Crusade Across Worlds (24 page)

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Authors: C.G. Coppola

Tags: #romance scifi, #scifi action adventure, #war action adventure, #war between planets, #fantasy 2016, #arizal wars

BOOK: Crusade Across Worlds
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Is everyone at the city okay?

They’re fine. His intention was always to
bring the army here
, he turns around. S
peaking of…
“Sampson—did you hear what I did? Did Varielle say she dropped

“You mean the Shadow Bag’s here?” Pratt
fires another white blast. “In this rubble somewhere?”

“Just keep shooting…” Clarence nods, still
cradling me to his chest. “I’ll take the kids back if you want to
look for it.”

“We shall help, Fychu,” three guards swim
closer. “It would be our honor.”

A bright flash and I see Sampson nod,
indicating that Pratt should return with us. A guard switches
places with her and she joins Clarence’s side.

“Come on, guys. We need to get back to the
city,” he carries me out of the cave and toward Lalu who is
outside, waiting. Three other guards bring the boys behind us as
Clarence peeks back. “And you four need to get un-immobilized. It’s
weird not hearing anyone talk,” he places me on Lalu and jumps on,
securing us. “Boy this is going to be one long, quiet ride.”


Chapter Eleven: Back to Basics

“So how’d you guys make it back?” Walker’s
the first to ask.

We’d all been wondering it. Ever since
returning to the FH, Walker, Tucker, Reid and I were whisked away
to the Healers without any word about the others. But it’s not like
we could’ve talked. Not for the first few minutes at least. We were
with the Healers for about ten minutes before Perio’s serum wore
off. Hillay, who removed the Gorgen poison from my leg last time,
said the substance was devised from a plant-based numbing toxin
that only lasts for an hour or so, and by the time we got there,
most of it had left our system. Good thing too because not being
able to use my motor functions was driving me insane.

Clarence thought we should’ve stayed longer.
He wanted to be sure every last bit of the serum was cleared from
our system, but the four of us rushed out the second we could,
eager to locate the others and hear what happened after they left
the cave. We found them in the Dining Hall, lounging around the
table, shooting the breeze.

“You have any trouble getting out?” Walker
scans the seated Rogues, his eyes falling on the one on the end.
“And how’s your leg, Werzo? Can I sign your cast?” he smirks.

The Healers wrapped Werzo’s leg in white
gauze although they already repaired the bone. The injury was
reversed—even the swelling—but they bandaged it mostly because he’d
asked them too.

“Ha-ha,” he rolls his eyes. “It still


“We know,” Able agrees. “You wouldn’t stop
complaining about it the entire trip home.”

“It was broken!” the copper-haired Rogue
throws his arms up. “With no anesthesia—”

“Glad to know you took it like a champ,”
Walker winks. “But seriously,” he plants his hands on the table,
“how’d you guys do it? Weren’t the Gorgens right out there?”

“Actually it was perfect timing,” Able says.
“The battle was still pulling them toward one side and we just
snuck out the other. Smooth sailing.”

“Except for crybaby over here,” Jace nudges

“It. Was. BROKEN!”

“Alright guys, settle down,” Clarence
appears in the tunnel, a humored expression lighting his features.
He enters the Dining Hall with the other Dofinikes behind him. We
all take our seats quickly, Vix placing Mae in the chair between
Pratt and I.

Sampson shifts forward. “Lots to talk

“Isn’t there always?” Jace grins.

“Certainly,” he nods and steeples his
fingers. He waits a moment before beginning again. “We have some

“Oh?” Able sits up.

Sampson glances around the table and
inhales. “We have recovered the Shadow Bag.”

“What?” Mae’s eyes pop.

“Really?” Jace asks.

“How?” Booker wants to know.

“It seems Varielle dropped the Gift when she
and Perio were forced to flee. We searched the area… and we found

Silence descends and for a long moment, we
all sort of stare at each other, and then back at Sampson. But he
doesn’t elaborate. He’s giving us a moment to grasp the weight of
the situation.

Pratt shifts forward. “Is it here?”

“Yes. It is in the FH and right now, only
we,” he gestures around the table, “and a handful of guards know it
is here.”

“So what does this mean?” I ask. “Are we
going back to the original plan?”

,” Blovid answers first, “is
undecided. The question of what to do with the Gift also needs to
be addressed. It cannot stay in its current location for much

“Correct,” Sampson nods. “We know the Muskos
will come looking for it here sooner or later. Unless we take it
off-planet, another strike against Pryncbia is inevitable.”

“So that’s it then,” Walker shrugs. “We’re
back to plan A. Lure the Vermix to Nerwolix with the Gifts.”

“We can’t just take it off-planet,” Clarence
leans forward, threading his fingers together. “We have to get
permission from the queen.”

“When’s she due back?”

“She may not even give permission at this
point,” Sampson frowns. “Spending the last few days with Chancellor
Keller might have changed her opinion on the matter.”

“Well then she can tell us what she wants to
do with it,” Walker shrugs again.

“Is there any chance of putting it back?”
Mae suggests.

“It may have been wiser just to leave it
there, Fychu.”

“We could not simply leave it, Blovid,”
Sampson sighs with a look at the Arizal Leader. “The Muskos would
look there first. You know this.”

“And once they find it missing—”

“I agree, and that is why I think it best to
be taken off-planet. They can rejoin Reuzkimpart in his invasion on
Nerwolix and try to obtain it then. And they’ll face three fierce
armies instead of a wounded city.”

“But Queen Ariana still needs to approve,”
Vix says. “She may not see the reason in your decision. She may
wish to prepare her kingdom for another assault.”

“And that is why we must talk to her as soon
as possible,” Sampson glances around the room. “She is due back the
day after tomorrow. We can discuss everything that has occurred and
advise what will happen if she demands that the Gift remain here,
in Pryncbia.”

“She may simply wish to relocate it
somewhere on the planet,” Qippert offers.

“But during a domestic threat?” The Fychu
shakes his head. “She may have only been a queen for a week, but
she is wiser than that. If the Queen decides to reposition the
Shadow Bag, it will be when no one is seeking it.”

“And if she allows it off-planet?” Blovid
asks. “You still only have the one Gift. There is no convincing
Hozfin or Thias to reveal the Floating Ruby’s location because
neither knows. It has been lost for centuries.”

Sampson nods, resting his chin on his
clasped fists. After a long moment, he looks at the Arizal Leader.
“The other night nearly everyone here said it was likely impossible
to obtain the Shadow Bag, and yet we have it in our possession. I
believe the Mother wants us to find the Gifts and use them to lure
Reuzkimpart to his capture. The Lynzees said the Vermix would be
coming…” he smiles. “Who am I to doubt them?”

Blovid lets out a sigh and sits back. “This
is madness you know.”

“I know.”

He waves his arm around. “This whole day has
been sheer—”

“Do not say luck. You and I both know luck
is not real.”

Blovid frowns. “Your good fortune may run
out once the Queen arrives. We will not know any more until

“Then we will put this discussion on hold
until she does.”




“Queen Ariana,” Sampson approaches the edge
of the pool in the Docking Station. He smiles warmly, a genuine
greeting. “Welcome home.”

“Thank you, Fychu,” she nods in return as
Chancellor Keller climbs off the Stancimis, offering her his hand.
She takes it and dismounts, the guards moving around her in a
protective huddle.

“I trust you had a good trip?” Sampson keeps
to her side and the two start for the Great Hall. Chancellor Keller
and the guards follow behind.

“It was very beneficial.”

“Wonderful. I do not suppose you would have

“The queen is on a very strict schedule at
the moment,” Chancellor Keller inches closer to Ariana. “She has
only just returned and much needs to be done.”

“Yes, of course…but you must be made aware
that there was another attack near the city—”

attack?” Queen Ariana stops
and everyone halts with her. “When?”

“Two days ago.”

“Why was I not notified of this?” She faces
the chancellor.

He throws Sampson a look before focusing on
the queen again. “I, myself, was only informed of this a short
while ago. There are items needing to be discussed, your Highness.
Although,” he leans in, lowering his voice, “it is best to do so in
private first.”

“Of course,” Sampson agrees. “But we have
information the good chancellor does not and it is vital that it be
shared immediately. Once you have finished discussing in private, I
would request opening the conversation to include a few more
members?” He gestures behind him.

Ariana follows the Fychu’s focus to us, the
humans in the back. She must see Tucker because her face softens
the tiniest bit.

“Yes. Of course, Fychu. I will retire to my
chamber for some rest, but tonight we shall meet to discuss
everything you wish to. Chancellor,” she turns to him. “If you
would not mind, please prepare this.”

Yes, your Highness.”

Ariana nods and with a final glance back
over us, she heads for the Great Hall, Chancellor Keller and the
guards enveloping her again. Sampson moves to the side, watching as
the group disappears into the tunnel.

“Well that went well,” Clarence grins at his
friend. “Could the chancellor be any more upset that you shared the
news first?”

“If he was wise, he would have told her as
soon as he knew.”

“She has only been queen for a week,” Blovid
reminds him. “I believe he is trying to ease her into the

“She has lost her mother and both sisters in
a matter of months; I do not think there is any ease to this
process,” the Fychu spins around to the rest of us. “Later we will
speak with Queen Ariana and finally have an idea of what this next
week will consist of. Either she will keep the Shadow Bag on
Mybyncia and we’ll return to Nerwolix to prepare for the invasion
of Dellapalania, or we shall bring the Gift back and figure out how
to find the Floating Ruby.”

“What do you think?” Werzo nudges Tucker’s
elbow. “Will she let us have it?”

“How should I know?”

“You’re the one that boinked her.”

“I beg your pardon?” Qippert’s eyes

,” the Rogues collectively

“What?” he scratches the back of his head.
“I mean…you know…”

“No, we do not know,” Qippert frowns and
turns to Tucker. “What does the colloquialism ‘boink’ refer

“Is this something we need to know about?”
Blovid mirrors the same uneasy expression.

“No. And it means nothing,” Tucker shakes
his head, anger rising behind his eyes as he marches away. Reid
glances between us before jetting after the Rogue Leader and the
two walk swiftly toward the Great Hall without looking back.

“And you are certain,” Blovid eyes the rest
of us, “that this is not something we need concern ourselves

“Not any longer,” Jace folds his arms. “And
besides, we’ve got more important things to worry about. We’re
finding out how this war will play out.”

“Exactly,” Sampson turns to the rest of us.
“Tonight will prove interesting indeed.”




“Remember,” Sampson looks around the Dining
Hall, pausing briefly on Tucker, “this is Queen
, not
Queen Ravan, so let’s use our past alliance and try to get the best
outcome. Tonight,” he points to the table, “determines the next
phase of this war so please,” he cautions, “everyone stay on topic,
all right?”

“What other topics are there?” Jace

“Tucker’s past shenanigans for a start,”
Werzo murmurs.

“For real,” the Rogue Leader turns to him.
“We’re having words after this. I’m serious.”


“Cut it out.”

“I’m just saying—”

“There will be no talk of that,” Sampson
shakes his head. “Nothing to insinuate she’s been more than
friendly to us,” his focus falls on Werzo in hesitation. “It’s
probably best if you just don’t talk.”

The Rogue’s mouth falls open but he closes
it quickly enough, slouching back in his seat.

“The meeting will be used to discuss the
attack and the Shadow Bag
,” the Fychu looks around. “Is
that understood?”

Everyone nods just as a stream of
toga-wearing guards spill into the space. Queen Ariana and
Chancellor Keller appear and we all rise. After the queen scans the
room, she heads for the closest seat, the chancellor following
behind. He selects the chair to her immediate right and once she’s
seated, she lifts her arms and the rest of us sit again.

“I hope you are well rested,” Blovid smiles
at the new queen.

“I am—thank you.”

Sampson opens his mouth to say something but
Pratt cuts him off. “Was it really far to the other cities?”

Ariana nods. “It took about a day to get to
each and then we stayed for a day. The traveling itself was not
bad; it was just very long and tiresome.”

“And you traveled the whole way on Gala?” I

“Mostly, yes. I swam for a little bit,” she
smiles. “I do enjoy it.”

“Well, we are certainly happy to have you
back in Pryncbia,” Sampson regains control of the conversation. “It
was not the same without you,” he turns to Keller. “Or you either,

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