Crime & Punishment 2: Master Delacroix (11 page)

Read Crime & Punishment 2: Master Delacroix Online

Authors: Trista Ann Michaels

Tags: #BDSM; Paranormal; Suspense

BOOK: Crime & Punishment 2: Master Delacroix
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“You okay?” he asked as his gaze turned from amusement to concern. “You look a little green.”

“I’m okay. Just nervous.”

Daniel smiled softly. “No reason to be nervous. Nathan can be a bit demanding, but he’s more interested in your pleasure than hurting you.”

“I know. It’s not that, it’s…”

“Come on, Connie,” Daniel said with a grin. “You only live once, right?”

She drew in a deep breath and nodded. “Right.”

“Valet isn’t out today, so pull up and park at the front. I’ll be right behind you.”

Connelly noticed her fingers shook slightly as she pushed the button to roll the window back up. Daniel was right. She fisted her fingers to stop the shaking, then put her car into gear and drove to the parking spaces toward the front of the building.

She would only live once. She hadn’t been having a lot of real fun lately, so this could be her new start. Fun sex with a man or men she would never see outside the confines of the club. Her lips twisted. Unless she ran into them at Starbucks and they put all kinds of wickedly kinky ideas in her head that she couldn’t stop thinking about.

She turned the wheel and pulled into an empty spot next to a blue BMW. Daniel parked next to her and climbed out. Connelly turned off the engine but remained behind the wheel. Why was she being such a wuss today? She wanted to have sex with Nathan. She had since he’d talked her through his bathroom scenario that had had her masturbating twice that night before going to sleep as well as several other times the nights after.

She snorted softly. Don’t pleasure yourself, indeed. How the hell would he know anyway?

Her car door opened, and she jumped in surprise. Daniel leaned against the window and grinned down at her. “You never struck me as being a chicken.”

“I’m coming,” she grumbled.

“Not yet, you’re not, but I have no doubt you will be,” he drawled.

Connelly snorted. “Cute.”

Daniel shut her car door, and she let her gaze wander down his tall, broad frame. Although not as muscular as his brother, Daniel was definitely built. His blue T-shirt clung to his hard chest, and his matching swim shorts hung down past he knees. Flip-flops completed the look.

“Here for the party too, I guess,” she said.

“Oh, yeah. I wouldn’t miss it. Never been to a pool orgy.”

Connelly giggled. “Is that what this is?”

“You saw the club, Connie,” he said as he rested his hand at the small of her back and escorted her toward the front door of the massive house. “What do you think?”

“Orgy,” she agreed with a slight nod.

Daniel chuckled and smiled at the man standing at the door, dressed in a tux. “Afternoon, John,” Daniel said.

“Daniel,” John replied as they walked past him and into the entryway. “Your brother is with the other guests by the pool. You’re the last to arrive, so I’m supposed to lock up after you.”

“We’ll leave you to it,” Daniel said as he pushed her toward the hall that led to the pool area. She didn’t realize she was resisting until Daniel said, “You’re like a child being led to her punishment.”

“Sorry,” she mumbled. “I’m just not used to this.”

“You’ll be fine.”

They strolled through the open patio doors and out onto a festively decorated pool deck. Japanese lanterns surrounded the deck, which would offer soft light later when the sun went down. A long table set up next to the house was covered with various finger foods and coolers of beer.

About thirty people gathered in several small groups, some talking and eating, some in the pool, a couple already playing in the small scene area that had been roped off.

She spotted Nathan by the deep end of the pool talking with a group of men. He’d apparently already been in the pool, for his hair was wet and slicked back, making his angular features stand out even more. Water glistened on his wide chest, and she had to fight the urge to lick the droplets with her tongue.

That probably wouldn’t be a good way to start the night.
Hey, can I lick the water off your chest? Drop your swim trunks, and I’ll lick your cock too.

Her whole body heated with the visions running through her mind. Or maybe it wouldn’t be such a bad start after all. He turned in her direction, and his intense, knowing gaze locked with hers. Amusement danced in his brown eyes.

He said something to the men in his group and then walked over. His confident swagger left her feeling weak in the knees.

“I was beginning to think you’d changed your mind,” he said as he got closer.

“I almost did,” she said.

“I found her in the parking lot, debating with herself. I think she’s a little nervous,” Daniel said.

“She should be,” Nathan drawled. “She masturbated after I told her not to.”

Connelly’s mouth fell open before she quickly closed it back.

“I told you I would know.”

“You didn’t really know. You just said it to see what my reaction would be,” she replied.

“And your reaction gave you away,” Nathan said. “How many times, Connelly?”

She kept her features blank and remained silent.

Nathan continued to stare into her eyes. “You’re supposed to answer your Dom, pet. Honestly.”

She licked her lips, her determination wavering just a tad. “Seven times, I think.”

Nathan’s eyes narrowed, and Daniel snickered.

“Seven?” Nathan repeated and raised an eyebrow. “Are you sure?”

Her stomach dropped. She licked her lips again, but then her eyes narrowed. Damn prick. Raising her chin, she answered, “No. It was ten.”

“That’s what I thought.” Nathan reached out and grabbed her elbow.

Connelly tried to pull her arm free, but his grip was too tight. “Wait! What are you doing?”

“I’m going to punish you,” he said as he tugged her with him toward a large pole set up at the far side of the pool.

“Punish me?” she exclaimed. “What?”

Nathan turned and gave her a stern look that brought her up short. “I told you not to masturbate, but you did anyway. Ten times. Is that correct?”

Connelly swallowed and, to her surprise, couldn’t stop herself from nodding. He again began pulling her toward her doom. Connelly frantically dug in her heels. Unfortunately, she wasn’t strong enough to stop him. She glanced over her shoulder at Daniel, who stood back and watched with a slightly amused, slightly intrigued look on his face. She scowled. Obviously no help from that department.

Should she use her safe word? Would it do any good? And did she really want to?

Despite her fear at what he might do, her body exploded with excitement she’d never quite felt before. She’d always heard fear could increase sexual desire but had never thought she’d be one of those people. Damned if she wasn’t incredibly turned on at the moment.

Nathan positioned her in front of the pole and unzipped her cover. She squealed and quickly pulled the ends together to keep herself covered. Nathan would have none of that. With a stern scowl, he slapped at her hands. The sting surprised her, and she immediately dropped her hands to her sides.

“Since you apparently don’t want me to do it. You do it,” he growled.

Connelly’s eyes went wide. “No. That’s not…”

His eyes narrowed farther, and she quickly removed her cover and let it fall to the ground at her feet. Heat flooded her cheeks at the stares she received as she stood naked before the T-shaped pole. Some appreciative, some curious, and some even heated.

“Eyes on me, pet,” he murmured.

The use of
instead of
made her heart skip a weird beat. He dropped his gaze to her breasts. He reached out and drew his finger slowly around one nipple. Her knees shook in response to his soft, teasing touch. Without removing his fingers, he brought his gaze back to hers.

“Arms up,” he commanded.

She lifted her arms and waited. The movement brought her breasts higher.

“What do you say, Connelly?” he asked.

“Yes, Master.”

“You’re very fair, so I can’t leave you out here for long. You’ll burn. After the sun goes down, though, is another matter.”

Connelly swallowed.

“Turn and put your back to me.”

“Yes, Master,” she murmured, and then turned.

She now faced a small guesthouse close to the main one. At least she didn’t have to look at everyone watching. Her limbs shook with a mixture of trepidation and excitement. As a child she was often punished for doing something she shouldn’t, but it was nothing like this.

Nathan moved in behind her and pushed his chest against her back. She could feel the hard ridge of his cock pressing into her behind. His shorts were wet and cold, and the shock of the material touching her flesh made her jerk and suck in a breath. The movement earned a slap on the side of her thigh that made her wince. She immediately stilled.

“You do not move until I tell you to,” he growled softly in her ear.

He reached above her and wrapped soft leather straps around her wrists that were attached to a rope that hung from the edge of the T at the top of the pole. Once they were secured, he tugged, bringing her to her toes.

She gasped and glanced down at her feet, which were just barely supporting her weight.

“Are your shoulders okay, Connelly?” he whispered in her ear.

His show of concern for her comfort surprised her and, at the same time, warmed her heart. “Yes, Master.”

He nodded and moved away from her. She tried to glance over her shoulder to see what he was doing, but still couldn’t see him clearly.

“Eyes toward the front, sub. Don’t make me blindfold you,” he commanded.

Connelly immediately moved her gaze back to the pole and the small guesthouse behind it.

Her entire body was on edge as she hung there, wondering what he had in mind. She had a feeling he knew that and deliberately kept her dangling on the edge of fear. He slowly strolled around so that he stood between her and the main column of the pole. He held up two pearl nipple clamps. Connelly jumped between admiring their beauty and fearing their teeth.

“I will not tighten these too tight, since you’ll be wearing them for a while,” he murmured.

He leaned down and licked over her engorged nipple. She gasped and tried to arch her back and put her breasts closer to his hot, delectable mouth. With a hard suck, he pulled away and then placed the clamp over her sensitive nub. Connelly drew in a shaky breath at the feel of the sharp teeth biting into her.

Nathan repeated the move on her other breast, leaving her trembling in a mixture of shock and awe. How many times had she admired those things in a sex store but could never convince her husband to use them? She’d finally given up and left the pair she’d bought in a drawer in her bedroom unopened.

“Very nice,” Nathan praised as he ran the backs of his hands along the undersides of her breasts. “You just need one more thing before your punishment can begin.”

Her eyes widened. He had something else planned? Okay, so far hadn’t been too bad.

He returned to his position behind her, out of her field of vision. She heard the rattle of plastic and inwardly groaned. Apparently another toy would be used on her.

“This may feel a little cold,” Nathan said as he placed something at the entrance to her anus.

Connelly tensed. She’d only done anal once, and while she’d enjoyed it, the threat of the unknown was enough to give her pause. She had no idea what he was putting up there or any idea how big it was. He wrapped his arm around her waist to keep her from swinging away from him as he pressed the head of the toy past her tight hole.

“Press out, sub. It will go in a lot easier. Or don’t and whimper in pain. The choice is yours, even though I prefer the latter.”

She swallowed and tried to press outward, but for some reason her body was too tight to follow her commands. He pressed in anyway, forcing his way past the tight ring of resistance and deep into her anal passage. The plug was thick, and the pain made her squeal and moan.

Once it was seated, he kissed her shoulder softly. “Very good, pet,” he murmured, and she would swear she heard a wicked grin of amusement in his tone.

She bit down on her tongue to keep from calling him a foul name.

He leaned in, giving her a small thrill of trepidation. “The things that run through a sub’s mind at a time like this are so intriguing. Everything you feel is expressed in your body, pet. Even the foul names that go through your head come across to me like fall leaves blowing in the wind. Just be sure you keep those names in your mind and not on your lips.”

“And what if I don’t?” she countered sarcastically.

She felt his lips morph into a smile against her neck. “Then you’ll make my day.”

Connelly bit down nervously on her lip. He was way too good at these damn mind games. She didn’t like it. It was starting to make her feel incredibly uncomfortable. No man should be able to read a woman so well. It wasn’t right. It wasn’t normal. How did he do it?

He stepped back, and the loss of his touch and body heat was a shock to her system. She shivered despite the heat of the late evening.

“My submissive went against my orders and pleasured herself this week,” Nathan said loudly enough for the crowd around them to hear.

She’d almost forgotten about them, and the stark reminder made her blush.

“Ten times if I recall. Is the number correct, sub? Last time to make any corrections, if any are necessary.”

Throwing caution to the wind, Connelly snapped. “Ten is what I said, isn’t it?”

Several in the crowd chuckled. A few gasped in shock, and the sound made her wonder if she’d made a mistake.

“Yes, you did,” Nathan drawled. “You also said seven, so I have to question your honesty and possibly your ability to count.”

“Fuck you,” she snarled.

“Oh, you will, pet. But not yet. Tell me, sub. What is ten plus seven?”

Connelly’s eyes widened just a bit. “Seventeen,” she murmured, suddenly afraid of what that might mean.

“Yes, seventeen. Are you sure about that ten, sub?”

She swallowed her fear and held her head up. “Yes.”

“Yes, what?” he snarled.

“Yes…you sadistic prick.”

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