Cutlass Sharpened (34 page)

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Authors: Jr H. Lee Morgan

BOOK: Cutlass Sharpened
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I was born in the year 2575
which makes me six hundred and forty two years old.” He smiled at
Oliver’s expression. “I was born on Earth to a sixth generation
Hunter and a rather short mother I take after. By the age of nine I
chose to be like my father and joined him on a six gee Hunter
world, the highest ones we still use today like this one. By ten I
could finally move around freely and was discovered to be a class
twelve psionic prodigy and was code named Vanishing as I was able
to disappear before I even learned how to fire a kinetic blast. So
I became both a Phantom and Hunter.

In my sixteenth year I was
sent to the front lines in a Keptl assault and barely got out with
my life. It was my first combat experience and the closest I had
ever come to dying. My vanishing skill is all that kept me alive.
We were up against a swarm of those foul creatures and they tear
through anyone below the fifth class like nothing is in their way.
Take one down a thousand more take their place. When I was
retreating I came across another survivor. My wife now of six
hundred and twenty six years Talon.”

Saved my ass and I gave it
to you as a prize.” She laughed and spanked her own firm

And what a fine prize it
is.” The eldest leaned over and stared at her firm rear and winked.
“Back to what I was saying, Talon and I fought the whole way back
to base and got away. We got married two nights later during FTL
back to Earth after we found ourselves compatible. Two years later
we had our first daughter.

When I was twenty two I
became a class one Hunter and so did Talon and the two of us have
been a team ever since. We still bicker like any couple, but after
six centuries I know I’ve still not had nearly enough of

Keep talking like that,
Lover, and I’ll end the lessons you’re trying to teach our brother
and take you right here.”

And she is still
insatiable.” He laughed as she stuck her tongue out. “In my two and
a half century year I became a High elder. In my four hundredth I
became a Grand. But a hundred and twelve ago my predecessor was
killed in action which made me the eldest living Hunter by seven
months, next to Talon. And for over a century I guide and fight the
most extreme Beasts and Keptl assaults to keep them from
encroaching in the two galaxies our people have spread to. Milky
Way and Andromeda.”

Have you met any

Vanishing Claw smiled widely as he bent low
over a knee to skim his sword over the ground by millimeters. “I’ve
met many. Some I even call friend. They are a rather stiff bunch,
but if you fight with them and show you have honor you’ll never
find better friends when it counts. About two hundred years back
one of their outlying colonies were under attack by the Keptl and I
was in the area with Talon. We held the swarm off for six hours
till their golden armada arrived and purged the bastards. They gave

Three years later I and
Talon were in a bind, caught in a Salamander trap and suddenly nine
Zeelin warriors we fought with back on their outlying colony came
out of nowhere and turned the tide. They left afterwards, but not
before I asked why they showed up.

We came in their time of
greatest need and Talon and I deserved no less. They are big on
honor. Fight without ulterior motives and you’ll have some awesome
allies. Just never ask to learn their technology or you’ll lose
that friendship. And if you intend to exploit them, they’ll know
and use you, but when you’re facing certain death, they’ll watch
you die and not lift a finger.”

I think I’ll like them.”
Oliver admitted.

I’ve yet to find one
dishonorable Creelin in my whole life. I trust them with my life.
Hell, I’ve even let my children and descendants play with some of
their colonist children, kicking back with a beer in one hand
alongside their parents.”

By noon, Vanishing Claw called for a break
and a chilled drink was exactly what was needed. Afterwards wooden
swords were held and Oliver was beaten down, but always got back
up. The practical application of the motions were made clear. As
was the need of breathing. Oliver found out quick the importance
was when he was gasping for air and found the hard ground when his
back was exposed to the eldest living Hunter. Droplets of his own
blood lay everywhere despite wooden practice swords.

That night Renee went on a tirade on how bad
he looked. The only positive thing would be that the broken blood
vessels that would leave a bruise for weeks would be gone tomorrow
thanks to the nanites he had circulating around his body. She still
helped him work on release and gather the energy, but heckled him



Six days later made the thirty first. The
full month since the crash had passed. A bright morning greeted
Oliver and after a well rested and productive night did wonders. An
hour before calling it a night he finally managed to open the
conduit to his psionic abilities without Renee’s help. As he sat up
in the bed he did it just for fun and it came after a little
exertion. The feel would need more work and he could only gather so
much, but it was enough to feel good.

Of good note, Oliver’s vambrace was indeed
able to modify nanites to have Hunter armor automatically clean
itself at the push of a button. Soon the nanites of all Hunters
would get it standard. Charred suits were shiny silver all over

In the shower room he wasn’t alone as two
other men were using some of the ten shower stalls. Having three
hundred elders meant the facilities were constantly in use. The
shower felt great and a laser shave did wonders.

But as he stepped out into the lounge room,
he noticed a difference to the usual way Hunters did business. They
wore their armor inside. They looked ready for battle. It was
seriously frightening. To top it off, this time everyone was
standing around rather than relaxing. As soon as he was spotted the
conversations ended. The eldest came forward, but not in a
threatening way. The black haired short man cracked smile “Don’t
worry. You aren’t in danger. Nor are you the only one leaving
today. We all have our own businesses to deal with. I wanted to
tell you that it was a true honor to be here and do this. Also,
you’ve proven to each and every one of us that despite your memory
loss, you are an ideal candidate to be an elder with full
privileges. You didn’t give up on a hunt, nor did you run when you
were clearly not ready to win without risk. You know the rules we
have sworn to uphold and gave your oath yesterday before us all.
And during these six days that I’ve shown you the ways of a
swordsman, you are humble and fierce at the same time. You always
got back up no matter how many times I knocked you to the

Witnessed by each and every
one of us” he gestured to the full assembly of elders. “you have no
ambitions other than to protect. All of us have seen into your mind
when you are not practicing and cannot disagree you are nothing
more than you seem.

As a result of total
agreement I proudly bestow you the crest of a High Elder.”
Vanishing Claw opened his hand to reveal a tiny golden fang two and
a half centimeters long. “Hold out your right hand, palm down.”
Oliver did. The short man placed the fang down and with a word,
Oliver held back a yell as the fang suddenly burrowed it’s way
under the skin. He said “If ever questioned as to your rank, High
Elder Void, make a tight fist as if you are about to punch the
person out. Do so now.”

Fingers curled and tightened to a massive
fist and beneath the blood, the fang began to light up with a
bright golden glow.

Under a scanner, that
Hunter elder’s fang will bring up your active eligibility as well
as rank, age and your history we falsified and already began the
plan to drop ruins on a nine gee moon to solidify any who get too
curious.” Then the man grinned. “I’m also proud to say my Splicer
contact informed me just three hours ago about the successful
ligament enhancement I had him work on. I’m going to have the
procedure done and test its limitations before making a test group.
If all turns out as you have, it will be a mandatory augmentation
like hearing and vision enhancement. I’ll hold the patents of
course till no one will question you…”

I don’t care about that. If
it’ll save just one person I’ll be happy.” Oliver relaxed his
painfully throbbing hand.

If it works it’ll save
hundreds of millions of Hunters, My Friend. I will contact you once
my decision is reached.” He patted Oliver’s shoulder. “Keep
practicing the movements I taught you and remember to breathe. That
is the key. Hunt relentlessly, Elder Void.”

Feast well, Grandest Elder
Vanishing Claw.” Oliver replied, feeling he should say the full
title right then.

Talon, are you

I hope the splicing makes
the next time I wrap my legs around you extra memorable.” She
jeered, throwing an arm around him.

Will it, Oliver?” the man
questions the newly named elder.

I’ve nothing to compare.
Figure it out yourself, but if you’re faster, better hope you’re
fast. I get
the feeling she’ll kill the both of us if that happens.”

Smart man.” She laughed.
“I’ll find out soon enough. See you all in the next issue that was
as interesting as this.” She told the others as they left the

One by one the Grand and High Elders filed
out saying words to Oliver. Most were uplifting while others were
clear. ‘Don’t screw us over.’ Was the gist of those few surly
individuals. For about an hour he listened as they parted.

At last it was just Oliver and Scythe left
standing by the roaring waterfall. Some of the spacecrafts were
already shooting off into the dark blue sky. Many in the village
saw off their ancestor. Some would stay, but others had things they
had to do and were important. Scythe held out a hand to say “It was
a privilege to meet you Oliver. It was an honor to be a part of all
this. So do not be a stranger. Come back to Zerika again

Maybe one day. It is a
beautiful and wild planet, but I need to explore and see other
worlds. Besides, there is someone I can’t leave. Where she goes, I

If she doesn’t kill you. I
saw the electrical burns two nights ago.”

A misunderstanding. I
happened to pick up a piece of fabric that turned out to be one of
her thongs she accidently knocked out of her suitcase. Still… I
found she does wears thongs.” He gave the man a grin who doubled
over in a deep laugh the two shared.

Be safe,

You too.”

Oliver crouched down as he saw a familiar
redhead exit the med bay with a suitcase slung over a shoulder. He
leapt far over the falls and stream to land half the length he
started in. Renee paused and sighed when noticing it was only
Oliver and saw him coming over. Out of courtesy she waited to ask
as he got closer “So what is the verdict?”

I’m an established

One problem taken care of.
Be a gentleman and carry this for me.” She threw her bag which he
caught faster than a normal man. As they walked she said “We will
be at Verard in two days. Are you sure about this date? You can
back out before you screw up.”

Not a chance. After
everything I’ve endured, you’re not getting out of it that easy.
You just remember that you better be in a sexy dress you want taken
off by my teeth.”

Her red eyebrows shot up a fraction. “You
never told me I had to wear a dress.”

Because once we get on the
ship I’m going to steer clear of you or end up exploding from all
the tension between us. You’ve got one warning. Heed

And what are
going to do for two
days in FTL? You
live across from my med bay or have you forgotten?”

I’m going to be busy having
Steven teach me to fly your shuttle. When we reach port it’ll take
too long to walk for my plan and if you wear heels you’ll be
miserable before long.”

Heels too? You do know a
fancy restaurant won’t got you laid.”

I never said anything about
a restaurant. And stop fishing. Just know you won’t be able to
resist my charms after the date. You’ll be so excited.”

Hmmm. Then I better make
sure not to wear any underwear.” Oliver stumbled and fell flat on
his face. Renee busted out laughing at how well she knocked him
through a loop with that imagery. He got up and she smacked his
steel hard chest. “Lose that smug look.”

Nope. I’m looking forward
to how much more beautiful you’ll look naked under me in two

Enough had been said as they made way to her
smaller version of the Dorgenox with wings. Waiting just outside
were the three Hunters and companions. Stone looked at Oliver’s
swollen and irritated right hand, smirked, whispered in the others’
ears and went inside. Renee and Oliver stepped inside the sailboat
shuttle afterwards.

After the shuttle docked and those inside
were exiting, the Dorgenox began to rise and lower the massive
solar sails. In just minutes the ship left the Zerikan atmosphere
and left the planet to leave its gravity and moons before safely
reaching the point where faster than light travel would not create

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