Stay Beautiful

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Authors: Trina M. Lee

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Stay Beautiful

Trina M. Lee


Stranded by a snowstorm, two travelers
discover one night of passion can forge a bond that challenges time and
distance. Jonah is on the prowl for someone to pass the time with in bed when
he meets Violet, a raven-haired beauty in need of assistance. She’s just what he
desires to stay warm on a cold night. Feeling daring and adventurous, Violet
decides being stranded with sexy Jonah may not be such a bad way to ride out
the storm.

When a brief love affair becomes something
bigger, Jonah and Violet are forced to make a choice. Do they fight for what
might be, regardless of the fact they live in different countries? Or do they walk
away and keep the memory of one beautiful night?


Ellora’s Cave Publishing




Stay Beautiful


ISBN 9781419933714


Stay Beautiful Copyright © 2011 Trina M. Lee


Edited by Grace Bradley

Cover art by Syneca


Electronic book publication April 2011


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This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons,
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characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.

Stay Beautiful
Trina M. Lee

Trademark Acknowledgment


The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark
owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

Bon Jovi: Bon Jovi Productions, Inc.


Chapter One


The snow just kept coming down. Large, fluffy flakes
descended from the sky in a thick, white mass. It would have been beautiful if
it hadn’t been so deadly. It was far too easy to take nature for granted, to
underestimate its power. All it took was one badass storm to make everyone stop
and acknowledge that they really weren’t in control after all.

It was bad enough the airport was shut down. Planes were
temporarily grounded because of the weather and nobody was going anywhere.
Hotels all over town were filling up and fast. Jonah watched another load of
people file into the foyer. He sure as hell was grateful to have gotten a room
already. There was no telling how long travelers would be stranded. Being
stranded in a hotel sure beat being one of those poor suckers stuck at the

A TV mounted in the corner near the receptionist’s desk
played silent images of the storm on the news. The camera panned over those
waiting impatiently in the airport. Jonah was just as irritated as the next
person about the storm but since there was nothing anyone could do about it, he
figured he’d make the best of it. A drink in the bar was a great way to get
started with that.

Despite the bitch-slap from winter taking place outside, the
hotel was still running like usual. The booze was flowing and the music was
loud. A live band worked to keep the guests entertained though it was unlikely
anyone would forget they were at the mercy of the weather gods. Jonah squeezed
his way through the packed lounge, seeking a place to sit. No such luck. He
ordered a double shot of rye and settled for leaning on the end of the bar.

He could sense the unrest among fellow patrons. People were
frustrated and some even downright emotional. It would come as no surprise if
things got chaotic before the night was through. Being stuck in the city alone
was a bit of a bummer. Jonah scanned the busy hotel bar, taking note of the
female clientele. Most of them appeared to be already occupied. What were the
odds he’d find a woman here alone? It was more likely that he’d be spending the
night with a liquor bottle and overpriced hotel food, watching bad sitcoms in
his room.

It was early yet, barely dinnertime. Still time to find a
lady to share his bed. The hot hostess in the lobby had given him a look. Maybe
he should ask what time she was off.

After finishing his drink, Jonah sauntered out of the bar to
the adjoining restaurant. As long as he was there, he might as well order
dinner before the supper rush hit. The restaurant was comfortably occupied. It
wasn’t yet busy but there were enough patrons to create a nice lull of voices.

He gave the restaurant interior a glance as he strode toward
an empty table near the window. He likely wouldn’t have looked twice at the
couple seated at a table ahead if the woman hadn’t stood up right in front of
him. It was instinctive to sidestep her, which would have worked if she hadn’t
thrown herself into his arms. Stunned and confused, Jonah came to an abrupt

“Hey, baby, it’s about time you came down from the room.
I’ve been waiting.” The kiss she laid on him then was adrenaline inducing.
Jonah didn’t know what hit him. When she pulled back there was something
unsettled in her deep, brown eyes. She was pleading with him.

His gaze strayed past her to the man seated at her table. It
was easy enough to put the situation together. She was asking Jonah to save
her. That was a request he’d never turn down.

“Sorry to keep you waiting so long, sweetheart. I promise to
make it up to you.” Taking advantage of the moment, Jonah kissed her back with
an intensity he hoped would leave her speechless.

Turning his attention to the guy at the table, Jonah was
about to introduce himself when the guy all but scrambled to his feet. Making a
series of apologies and excuses, he backed away, hands held up in surrender.

“Was that guy bothering you?”

“Thank you so much for not blowing that on me. He saw me
sitting alone and he just wouldn’t take no for an answer, so when I saw you
coming…” With a shy smile, she tucked a lock of black hair behind her ear and
shrugged. “Anyway, I really appreciate you playing along. I’m sorry I threw
myself at you like that.”

A blush tinged her cheeks pink and Jonah smiled. “Don’t be.
I don’t mind at all.”

“Well, thanks again.” They stared at one another awkwardly
for a moment. She suddenly thrust her hand out, offering it to him. “I’m

Her hand was warm in his, smaller and soft. “Jonah.” He
glanced pointedly at her table. “Do you mind if I join you? I mean, if I’m not
being too forward.”

Violet appeared to be momentarily flustered but then she
smiled and her whole face lit up. “No, I don’t mind. I’d love it if you joined
me. As long as you’re not some kind of weirdo.”

Her laughter was melodic. It made him smile. “I guess you
can be the judge of that.”

A waiter approached and Jonah ordered a bottle of white wine.
After hearing the specials, he ordered the steak while Violet opted for a
vegetarian pizza. Interesting.

He couldn’t help but sneak peeks at her. He didn’t want to
stare outright but she was striking and he wanted to take a moment to enjoy
looking at her. Those dark eyes were hypnotizing, drawing him in. The shy smile
she beamed his way was adorable.

“So what is it that brings you to Toronto during such
fantastic weather? Business?” Jonah poured her a glass of wine despite her

Having been won over, Violet accepted the glass he handed
her. “A wedding. My sister’s. Of course the loving couple jumped on a flight to
Hawaii a day before the storm hit. I made the mistake of staying an extra few
days to visit with old friends and family. How about you?”

“Business. I’m here from the U.S. actually. I was supposed
to fly out this morning but as you can see, that didn’t happen.”

“Last I heard, they were hoping to have the airport open
tomorrow if the snow stops soon. If not, who knows how long we’ll be here.”
Violet grimaced, her gaze going to the window and the falling snow beyond. “If
this keeps up, it won’t be long until people start losing their minds.”

“We could place bets on who snaps first. Maybe that guy over
there.” With a wink, Jonah gestured to an older man sitting alone wearing an
angry frown.

“You don’t seem to mind it, being trapped here. Doesn’t it
make you feel helpless?”

“Sure it does. But since there’s not a damn thing I can do
about it, I figure why not make the best of it?” He raised a brow and grinned.
“This could be a disaster but it could also be an adventure. It’s all in your

She seemed to consider that, studying him as she sipped her
wine. “I suppose you have a point. It doesn’t have to be all bad. At least
we’re here and not pacing the floors at the airport.”

“I’ll drink to that.” Jonah topped up their glasses before
clinking his against hers.

The conversation flowed almost as smoothly as the wine. By
the time they’d finished the bottle and moved on to dessert a growing sense of
ease and comfort had developed. The restaurant had quickly filled up,
surrounding them with laughter and chatter.

Jonah watched Violet slip a spoonful of chocolate mousse
into her mouth. It was the simplest action but it was sexy. His gaze lingered,
waiting for her to lick the stray smear from her lower lip. He looked up to
find her watching him knowingly. A grin spread across his face. Busted. At
least she hadn’t caught him checking out her breasts, which he’d already done
numerous times.

“So, what do you do?” Jonah took a bite of his apple pie
though his interest lay elsewhere.

Slipping another spoonful of dessert into her mouth, Violet
held his gaze. Amusement sparkled in her eyes. “I work in marketing for a local
radio station back home. Nothing too glamorous but it pays the bills. I do get
to meet a lot of interesting people. So it’s cool.”

“Sounds very cool. Better than being just another corporate

“You don’t like your job? Then why do it?” She shrugged as
if it was really that simple. “What would you rather be doing?”

Jonah hadn’t thought about it in a long time. Work had come
to take precedence in his life over hobby and passion. “Actually, I used to
draw a little. Mostly pencil sketches, some paintings. I don’t get to do it
much anymore.”

“So you’re an artist masquerading as a businessman.
Interesting. Sounds a little tragic.” Violet sipped from her wineglass, pushing
her dessert dish away.

Tragic. He hadn’t really thought of it like that. Drawing
had been therapeutic for him. He did miss it. It shouldn’t be so hard to make
time to pick up a pencil once in a while.

“Don’t tell me you’re going back to your room now. It’s
still early. Come with me to the bar for a drink?” He had nothing to lose by
asking. There was something about Violet he couldn’t quite put his finger on.
He liked her and wasn’t ready for their interaction to end, regardless of
whether or not she would sleep with him.

She made a face and sighed. “Going back to my room is the
last thing I want to do. I got sucked into sharing a room with two older ladies
who don’t speak a word of English. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind sharing
considering the circumstances. But it’s been pretty awkward to say the least.”

“So I’ll take that as a yes.”

Jonah covered the bill and tip despite her insistence she
could pay her share. He had to laugh at her feisty protests. Still, he waved
them away with the promise that she could buy the first round of drinks in the

Every hotel patron who wasn’t in the restaurant seemed to be
crammed into the lounge attempting to lose themselves in liquor. What else was
there to do? Well…Jonah could think of one thing.

He was intrigued when she ordered a whiskey on the rocks. He
was impressed when she tossed it back and slammed the glass on the bar, waiting
for another. With a critical expression, Violet surveyed the crowded room.

“This sure isn’t where I’d planned to be tonight but I guess
it’s really not so bad.”

A small group had formed a dance area by pushing tables
aside. Taking Violet by the hand, Jonah pulled her over to join them. It was a
great opportunity to get a little closer.

“Oh no, I don’t dance.” Shaking her head, she tried to pull

“One song. That’s all I ask.” Jonah did his best to charm
her, turning on the puppy-dog eyes he’d been famous for since childhood.
“Unless you’d rather go for a swim. I bet the pool is open.”

“Since I didn’t bring pool attire, I’m going to have to pass
on that one.” Pushing her hand through her shoulder-length layers, she tilted
her head to the side and appeared thoughtful. “Fine. One song. And that’s it.
Dancing is not my friend.”

She was right about that. Before they’d even started she was
stepping on his feet. He couldn’t help but laugh. She slapped him playfully and
he pulled her into his arms before she could change her mind. Jonah breathed
deeply of her scent. It was refreshing and alluring. Like flowers with a hint
of vanilla. It made him long to brush his lips across her warm flesh, to
breathe her heady scent as he touched her.

Violet was stiff in his embrace at first. As they laughed
and made light of the whole situation, she began to relax.

“I told you I can’t dance. I make a much better spectator.”

“What are you talking about? You’re doing great.” He feigned
a pained expression when she stepped on his foot again. “See, fantastic.”

Her cheeks reddened and she stopped. “Okay, you had your one
dance. That’s enough.”

“What? But the song isn’t over.”

“Close enough.”

Jonah didn’t give her a chance to pull away. He kissed her,
a chaste but intense kiss. It left her momentarily flustered. She gazed up at
him with a smile. Just when he expected her to deliver a brush-off line, she
slipped her arms around his neck and kissed him back.

There was a timid quality to her that Jonah found enticing.
She was delicious. The touch of her tongue was soft and sensual. He had to have

“I can’t believe I’m doing this.” Violet’s lips moved
against his. “I don’t usually hook up with strange guys in hotels.”

“First time for everything. I promise not to judge if you
don’t.” Holding her close, Jonah boldly pressed his growing erection against
her. “Besides, you know what they say about staying warm in a snowstorm.
Nothing like body heat to keep the chill away.”

“Is that an invitation?” With a brow raised and a playful
smile, Violet stroked a hand through his hair.

“Most definitely. I didn’t get stuck sharing my room. It’s
all ours.”

He could see her thinking it over. There was no doubt in his
mind that she spoke the truth. She didn’t usually do this kind of thing. It was
evident in the innocent way she gazed up at him. There was longing in her eyes
and also awareness. No, this wasn’t the norm for her but Violet had some bad
girl inside. He could see it.

A one-night stand was a brief affair that some gave little
thought to while others refused to take it lightly. One night could change a
person. It could create a memory worth forgetting or one worth clinging to for
life. Jonah waited for Violet to decide where she stood.

“I’ll accept your invitation. If you accept the challenge of
making me hot enough to forget there’s a blizzard outside.”

That was a challenge Jonah was happy to accept. The
stiffening member between his legs grew harder. “Consider it done.”

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