Cursed (29 page)

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Authors: Christina Bauer

BOOK: Cursed
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Marlene slipped up to his side. “My Tsar, this is the girl I told you about. My best recruit yet.” Pride shone in her eyes. Fury sparked in mine. How many innocents had she presented to the Tsar in this way? The woman was evil.

Viktor stepped around me slowly. “She certainly has some power in her. Well worth the effort of draining.” He stared down his nose at me. I wanted to spit in his face. “Excellent work, Marlene. I look forward to seeing what you bring me next season.”

Gaspard almost dropped the watch he'd been tinkering with. “But I thought I was to have
the Sisters.”

“I changed my mind,” snapped Viktor. “You may have your choice of the new ones and be thankful for it.”

The angry look in Viktor's eyes sent Gaspard bowing. “Yes, my Tsar.”

Viktor inspected Rowan next. “What a productive day. I suspected the Casters had extra help and here you are. And I thought I knew about every Caster mage who had a lick of magick in him. However did Rex manage to hide your skills from me, I wonder?” He tapped his chin. “Care to talk about it?”

In reply, Rowan only glared. All the defiance in the world shone in his face. No matter what happened, I was proud to have teamed with a man like him.

“No matter,” said Viktor. “Once we're done with the ceremony, you and I will spend plenty of time together.” Viktor grinned, and a hungry sort of evil lurked in that smile. “In the end, all my test subjects tell me everything.”

The image of Petra's scars appeared in my mind. I couldn't stand to think of that happening to Rowan.

Viktor grinned and surveyed the group. “Shall we go in?” Without waiting for a reply, he turned on his heel and stepped off toward the Basilica. The sun dipped so low behind the church, it almost touched the horizon.

I didn't have much time left. Panic chilled me to the core. This was happening. My curse was about to begin.

Chapter Twenty-Seven

A guard slammed open the tall blue doors of the Basilica. Like the rest of the warriors here, he wore black armor with his face covered by a full helmet.

“Get in, you.” His voice dripped with contempt.

As I stepped by, the man mashed his sword hilt straight between my shoulder blades.
Not again.
Hurt shot down my spine. I schooled my features into careful calm. These guards were brutal with their sword hilts. Showing any reaction or pain only made the next hit worse.

As I stepped across the threshold, the noisy chatter of the crowd washed over me. I'd never seen the Basilica this full of people. Once I began walking down the center aisle, everyone fell silent. The quiet was almost a physical thing in how it pressed around me, making it hard to breathe. I'd never been in many crowds. The oasis and Sanctuary Fair were overwhelming to me, and I was only trying to blend into the mob.

Now, I was the main attraction.

As I stepped toward the back stage, all eyes locked onto me. No one needed to speak a word or cast a spell, and I could still clearly sense all the assumptions in their heads.





Walking dead.

The worst part of them thinking I was doomed was that they had no idea of the real peril. Being drained by the Tsar would rob me of my power, but it wouldn't free me from my curse. An eternity of flames still awaited me.

There was an audible grinding of metal as the guards craned their armor, all of them turning to stare in my direction. Rage rolled off them in waves. Most of these warriors hadn't seen any real battle other than the day I escaped from the Cloister. I'd made fools of them then with my plague-sign act. Now, they wanted revenge and in all likelihood, they'd get it. My back ached from the many bruises I'd gotten already.

I stepped past Royals lounging in the back rows, fanning themselves and looking bored. Who wears ball gowns and long-coats to the desert, anyway? They gave me curious glances as if I were a dessert tray that had come out with soup instead. Not what they expected, but not something they particularly worried about, either.

As I moved by the elder Sisters, they huddled more closely in their pews. Some fiddled with the ties on their robes. Others found the all-blue windows fascinating. None of them made eye contact with me. Neither did any of the Sentinel Spirits, for that matter. They'd all been here long enough to know what Marlene and the Tsar had in store for me. The thought made my insides squirm.

You don't know the half of it.

The new Sisters weren't as worldly. They stared at me as if I were a strange beast that had been brought in from a travelling circus. I was once a Novice, the same as them. Then, I had run away and returned in Caster leathers, trying to kill none other than their beloved Tsar. Their looks hurt most of all. These were the only girls I'd ever spent much time with. Once, they called their Sister. Now, they saw me as a doomed freak.

I was half-way down the main aisle when I spied little Ada. She sat curled across Nan's lap and stared at me with miserable, red-rimmed eyes. The happy-go-lucky girl who snuck through the Cloister on her secret adventures with Wulf was gone. Sophia's worst fears had come to pass. I remembered the withered corpse on the Basilica stage. Sophia wanted this, for any of us.

Up close, I could see the changes in Nan as well. Her once-bright eyes were sunken in with despair. Where was the sassy girl who'd teased Veronique while riding along in a prison wagon? Nan's old self must still be inside her, somewhere. Ada's as well. Anything else was unthinkable.

At last, I reached the platform at the back of the church. The huge painting of the Tsar glared at me from the curved wall behind the altar. I wanted to chip the thing away with my fingernails. The small door at the base of the wall caught my eye. Ada told stories about sneaking through there with Wulf. It opened onto a maze secret passages inside the Basilica. My spirits lifted a little.

Maybe that was a way to escape.

The guards shoved me onto the right-hand side of the stage. A small troop of them lined up behind my back. I scoped out the distance to the door. It wasn't a very long run. If I could find the right moment, I might just make it.

The guards hauled Rowan onto the opposite side of the platform, right alongside the rest of the Casters. They were a bruised and bloodied group. Still, there was no missing the defiant gleam in their eyes. Maybe they would try to run with me.

The door at the base of the mural swung open. The Tsar, Marlene, and Gaspard all stepped out onto the stage. I'd be close enough to kill them, if only I had a sword in my hand. Perhaps I'd find one in the passages beyond the door. A girl could hope.

Viktor stepped forward and raised his arms. “Welcome to the Examination Ceremony for the Harvest Equinox.” Some polite applause followed, mostly from the Royals. I guessed that they must have attended these events before and knew when to clap. Yet another reason to hate them.

“New Sisters have recently been initiated into the Midnight Cloister,” continued Viktor. “I am here to select some of them to join in my personal entourage.” He paused for dramatic effect, and it made me ill to see the younger girls share excited smiles. Viktor set his hand on Gaspard's shoulder. “Others of you will be sent off with the Vicomte for further training. This is a great honor.”

Gaspard straightened the lapels of his yellow jacket and bowed slightly at the waist. “The honor is all mine.”

Conniving bastard.

Viktor then turned to Marlene. “And a small number of you may stay here to serve this Cloister. You'll be blessed to live under Marlene's wise and gentle leadership as Mother Superior.” Marlene fluttered her lashes and blushed. I supposed it was an attempt to show her humility, gentleness, or wisdom. I wanted to kick her teeth in.

“And there are unpleasant topics for us to review today, as well.” Viktor gestured between Rowan and me. “Here, you see two master assassins. They came to our Cloister with murder on their minds and evil in their hearts. Along with them came a league of rogues and thieves, one of whom was posing as the great Genesis Rex.” He raised his pointer finger. “And although every last one of these fiends are bloodthirsty killers, not a single member of my company was killed.”

Only because your friends the Sire and Lady said I'd fry in flames if I laid a hand on you.
It wasn't worth the risk to use kill spells on the guards. Although knowing what I know now? I'd have suggested

“As you all witnessed, I was able to completely foil their plans with ease.” Viktor stared at me in open contempt. “To atone for their foul actions, the Casters have volunteered to participate in my latest experiments.”

I can't let that happen.
I stared at the platform door.
It's such a short distance…

Viktor raised his arms once more. “It is time for the principal announcement of our ceremony. I know how the young Sisters dream of joining my entourage. Today, I have spent time reviewing each of your qualifications. It was a hard decision, but after much deliberation, I have made my selection. Only one girl will be chosen.” Viktor paused again. A few new Sisters trembled with excitement. Others held hands, their eyes wide with anticipation. The sight made me ill. “This time I choose… Sister Nan.”

I knew he would say this. Didn't make it any easier to hear, though. It was as if a vise clamped down on my heart. Nan would be squeezed out of my life.

Viktor pointed to the spot beside him on the stage. “Come forward, Sister.”

With that bone crawler inside her, Nan had no choice but to obey. She slowly rose from her pew and shuffled over to stand beside the Tsar. The whole time, Ada watched with tears streaming down her cherub-sweet face. I kept reminding myself that Ada was safe here until next season. She had time.

Viktor set his hand on Nan's shoulder and looked down on her indulgently. “I shall accept you into my inner circle. This ceremony is something that very few of my followers have been privileged to witness. Therefore, I invite Vicomte Gaspard to announce who he has chosen for his training program. After that, the rest of you may leave.”

More lies.
Viktor just wants to kill Nan with as few witnesses as possible. I tried to catch her gaze, but Nan only stared forward, her features slack with shock. I glanced at the door.
Should I run now?

Rowan caught my eye. He carefully scanned the distance between him, me, and the doorway to escape. His brow furrowed for a moment before he tilted his head to the side. I knew the movement was his way of asking ‘are you planning to run?' In another situation, I might worry about the fact that Rowan and I were guessing each other's thoughts, but for now, I was thrilled.

I gave him the barest of nods. Rowan returned the gesture.
He would help me
. My body felt a jolt of hope and energy. With Rowan along, there was a far better chance.

Viktor motioned to Gaspard. “Vicomte, if you're ready.”

Gaspard fingered one of the watches dangling from his pockets. “This is a remarkable class of initiates. So many fresh faces that—with a little more training—may be suitable to join the Tsar's inner circle. I am happy to say that I have accepted all of you into my training program.” The girls actually cooed with excitement. It made me want to scream.

Viktor nodded. “You may take them all now.”

Gaspard waved at the Basilica entrance. “Up and out, everyone. Exit through the front door. My people will help guide you to your carriages.” The new Sisters rose and strode away. Veronique stood still as a statue in the middle of the group. Her eyes blazed with rage as she glared at Gaspard. I'd seen her peevish and whiny before, but nothing like this.

Viktor waved his hand absently. “The ghosts may go as well.”

My hands curled into fists.
They're called Sentinel Spirits
. These women dedicated part of their souls to this Cloister. It was nothing like a haunting. For a moment, the Sentinel Spirits looked around with sad eyes and stooped shoulders. After that, they disappeared entirely. What a disgrace to treat them this way.

Viktor stared at the elder sisters before letting out an exasperated sigh. “Must I spell out everything for your bovine sensibilities? The older Sisters may go. You're no longer needed.”

It didn't hurt that the Tsar compared these elder Sisters to cows. What pained me was they didn't even flinch at the words. I was used to older women being treated with respect. Here, they kept their eyes down as they shuffled out a side door. Infuriating.

Suddenly, Ada was racing down the main aisle. “I want to stay with Nan and Elea!” An elder Sister tried to quiet the child, but the damage had already been done. Gaspard had noticed.

He pointed directly at Ada. “What about that one?”

On reflex, I shook my head
. Please, not Ada.

“She isn't a Sister,” said Marlene.

Gaspard shrugged. “I'll take her anyway.”

Viktor pursed his lips. “Aren't you concerned about discipline, Gaspard?”
Discipline, my eye.
Ada didn't have the mark, so she might not be so easy to control.

“Not at all,” said Gaspard. “My training program enforces complete obedience.”

Viktor stared at Ada for a long moment. I twisted my hands so hard, the manacles drew blood from my wrists
. Let her be.
Ada can stay here safely until next season.

Viktor waved at the door. “Take her, then. Go.”

Mindless rage roared through my soul. Somewhere in the back of my thinking mind, a small voice warned me about zuchtlos. It sounded a lot like Petra. But Ada raced toward me with a smile of pure joy. The innocent love in her eyes crushed any thoughts of control.

In that moment, I made my decision.
I'm taking her. Now.

I glanced over to Rowan, who gave me another nod. Ada raced closer.

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