Cuffed (3 page)

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Authors: Kait Gamble

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Cuffed
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Next to her, Jackson’s big body tensed. “What’s he up to?”

Surprisingly, Rex walked into the photo op without calling much attention to himself, besides the amazingly detailed costume. Their little group seemed to get bigger by the second with other cosplayers, bloggers and YouTubers joining in, much to Julia’s delight. This would be one day that the girl would remember for the rest of her life. Being a part of that made Scarlett happy—and in awe that it was all owed to Jackson.

Rex had managed to worm his way to the center of the group where she and Jackson stood. “You two look cozy. Just a reminder that touchy-feely time is almost over. We’ve got a panel to join.”

Julia must have heard because she turned around and gave Jackson a huge hug. “Thanks so much. It means the world to me.”

“Any time, kid.” Jackson punched her lightly on the shoulder.

It was clear that Scarlett, and everyone else around, knew that he meant it.

Before Rex and Jackson could be swarmed by women, Rex dragged them off. Scarlett barely got a chance to wave goodbye to Julia and her mother, then they were herded down a labyrinth of hallways.

The crowds were nothing but a dull murmur somewhere behind them, and Scarlett couldn’t picture in her head where they even were in the building anymore. “Are you sure we’re going the right way?”

Rex shrugged. “Yeah. This is where they told me to go.”

Jackson’s pace slowed and he snared Scarlett around the waist so that she stayed by him. He was leery of Rex. Not that she could blame him. It did feel like a setup.

“What are you up to, Rex?”

The innocence on Rex’s face made Scarlett’s skin prickle.

“Nothing. You two are too suspicious.” He put his hand over his heart, but with the Loki outfit, the effect was less than comforting. “I swear that I will do nothing to you guys at this con.”

Jackson stopped dead, bringing Scarlett to a lurching stop next to him. “Not good enough. We’ll find our own way.”

Nodding, Scarlett didn’t protest. She’d rather take her chances on her own than trust Rex. Something was off, and even though she couldn’t put her finger on it, she was going to trust her instincts on this one.

“Fine. Just don’t be late.” Rex simply sauntered off in the direction he’d been leading them in the first place.

She still didn’t like it. “Let’s go back the way we came. I think we can figure it out between the two of us.”

“I remember the way.”

He held out an arm for Scarlett and this time she didn’t refuse. Looping hers through his, they walked for a long while in companionable silence.

That was until Jackson looked down at her and chuckled, “I’m glad I’m not the only one who doesn’t trust that guy.”

Scarlett shrugged. “I think anyone who has ever seen his channel would have a problem trusting Rex. It’s just who he is.”

They quietly turned a corner. The crowds were getting louder again so they were headed in the right direction. Not that she had any doubt.

First, they heard a staccato beat of footfalls coming toward them. Then a frightened little Obi Wan Kenobi rounded the corner and nearly crashed into them. He couldn’t have been more than ten years old and by the looks of it, he was nearing hysterics.

He ran straight for Scarlett, skidding to a halt just short of knocking her over.

Jackson steadied him and turned him around. “You okay, kid?”

The boy shook his head, sniffling loudly. “I lost my dad. We got separated in the crowd and now I can’t find him and I don’t know where to go for help.”

Scarlett smiled as comfortingly as she could. “Don’t worry. We’ll find him.”

With him in the middle, they started walking back in the direction the boy had come from.

She patted him on the shoulder. “Is he dressed up too?”

“Yeah, he’s Darth Maul.”

Great, to find one Sith lord in the middle of Comic Con.

Just as they were about to walk back into the exhibition hall, they heard Rex’s voice from behind them. “You guys were right. I was going the wrong way.”

Scarlett and Jackson turned at the same time to see him smiling quite evilly behind them. And that’s when she felt cold metal close around her wrist.

Jackson tried to jerk away and accidentally yanked her arm along with him.

Little Obi Wan had handcuffed them together.

“What the hell?” snarled Jackson.

They glared at Rex, who was now laughing and holding a phone to film their plight. “I knew you two bleeding hearts couldn’t help yourselves when it came to a kid in distress.”

Jackson jabbed a finger at him. “You said you wouldn’t do anything to us at this con.”

“I didn’t.” His gaze landed fondly on the boy. “He did. Great job, by the way.”

The kid bowed proudly. “So I get to be on your channel?”

“For sure.” Rex winked at him.

The kid grinned and ran off back onto the exhibition hall.

“I can’t believe you bribed a kid to do your dirty work.” Scarlett tugged at the cuffs but to no avail. They weren’t going to get free without the keys. “Unlock us right now.”

He held the key up then flipped his hand up, making it disappear from sight. “Sorry, you didn’t say the magic word.” Instead, he held his camera closer but just out of reach of the enraged Jackson. “Smile for your fans. Better yet. Show them what happens when you two really start to fight.”

That’s what he’d done this for? A show for his followers?

Jackson took a half step toward him. “This is pathetic, Rex. Let us out of these.”

“No, I think I’ll just wait and see how this plays out.”

Other con attendees had gotten wind of what was going on and were now crowded around waiting for something to happen, cameras at the ready.

Scarlett wasn’t going to give Rex the satisfaction and from the set of his jaw, Jackson wasn’t going to perform for him, either.

“Not going to play, huh? I guess we’ll just have to wait and see. Because you’re not getting the key until I get something I can use.”

Jackson looked incredulous on top of his irritation. “You’re a dick, Rex.”

“Thanks.” With a grin, he walked away only to stop short and turn back to them, still smiling. “Coming? We still have that panel to do.”

That much was true. Let Rex think that he’d won. If they couldn’t get the keys from him, they’d just have to hack them off.

Annoyed, Scarlett dragged Jackson along behind her when she spotted someone else on the panel and followed them. It didn’t take them long to get to the right room and arrange to be seated next to each another.

They were announced one by one to be greeted by applause, but when they walked on together, there was a curious lull before it picked up again, this time with catcalls and whoops from the crowd.

They raised their joined hands and waved as they took their seats.

Jackson pulled out her chair for her then his own, earning some curious gazes from their fellow panelists. Just as the moderator was about to get the discussion started, Jackson threw up their joined hands again. “Before anyone asks, yes this is how I show a girl a good time.”

His comment was met by laughter and more applause.

Scarlett shook her head. Then she saw Julia and her mother step into the back of the room and had a flash of clarity. This was her chance to do something good. “The only reason I’m currently attached to this guy is because we wanted to do something for charity. How much are you guys willing to pay to see us cuffed together for the next couple hours?”

Cheers rocked the room.

She covertly peeked at Rex, who looked more than a tad annoyed at the twist in his little plan.

Delighted, she smiled wider. “Great. If you’re interested in donating to a great cause, come and see us after the panel.”

Jackson slipped his hand over hers under the table and entwined their fingers. As he squeezed her hand in his, he looked her straight in the eyes, and for a moment, that’s all there was—just the incredible blue depths of his eyes.

Scarlett knew she was in trouble when the gratitude and admiration there darkened into something else. It triggered a warm pulse low in her belly that quickly spread, especially to pool between her thighs. And she was going to be spending the next couple of hours, at least, cuffed to him.

Chapter Three




Jackson wanted to strangle Rex—who wouldn’t after what he’d done? Who the hell used a kid to ambush people? Bribing him with a spot on his show of all things. It was despicable. And absolutely something Rex would do. Jackson was pissed because he should have seen it coming.

However, being cuffed to Scarlett gave him a few ideas. Ones that involved testing the waters.

How she’d turned around Rex’s prank put a smile on his face. He knew she wasn’t as gruff as her persona would have viewers believe, and to help Carole and Julia so openly showed everyone else that too. Scarlett had obviously felt something after talking to Carole and her gesture made something in his chest ache a little.

And his dick to throb a lot.

He hoped to high heaven that she was interested in him, because if not, he was going to have to ice his balls for a month after this.

Jackson had to admit he enjoyed the feel of her hand in his. It fit in his like she was made for him. Scarlett didn’t hesitate to take it either, twining her fingers with his as if it was something they did every day. It was so natural, he wondered if there were other places they would fit so well together too.

He fought the urge to play with her fingers. With the table covered by a cloth, no one in the audience could see anything of them from the mid-torso down. The rest of the panelists were another matter, but if they shifted forward…

It definitely had possibilities.

As the panelists were introducing themselves and describing what they did, Jackson started tracing patterns on the back of her hand. Lazy circles led into teasing lines.


Scarlett jumped a bit when Jackson stroked her hand. She was so intent on the feel of his skin on hers that the movement startled her. It began with little circles, then long lines then a random combination of both. Each sent shocks of sensation up her arm to form butterflies of heat fluttering through her.

When he introduced himself to the crowd, Scarlett focused on the audience, but his voice drew her in. Had it always been so deep? So compelling? She had to snap herself out of it. Scarlett then made the mistake of looking at him as he spoke. Her gaze dropped to his lips as he smiled and continued his introduction. Oh, God…his lips.

Jackson must have said something hilarious because the crowd burst into uproarious laughter that was enough to startle her back to reality.

Since all eyes were turned her way, it was obviously her moment to introduce herself. Talking to her camera was one thing, but speaking face to face was a totally different creature. A squeeze of her hand reminded her she wasn’t alone.

With a deep breath she dove in. “Hey, everyone! I’m Scarlett and I vlog on my channel Code Red.” She grinned at the whoops and catcalls that garnered. “I’m mostly a gamer, but I do throw a bit of my daily life as well. It’s a combination that’s worked out pretty well for me so far.”

She went on with more detail about her schedule and ended her spiel with a little smile and a shrug. Luckily, it seemed that was enough to endear her to the audience. As the applause died, she closed her fingers around Jackson’s in thanks for not letting her panic.

Soon the rest of the panel did the same thing and were done. Time to get into the reason why people had come to see them—to find out how to create a successful YouTube channel.

As they segued onto strategy and a discussion about what worked for each of them, Jackson shifted her hand to his leg and rested his lightly on her thigh. Not too high. Just above the knee. It was comfortable and perfectly fine by her.

By the time they were taking questions from the audience, he slid his hand upward, his touch fleeting. Teasingly close to taking things to a very inappropriate level. Then gliding away again. Thankfully, the table was covered, but if anyone sitting next to them decided to look over… Scarlet shuffled her seat closer to the table.

Not that it would help at all. Scarlett was sure that everyone could see on her face what he was up to. With each pass, his touch grazed higher and higher. She almost cursed her decision to wear jeans then snapped out of it. What was she thinking? Just because he knew what he was doing with his fingers, she was willing to let him? In public? As much as she wanted to hate it, she didn’t. Couldn’t.

When he traced the seam of her jeans upward, rasping his nail directly over her aching center, Scarlett could barely breathe or focus on anything else that was going on. Just once more and she would explode. Scarlett’s breath hitched as she prepared for the next pass. But it never came. It wasn’t until the entire panel turned to her and Jackson tapped her hand that she realized that she’d been asked a question.

With the roaring in her ears intensifying, she quickly zeroed in on the audience member who was standing at the mic waiting expectantly.

“Sorry?” Scarlett’s face had to match her hair, it burned so hot from embarrassment.

The fan was unfazed. It actually appeared as though she was about to bounce herself off her feet just because Scarlett had addressed her directly. “I asked what it was like to be handcuffed to Jackson.”

It was more of an erotic charge than she thought it would be. She was seconds away from a bone-melting orgasm and they were sitting here in front of a crowd of people fully clothed. What the hell could he do to her if he really tried? The thought sent awareness of his touch skittering through her system. She ran her fingers over the back of his hand. “It’s like being handcuffed to any other person, I guess.”

“So you’ve been cuffed to other people before?”

Scarlett sensed Jackson’s gaze on her. “Can’t say that I have.”

“All I know is if I was cuffed to a hottie like him, I’d do something about it. If you know what I mean.”

As if no one got what she meant. The coquettish lash-batting and giggling at Jackson with that comment evoked a very visceral urge to punch the girl in the face. If the questions would just end and they could get out of here, Scarlett would definitely do something about it.

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