Cuffed (5 page)

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Authors: Kait Gamble

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Cuffed
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When she finally came back to herself, she looked up to find his face inches from hers and an amused grin tilting his talented mouth. Panting, she said the only thing rattling around her blissful, blank mind. “Holy shit.”

He chuckled. “I’m not done with you yet.” As if to test the water, he shifted his hips back and forth in teasing strokes.

Jackson was big, knew how to handle a woman and had stamina. Scarlett had hit the jackpot. Hooking her arms around his neck, she grinned. “I’d be extremely disappointed if you were.”

Jackson scooped her up close and sat up. He shifted them to the edge of the bed, his feet on the floor for leverage.

The position slid him even deeper, making the breath catch in Scarlett’s throat. “Oh, God.”

He said nothing, only wrapped her legs behind him. Gripping her hips, he rolled his.

Scarlett bit her lip to hold back yet another cry. The last thing they needed was someone calling security on them for being too loud. As if he knew of her dilemma, he pressed his mouth to hers again, keeping her too busy to utter a sound besides the occasional gasp for breath.

He kept their handcuffed hands on her waist, holding her in place while he let his free one wandered over the curve of her ass, squeezing and molding her skin as if she were clay and he the artist. With every thrust, she was becoming more and more convinced he was an artist. Just not in the traditional sense.

Scarlett let her head fall back, reveling in the sensations rushing through her, winding her tighter and tighter toward another inevitable orgasm. She twined her fingers in his hair, holding his mouth to hers as she rocked with him, kissed him—reveled in him.

He drew back and rasped, “Pull up your shirt.”

Scarlett didn’t have to be told twice. She yanked it and her bra out of the way, giving him access to her breasts, a move he took swift advantage of.

He held it up just enough to stay over her eyes, trapping her arms and blindfolding her in one move. Trapped and blind, she could do nothing but let him do as he liked and simply feel, making everything he did to her magnified. His every movement and touch seemed compounded. His hands were rougher against her skin, his mouth hotter, the friction of him so big and hard inside her so much more powerful. His mouth closed hot and wet over one beaded peak and the flick of his tongue was all she needed to rocket back into the stratosphere.


Jackson held on as long as he could. Being in her tight, hot body was blissful. She was incredibly responsive to him. Altogether, a package that was almost too alluring. The new position put her tits right at the perfect height for his mouth. What he wanted, though, was her writhing against him again before he blew. He wondered how she would fare if she were unable to see him. It was something he’d always wanted to try and what better time than now? He couldn’t help the surge of his ego when his gruff command was immediately obeyed. And once he had her trapped and his mouth on her, it was all she needed to orgasm quite spectacularly.

It was that second orgasm that pulled him over the edge with her. Blasting away all thought and reason as he thrust up into her body. The mind-blowing sensation caught him off guard and he couldn’t help the shout that accompanied it.


Jackson’s hoarse shout followed not too far behind hers this time.

For a moment, Scarlett didn’t want to move. She didn’t want to think. Couldn’t. She just wanted to be. It had been amazing and she wasn’t quite ready to break the spell just yet.

She untangled herself and opened her eyes, her sated gaze met with his.

His smile was tired but laced with awe. “Was it just me or was that…?”

“Incredible?” Scarlett slid off him to lie in an odd tangle of cloth, metal and human.

“I’d say so.” He flopped back next to her and quickly disposed of the condom.

She silently mused for a moment before she voiced her thoughts. “Did you have any idea we would be so good together?”

Jackson smiled softly. “After all those years of arguing? I had an idea, I just never thought it would ever happen.”

She agreed with that. Their verbal sparring had become quite stimulating. But what it had taken was seeing the real him that made it better. Kinking it up with the cuffs didn’t exactly cramp their style, either. What she didn’t want to think about was how they’d ended up being locked together in the first place.

“Not a word to Rex. We’ll never hear the end of it if he finds out.”

Jackson nodded. “Speaking of him, we still have to find a way out of these.” He lifted his arm, drawing hers up along with it.

Scarlett smiled impishly as she ran his hand over her body and tugged it onto her stomach. “Already? I thought maybe we could have a little bit more fun with them.”

He let out a burst of laughter. “And here I thought I’d have to convince you into round two.”

“If you can make it as good as the first round or better…let’s just say convincing me will never be a problem.”

He used his body to pin hers to the bed, his kiss gentle. His piercing eyes held Scarlett’s. “Are you saying you want this to be a thing?”

Scarlett bit her lip. She hadn’t meant to blurt it out like that. But now that it was out in the open, she was interested in what he had to say on the matter. “Are you saying you don’t?”

“Does it feel like I’m not interested?” He ground his hardening erection against her.

“I think I’m going to need more proof.” Laughing when he growled at her, she reached down to the duffle bag he’d rooted through before. A quick search rewarded her with a large box of condoms. She held it up. “Really?”

He took one and quickly put it on. “Firstly, they’re not mine. One of the guys thought he’d come prepared. And secondly, I think we should make use of them because he sure as hell won’t.” Jackson dropped his gaze back to the box before meeting hers again. “Think we could make a dent in that roll?”

Reaching for him, she wriggled her eyebrows. “You’re ambitious. I like that.”

He pushed up her shirt and gazed lovingly at her chest before meeting her gaze again. “Is that the only thing you like about me?” Jackson closed his mouth over her nipple while he slowly thrust into her.

“I can think of a few other things.” She moaned and closed her eyes as she savored the sensation of him filling her again. Scarlett reopened her eyes with a smile and wriggled her hips. “One in particular I’m very fond of.”

She hooked her leg around his and flipped them over so that she rode him. Jackson didn’t look like he minded. In fact, the expression on his face made her think he was in heaven. Not that the expression on hers should be much different. Scarlett rocked, loving how deep he was, how he filled her so completely. She’d never imagined that she and Jackson would have wound up in bed…well, ever. Now that they had, she didn’t want it to end.

She closed her eyes, let her head fall back and settled into a more relaxed rhythm. It only faltered when she opened her eyes and they were drawn to his top hat. It was pointed right at them. Which meant the camera inside…

“What’s wrong?” Jackson followed her gaze, though he managed a thrust or two before he looked. “Shit, the camera.”

Scarlett was torn between covering up and forgetting everything and just enjoying Jackson. There was one answer that would make her stop. “You’re not live-streaming today, are you?”

“Hell, no.” He slid his hands up her thighs and held her tight for several deep thrusts. “I can turn it off if you want.”

As long as it wasn’t being broadcasted all over the Internet, Scarlett didn’t give a damn. She spent the rest of her life on camera, so why stop now? Not that she was going to admit it, but it gave her a little thrill to have an audience of sorts. “It doesn’t bother me, if it doesn’t bother you.” Rolling her hips, she looked at him as if daring him to stop. “Makes me want to put on a good show.”

Jackson grinned mischievously. “Then it doesn’t bug me at all.”

“Then don’t stop.”

And he didn’t.



Also available from Totally Bound Publishing:




Totally Five Star: Breaking Rossi’s Rules

Kait Gamble




Chapter One



“Ms. De Winter! Ms. De Winter!”

Anika could hear the vultures through the tinted windows of the limo. Couldn’t they just back off for a second? There had to be other news out there—besides her being left at the altar. Wasn’t there some war going on? A banker caught embezzling? Surely, there was something more newsworthy than her life, or lack thereof, to report on.

“Ms. De Winter!” The horn-rimmed glasses and pink hair gave away the identity of the short woman grinning inanely in the front with her phone pointed directly at her. The blogger was like a piranha. And for some reason, she always focused on Anika. What was it she called herself again? Pink Penn? Pink Poison more like. The name was fitting.

“Is it true that he wasn’t able to thaw the heart of the Ice Princess?”

It had been three days since she walked out of her own wedding, husbandless. What she hadn’t realized until she’d gotten through the gauntlet of media and into her apartment in the trendiest part of London was that she wasn’t at all upset. In fact, she felt free. The wedding, the preparations and the lies that surrounded it all had been wearing on her. It was so much fuss over something that was little more than a merger.

The paperwork that had been dispassionately signed by herself and her fiancé, Joshua Rhys-Jones, not two days before, delineated the fact in precise terms. Their families had been rivals for years but with the economy tanking, their fathers had the genius idea of merging their dwindling fortunes. It was an asinine idea, but there wasn’t a thing they could do to go against the wishes of their families.

Joshua wasn’t ugly by any means. He was well educated, looked good on her arm, and by all measures a stellar catch. She just didn’t feel anything for him besides appreciation for her family’s sake. He had admitted he felt the same. There was nothing romantic between them whatsoever, but they would make it appear how they wanted for the cameras just like they had been doing for the entirety of their lives.

So when he hadn’t shown up for their wedding, she’d felt a myriad of emotions, though none of them had been sadness or shame. But whatever it was she felt was overridden by relief. It did, however, leave her confused and struggling to find the façade to use. When faced with the swarms of reporters and their questions, she didn’t know what to do or how to act. It was just better to stay away from them.

“Drive on!” Anika didn’t know what possessed her to think that it was okay to leave the apartment. No matter when she did, they were there ready to jump in her face. “Take me back home.”

The car immediately started a slow roll through the throng and into the treacle-like traffic. What she wouldn’t give to make it all go away.

Her phone trilled from inside her handbag, drawing her out of her misery. She extracted it and saw the familiar name. She swiped the screen. “Petra, you have to save me.”

The voice on the other end burst into laughter. “Down in the doldrums, are you, darling? And after all the excitement?”

“You have no idea. The vultures won’t leave me alone. No matter where I go, what I want to do, they’re always in my face asking ridiculous questions. And why? Who cares? Why do they give a fig about my life?”

“Because the common people are enamored by the life of the rich and famous—especially when it crashes and burns. That’s when they like to point and stare. It’s the same logic as people who have to slow down and look at a car wreck.”

Anika sighed. “So now you’re comparing my life to a car wreck.”

“Darling, if I didn’t tell you, who would?”

Anika laughed for what felt like the first time in eons. “I need to get away from all of this. If it’s not the paparazzi then it’s my family.”

“You should set them all on Joshua. It’s his fault anyway. Let him deal with the fallout.”

That would be so fantastic. “If only.”

“Well. If no one can find you, then they would have no choice, right?”

“And how would I manage that?”

“This is why you made friends with me at boarding school. You never would have survived otherwise.”

Anika rolled her eyes. “Just tell me your plan.”

“Well, you know who my mum is. I could pull a few strings and get you the hell out of there and into paradise.”

It was well known that the famed Claudia Bauer, PA extraordinaire to the equally illustrious James Conroy III, was the gatekeeper to the Totally Five Star world. Anika absolutely believed that Petra could pull some major strings.

“So far this sounds good. What’s the catch?”

The melodramatic gasp on the other end of the line made Anika smile.

“Can’t a girl help out her friend?”

Anika was well versed in the kind of help Petra was capable of. Some of the time, she came through with flying colors and others were a downright disaster. The number of occasions they’d ended up across the desk getting a dressing down from the head mistress made Anika cringe. The fact that they were usually down to some insane plot hatched by her dear friend didn’t instill confidence in Anika.

“So what do you say?” Petra asked eagerly.

What did she have to lose? At the worst, she’d get away from London for a little while. “Okay. Just make sure that it’s not going to backfire on me.”

Laughter burst on the other end of the line. “When have I ever steered you wrong?”

“The time you got me to sneak out by climbing down the trellis and I fell onto the Head Mistress’ car. Or how about when you said no one would ever know it was us who swapped out the soap in the bathroom dispensers with red dye?”

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