Crusade Across Worlds (10 page)

Read Crusade Across Worlds Online

Authors: C.G. Coppola

Tags: #romance scifi, #scifi action adventure, #war action adventure, #war between planets, #fantasy 2016, #arizal wars

BOOK: Crusade Across Worlds
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“Probably just the one night. Two at most.
We’ll give it our best shot and if she still doesn’t budge…”
Clarence turns to Sampson with a shrug. “Maybe we can disguise
something. Make it look like the Shadow Bag.”

“We’ll decide once we know the outcome.”

“Do you really think asking one more time
will make any difference?”

“Honestly,” Blovid exhales, “most likely
not. But we must make every attempt. We have crossed this topic
many times with her in the past three months. With the invasion
looming ahead, we must give it one final try.”

“Fallon,” Clarence says, “you must be tired
from your test earlier and,” after a quick glance at Reid,
“reuniting with everyone. If you wish to travel with us tomorrow,
it’s probably best that you get some rest. We’ll be leaving first
thing in the morning.”

He’s right. With the final challenge this
morning, returning to Nerwolix and seeing the others, and then
spending the afternoon with Reid, my brain is on overload. I need
to sleep. I’ll need hours of it if it means being useful anytime
soon. But I can’t leave yet. Not until I say the thing that’s been
on my mind since I first got here.

“Guys,” my chest constricts. A heavy knot
lodges itself inside my throat as I think about being on Arosin,
about the lonely nights and all the moments I knew I was missing.
Everyone had three months with each other. I had three months
apart. “I missed you so much,” it comes out a whisper. I’m already
nodding, agreeing with their argument, “I should’ve told you I was
leaving. I should’ve told you where I was going and why, but I just
couldn’t bear the goodbyes. I mean it when I say that not one day
went by that I didn’t think about you,” I glance from face to face,
“or here,” my eyes wander to Reid. “Or home.

“I know we’re in for a crazy time and it all
seems impossible, but…” I exhale the confidence that the last three
months have given me. “I think we’re going to get through this. I
know we are,” I look at Sampson. “I have every bit of faith that
things are working out as they should.”

“About time someone had some confidence,”
Walker winks.

“But Clarence is right. It’s been a big day
and if we’re heading to Mybyncia in the morning, I need to get some
shuteye,” I move to stand. Turning to King Hozfin, I offer a slight
bow. “Thank you for your continued hospitality and for providing
this delicious, celebratory meal. Your generosity has not gone

He nods once and then Reid is on his feet,
setting off a chain reaction of movement behind me. I don’t look
back. Clasping my hand, Reid threads our fingers together, leading
us past the red curtain and out into the brisk night air. The
others appear in seconds, just in time for a duo of
scantily-dressed Zingfinold girls to meander up the bridge. One
sprints over and, jumping into Jace’s arms, wraps her legs around
his waist. She sticks her tongue in his mouth and moans. Jace tries
walking blindly ahead and then breaks away from her long enough to
say, “Catch you guys later.”

The other girl—shorter and more
reserved—saunters closer to Booker. He hooks an arm around her
waist and leads her back across the bridge. “Night fellas,” he
calls over his shoulder. “Good to have you back, Boss Lady.”

I wave but he’s already gone, the two
disappearing behind a heavy gathering of Yulus.

“Unfair,” Werzo mutters.

“Ah you’ll find someone,” Reid jabs him

“But everyone’s got someone. Booker and
Jace. Rogue Leader, you,” and then he glances at Able who is
focused intently on the ground. “It’s not fair.”

“I’m single and proud,” Pratt chimes in.

“When you’re a twenty-one-year-old
hot-blooded male, we’ll talk.”

Walker rounds on him. “Hey, not everyone has
someone. Sometimes we just got to make do,” he crosses his arm and
shrugs. “Builds character. Strength.”

“Yeah but you got half the girls here
panting for you. All of you do.”

Pratt sighs audibly. “All I hear is blah,
blah, blah. I’m a whiny bitch.”

Suppressing his smirk, Walker grips Werzo’s
shoulder. “Tell you what—we can scout hot mermaid tail tomorrow. I
can be your wingman.”

“Yeah? You’d do that?”

“Sure,” his smile drops a little. “It’s not
like I have anyone either. It’ll be good for us,” he glances at me.
“Get our mind off things.”

“Awesome,” Werzo’s face lights up, his
confidence rejuvenated. He offers a slight wave and then retreats
down the bridge. “Night guys. See you in the a.m.”

With a nod and salute to the rest of us,
Walker takes off behind a cheerful, whistling Werzo.

“Well…” Mae smiles, “I better say goodnight
too. Big day tomorrow,” she turns and wraps her arms around me,
enclosing me in another warm hug. “I’m so glad you’re back, Fallon.
I’ve missed you
much. We have a lot to catch up on.”

“Not lots,” Able nervously laughs. “I mean,
some stuff… sure…not, not
of stuff. Lots of stuff
hasn’t happened. It’s only been three months. How could lots of
stuff happen in three months?”

“Way to throw off the scent,” Pratt rolls
her eyes. Throwing her arms out, she takes a moment to stretch.
“Yeah, I’m calling it a day too. I’m still mad at you for leaving…
but I guess I can forgive you.”


Pratt and Mae leave and I turn to Reid.

He whispers something into Tucker’s ear and
the Rogue Leader nods. I wave goodnight to Able and Tucker before
Reid and I make our way back across the bridge, my heart beating
faster with each step. I spent most of the afternoon with Reid but
I’m excited again. It’s like I’m seeing him for the first time,
like we’re going to have our reunion all over again and the thought
of repeating earlier events sends my pulse skyrocketing.

Reid stops at a trunk.

And pulls back the curtain.

I walk in and immediately pause, my breath
hitching at the familiar sight. Everything is exactly as I remember
it—from the jars of fireflies to the dark wooden walls to the red
linen covering the bed. It’s just as I left it, except the blankets
have been pulled back, as if I’d just crawled out this morning. Has
someone been sleeping in here?

“It smelled like you,” Reid is quiet behind

I stare at the disheveled linen, imagining
his body intertwined in the red softness. Reid sweeps the curls
from my neck and presses his lips to my skin, just under my ear. A
chill runs through me and I close my eyes, absorbed in his touch.
He’s gentle in his kissing. Reverent. He drifts lower down my neck
and on instinct, my mouth parts. “Reid?”

His breath is hot on my skin. “Yeah,

I try finding the words that describe what
the past three months meant to me. How difficult it was not to see
him every day, not to hear his voice or watch his eyes ignite when
they fell on me. It was an anguish I didn’t know existed—but how to
explain? How to make him understand what not being with him was
like? I settle on three quiet words that don’t nearly come close to
explaining it.

“I missed you.”

Reid slides his hand up to pinch my chin and
turns it towards him. His focus dips to my mouth. He leans in
slowly and kisses me, his lips soft against mine. Even after our
afternoon together, I’m inwardly melting, dissolving into the
helpless puddle I become when he’s touching me like this. Kissing
me like this. I shift toward him, eager to get closer. Reid deepens
the kiss and, taking my face in his hands, he holds me with the
utmost gentleness, drawing out the sweet, hot moment. With a final
nibble on my bottom lip, he rests his forehead against mine. He
lets out a breath, and then closes his eyes. “Don’t ever leave me

I nod.

“Okay?” he asks.


“I never want to go through that again.”

“Me neither.”

“I know that’s selfish. Some men don’t see
their wives for years when they go to war. I don’t know how… they
do it. Every day you were gone, I couldn’t breathe, Fallon. I
couldn’t breathe,” he wraps his arms around my body and picks me
up, holding me tight against him.

I’d longed for this—the moment when our
bodies would press together, when I could physically feel his love
for me. Three months was too long to go without touching Reid. And
now that he’s here, I don’t think I can stop. Gripping him with all
my strength, I wrap my arms around his neck, convincing myself to
never let go.

Reid inches forward, walking me back until
my shins hit the bed. We sort of fumble onto it and he kisses me
again. Slowly, sweetly, the reverence undeniable. He nibbles softly
on my bottom lip as my fingers travel down, over the hardened
muscles of his stomach to the soft patch of hair at its base. He
groans and breaks free to look at me. Fire ignites behind his eyes.
I reach lower and take him into my hand and his eyes close,
pleasure pulling at their corners. His breathing deepens.

Pressing his lips to my neck, he works my
jeans free and once he’s discarded the barriers between us, I cup
his face. And stare into his eyes. We’re connected, holding each
other through this powerful, unwavering gaze.

And then he sinks into me.

Reid lets out a breath. My own breathing
falters as I watch him move above me. His brows pinch but his focus
never wavers. It’s on me, holding me. He breathes harder, some
distant emotion crossing his face. Worry? Curiosity? Licking his
lips, his opens his mouth but shuts it just as quick. A lump rolls
down his throat.

I arch back, nearly falling off the bed. His
pace picks up and then slows down, the need to see his face
overtaking me. The same expression is there. Anticipation,
restlessness. Serenity.

“Marry me,” he whispers.


“Marry me. I’m so…
in love with

I’m arched off the bed but he’s holding me
to it, one hand threaded in mine while the other flies out to the
wooden wall, seeking support. His hips swing slow and deep, my
heart doing its best to keep up.

“Marry me,” he says again.

My hands travel to his face, holding it as
he moves, his eyes still focused on mine. I graze his furry cheeks
as the thought of spending the rest of my life with him surrounds
me. Overwhelms me. How can I contain it? With the way he’s looking
at me, the soft words he’s using—what he’s asking—I can’t take it.
Tears burn and I swallow to keep from crying. But one finds a way
past my shield and slips down my cheek. I nod quickly.

“Say it,” he pleads.

“Yes.” Tears spring freely now. “Yes.”

I hold his face to mine, opening my mouth at
the same time he does. But we don’t kiss. This moment is too
intimate for that. Instead, we breathe each other in, Reid pressing
his brow to mine, keeping us connected that way. It’s almost too
intimate, touching him like this, being this close without kissing.
“I love you.”

“I love you,” I whisper and my body

I arch back but he comes with me, keeping
our brows cemented, watching as I unravel beneath him. I’m shaking
and wet with my tears but I see through them to him. Reid brings
both hands to the wall above my head and breathes in my surrender.
With a fierce thrust, his mouth parts. He tries to keep his eyes
open, tries to keep looking at me, but they shut, his body suddenly
wracked with aftershocks. It takes a few seconds, but once he slows
he runs his tongue over his bottom lip and peels opens his eyes. He
looks down at me.

His chest expands, deflates and expands
again. “You said yes.”


“You’ll marry me.” It’s a statement now, not
a question.

“I’ll marry you.”

He smiles, a young, ecstatic smile that
lights up his face.
I’m going to get to see that for the rest of
my life.
My heart is so filled with joy at the thought that I’m
afraid it’s going to burst straight through my chest from too much
happiness. So focused on the fierce pounding, I don’t even notice
the tears when they start trickling down my face.

“Hey,” he whispers, “look at me.”

I do and his expression softens. He wipes my
cheek with his thumb, his chest still thumping. His eyes dart to my
Callix. “I don’t have a ring, but I’m going to get you one.”

“This is fine.”

He shakes his head. “I’m getting you a ring.
I want to do this right.”


He leans in, brushing his lips against mine
with a whisper. “I’m getting you one.”

Drawing the blanket over us, Reid lays
directly by my side. I turn to him and he brushes my curls back,
his hand gentle as it grazes my cheek. We lay looking at one
another, both smiling giddily until his mouth grows even wider.


His eyes shift between mine. “I can’t wait
to make you my wife.”


Reid’s wife.

I can’t wait for that either.

I lean forward and kiss him. When I start to
pull back, he holds me in place by my chin. He’s got that same
goofy grin, like his happiness is too much to contain. But it’s
more than that.


“It’s just—I don’t want today to end.” He
brushes his thumb over my bottom lip. “After three months you’ve
come back to me. I get to see you, touch you…” he closes his eyes
briefly, “and you’ve agreed to be my wife. Today’s been the best
day of my life.”

Chapter Six: Breakfast


It’s early.

Maybe an hour or so past dawn. We’re crowded
together, standing in a lopsided circle as Sampson and the other
Dofinikes discuss a few last minute things. Reid is with them. He’s
been talking with Sampson all morning about our visit to Mybyncia
and the upcoming challenge of convincing Queen Ravan to disclose
the location of the Gift. But every so often he looks my way and
smiles. Just smiles. It causes my stomach to flip and my chest to
tighten. I’m giddy from last night. He’s giddy too.

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