Criminal Poisoning: Investigational Guide for Law Enforcement, Toxicologists, Forensic Scientists, and Attorneys (32 page)

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thin-layer chromatography

(TLC), 76

Abrupt onset of symptoms, 66

ultraviolet spectroscopy

Access to knowledge, 40

(UV), 76

Access to poison, 42

Anatomical site concentration, 85

Accidental Poisoner for Sex, 17

Ancient Egyptians, 2

Acetaminophen (APAP), 36

Angel of Death, 23

Aconite, 8, 10

Anthrax Mail Tamperer, 56

Aconitine, 5

Antidote, 50

Aconitum napellus L., 5


Affair of the Poisons, 8

critical medical, 50

Aggravated battery, 91

Antifreeze, 15, 36, 111-114

Agrippina, 5

Agutter, Paul, 49


Aldrich-Mees lines, 66

color, 111

Alexipharmaca, 4

form, 111

Allergic shock, antidote for, 50

how it kills, 112

Alopecia, 66

lethal dose, 112

Amanita, 13

odor, 111

Amatoxins, 36

solubility, 111

Analytical toxicology, 75

source, 112

desired specimens, 76

taste, 111


victim of, 112

color tests, 76

administered, 112

gas chromatography (GC), 76

symptom onset time interval, 112

gas chromatography/mass


spectrometry (GC/

acute, 112

MS), 76

chronic, 113

immunoassays, 76

disease confusion, 113

mass spectrometry (MS), 76


radioimmunoassay (RIA), 76

method, 113




specimens, 113

Arsenic trioxide, 6

toxic levels, 114

Asian Indians, 3

selected cases, 114

Assassin, 21

Antimony, 9, 19

Assorted Nasties, 40

Antique chemicals, 42

Attalus III, King, 3

Antique drug/chemical bottles, 42

Athenian State poison, 5

Antique poisons in the home, 43

Atropine, 49

Antonio Exili, 7

Aum Shinrikyo Cult, 56

Aphrodisiac, 17

Autonomic Nervous System (ANS), 17

Aqua Toffana, 7

Autopsy, 23, 52, 83

Aristotle, 5

Autopsy, forensic, 83-86

Arrow poisons, 4

Avogadro’s Number, 38

Arsenic, 6, 7, 10, 11, 13, 14, 18, 23, 24,




color 114

Bacteria, 13, 14

form, 114

Bacteriology, 14

how it kills, 115

Bank robber, 16

lethal dose, 114

Baron von Munchausen, 64

odor, 114

Belladonna, 8

solubility, 114

Belushi, John, 63

source, 114

Bianco, Rene, 7

taste, 114

Bible, 3


Biological agents, 13

method, 116

Black pepper, 64

specimens, 116


toxic levels, 116

characteristics, 34

homicidal cases,


lesions from,

Cesare, 6

poison notes, 115

Lucrezia, 6


Rodrigo, 6

administered, 115

Boschka, 3

disease confusion, 116

Botkin, Cordelia, 10

notes, 116

Botulinus toxin, 116-118



acute, 115

color, 116

chronic, 115

form, 116

selected cases, 116

how it kills, 117

Arsenic Annie,

lethal dose, 117

see Doss, Nannie Hazel

odor, 116



poison notes, 117

Lambeth Poisoner, 10

solubility, 117

Man Who Wouldn’t Die, 14

source, 117

Mild Mannered Murderer, 11

taste, 117

Minister Who Went Mad, 20


Philandering Poisoner, 9

administered, 117

Playboy Poisoner, 14

disease confusion, 118

Poisoner for Love, 25

symptom onset, 117

Poisoning Bank Robber, 16

symptoms, acute, 117

Poisoning Miser, 13

symptoms, chronic, 117

Poisoning Pastor, 15

victim notes, 118

Poisonous Neighbor, 17


Poisonous Romantic, 18

analysis notes, 118

Rugeley Poisoner, 9

method, 118

Scorned Poisoner, 10

specimens, 118

Slight-of-Hand Poisoner, 9

toxic levels, 118

Stockyards Bluebeard, 11

selected cases, 118

Toxicomaniac, 18

Bovington Bug, 19

Tylenol(r) Tamperer, 21

Brittle nails, 66

Umbrella Assassin, 21

Bull’s Blood, 3

Castor bean, 21

Burial clubs, 8

Central Nervous System (CNS), 35

Chamber of Horrors, 13


Chain-of-custody, 69, 91

Camouflaged Poisoner, 22, 49

Charmbre Ardente, 8

Cantharides, 17

Charaka Samhita, 3

Carbon monoxide 15

Chemical bomb, 34

antidote for, 50

Chemical bullets, 38

Candy, 10, 17, 19, 20, 49

Chemical monkey wrenches, 35

Carbon monoxide, 15

Chemical monkey wrench targets, 36

Cases, modern era, 8-25

Chemical substances

Accidental Poisoner for Sex, 17

anatomical site concentration, 85

Angel of Death, 23

necrokinetics, 85

Camouflaged Poisoner, 22

postmortem levels,85

Double-O-Swango - License to

postmortem redistribution, 83

Kill, 24

volume of distribution (Vd), 85

Dr. Death, 24

Chicago, 21

Eccentric Genius, 23

China, 39

First Scientific Murderer, 13

Circe, 4

Halloween Killer, 19

Cluster B disorder, 51



Coal gas, 15

Courtney, Robert R., 31

Colchicine, 4

Council of Ten, Venetian, 6

Colchicum autumnale L, 4

C-peptide, 80

Color tests, 76

Cream, Thomas Neill, 10

Coma, 66

Cremated remains, 77

Common homicidal poisons, 111-126

Crime Classification Manual, 58

Antifreeze, 111

Crime, proving,

Arsenic, 114

Crime scene investigation, 69-80

Botulinus toxin, 116

analytical toxicology, 75

Cyanide, 118

cremated remains analyses, 77

Sodium monofluoroacetate, 120

forensic autopsy, 83-86

Strychnine, 122

how did poison get in patient?,

Thallium, 124


Compound “1080”,

information to obtain, 74t

see Sodium monofluoroacetate

investigating, 73

Compulsion to kill, 23

investigative considerations, 71

Computers, 41

multiple, 70

Conclusion, 103-108

physical evidence, 71, 74

Coniine, 5

poisoning deaths vs. violent deaths,

Conium maculatum L., 5


Constricted pupils, 66

poisoning occurrence,

Consumer Products Safety Commission

product tampering, 75

(CPSC), 45

search warrants, 72

Controlled Substances Act, 42

suspicion, aroused, 78

Conviction Pyramid, 94

Criminal investigation,

Convulsions, 66

prime directive, 103

Copper sulfate, 7

Criminal Investigative Analysis, 51

Corrosive sublimate, 6, 7

Crippen, Hawley Harvey, 11-13

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