Cupid's Test (4 page)

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Authors: Megan Grooms

BOOK: Cupid's Test
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“Still snowing but not that bad, I shoveled a little path to my truck but that was it so far. I think I’ll do one to the shed later. If I do it now while it’s not snowing that much it will be easier to clear it out again if it picks back up. The radio weather man had no idea where this storm came from. This whole area is pretty much shut down right now. At least neither of us have to go anywhere for a week but I really need to get back once this week is up so they better be able to get us out of here by then.”

“I’ll call the campground number on my receipt and talk to them after breakfast make s
ure they remember us up here. I should be able to find out when they will have us out.” Lilly answered between bites. “This is great!” She closed her eyes enjoying the great tastes blended together.

“I’m glad you like it.” Jay watched her enjoy the food and found that he liked watching her a little too much.
All last night when they were playing cards he had to resist the urge to brush against her or take her hand. It had been a long night knowing that she was just in the other room. He had gotten up early because he hadn’t slept well.

“How long have you been up if you’ve already shoveled and made breakfast. Is the floor too hard to sleep on? Why didn’t you use the couch?” She had just looked over to find his sleeping bag, blankets and pillow still on the floor in front of the fireplace.

“My mind just wouldn’t shut off.” He replied, “I’ll pick that stuff up after breakfast.” He finished his food and picked up both plates. She got up and started folding his bed things.

Ohh, this blanket is warm now I’m stealing it.” She wrapped herself up in it and went to find her book to read. Quickly she was back on the couch reading still within the warmth of the blanket. She found it smelled like him too. She buried a little deeper in it taking in as much as she could. He smelled wonderful. She wanted to ask what kind of spray he wore but didn’t want to give away how much she was enjoying it. Maybe she would snoop in his bathroom bag later. He didn’t seem to mind her snooping.

“You look comfortable.” He laughed sitting on the other end
of the couch a book in his hand as well. The radio played softly in the background.

“Do you want to sha
re?” She asked lifting a piece toward him.

He thought about it a moment. It was a great excuse to get close to her. He was thinking he wanted this relationship to progress quickly. He didn’t know how much more he could take of being around her all the time and not touching her. “Sure.” He answered watching her face to make sure it was really ok with her.

She smiled brightly and stood up then sat back down very close to him spreading the blanket over both of them. He put his arm around her slowly and she didn’t complain. She curled up on the seat again like she usually sat using Jay as the backrest this time. It was quite cozy for Lilly and she enjoyed it. “This ok?” She asked after they were settled.

“This is great.” He answered. He leaned down kissing the top of her head
, at the same time he hoped she wouldn’t notice. Her hair smelled wonderful, he would have to find out what kind of shampoo she used. They sat that way reading for quite a while. Jay didn’t want to move. He realized more than once that he was playing with her hair from her pony tail but she never seemed to mind. She had snuggled closer to him and now held her book in one hand and the other was sitting on his bare knee, he hadn’t put his pants back on yet. His feet were propped up on the footstool of the rocking chair. It was a nice companionable quite that had fallen over them and neither wanted to break it.

Lilly broke first she patted his knee and sat up stretching. “I’m going to fall asleep on if you if I don’t get up and move around.” She laughed
, now that was what she called relaxing. Setting her book down she went to the bathroom but could hear Jay get up and move around the living room. When she came out he was dressed and putting on his boots and jacket. “Where are you going?”

“To shovel more, I’ll be back don’t you worry.” Before he could stop himself he walked to her and put his hand gently on her cheek. He didn’t kiss her though. He wanted to make sure that she was on the same page he was. She smiled up at him and moved closer. Taking that as permission he leaned down and gently touched his lips to hers. She quickly kissed him back pressing herself against him. The kiss deepened and before either of them knew it shoveling was forgotten and they were headed to the bedroom.

The rest of the week was much of the same. The snow finally stopped falling on Wednesday and the Camp Ground manager assured them that they would be out to dig them out by Friday at the latest. At the moment neither of them cared. They were enjoying themselves, and each other. Jay couldn’t remember the last time he had been this happy and comfortable with someone and Lillian was sure she never had been. When someone knocked on the door Friday to let them know that they could leave whenever they wished they both were a little saddened by it.

“So, when are you leaving?” Lilly asked sitting next to Jay on the couch that night after dinner.

“Trying to get rid of me already? I thought we were enjoying each other’s company. I know I’m enjoying yours.” Jay said putting his arm around her. “What’s wrong you’ve been melancholy all afternoon?”

“Just realizing that I have to go back to the real world soon and I didn’t do any work while I was here.” She sighed. “I don’t want to leave. I’m guessing we won’t see each other again.”

“Why wouldn’t we? I’m planning on taking your number. You live in the city I live just outside it. I’m sure we can work something out, unless you don’t want to see me again.”

“No I’d love to, I’m just going to be really busy with a case for the next couple of weeks and might be longer than that if it doesn’t go my way. I might get a promotion if it does work out for me though.”

“Well I hope you win then.” Jay said. He had learned a lot about Lilly over the week and found that he liked her a lot. She was sweet and caring. A bit of an environmental geek but he didn’t hold that against her. She had laughed when he told her that. “Well, why don’t I just wait for your call since you are the one that’s going to be busy?”

“I thought you were going to be busy too, that problem with the new company…”

“Well I would make time for you. It might be a nice break from the nasty week I’m guessing is ahead.”

“Oh sure make me out to be the bad guy I’d make time for you too.” She said sitting up and sticking her tongue out at him. She laughed when he snatched her up and kissed her.
“What do you want for dinner?” She asked when he relinquished her lips.

“Anything is fine.” He smiled watching her stand and walk to the kitchen. They had taken turns cooking. She still wouldn’t try any of his meat. He had a feeling that she didn’t believe that he got it from a local farmer. He however tried all of her vegetarian dishes. Most were pretty good, some he had to make himself something to eat after. “You know if we are going to be hanging out after we get back it might be good t
o know what you do for your job. You said you’re a lawyer but what kind?”

She looked back at him and chewed at her bottom lip. “It’s boring you don’t want to know.” She said turning back to the food she was making.

He stood and walked out to the kitchen and put his arms around her waist. “Come on you can tell me.” He pushed her hair to one side and kissed her neck. She twisted around in his arms suddenly wanting him quite badly. She kissed him heatedly. Quickly the food and talks of what job she did were forgotten.

  *                                                                          *

“You did that on
purpose.” Tooth Fairy said looking at Cupid upset.

“I just sent a little extra push of love what they do with it is up to them.” Cupid said grinning. He took off toward his home. Tooth Fairy was right behind him.

“Why not let them know now?” She asked not letting this rest.

“I want them to go home and realize that they miss each other. They need to realize how deep their love goes before they have to deal with
their problems. I’m not trying to trick them I’m trying to give them a fighting chance. They do care for each other. They deserve a chance at it.”

“Well I don’t like that you keep avoiding it.” She said stubbornly. “I’ve got to go make my rounds I’ll see you later.” She took off away from him. She had to admit th
at he was a lot different in his job than she thought he would be. Tooth Fairy was starting to wonder if the reason there were bad match ups is because Cupid couldn’t make all relationships. Maybe they needed to make more Cupids to help with the problem. Human’s certainly needed something to help them out. It seemed to be getting worse every year. It used to be hardly any one was divorced. Now she was surprised when she found a family that was still intact. Not that she would ever admit to Cupid that she thought there needed to be more of them. She would have to talk to the other Fairy Tales, without Cupid around, at the end of this little test if she thought it would help.

*                                                                           *                                                                          *

Saturday night both Jay and Lillian packed their things wanting to leave early the next morning. It hadn’t snowed again so the road was still clear from Friday. All their things went into the back of Jay’s SUV and he drove her down to her car. After digging it out they were able to transfer her things over. She started it and let it run while they sat in his SUV waiting for her car to warm up. “So do you think we’ll see each other again?” Lillian asked leaning on his shoulder.

“I’m sure of it. If we want to make it happen it will. I’m really going to miss it up here.” He looked around at the snow covered trees and down at his companion who’s head was re
sting on his shoulder. “I’m going to miss spending time with you too. You’re not usually what I go for but I have to say I’ve become quite attached to you.”

“Well same goes for you mister. I’m sitting in an SUV with a guy that eats meat with every meal and knows almost nothing about going green or any of the stuff that matters to me so much. None of that seems to matter though, I like you anyway.”

Jay laughed “well don’t forget that you like me when you get back to the real world and I’m not there to cloud your judgment all the time. Besides you’ve taught me quite a bit about what matters to you. I actually paid attention and can use it in my work. I thank you for that.” He kissed her forehead.

“I’m glad I could teach you something though really I was just standing on my soap box most of the time. I didn’t realize I was teaching you anything.” She sat up. “Did I really help you learn about some of the importance of taking care of the environment?” Clearly she was surprised by that fact and he laughed again.

“Yes, I mean I never really paid attention to any of that stuff before I just thought it was a bunch of tree huggers going off about nothing important. Maybe you should teach classes for the uninformed like me.” She laughed this time. “You can’t change how people think if you’re a crazy person spouting off crazy ideas. You need to bring it down a level for normal people. Explain through things like you did with me when I asked questions. It seems so easy but not a lot of people that believe the things you do so strongly can talk calmly about it. Then again it also depends on the person listening. If you hadn’t been a smoking hot woman that I’m learning to care about I don’t know if I would have listened as well. Not to mention I was kind of stuck with you hearing you talk about it all the time. Maybe you need to do a retreat and trap people in so they have to listen to you rather than just a class.”

She shoved hi
m “you didn’t seem all that bored.” He was grinning at her so she knew he was just teasing. “Well my car looks like it is warm enough.” She sighed looking at her car wishing it hadn’t warmed up so quickly.

“Will you call me or text me when you get home so that I know you made it in that tiny thing?”

“My car works great in the city thank you. At least I’ll be able to get home without filling up twice.” She countered. “Yes I’ll call.” She rolled her eyes as she opened the door.

He caught her hand, “I really mean that I’ve started to care for you and that I’d like to see you again.” He said hoping that he didn’t sound like a fool or crazy. She smiled softly at him and leaned back in to give him a kiss. “Drive safely.” He said when she pulled away.

“You too, handsome.” She said climbing out of the SUV and walking to her car. Jay waited until she had backed out and was on the road before following behind her. He lost her when he had to stop for gas. He was sure that she was laughing as she kept going.

*                                                                      *                                                                        *

“How’s the case?” Jay asked. He called her as he did every night as he was leaving the office.

“I told you I can’t talk about it.” She laughed. Lillian loved that he called her every night and asked how she was and wanted to learn about her day. She avoided talking about her work as it was an ongoing case but they spoke about everything else under the sun. They hadn’t been able to see each other since coming back, it was almost a week and she missed him more than she was willing to admit out loud. 

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