Crime & Punishment 2: Master Delacroix (6 page)

Read Crime & Punishment 2: Master Delacroix Online

Authors: Trista Ann Michaels

Tags: #BDSM; Paranormal; Suspense

BOOK: Crime & Punishment 2: Master Delacroix
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“Does that bother you?” he asked, although he already knew the answer.

She moved her gaze around the room, giving a quick glance to several other naked submissives, both male and female, before bringing her gaze back to his. “No, it doesn’t, Master.”

“Good girl,” Nathan whispered as he slowly pushed her shirt down her arms, allowing it to fall to the floor. “I’m proud of you for pushing your discomfort aside for your Dom.”

“Do I call Daniel Master too?” she asked.

“He’s not a Master, so you may call him Sir.”


CONNELLY WAS STUNNED by just how aroused she was at the moment. Daniel undid the clasp of her bra, and she arched her back slightly in surprise. He’d moved so quietly, and she’d been so preoccupied with Nathan, she’d hardly noticed what he was up to till the tension around her ribs lessened.

“I think I like this game,” Daniel said as he slid his hands under her bra and cupped her breasts.

Connelly drew in a sharp breath at the feel of his hands cupping her, kneading her. Her breasts swelled beneath his touch, and every inch of her body burned as Nathan watched her.

Daniel grabbed her bra straps and slowly pushed them down her arms. When he reached her bent elbows, he stopped. Connelly glanced down at herself, unsure if she could do this. Naked? In the middle of a crowded room?

She hadn’t really thought this through very well, had she?

“Connelly. Look at me,” Nathan commanded.

She glanced up, meeting his dark, intense gaze, and wanted to melt into a puddle.

Oh, God. I’ll do whatever you want, just keep staring at me with those gorgeous eyes like you want to eat me alive.

Nathan’s lips twitched as though he’d heard her, but wouldn’t that just be ridiculous?

“Being naked in front of a crowd is always scary the first time, but you have nothing to worry about. You have a beautiful body. If they stare, it’s because they like what they see.”

She slowly lowered her arms, allowing Daniel to slip her bra the rest of the way off.

“Good girl,” Nathan whispered.

She could feel her entire body burning with embarrassment. Although she worked out, there were still places on her body she wasn’t comfortable with. Especially her breasts. They just weren’t as perky as they used to be.

Nathan didn’t seem to mind if his heated gaze was any indication. He put his palms underneath them, lifting and squeezing. Connelly closed her eyes briefly as his touch sent searing heat straight to her core. He brushed his thumbs over her nipples, then pinched them.

The bite of pain shocked her and sent her deeper into the sexual haze she’d fallen into. Her eyes popped open to stare at Nathan in surprise. She’d fantasized about pain during sex, but wow… The reality of it was so much better, and she wanted nothing more than for him to pinch her again.

He did—this time harder. She dropped her head back and moaned. Daniel leaned in and kissed the side of her neck, making her sigh. Goose bumps moved over her flesh, and she shivered.

“We will not both fuck you at the same time, but we will both play with you,” Nathan said, pulling her out of her fog. The thought of both of them touching her sent her senses into an almost orgasmic tailspin. “No sex tonight, just pleasure and a little taste of what this is like.”

No sex? What?

“Sex is a little more intimate, and some struggle with sex in public. We’ll see how you do.”

She frowned, again thinking Nathan answered as though he’d read her mind. Were all Doms that in tune with their submissives? If they were, the sex would be incredible.

“I see,” she whispered, just slightly disappointed.

“I see, who?”

“I see, Master.”

“That’s better,” he murmured. “You mentioned spanking in my office. Forget to call me Master again, and I will spank you. Do you understand?”

Her heart skipped at the mere mention of the words. “Yes, Master.”

Maybe she should not call him Master just so she could see what it was like to be spanked.

“I think our little submissive likes the idea of being spanked,” Nathan said.

“Let’s see,” Daniel murmured as he slid one hand between her legs and cupped her mound.

Connelly gasped at his touch, her mind immediately going to the people around the bar watching them. But when his fingers separated her labia and smeared her cream around her clit, all thoughts of the surrounding faces vanished. She thought her knees might actually buckle.

“I believe she does,” Daniel purred in her ear, making her entire body shudder in need.

“Would you like to see what it feels like to be spanked?” Nathan asked. “Not for punishment but for fun?”

She could feel herself getting wetter just thinking about it. She’d always thought the idea was interesting, but she’d never imagined the anticipation of it would make her so hot. “Yes, Master.”

Daniel brushed his finger lightly over her clit as he pulled his hand away, and her hips jerked toward his touch, wanting more. She didn’t want him to stop. Not yet. His teasing fingers had felt so good, and it had been so long since she’d been touched like that.

“I was worried, with this being your first time, that getting you to come would be a problem. Now I see the problem may be keeping you from it,” Nathan murmured.

Her eyes went wide. “Keeping me from it?”

Nathan grinned wickedly. “That’s what makes it fun.”

Connelly swallowed.

Chapter Six

Why on earth would he keep her from it? Wasn’t that the point of all this? Would she not be allowed to come at all?

She followed Nathan to a bench in the center of the room. Her legs shook just a little, but it wasn’t from cold. She tried to ignore the stares. She wished she could tell what they were thinking. Did they think she was crazy to be doing something like this at her age? She wasn’t old by any means, but at the same time, she wasn’t some perky twentysomething either.

Nathan froze, and she jerked to a stop just before barreling into him. Daniel chuckled softly behind her and placed his hands on her shoulders as though to keep her from running away.

Nathan turned to frown at her, and the look in his eyes brought her up short. “Stop fretting over what they think of you, Connelly. All you have to be concerned about is me. And I happen to like the way you look.”

Her mouth fell open. “How did you…?”

His lips twitched at her shock. “It’s a Dom thing.”

“You weren’t even looking at me.”

“I don’t have to,” he replied.

Connelly frowned at his cryptic reply. What did he mean, he didn’t have to be, and how could he read her so well? What was up with that?

“Nathan’s very good at reading people,” Daniel whispered in her ear.

The feel of his warm breath on her sensitive neck had a very tingly effect on her insides.

“Apparently so,” she murmured, earning a kiss on her shoulder from Daniel.

Nathan’s eyes narrowed slightly as he watched his brother, but when they turned to her, the heat emanating from their golden-brown depths left her breathless. He held his hand out, and she placed hers in it as though in a trance. How could she tell him no when he looked at her like that? The thought of no never even entered her mind.

He pulled her toward a play area just a few feet away with a rectangle table covered in padded leather. Hanging from the sides were various restraints. Connelly’s heart began to skip. Could she really do this?

She turned her gaze to the nameless faces who’d begun to gather around the area. She realized they were going to watch, and her whole body heated in embarrassment. Here she was, a thirty-eight-year-old woman dressed in nothing but a short black skirt and heels, giving herself over to one of the most gorgeous men she’d ever seen.

Doubt began to creep into her mind. What was she doing? Men like him didn’t go for her. She was too plain. She was going to make a fool of herself, if she hadn’t already.

Nathan spun around so fast she took a step back. In a move that surprised her, he reached out and cupped her face, pulling her toward him. His mouth slanted over hers. His tongue darted between her parted lips, stealing the very breath from her lungs. She responded in kind, stroking his tongue as he parried with hers.

Damn, the man knew how to kiss. Her knees felt shaky, and she gripped his shirt at the waist, holding tight. Nathan didn’t let up. He kept kissing her till every part of her sagged in surrender. He put his hand at the small of her back and pulled her against him. His hard cock pressed into her stomach, and she sighed at his large size. He was either going to feel incredibly good or hurt like hell. Considering how long it had been since she’d had sex, she leaned more toward the latter. It didn’t faze her at all. She still wanted him. Desperately. Especially after that kiss.

He wiggled himself just enough to let her know what he meant when he spoke. “Feel that, pet?” he whispered against her lips.

Connelly nodded.

“Good. Remember it.”

She frowned as he pushed her away from him and turned her to face the table. Again she wondered how he could read her so well when he wasn’t even looking at her. It was as though he read her mind. But that was just ridiculous. Wasn’t it?

“Bend at the waist for me and lay your upper body on the table with your arms above your head,” he said in her ear, his voice low, commanding, and incredibly sexy.

She licked her lips nervously and started to do as he ordered. His voice stopped her. “Connelly,” he said in warning.

She froze, at first unsure; then she remembered. “Yes, Master.”

“Continue,” he said.

She stepped forward and lay across the table. The leather was cold against her skin, cooling her heated flesh.

“Daniel, wrap the restraints around her wrists tight enough to hold her still but not so tight it cuts off circulation,” Nathan said.

She felt Daniel wrapping something soft around her wrists while at the same time, Nathan wrapped something around the small of her back. When they finished, she tried to move but couldn’t. A strange sense of panic began to work its way through her chest, and she tugged harder at the restraints.

Nathan put his thighs at the backs of hers and leaned over her back, laying his body flush along hers. “Listen to me, Connelly. You’re safe here. Do you remember your safe words?”

His voice was more reassuring, soothing, and she began to calm. Safe word? What was it he’d said about safe words? “Yellow for afraid. Red to stop,” she said.

“That’s right. If it’s too much, red will stop everything. Understand?”

“Yes, Master.”

He straightened, and she immediately felt the loss of his heat but not his presence. She could feel him just behind her. He unfastened the hook on her skirt and tugged it down her legs. Her eyes popped wide open, realizing she would be naked.

“Nathan!” she yelled.

His hand landed hard across her hip, making her squeal in surprise. It stung, then instantly sent a burning heat through her lower half.

“It’s Master, sub. I suggest you remember that.”

“But,” she said, her voice trembling.

He slapped her ass again, and this time she moaned, shocked at the desire that began to work its way up her spine. The pain heightened her arousal and made her pussy clench in need.

“When playing with me,” he explained as he continued to pull her skirt down her legs, “if I want you naked, you’ll be naked.”

When the skirt pooled around her ankles, Connelly couldn’t seem to bring herself to move her legs. He swatted the side of her thigh. Not as hard as he had her ass, but hard enough to get her attention.

“Lift your feet, sub,” he commanded.

She did after only a few seconds’ hesitation. She had a feeling if she’d waited any more than that, she would’ve received another swat.

Nathan set her skirt next to him on the small table laden with various sex toys. She could see the table but not what he chose, and her heart began to pound in anxiety.

“Spread your feet for me, pet,” he commanded.

She moved them, and he put his hands on the insides of her thighs, pressing lightly. “Wider,” he said.

Connelly scooted her feet farther out. The cool air of the room brushed across her burning behind as well as her wet pussy. He ran his hand over her mound, eliciting a moan from her at the way his fingers teased between her labia. When he thrust two fingers deep into her channel, she tried to press her hips backward but couldn’t move. She groaned in frustration at how she could only lie there, helplessly taking what he gave her.

He pulled his fingers free and moved his hands to massage her ass. She could feel the wetness of his fingers and was thankful her face was partially hidden. To be so aroused by this was way more than she’d expected. When he squeezed a little too hard on the sore spot where he’d slapped her, she winced. His wicked chuckle reminded her what he was. A sadist.

Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed him move to the side just before a harsh slap landed across her backside—something hard and thin. She yelped and shifted as best she could but couldn’t get away from the sting and the heat now covering her ass. The leather rubbed against her nipples, adding to the wicked sensations coursing through her.

Another slap and the heat working its way through her body singed her insides. She glanced up and noticed Daniel watching her with that same intense stare that Nathan had. Lust shone in his eyes, and she shivered with delicious hunger. Her husband had never looked at her like that.

Nathan slapped her again, and this time she moaned as every part of her wanted to undulate and purr like a cat in heat. God, this was nuts. Twice more the sting of his blows landed against her ass, forcing her forward against the table. Damn, it stung but at the same time made her so hot. The pain morphed into a pleasurable need that had her almost panting.

Nathan returned his hand to her pussy, softly stroking her through the cream that coated her mound. She sighed and bit her lip, fighting the orgasm she could feel just below the surface. All it would take was one soft brush of his finger across her clit, and she would explode.

She tried to move against his hand, desperate for more, for anything that might end this agonizing need that now gripped her. His hand froze, and she groaned in frustration.

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