no less. It wasn’t welcoming and Ginger couldn’t wait to escape. The house may be grand, but held no appearance of friendly welcome. They all sit on couches.


Stacey demands, “I want answers about my mom.”

Alkmene asks, “Do you ladies want tea?”

Stacey spits out, “No. Damn it. Tell me the reason why you don’t allow
Jordan to the house?”


Alkmene shifts in her seat and replies, “His wild behavior. And those characters he hangs around with.”
Stacey asks, “What are you talking about?”

Alkmene answers, “He is a trouble maker. That is the end of discussion.”

Ginger responds, “Oh please. Jordan is a kind man. This is because he is gay!”


Alkmene gasps.


Stacey looks dumbfounded and asks, “Is it?”

Alkmene states, “Honey, We don’t discuss these sorts of things and especially not with strangers.”
Stacey answers, “She is my friend and my sister.”

Ginger smiles with proud and says, “I think we out to leave. We can find answers without disrupting this fantasy façade your aunt has going on.”

Stacey replies, “I think you’re right. Let’s go. This was a waste of time.”


They leave without another word.


Ginger thinks, “That had gone better then expected. At least the cops weren’t needed.”


Chapter Eleven:


Sitting in the car, Ginger didn’t need her powers to let her know Stacey was upset.


Ginger states, “How about a drive down to the beach? My mom always stated it solved any problems.”


Stacey grins and nods before saying, “Let’s do it.”


The girls spend the next three hours lounging on the sand. It was unexpected but very relaxing.


Once back in the car, Ginger checks her phone. Shit she forgot she was meeting Frost.

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