One Night in London

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Authors: Sandi Lynn

Tags: #New Adult & College, #Contemporary, #Romance

BOOK: One Night in London
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One Night In London

Sandi Lynn

One Night In London

Copyright © 2016 Sandi Lynn

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or are used factitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Photo & Cover Design by: Sara Eirew @ Sara Eirew Photography

Models: Matthieu Grondin & Pamela Brisson

Editing by B.Z. Hercules

Books by Sandi Lynn

f you haven’t already done so, please check out my other books. They are filled with heartwarming love stories, some with millionaires, and some with just regular everyday people who find love when they least expect it.


The Forever Series (Forever Black, Forever You, Forever Us, Being Julia, Collin, A Forever Family)

Love, Lust & A Millionaire (Wyatt Brothers, Book 1)

Love, Lust & Liam (Wyatt Brothers, Book 2)

His Proposed Deal

Lie Next To Me (A Millionaire’s Love, Book 1)

When I Lie with You ( A Millionaire’s Love, Book 2)

A Love Called Simon

Then You Happened

The Seduction of Alex Parker

Something About Lorelei

Second Chance Love:

Remembering You

She Writes Love

Love In Between (Love Series, Book 1)

The Upside of Love (Love Series, Book 2)

Table of Contents

Books by Sandi Lynn


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Chapter 28

Chapter 29

Chapter 30

Chapter 31

Chapter 32

Chapter 33

Chapter 34

Chapter 35

Chapter 36

Chapter 37

Chapter 38

Chapter 39

Chapter 40

Chapter 41

Chapter 42

Chapter 43

Chapter 44

About The Author


nervously rummaged through my closet, trying to find my Louboutin black stiletto heels— shoes that were half off and then another seventy-five percent off the half-off price. They were a freaking steal and the only pair that was left happened to be my size. I stumbled upon them by accident, earlier in the week, when I was looking at the clearance rack, trying to find the perfect pair of shoes for my date tonight with Corey. He was taking me to my favorite restaurant because he had something he needed to discuss with me. It was no surprise, though. I already had my suspicions. He was going to ask me to move in with him.

Corey and I had been dating for almost nine months. We met when he and his mom came into the art gallery where I worked, looking for a painting for her bedroom. We got to talking, and he asked me out for coffee the next day. At first, I didn’t think he was really my type, but then again, I never really knew what my type was. We had so much in common that it wasn’t hard to fall for him. Corey, by far, had been the longest relationship I’d ever been in and he was a really nice guy. The only thing that bothered me was that he wasn’t very sexual. Once every other week was more than enough for him and it was usually over with before it started. But I overlooked that problem because we always had so much fun when we were together. We loved the same movies, the same music, and he loved art almost as much as I did. We were perfect for each other and I knew the time was right to move in together. Although we never talked about it, I sensed it was what he planned to ask me. You’re probably sitting there thinking that he’s going to propose. That was off the table because neither one of us wanted to get married until we were at least a couple years older. Being twenty-four, we both felt we needed to be completely established in our careers before making a lifelong commitment.

I stood in front of my full-length mirror as I slipped into my heels and ran my hands down the sides of my short black dress with the V-neckline and three-quarter-length sleeves, which I also picked up on sale. Running my fingers through my long blonde hair, I lightly sprayed the curled ends, grabbed my purse, and headed to Sur in West Hollywood.

When I arrived, Corey was already seated and waiting for me. Butterflies fluttered around my belly at the thought of us moving in together. As I approached the table, Corey stood up and kissed my cheek. He was always such a gentleman.

“Hey. You look beautiful. I love that dress. Is it new?”

“Yeah. I bought it earlier this week along with these babies.” I smiled as I stuck my foot out.

“Are those Louboutins?” His eyes widened.

“Yes! And they were half off and then an extra seventy-five percent off of that!”

“Wow. What an awesome deal. They look good on you.” He smiled.

We started off with a glass of Chardonnay while we waited for our dinner. My mind was in overdrive with excitement and I couldn’t wait for him to ask me. His apartment was much bigger than mine and had way more closet space. As I stared at him from across the table, I could tell he was nervous because his eye was twitching.

“So what did you want to discuss with me?” I asked with a grin.

He reached across the table and took hold of my hand.

“You know I love you, right?”

“Yes. Of course I do.” My heart started to race.

“You’re my best friend and we are so good together.”

“I know we are.” I smiled, waiting patiently for him to spit it out.

As his blue eyes intently stared into mine, he gave my hand a gentle squeeze.

“Chloe, friends are all we can ever be.”

“What?” I cocked my head in confusion. “I don’t understand, Corey.”

He took in a long, deep breath. “What I’m trying to tell you is that I’m gay, Chloe.”

I couldn’t help the laughter that escaped me.

“Yeah, right. Come on, Corey. You wanted to talk about moving in together. You don’t have to be so nervous about it. In fact, I’ll make it easy for you. Yes, I would love to move in with you.”

“Chloe, didn’t you hear what I said. I’m serious. I’m gay. I’m sorry.”

Tears filled my eyes as I silently shook inside. I pulled my hand away from his as I looked up at the ceiling to avoid the embarrassment of the tears that were about to fall in front of a restaurant filled with people.

“Chloe, talk to me. Please don’t cry,” he begged.

After a few moments of silence, an anger tore through me like a hurricane traveling over the ocean making its way to destroy whatever was in its path.

“How could you do this to me?” I asked through gritted teeth. “Why now? Why didn’t you tell me this nine months ago? Why did you stay in a relationship with me if your sexuality was in question?” I spoke in a loud voice and the couple sitting at the table next to us glanced over.

“Will you keep your voice down?” he spoke calmly. “I didn’t tell you this to hurt you. I’m being honest with you before things go any further.”

“Any further?” I angrily spoke. “You had nine months to tell me. Why now, Corey?”

He looked down and slowly closed his eyes.

“Oh my God! You’ve met someone. Haven’t you?” I barked at him across the table, and suddenly, all eyes in the restaurant were on us.

“Not here, Chloe.”

His attempt to silence me to avoid causing him any further embarrassment pissed me off even more. I threw my napkin on the table and stood up.

“Not here? Really, Corey? How did you think I’d react to this news? Did you think if you told me in a public place that I would graciously accept it with a smile and walk away quietly? I gave you nine months of my life. I gave you my heart and you took it.” The tears started rolling down my face. “You took my heart, knowing that you could never give me yours. I do believe that is the cruelest thing anyone has ever done to me. I guess the joke is on me. Have a nice life, Corey.” I turned on my heels and stomped out of the restaurant.

I was shaking so bad that I couldn’t walk down the street to my car, so I took a seat on a bench outside the restaurant. As I sat there with tears streaming down my face, trying to make sense of the last nine months of my life, Corey sat down beside me.

“I’m so sorry, Chloe. I never meant to hurt you.”

“Go away, Corey.” I wiped my eyes.

“I love you. You have to believe me. We are so good together as friends and I don’t want to lose you.”

Even though I was hurt and angry as hell, there was a sincerity in his voice that calmed me.

“What’s his name?” I asked.


“I hate that name.”

Corey chuckled.

“How long have you known?”

“Pretty much my whole life. I just kept trying to deny it and, every day, I became more miserable.”

“Thanks.” I shot him a look as I sniffled.

He hooked his arm around me and I laid my head on his shoulder.

“Don’t take it like that, Chloe. You make me happy but not in a romantic relationship way. Does that make sense?”

I nodded my head. “I guess.”

“You’re a beautiful, smart, and fun woman, and you deserve someone who is not gay and who will love you like you deserve to be loved. I wanted to tell you now, not for my own sake, but for yours. With you leaving for London in a couple of weeks, I wanted you to be free in case you met someone.”

“That was kind of you,” I spoke in a sarcastic tone.

“Hey. I know it hurts, babe. It hurts me too. This is the last thing I wanted to tell you. But I had no choice. I couldn’t live like this anymore.”

“I get that. I really do.” I lifted my head. “But I’m so hurt right now and I need a couple of days to process all of this.”

“I understand.” He looked at me as sadness filled his eyes.

I got up from the bench, and as I started to walk away, Corey reached out and grabbed my hand.

“I don’t want to lose our friendship. You’re too important to me, Chloe.”

I pursed my lips together and slowly gave him a nod before heading home and collapsing into my bed.

Chapter 1

Two Weeks Later

heer up, Chloe,” Sienna, my best friend, pouted as we sat and sipped coffee in the airport.

“I am cheery. See?” I displayed a fake smile.

“Did you bring your list?” she asked as she held out her hand.

I sighed as I pulled it out of my purse and handed it to her. She took a pen from her purse and wrote something on it.

“What are you doing?” I asked.

“There.” She turned the paper around.

Narrowing my eyes at her, I spoke, “Have sex with a stranger in a foreign country? Are you crazy?”

“No. I’m not crazy. This is a list of things we planned to do and see in London. Take a risk, Chloe. Do something spontaneous. Haven’t you ever fantasized about having sex with a total stranger?”

“Umm. No!”

“Well, I have, and you should too.”

“You do have sex with strangers. How is that fantasizing? Half the time, you don’t even bother to get their name first.”

“That may be and that’s because names are never important. But I’ve never had sex with a stranger in a foreign country.”

“That’s because you’ve never been to another country.”

“True. Just think about it for a minute. Sex with a man who is a mystery. No names, no getting to know each other first, not one bit of personal information. Just a couple of hours of pure pleasure and then you leave and never see him again. It’s simple.” She smirked.

Of course it was simple for Sienna. She was the queen of one-night stands. It was something she’d made a career out of. I’ve told her that she was a nymphomaniac. She laughed and said she wasn’t and that she was just a woman who loved having sex with different men. With her five-foot-eight stature, hourglass-shaped figure, long black hair, and bright blue eyes, guys drooled whenever she walked past them.

“You make it sound like prostitution.” I frowned.

Rolling her eyes, she spoke, “It’s not prostitution, Chloe, and believe me, you could use some mind-blowing sex. I know for a fact you’ve never experienced it. Remember Johnathan?” Her brow arched. “The one who could only finish off with his hand whether you had an orgasm or not? Oh, and that guy named Kirk. Remember him? The freak who hated foreplay and just always crammed his dick inside you, missionary style, may I add, without making sure you were ready. Remember how sore you always were and walked like you had a stick up your ass for a few days? He was only out to satisfy himself. I know I don’t need to mention sex with Corey. No matter how hard he tried, he just couldn’t get into it with you. And you know why? Because he was gay and preferred ass over vagina.”

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