Cursed Vengeance (5 page)

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Authors: Brandy L. Rivers,Rebecca Brooke

BOOK: Cursed Vengeance
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“Unless I can find a way to break the curse, yes. I’ve been looking for years, though, and I’m not any closer.”

“Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”

He laughed softly. “Didn’t figure you’d believe anything. Or you’d go all doctor on me.”

“It’s what I know. Look, I need a bath. I’ll come by tomorrow. Okay?”

“I’ll see you then. I need to go kill a jackass.”

I couldn’t resist a laugh. “He didn’t do anything to warrant a death sentence.”

“I’ll see what he has to say before I pass judgment.”

“Don’t be too harsh. Just keep him away.”

“We’ll see.”

Pushing to my feet, I went into the bathroom and started the bath before lighting the rose scented candles. Later, I planned to find everything magic related my mother left behind.


Chapter 6





The morning was off to a fucking spectacular start. Sierra ran out the door, pissed as hell at me. I never intended to kiss her. The feelings were too strong to control. I hoped they wouldn’t be, but the need to protect her from any type of pain overruled any common sense in my brain.

Pulling a beer out of the fridge, I flopped down on the couch, popped the top, and took a long swig. The alcohol wouldn’t have any effect. Didn’t mean the taste of it wasn’t relaxing. How did I screw up so royally so soon? The worst part? I knew she felt the same things as me. It was there in her eyes for the world to see. She might have put on a big show, acting like she didn’t believe any of it. Part of her was starting to.

A knock on the door caught my attention. Placing the bottle on the coffee table, I stood and went to answer it. The second the door swung open, a fist connected with my face, sending me flying back into the living room. The sensation of a warm, sticky substance made me reach up and wipe my lip. When I looked up, feral eyes glared down at me.

“You couldn’t fucking tell her the truth before you stuck your lips on her,” Sean yelled.

Staying on the floor seemed the safest bet. “She was hurting. I wanted to help her. When I stepped closer to rub her temples and erase the pain, things got a little out of control.”

“Kissing her against her will is more than a little out of control.” He ran his hands through his hair and began to pace the room.

Jumping up, I stepped in front of him and gave him a shove. “I would
kiss her against her will. She’s my mate. All I want to do is protect her.”

He shoved a finger in my shoulder. “You protect her by not telling her the truth and then mauling her.”

“Fuck you, Sean. Do you want the whole truth or just the shit your sister told you because she’s scared of what she feels?” Walking away, I grabbed my beer and sat back down on the couch.

A few minutes passed before I heard the fridge door open and Sean came into the living room with a beer in his hand. Taking the seat across from me, he said, “Okay, spill it. What the fuck happened?”

I took a long sip of my drink before I answered him. “I could smell the pain of her hangover and it didn’t sit well with me. When I tried to fix it, her hands landed on my chest and her eyes connected with mine. I’ll admit I kissed her, but only when I saw the invitation in her gaze. She kissed me back for a moment before she panicked and ran from the house.”

Leaning forward, he rested his arms on his legs and rolled the bottle between his hands. “If you had told her—”

“If I had told her, she would have freaked anyway. She’s not ready.” I dropped my head onto the back of the couch. “With such little time, she may never be.”

“I know.” He sighed. “I wish things could be different for both of you.”

“Me too. You never know. There’s still time. She might be able to find something we haven’t.”

“Only if she accepts her powers. She seemed pretty skeptical last night.”

I laughed humorlessly. “Yeah. Not much changed this morning.”

“Well, she did promise to think about it and come out here tomorrow. Although she wants me to keep you away from her.”

The cut on my lip had already started to heal, but my jaw was still a bit tender. “Yeah, you said that loud and clear when you threw your fist in my face.” I rubbed the bottom of my chin for emphasis.

“Oh, don’t be a baby. You’ll be fine in about ten minutes. Besides, I know I can’t keep you away from her. Your body’s cravings will take over, so will hers.”

“Doesn’t mean I want to hurt her like that.” Lifting my head, I stared straight into his eyes. “All I can bring her is heartache. She deserves better.” The words were ripped from me. The pain in my chest like a heavy weight.

“I know I said stay away last night, but she deserves to know and make up her own mind. At least then she’ll understand what’s happening to her and can make the choice to stay away.”

I laid my head back and stared at the ceiling. Did Sean understand the feelings I had for his sister? Would she even understand the bond we shared? If she didn’t accept her witch powers, it seemed unlikely. Her body would sense something different, but could never truly be mine, until she accepted herself.

I’d known my whole life about being a wolf, I couldn’t imagine how hard all of this was on her. She’d pushed me away, but had she let me I would have sat and offered all of the comfort she needed.

Even though I didn’t want to admit it, Sean had a point. Sierra deserved to know the truth. What she chose to do with it was up to her. Now, I had to find a way to tell her. I’d tried to tell her this morning. Between her chagrin at our first kiss and anger over everything else, the right time never really presented itself. I had to find a way. At least she wouldn’t be back until tomorrow. I could come up with something before then.

“Okay, I promise to tell her. When she’s here tomorrow, I’ll find a way.”


We sat drinking our beers in silence. No doubt both of our minds stuck on the other problem we faced. Sean was the first one to speak up. “I think we should start looking for the origin of the curse instead of a counter curse.”

“The origin of the curse? You think after all this time we’ll be able to find who cast it?”

Sean shook his head. “I don’t know. Maybe. We’ve tried everything else.”

“Except Sierra’s powers.”

“Yes, except Sierra’s powers.”

Sean lapsed into silence once again. I got up for another beer and brought one for each of us.

“How strong were your mother’s powers?” I asked, opening the top and handing him the bottle.

He took it and continued to stare into space. “Mom was extremely powerful. She could do things I couldn’t dream of.”

Taking a drink, I lowered the bottle and looked at him. “Probably because you’re only half witch. But you said Sierra’s father was also a witch. With two pure blood parents, how strong would she be?”

“David was strong in his own right, but he couldn’t hold a candle to my mother. If Sierra takes after my mother, her power could be limitless.”

“Limitless? So you’re telling me when she learns how to use her powers, I need to watch my ass? My luck I’ll say something and she’ll turn me into a spider or something.”

Sean laughed at that. “Hey, you never know. You don’t always know when to shut up and my sister has a temper.”

“Shit. I’m in deep trouble then.” I couldn’t help but join in the laughter. It was good for both of us to be carefree if only for a moment.

“First we have to make it to next week, then we can worry about being turned into a spider.” And just like that, the moment was gone.

Sean finished his beer and set the bottle down. A serious expression passed over his features. “I’m going to stop by Christian’s on my way home.”

And like that, reality came crashing back down. “Good. Someone needs to check on him.”

Sean headed for the door and I called out to stop him. “If you talk to Sierra before she gets here, tell her I’m sorry for scaring her.”

“I will.” He nodded and left.

For a while, I sat on the couch, thoughts of Sierra consuming me. A few beers later and I watched the sun start to set. I was no closer to answers than I had been earlier in the day. There had to be a way to tell her. I knew there was no way I’d be able to sleep any time soon. Instead, I decided to go for a run and clear my head. Running through the forest as wolf, taking in all of the sounds and smells, was an exhilarating experience. One I hoped would help clear my head.

Stripping off my jeans and T-shirt, I stepped out my back door and let the change take over. I bounded across the yard and took off for the woods, hoping to find the answers there.


Chapter 7





Most of yesterday, after my bath, was spent in the attic collecting anything that might hold answers. After everything Dylan and Sean said, followed by the strange visit from a woman I never considered meeting, I was more than a little confused.

Tired from a restless night’s sleep plagued by dreams of Dylan and wolves, I called in to clear my schedule for the week. It wasn’t easy, but if there was a chance this curse was real and I could help I needed to find out.

The second I sat my mug down the banging started. I’d forgotten all about Rachel. I took a dubious look at the boxes littering my kitchen and sighed.

“Open up or I’m busting the door down!” she shouted.

I hurried to the front room and let her in. Her hair was piled on top of her head, caramel streaked through the dark chocolate. Her cinnamon colored eyes ran up and down me as her brow arched.

Most days she was ready to take on the marketing world in a business suit, but it was the weekend and she wore a pair of yoga pants and tank, ready for our morning run, but today I’d be skipping it. There was too much to do.

She offered my favorite coffee. “Extra vanilla. Now spill. Did you see him?”

“It’s not going to work out,” I muttered before taking a sip of my vanilla cappuccino. “Thank you.”

“So big hot studly dude isn’t going to work out? Why? Because he’s friends with your brother?”

“Look, last night was batshit crazy, and I want to say I’m losing my mind, but I’m not. Unfortunately. If I were, I could probably go along with Creeper’s sexy growly thing, but he’s too damned intense.”

Rachel sat down with her head cocked to the side. “Too intense? Like I want to fuck your brains out kind of way?”

I swallowed hard. “Shit, Rachel, he stayed over at Sean’s. When I woke up he was in my face, demanding—I don’t even know what to say.” I sighed and looked away. “I had a hangover, and all he did was rub my temples and it melted away. Then he kissed me, in Sean’s goddamned kitchen, and if reality hadn’t slapped me in the face, I might have let him have more.”

“So, wait, you little ho-bag, you. You slept with him at your brother’s house—”

“No, oh no, he slept on the couch. I was in the guest room. I passed out drunk. Probably good because I was hallucinating and shit.” Or not, but I desperately wanted to believe that was the case.

“Where was Sean when you were making out with his hot buddy?”

“At his friend’s house.”

She put her drink down, her eyes ready to roll out of her head. “Holy shit. Your overprotective brother left you alone with a hotty in his home?”

“We’re all adults. I can keep my hands to myself, thank you.”

“Doesn’t sound like it,” she sing-songed.

“Whatever, he was too intense. I’m not seeing Dylan again.”

“Ooh, he sounds hot.”

I rolled my eyes. “From his name? Whatever. How was your date?”

“Hot, steamy. Ended about an hour ago. He had to go in today.” She sighed before droning on. I was too busy thinking about Dylan and what I felt to do much more than nod at the appropriate times.

Her phone chimed and she lit up. “Ooh, he wants to meet for lunch. I have to go.”

I hugged Rachel. “Have fun.”

“Hey, lunch tomorrow?”

“Can’t. Spending the week with my brother. His birthday is coming up and with Mom gone, I want to make it special.” My eyes watered, and I blinked them back.

“Oh, honey, I can cancel and stay with you.”

“Go have your fun. I’m going to Sean’s later.”

“Give hot growly boy a chance. Sounds like you two have chemistry.”

“Hmm, like you and Remy?”

She winked. “Like that. Since I won’t see you, call me.”

“Later, Rachel.”

She hurried out the door and I went back to the kitchen with a double dose of caffeine. I opened the first book. A tingle went through me as I flipped through the pages looking for writing in a language I knew, but only found glyphs. Familiar but foreign, I couldn’t read them.

Frustration set in as I repeated the process with several more books. Each book pulled at something within, calling to me from beyond a wall I couldn’t find a way around.

I picked up a leather-bound book I couldn’t recall ever seeing, but flashes of my mother writing in it while pregnant came to me. For some inexplicable reason I knew she carried me. I could almost hear the words she spoke as she rubbed her belly.

Well, in the last thirty-six hours I had seen stranger things. So why not visions of my mother while I was in the womb. Once again, I had to wonder why she taught Sean and not me. Though it stood to reason the answers were in the book.

Losing my brother wasn’t an option. And Dylan, as much as I wanted to deny my stupid heart, I couldn’t stop thinking about my creeper.

I drained my coffee and opened the journal.


Dearest Sierra,


My precious girl, I hope you never have need of the contents of this book, but sometimes fate is out of our hands. I plan to keep you as far away from a world of heartache and misery as I can. I want you to have a peaceful life, free from the chaos of the Pine Barrens pack. As a witch we are both sought after and feared in the same breath. I never want you to go through the pain I’ve endured.

My first, and regretfully dearest love, Seamus Patrick was a werewolf who lost his life to a vile curse two years before you were born. Your father is a good man and I love him, but I’m not bound to David the same way I was to Seamus.

I pray your brother is able to eradicate the curse before it’s his time. If not I hope you find this before it’s too late. I didn’t have the power to reverse the spell and perhaps I’ve doomed the pack. When my first husband died and the Alpha tried to blame me, it hurt. He’s since apologized. I couldn’t go back to the wolves without Seamus. It was no longer my home, but Sean needed them.

Please forgive me for the secrets.


Love always,



My phone rang and I grabbed it. Sean’s smiling face came up and I wanted to cry. She knew he might die and Mom kept it from me all this time. They locked me out of the whole situation when maybe I could have helped.

I wiped at my eyes and answered.

“Hey, Sean. I plan to come out later tonight.”

“Finally believe?”

“Getting there. I found some of Mom’s stuff. I’m hoping this journal has the answers.”

“You okay? Need me to come there?”

“Nah. I’ll come to you.” I wouldn’t tell him about our grandmother, or the creepy feeling from the card. It went in the trash compactor after my bath.

“About Dylan,” Sean started.

I groaned.

“He says he’s sorry he scared you.”

Didn’t surprise me. The look on his face when I left. The way he chased after me. “I probably owe him an apology. You got to admit, though, this is a lot to take in.”

Sean laughed. “Miss him already?”

Couldn’t help rolling my eyes. “Don’t tell me you think we’re meant for one another. I don’t believe in fate.”

“It’s more complicated than that. And it’s already begun. You two can try to fight it but that never works.”

“Fight what exactly?” I huffed.

“Tell me, Sierra, what did you dream about last night?”

Heat rose up my face as I shifted in my seat. My brother never needed to know about my fantasies. “Does it matter?”

“I’m betting Dylan. You couldn’t resist him there, either. Maybe wolves too.”

Yup, he nailed it on the head. Dylan having me every way I could imagine and a few I never even heard of. Then wolves, wolves, and more wolves. “What does it mean?” I asked reluctantly.

“Werewolves mate for life. That’s the beginning.”

For life?
I hardly knew the guy. There was no way I was committing to him, maybe have him committed. “Oh, hell no. How do I stop it?”

“He’s a good guy. Been my best friend as long as I can remember. You won’t find someone who will ever make you feel the way he can.”

“Irritated, annoyed, pissed off? Yeah, I think I can live without that.”

“You say that now, but won’t be long before you feel like you can’t live without him. That you’re connected. A piece of you is missing when he’s not right there.”

“Will it stop if I stay away?”

Sean sighed. “Maybe. And as long as the curse is active that might be best.”

“I can’t lose you,” I told him. “I hope the journal Mom left has some answers.”

“Call me when you come out. I need to check on Christian.”

“I could come take a look at him. Maybe there is another explanation.”

“You can’t fix this with medical knowledge, Sierra. Even if you could find a scientific answer he doesn’t have enough time.”

“You don’t have much more.”

“I don’t know if you can save me, Sierra. It’s why I didn’t want to tell you. Why I’m more concerned with you coming to see me than trying to figure out the curse. But for now, I need to be there for my friend. So call.”

“I will.”

I glanced at the book and decided more coffee was in order. Nothing else made sense. Mom’s journal was in English, or at least I hoped.

My hands trembled as I sat down, ready to dive in. Turning the page, a part of me hoped there would be more glyphs. Only, Sean didn’t have much time, and no one else had a chance of helping. It was time to pull up my big girl panties and dive in.


I still remember the day I met Seamus. My day was crawling, as I put books on the shelves at my mother’s store and organized the trinkets. I never understood why such a powerful witch pedaled worthless trinkets and potions to tourists.

Then Seamus walked in and I was lost in his deep blue eyes. Like a fairy tale he strode to me, his gaze never leaving mine as he stopped inches before me.

I wanted to kiss him, plough my fingers into his hair and taste his lips. His feral power washed over me, and I craved more.

Then my mother cleared her throat and I jumped, realizing I was looking at a werewolf. The hated beasts my mother despised more than anything.

“Good morning, ma’am. I came seeking your guidance. Our pack suffers from a curse. Our males sicken right before their birthday, and pass before they turn thirty-five. We’d give anything for your help.” His rich baritone further lured me.

Mother shook her head. “I’m sorry. I don’t deal with rabid beasts. You can see yourself out.”

Seamus sighed. “I am not rabid, nor are the rest of my people. We stay to ourselves where most humans don’t like to go. Please, even without this curse, we don’t want to bother anyone.”

“That’s what you all say, though that’s not what generally happens. You can go now.” She shooed him toward the door.

My heart threatened to burst as I watched him walk away. I felt destiny calling to me. Under my mother’s watchful gaze, I couldn’t leave. Not until I was dismissed before her coven came for their monthly ritual. By then, it would be too late to find the mysterious wolf.

Moments before darkness fell, I was sent home. It was a few blocks to my mother’s Victorian home. I only made it two before I ran straight into a solid wall of muscle.

“I’m sorry,” he blathered. “Please, don’t scream.” He held out his hands. “I only wish to ask if you know anything about the curse?”

“Curse?” The only thing on my mind was the attraction to the young man before me. “I don’t, but I’m willing to help any way I can.”

“Your mother—I don’t want to cause you any trouble.”

Looking back at the shop, I sighed. “Is it wrong I only want to get away from her and the shop? It feels wrong.”

“You’re sure?”

She nodded. “Do you know someplace she would never find me?”

“I do. If, and only if, you’re sure.”

“Oh, I’m sure.” It was the honest truth. I had wanted to escape for years but was afraid I’d be all alone. With the man before me, that was no longer the case.

I fell in love with him. I couldn’t resist. He tried to fight it, but I was persistent. He felt it too. When he finally made love to me, our bond wrapped tight around us. He was everything to me. Still is.

After reading for hours, I realized there was a similar pull to Dylan as my mother had to Seamus. No matter how much I wanted to deny it, I didn’t think it would be so easy. That scared the hell out of me. Seamus was amazing. He was everything to Mom. Could Dylan really be that for me?

She accounted for everything. The more I read the more I wondered what my grandmother had to do with it all.

Years later, when my mother finally realized she couldn’t stop the curse, and Seamus was going to die, she went back to the shop.


My mother was my only hope. With Sean in my arms, I walked into Solstice Blessings. The darkness I used to swear I felt was stronger. I nearly ran from the building, but I walked inside and found my mother behind the counter.

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