Read Cutlass Sharpened Online

Authors: Jr H. Lee Morgan

Cutlass Sharpened (56 page)

BOOK: Cutlass Sharpened
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Renee turned the dial of her injector and a
scalpel came out. She used the thin blade to slice open his thumb
rather deeply before turning it again and shooting him in the neck
again with another vial of cleansing nanites made with the sole
purpose of seeking out every cellular sized crystal. She held a cup
under his bleeding thumb and after just a couple seconds the thick
crimson flow turned much more clear as the cleaners collected and
disposed of the others before finding more to deliver and expel
from the deep wound.

Point three one liters later Renee saw
through the scan to speak while sealing the second cup. “All done.
You are nanite free. Would you like some fresh ones?”

I think I’ll go natural for
a few weeks if you do not mind.”

I completely understand,
but come back by nine tomorrow for a check-up.” She said as she
sealed his still bleeding thumb with a coagulant solution and
disinfectant before wrapping it tightly.

Heads turned as the med bay doors opened and
in walked the spear carrying Steven. “You called, Brother?”

Yeah, please escort Davan
to his quarters and make sure he gets some sleep. Do you know where
he’s staying?”

Captain told me. Come on,
Blue Balls. Follow me.” Davan didn’t say anything else as he
followed the shortest yet still tall Hunter out.

Poor bastard is
heartbroken.” Renee commented as the door closed.

Can’t blame him. Everything
he knew was just stolen from him.”

Renee took the nanites saturated in blood to
her desk and sat down. She took a generous sample before a hole
opened up in the wall and she threw the first and second cups away.
Nothing was wasted on the ship. The nanites would be broken down
and rebuilt later while the blood would go through processors to
end up where it would be put to better use, much like waste.

She took the sample and let out a drop to do
another scan, this time she searched for the serial number given to
all individuals for verification. In it she found the Dorgenox’s
med bay sequence as well as read Davan’s original from Verard
administered fifty four years prior. The two nanite types she
administered were easy to spot. Then she located the ones that took
over physical control and growled “Damn, they covered their tracks
well. Whoever manufactured these did so off the grid and knew what
they were doing. The crystals are as common as they come and I
doubt they could be traced. I’ll see if Jessica can figure it out.
I cannot.”

Want me to go deliver

No, we can swing by when we
go to supper with papa tonight.” She turned the swivel chair to
him. “What I want is a nice hot bath and you back inside

Oliver’s helmet was already down and he
smiled enough to show off the dimples. “I’m glad you are so

I’ve missed ten years of
not having a big throbbing cock making me scream in pleasure. And I
intend to do a
of catching up.” Renee stood and before Oliver could react, he
didn’t see Renee’s injector till it was too late. He backed away
with wide eyes.

What did you just do? What
have you done?”

Renee giggled and put the
gun in the stand in her desk. “You think I want to get fucked after
you scared the shit out of me by talking to Papa and making him
mad? When I tell you to let me do the talking I mean it. You could
have gotten yourself killed and left me alone again. I love you and
Papa so I don’t want any more confrontation between you two. I
might not be like my ma, but I don’t have a frying pan. What
have though is
profound knowledge on the human body and the way it functions.”
Just to taunt him she willed herself completely naked for his eyes
to feast. “And for the next sixteen hours you won’t be able to get
stiff where it counts.”

No.” it came out as little
more than a whisper. He too went naked and looked down and rubbed
his penis. He thought of her and yet it didn’t salute as it had
every single time his thoughts lay upon her. “No.” He said

Oh, yes. If you want
be in the
bathroom taking a nice bubble bath with soap
over my body.” She sauntered off
to the bedroom, adding extra sway to her hips on purpose. Her
tattoo and ass taunted him.

Get back here and fix

You can’t make me.” To
prove the point her eyes flashed and an invisible pressure held him
completely in place. Her confident laugh followed her till the door

I’ll pay you back for this.
Count on it.” He vowed and changed into a pair of pants and a short
sleeve shirt.


No problem. I’ll work my
magic and see if there is any way to deal with this mess.” Jessica
said as they stopped by hers and Stephanie’s room. She leaned in to
whisper. “Why does Oliver seem so mad?”

Oh, I just made him go limp
where it counts for awhile for scaring me half to death with Papa

Now that is just cruel with
you wearing
skimpy dress.”

Exactly. Next time I tell
him to do something he’ll remember just what I can do to make his
life a living hell.” Renee grabbed her breasts meaningfully in the
rather thin white dress that was both classy for a night on the
town as well as provocative.

Minx. Well don’t come
crying to me when you get what’s coming to you for such an
underhanded trick. No matter how mad I’ve ever been with Steph I
never would stoop so low as to make her ravenous sex drive go cold
and I’m sure Oliver’s is rather virile from what you’ve

He wouldn’t dare if he
knows what’s good for him. Bye, Auntie.” Renee turned and met
Oliver by the elevator where he stood rather stiffly. “Oh, stop
sulking. You’ll be back to normal soon enough. Aren’t you going to
talk to me?” he hadn’t spoke to her since she left the bath she
spent two hours in and enjoyed.

I have nothing to say.” He
said, entered the elevator and pressed the console for the

You haven’t even
complimented me in his dress I looked up and copied.” Nothing, not
even a glance she expected. “You’re acting like a

You did just break my toy
because you didn’t get your way. What do you expect? Me to be happy
I did nothing wrong except shatter your plan for a nice meeting
with Jake? I don’t care if you hit me. That pain goes away. What
you did was exactly what this conspiracy did to Davan. You took
away my
please the woman I love because she is too damn stubborn to see how
pissed I am. I’ll go to dinner with Jake, but you won’t find me

Renee grabbed his arm. “What the hell is that
supposed to mean?” Insecurity dumped its cold bucket over her

Cold amber eyes were dark and then dropped
from her eyes to the hand gripping. “Let go of me, Renee Dorgen.”
Saying her name like that made her go cold. Only now was she
beginning to see how much this affected him. Her grip loosened. “As
I said. You won’t see me later. You’ll be sleeping all alone

No, don’t do that. I’ll fix
it right now.” She opened her clutch and pulled out her injector
already filled with a libido enhancer. “I planned to do it if
supper went well with papa. I…”

I can’t trust you right
now, Renee.” He pulled away. “After all I’ve done for you these
past few days and get betrayed like this… how would you

Look, I’m sorry, but one
way or another you are going to take this shot and come to bed with
me after.”

Before she could think, Oliver grabbed the
injector and broke it under his heel. Her jaw dropped. “Not
tonight. You think you punish me? Think again. And don’t force me.
I’m your man, not an object without a will. You crossed another
line, the same one back during the Stingrays. So drop the subject
now.” He looked down and his multi-tool repaired the injector, but
he wiped the solution off the floor.

Renee shivered as she took her shattered gun
back and put it away. She could not even look at him anymore as her
sense of triumph was destroyed by his rational argument. Now that
she saw it from another perspective it was clear as day. Now she
felt truly horrible.

I guess that is enough of
an expression to say my plan was a success.”

Renee didn’t understand for a few moments,
then looked up to see the anger gone in the ocher irises. “Wait…
was that all an act?”

Little bit.” Oliver held
his thumb and index finger close yet not touching. “I’m really
pissed to be sure as your punishment is cruel for no good reason
and worst is you didn’t even see it till I had to point it out. The
only reason you could ever have of making me go limp is if I broke
my honor and was with another woman, which I won’t. You need to
stop being so hostile to me and try make yourself the dominant one
in our relationship. It isn’t needed. We are a pair. The sooner you
realize everything I do is to make you happy the sooner you can
outgrow this childish superiority complex you have. Now when dinner
is over you are going to fix this issue and I’m going to fuck you
raw and then more. Consider that your forewarning punishment. If
you don’t do it you
be alone in bed for the next whole month or longer
until I can trust you again.”

She swallowed as his gaze at last burned
their way over her body, lingering on her breasts that had her
nipples peaking in eagerness as her pussy clenched with expectant
moisture. “I’m really sorry. I didn’t think it through, but if my
punishment is to be a full night of balls deep sex… I’m definitely
in. You can cuff me as soon as supper is done.” She put her wrists
together and smiled.

Your arousal is cruel to me
right now when I can’t respond. I feel like I’m going to explode so
think of something else.”

You know that’s hard. My
mind is rather in sexual overdrive recently if you didn’t already

Ugh… Wonder why Jake
invited us to a meal like I do. Is it because I’m your match,
because he wants to learn about me or is there another

Buzzkill.” She snorted
feeling mildly better now that she found out his sullen change was
merely an act. “We won’t have long to wait.” She glanced to the
elevator display of where they were in position of the

In several seconds the door to the bridge
parted. Renee tried to see if he wasn’t lying and took his hand
which his didn’t deny her access to. Three heads turned of people
below on the lower level at their stations. Oliver knew their names
as he read the ship’s crew manifest. But they didn’t say anything
and returned to their screens as Renee and Oliver made for a direct
path to the central and rather large door in the back. The door
recognized Renee and opened. Only the captain, Jessica, Stephanie,
the first mate and Renee didn’t need to touch the button to ask
permission to enter the captain’s quarters. The first room turned
out to be a lounge for guests, but was empty. Renee though called
out while approaching a door she had to grab the handle of and turn
it to push open “Papa, we’re here!”

In here.” Boomed the near
deafening voice.

The room they went into was a private
treasure room to put it mildly. Precious gems, gold, paintings,
ancient relics, thousands of different weapons from past to
present, Beast skulls mounted on the wall along with a few Keptl
skulls too added to the extremely valuable décor. A chandelier made
of interconnected deer horns woven together offered light. Large
pirate chests were situated in the back and had large iron padlocks
keeping what lay inside a secret.

Renee didn’t bat an eye, but she let Oliver
take a moment to see her father’s wealth firsthand. Then they took
the arched tunnel right and she said “Restroom, Papa’s private
study, bedroom…” she pointed along the way to heavy doors down the
tunnel from the treasure hoard. At the end opened up into the
captain’s dining hall. “And the captain’s table… Sparky? Rose? What
are you doing here?”

You’re father invited
Rose spoke in her way as she and her
mate laid on the one side of the large table. Six chairs were
stacked and put in a corner so they could join. The chairs though
were all large and looked very comfortable. One massive one was at
the head of the table for Jake’s girth.

Jake didn’t wear the weapons from earlier but
he was the same as he looked before. Plaid shirt and kilt. He was
placing covered dishes on a large serving tray and carried it over
to place on the table already set up with large pewter mugs. He
passed four covered dishes around and the largest was sat at his
chair. Beside the great seat was a cask. “Take a seat, Lads.”

What’s for supper, Papa?”
Renee asked as she took her usual seat beside her father and Oliver
did the same next to her.

Jake sat down and said “Something ye sorely
miss, Lass.”

Excitement turned to utter alarm as she
removed the silver cover to find a thick slab of warm, raw meat
with purple blood and a whole gray brain twice the size of her fist
sat there. The smell alone had her mouth water. She swallowed and
recovered “Oliver, I think Papa meant this for you.”

BOOK: Cutlass Sharpened
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