Read Crescent Bound Online

Authors: Karli Rush

Tags: #Fantasy, #Romance

Crescent Bound (10 page)

BOOK: Crescent Bound
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I park in front of the office and go in to put up my things.  My father is there sitting at his desk and glances up to me.

Your time Alyssa is 10.9 seconds and top speed of 133mph.  The Nissan ran 11.2 and his top speed is 127mph.

Wow, not too bad,

I say and sit down on the leather couch in the office.  I still have that adrenaline rush going on.  I have missed racing so much and
more than ready to do it again. 


m going to order some parts for my car and a few more for yours

he says laying
order form down on his

I stretch out my feet onto the matching leather ottoman

Well let me know when
they come in
and we can work on the

I tell him
scooting down
becoming more comfortable on the couch.

walks in and asks,

Mr. Worthington, would you look at this

car, he has
hesitation when he hits
the gas and I can

t figure this one out.

Dad gets up and glares over at me for a moment. 


t forget to eat, okay?


I kick the ottoman to the side, thinking to myself
, I
just sat down and was getting cozy too. 
Walking out of the office into the cool night air, I stand by my car looking up at the night
the moon is full and captivating.  I shift to the other side of the track, finding Lisa and Megan at the food court already eating at a bla
ck and white checkered table.

Hey you guys, where

s my food?

I yell playfully making a fake pouty face
at them

Megan looks up and slides a plate with a slice of cheese oozing pizza over to me. 

Sit here Alyssa and dig in, more pizza than I can eat, unless
Mr. tight jeans over there
wants to help.

  She finishes with a wink and a smile at a random smokin

hot guy about three tables away.  He didn

t miss Megan either, but neither did the girl with him.  She hits her man with a blast of air, knocking him out of his seat for looking at Megan that way.  I shake my head while taking a bite of the double cheese pizza.  I didn

t realize how hungry I am until I start eating on piece number two.

Lisa comes up, absently si
tting a bottle of water in front of me. 

Thanks Lisa

I say but she
staring off at
as he talks to one of the d
rivers having engine problems.

I love seeing these two together, the air, the
the pure energy feels good when Lisa and Dawson are around.

So what did Mr. Heartbreaker say to you on the race track?

Megan asks
curiously taking a bite of her pizza.

All he got out of me was



I mumble
still trying to finish my last bite. 

I saw him on the track helping

Megan says looking
mischievous; she wipes her mouth and tosses the lipstick tainted napkin on the table

Taking a drink of my water
I finish,

I really didn

t talk to him
, we saw each other
but I was kind of in the middle of something, like, oh…I don

t know
, getting
ready to race.

  I say jokingly, shrugging my shoulders
with a careless manner

if you think

s really over between the two of you,
you mind if I hit on him?

  Megan says with complete and utter seriousness in her voice. I take another drink from my water and just about choke on it.


  Trying to compose myself and then I jus
t sha
ke my head.

Sure, why not

aving my hands in a

I surrender

motion.  I mean, I am talking to Megan here. 

Who am I to stop true love?

reaches over and
hugs me.

See why I love you Alyssa, you truly
by the motto

Live and let live


We finish our pizza and walk back to the stands. 

Sorry girls
, but
I can

t wait any
I need
go see my man.

Lisa flashes her celestial smile
as she shifts out of sight. 

Megan and I sit watching a few more races, I
check the time on my cell and I

surprised to see it is already


m going to
check on Dad to make sure he doesn

t need me before we head out.

I step down the stands.


s eyes twinkle.

Such a good girl Alyss, I

ll meet you by the cars.

  I narrow my eyes at he
r as I hop down to the ground,
my finger at her.

Be good

She flamboyantly flips her hair around


m always good Alyssa, even when I

m bad, no
especially when I

m bad.

  She winks at me and shifts away.  I start counting how many people are winking at me tonight, five,
it must be wink at Alyssa night I guess. 

My father will be closing down the track in the next hour or so and I want to check on him before we leave.  Back at the office I walk in and lean my shoulder against the back wall.  Dad looks up at me and comes over. 

Is everything

Absolutely, why do you ask?

You have this distracted look on you

I didn

t realize my anxiousness was showing. My dad knows me too well.  Pushing off the wall I hug him. 

I guess I

m just tired and Megan wants to leave for a party, and I know Lisa doesn

t care one way or another, just as long as she

s with

My father hugs me back and kisses me on the cheek

Go, have some fun, I

ll see you later.


I step back and start to walk out, but I slowly turn to him,

ou already know this, but I love you.

Chapter 7




m going to the party.
  I guess,
the sooner the better
, as I walk toward
the cars.   I see Megan hanging all over some guy and wouldn

t you know it, it

s David.  I shift to my car
before they see me
and text her

Meg, come on we r going 2

I see Lisa and Dawson over by the food court and quickly shift beside them.

Hey you two, Megan and I are going to that party, you guys want to go?



Lisa says as she grabs

s hand and follows me back to the parking lot. 

Lisa can ride with me if she wants

says gently wrapping his arms around her
, whispering in her ear making her laugh

Not a problem, I will hunt Megan down and be right behind you

I say while I scan the crowd for her. 

Megan isn

t too hard to find, she and David are standing by my car.

Hey, guys I think Lisa is riding with
, I know that may be a shock to you, but believe me when I sa
y, i

s for the best.

oll my eyes. Megan intertwines her arms around David


David wants to drive us over to the party, and since he knows the wa
y, what do you think Alyssa?

I know there is no way I am going to ride in the backseat of David

s Chevelle for an hour with Megan
in the front
seat, the gods know I would be in for a show that could traumatize me for life

I think I

ll just take a rain
heck on the ride and follow you.

directly at David.

He moves so fast that it takes me a second to realize he

s at the driver

s side door of my car.  I hit the remote and unlock it.  He opens the door for me like a true gentleman and I slide into my car.  He leans in just inches from my face.  I can see his enthralling hazel eyes, the smell of his Varv
atos cologne, and even the scent
of his rich leather jacket.

When we get there, can we talk?

  His voice says
but his eyes tell another story. 

I just reply

Sure, sounds like a plan.

  He shuts my door and shifts away.  I quickly glance over my shoulder and see Megan waving to me and then she shifts away too.  Driving around to the main parking area, I find the Dodge and the Chevy waiting at the front.  I am not looking forward to an hour drive
, but
here we go.

The house is an exquisite mansion and not too far from the
.  I know this is an all out witch party with out a doubt.  All kinds of vehicles, from Hummers to Porsches even a
Bugattis.  There are three limos parked out front. When we walk up the drive you can

t hear anything
but the minute you step into the actual yard you hear the music and feel the vibrating bass.  I have flashbacks of going to the clubs in

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