Cupid's Test (6 page)

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Authors: Megan Grooms

BOOK: Cupid's Test
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Almost a full week after the results Lilly called Jay’s phone one more time and left a message. Jay refused to answer it when he saw it was her and didn’t listen to the message. It was more about his ego and pride being hurt than not wanting to talk to her.
. He did miss her quite a bit and more than once he picked up the phone to call her before putting it back down without dialing. He realized he was being a bit childish about it. He was sure if it had gone more his way he would have talked to her as soon as the ruling came down. He pushed all those thoughts back though and focused on his company.

*                                                                             *                                                               *

“Well how do you like that, almost two weeks and they haven’t talked to each other.” Tooth Fairy said happily. “I guess you’re not as good as you thought you were.”

“It’s not over yet.” Cupid answered. “I’m just giving them time to miss each other. Tomorrow I’m going to send a little boost of love down and see what Jay does with it.” Cupid had seen this type of thing before. Pride gets in the way of feelings. Sometimes his litt
le kick in the pants did the job. Sometimes it just resolved people to never talk again. He was quite sure that Jay would call her. The man wasn’t sleeping very well and had on more than one occasion picked up the phone but never dialed.

“There it is that cocky attitude again.  I’m so going to enjoy knocking you down a peg.” Tooth Fairy said though she wasn’t quite as sure of herself anymore. So far Cupid had been right about everything.

*                                                                           *                                                                 *

Jay woke thinking about Lilly right away. It wasn’t a surprise. She starred in his dreams every night but today was different. He really wanted to call her. Almost felt like he had to.
He was already running late and didn’t care to hurry. He got ready just going through the motions thinking about Lilly. He was being stupid and childish. If he didn’t call her back soon she was going to move on with her life and not want anything to do with Jay. He pulled into his parking spot at 11 and decided to call on his work phone to her work. Less personal so if she didn’t want to talk to him it wouldn’t be as bad.

Right away he went to his office and shut the door. Calling her office his heart was thundering in his chest. What if it was too late and she had moved on already? He didn’t want that. He missed her and still cared for her. “Thompson and Company how may I help you?” The voice jumped him.

“Um… yes could I speak with Lillian please?”

“She no longer works for this office. I may be able to get a hold of her for you if you like. She may be able to call you back.”

“What do you mean she doesn’t work there anymore, where did she go?” He was shocked and surprised. This was a big change, it was only two weeks.

“She has taken a position at our New York office. I believe her flight is leaving today. It’s very exciting for her. Could I take your name and I’ll have her contact you?”

“No thank you.” Jay hung up rather rudely. He stood up and wrenched open his office door. “Carl!” He yelled across the large room. His employees looked up at him surprised. Carl came out of his office a confused look on his face. “What do you mean by not telling me that Lilly left?”

“What are you talking about?” Carl walked across the room and into the office shutting the door behind him. He didn’t want all the employees to see their boss this way. “Lilly left? I thought we just got a new person to deal with, like she handled the court part and this new person handled the long term stuff. I didn’t know she left sorry buddy.” He sat on the edge of Jay’s desk arms crossed in front of his chest. “You know this just proves that she didn’t care about you. She didn’t even give you a call to let you know she was leaving.”

Jay pulled out his phone, he had forgotten that she had called and left a message a week ago until Carl said something. “She did call, last week. She left a message, I just haven’t listened to it yet.”

“Maybe you should listen to it then.” Carl stood. He didn’t like Lilly because he still believe
d that she messed with his best friend. Then again he also knew that Jay hadn’t been the same since finding out who Lilly really was. He didn’t want his friend to end this relationship so badly. He walked out of the room sighing and patting his friend on the shoulder.

Jay unlocked his phone and pressed play on Lilly’s message. “Hey Jay, I just wanted to let you know that I was offered a job in New York. I haven’t heard from you in a week and you didn’t answer so I’m guessing you don’t really care if I move or not. Well I have a flight that is leaving on Friday the…” She paused then made a noise, “the 14
of February at 3pm with Delta if you change your mind. If not I won’t bother you again. My phone is being shut off on Thursday I’ll get a new one when I get there. I miss you Jay but I won’t wait for you forever.” Jay heard a click then nothing. He stood for a moment not sure of what to do. Today was the 14
and it was already noon.

He grabbed his jacket off his chair and ran from the room not looking at anyone in the office before bursting out the door and jumping into his Hybrid.
It was quite a drive to the airport he knew he was going to be pushing it.

Carl watched his friend leave quickly and shook his head. The man had it bad. He hoped that she was either gone already or that she hadn’t lied to him in the first place. All he knew was that he was going to be keeping an eye on her for his best friend if she came back with him.

By the time he got to the air port it was 2 o’clock. Sure that they would be boarding before the actual flight time. He wasn’t sure where it was she was taking off from. Worried that he didn’t have enough time he parked at the unloading dock and left the car.

“Hey! You can’t leave that here!” A security guard yelled but Jay was already gone through the doors. He stood in front of the large
bay of screens telling you what flight was leaving and when. It took a moment to find the one flight that was going to New York leaving at 3 o’clock. Now he just needed to get passed security.

Thinking about just getting a ticket he ran there to find the line much too long. He took off back to the security gate and found the line there was long as well and he didn’t even know if they would let him pass without a ticket.
He spotted and elderly woman sitting in a wheelchair waiting at the handicap entrance and walked up to her. “Excuse me, this is going to sound odd but I was wondering if you would say I was with you. See…” He explained all that had happened as quickly as possible. “So I have to get back there to stop her or I’m going to lose her because of my stupid pride.”

Before she could answer the security guard came to the gate. “I’m sorry for the wait. Come right this way.” He paused and looked at Jay “may I help you?”

“He’s with me, my grandson is just going to help me get to my gate and wait with me for my plane. Is that alright?” The woman smiled up at Jay and he would have hugged her if it wouldn’t have seemed odd to the Security guard.

“Of course that’s fine, I just need to see a driver
’s license and check your name.” Jay quickly pulled it out and once they were through he helped her to her gate.

get your girl, hurry!” The old woman told him shooing him away.

“Thank you so much!” He called running toward the gate. He looked at his watch and found he only had twenty minutes to get there.

They were almost done boarding by the time he got to the gate. “Hi, I need to talk to someone on that flight if I could just get on really quickly. It won’t take long, just a moment I promise.”

“Do you have a ticket?” The woman at the counter asked. She didn’t seem like she was having a very good day. “If you don’t have a ticket I can’t let you on.”

“I don’t, maybe you could go on and ask her to come off?”

“We are about to close the doors I can’t delay the flight. I’m sorry I could lose my job.” She said.

Jay was so frustrated he had come so close. He walked to the windows right next to the gate. He could see the plane. A little girl was even looking at him. He waved a little and the girl waved back then turned to the person next to her and pointed at him. They both looked.

Jay grinned he started waving his arms like a mad man and mouthing Lilly’s name. Soon everyone was looking out the windows at him. He had no idea how much time he had before the security guards decided that he was crazy and would cart him away but he didn’t care. Until Lilly came off or he was taken away he was going to act like an idiot.

*                                                                *                                                                            *

Lillian had waited as long as she could before getting in line to board the plane. She couldn’t believe how stupid she had been. She had given him plenty of time to call her before she left. Still she
’d thought he would magically show up and want her. She couldn’t blame him. How could he ever believe that she didn’t know it was him? It was too weird that they both had been there. She gave her ticket and started down the long walkway to the plane. When she walked onto the plane she found everyone crowded around one side of it. A stewardess was looking haggard telling everyone to get back in their seats.

Lillian was glad she was on the other side. As she
started putting her bag away she couldn’t help over hearing everyone talking about what was so curious outside the window.

“Look at that guy!”

“What is he doing?”

It looks like he’s trying to get someone’s attention.”

“He’s saying a name that starts with L,”

“Linda,” A woman asked hopefully Lillian watched her lean over to look. “Nope I don’t know him.”

“Why doesn’t he just call her?” A man asked shaking his head like the guy was an idiot.

“Maybe the person he wants doesn’t have a cell phone.” Another guy answered, everyone laughed “yea I know who doesn’t have a cell phone.”

“What is going on?” Lilly asked of her seat mate
while she put her page away. The woman sat with a scowl on her face glancing at the others like she hated them. “Some guy is trying to get someone’s attention on this plane. He’s probably doesn’t even have the right plane. I have Valentine’s Day.” She turned away from everyone else looking out the window.

Lilly stood up and leaned on someone’s seat to look out the window.
“Oh my God!” She whispered, the woman whose seat she was leaning on heard her however.

“It’s you isn’t it?” She asked looking up at her. “What’s your name?”

“Lilly.” She answered still shocked at seeing Jay out there waving his arms like a mad man.

“It is you! Go, go
on get your man!” Soon the whole plane heard and was cheering her on.

Lilly grabbed her bag and everyone moved out of her way as she ran down the
aisle and out the door. She got back into the airport just as the attendant was shutting the door. Jay didn’t see her at first and was still waving at the plane like crazy. “Jay?”

He stopped suddenly and turned to look at her. “Lilly!” She dropped her bag and ran at him plowing into him. He rocked back a bit but held them both up. He kissed her quite thoroughly before pulling away and looking at her. “I thought I had missed you.”

“I thought you didn’t care.” She answered.

“I’ve been such a jerk, can you ever forgive me? I’m sorry I wasn’t here sooner, I didn’t listen to your message until today”

“You’re here now. That’s all that matters.” She answered kissing him again. They didn’t realize that everyone was watching them until all the clapping and cheering started. They pulled away from each other enough to look around. Looking at the plane they saw everyone was clapping and cheering as well as giving them a thumbs up. Both grew a little red at the attention. Jay couldn’t believe how lucky he was that he hadn’t missed her and that she was willing to get off the plane for him.

“Let’s go home.” He said taking her hand.

“Sounds good to me.” She answered they picked up her bag that she had dropped and started toward the exit. “I did know it was you.” She said stopping him a moment and searching his face to see if he believed her.

“I know you didn’t.” He answered smiling at her. It was true in that moment he believe that she had no idea who he was that week. It had just been two people, who found themselves snowe
d in together and fell in love that quickly. He put a hand to her face. “I love you.” He whispered.

“I love you too.” She answered smiling standing on tip toes to kiss him.

*                                                              *                                                                               *

“How do you know they are going to make it?” Tooth Fairy asked watching getting a little teary eyed.

“I don’t, I’ll check on them from time to time. Just to remind them how much they love each other but it’s ultimately up to them if they make it work or not.” Cupid said “do you understand how I do this better now?”

“There is a lot more that goes into it than I thought.” She answered. “I
still don’t understand why there are such horrible relationships out there though.” She said sadly.

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