Crashing Waves (14 page)

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Authors: Graysen Morgen

BOOK: Crashing Waves
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"I see. Thank you for a wonderful day. I really enjoyed seeing the Olympic Park today, and Adler Troy is pretty cool too."

"You're welcome, mate. I'm glad you had a nice day. I've gotten to know her since I met her in Aspen a few weeks ago. She's fun to be around and she's a damn good snowboarder too! Just wait until tomorrow."

"I'm looking forward to it."

Rory spoke to Mathias briefly, before walking inside the resort behind Austin. The elevator took them swiftly up to their floor and Rory stepped off, peeling her jacket from her shoulders.

"You want some hot chocolate?"

"Sure, can I change first?"

Rory chuckled. "What do you think I'm about to do?" she replied, opening her door. "You can go through my room if you want to."

Austin walked through the separating door and Rory quickly changed into black warm-up pants and a white hooded sweatshirt with her company logo on the front. She made two mugs of hot chocolate and stepped out onto the balcony. Austin stepped outside, walking up to the rail next to Rory. Ironically she was dressed similarly in dark blue warm-up pants and a white Roxy sweatshirt. Rory handed Austin a warm mug, smiling at their similar attire.

"Have you been in my suitcase?" Austin giggled.

"I was about to ask you the same question there, mate."

"Your accent is adorable."
Sexy is more like it, but I know how skittish you are.

Rory felt her cheeks blush. Luckily, it was dark and Austin couldn't see the shy grin on her face.

"Yeah, yeah. Drink your hot chocolate before it gets cold."

Austin looked up at the stars scattered across the blackened sky.

"Are you going to tell me more about Mathias?"

Rory starred out into the moonlight at the snow covered mountain. "He's my security. Everywhere I go, he goes."

"Why would you need someone following you around?"

"It's not my choice, but I'm learning to deal with it. I get bombarded by the media a lot at the events and I've had some overzealous fans go to the extreme a few times. I've never been hurt or anything like that, but I've encountered some crazy people and asshole journalists that want my story."

"No wonder I was tossed out of your office on my ass. I thought those security guys were nuts!"

Rory laughed. "I know. It's slowed down a lot over the past year and a half though. You didn't see any guards around my houses did you?"

"Uh…no, actually no I didn't see anyone."

"That's because I don't have that kind of problem at home. I used to get bombarded at surf events, which is why I don’t go to many of them. Could you imagine if I had told the security guys at my company that you showed up at my house?"

"My God, I'd probably be in jail. Thanks for not ratting me out."

"No worries. I didn't think you were out to get me. Besides, you're harmless and I could take you with my eyes closed," Rory teased.

Austin raised an eyebrow. "Excuse me, I don't think so. We're practically the same size. I'll have you know I could kick your—"

"Okay okay. You look like you want to sucker punch me."

"You're lucky, I almost did," Austin grinned. "I've been laughed at and told I'd never be a pro surfer because of my height."

"Austin, you're not a midget and I've seen surfers shorter than you. You don't have to be six foot tall to surf. It's all about balance, strength, and mental finesse. I've already told you, you have the skills to be better than anyone on the tour right now and I'm going to help you polish them."

Austin stepped closer, wrapping her arms around Rory's neck. "Thank you," she whispered before walking back inside.

Rory stood out there in the cold a while longer to clear her mind of the way Austin's warm body had felt pressed against her. She didn't want to feel the attraction growing between them and forced herself to forget it existed as she went in for the night.

Realizing she'd forgotten to give Austin the itinerary for the next day of events, Rory knocked on the adjoining door. Austin opened it, dressed in short cotton shorts and a spaghetti strap tank top, leaving nothing to the imagination. Rory was pretty sure there was nothing under either piece of thin clothing.
My God she's bloody trying to kill me!
She is so damn cute! And young. She's way too young.

"I…" Rory stumbled over her words. Clearing her throat, she tried again. "I forgot to give you this. It's for tomorrow, so you know what's going on," she said, staring at Austin's eyes to keep from looking down.

"Oh okay, thanks. Now, I know what time to get up."

"Yeah, I figured that would be helpful. Have a good night. I'll see you in the morning." Rory disappeared quickly.


Chapter Nine



Austin stood in the front section of the crowd, watching the finals for the Women's Superpipe. She was bundled up in a thick, dark blue ski jacket and dark gray ski pants. Her hair was down, with a cotton ski-cap on her head that was pulled down over her ears. She had her gloved hands in her jacket pockets. She cheered for each of the Team USA riders and watched closely as Adler Troy dropped into the pipe, carving back and forth, and flying up out of the pipe into flawless, front-side three-sixties and back-side nines, one right after the other. Austin cheered loudly as Adler slid to a stop at the bottom, spraying a wave of snow over the screaming crowd.

After Adler's first run, Rory rode on the back of an official's snowmobile, down to the spectators at the bottom of the pipe. She was screaming as loud as the rest of the crowd when they posted Adler's scores. She had moved into first place. Each rider still had another run, but it would take perfection to beat Adler's nearly perfect numbers.

Rory knew where Austin was as she made her way through the crowd. She had told her where to stand, figuring that would be the best place for her, versus standing on the side lines at the top of the mountain, where she wouldn't be able to see any of the action. Rory eased up behind the short blond who had an amazingly loud noise coming from her mouth. Seeing Austin's excitement made Rory smile. She put her hands on Austin's shoulders, turning her around. The thick crowd weaved, pushing Austin into Rory as she looked up to see heart-stopping baby blue eyes on her.

"Hey, you!" Austin exclaimed brightly.

"How are you?" Rory smiled, steadying her as the crowd pushed her.

"Great! Those girls are all awesome! Adler was unbelievable! I bet she's going to win gold!"

"Yeah, she looked great! Hey, are you cold? Your nose is red."

"What do you think? I'm a surfer. I live in flip flops, shorts, and a t-shirt."

"No kidding! Do you want to stay here and watch the second runs or go with me?"

"Where are you going?"

"Over to the sidelines for an interview with Adler and Board magazine after the medal ceremony, unless she doesn't win the gold, but it looks like she has it in the bag," Rory said as the second runs started with the first rider falling. "I just came over here to see how you were doing. You don't have to go with me. I'll come get you when I'm finished."

"Are you sure you don't mind?"

"Of course not. I'll bore you death if you hang with me the whole time. I want you to enjoy yourself." Rory turned to go and bumped into Cason.

"I see you made it."

"Yeah, just in time it looks like! I was held up with a last minute surgery." Cason smiled shaking her head. "I think the gold is hers. I just talked to her and she can barely contain herself."

"Yeah, I bet. Her second run will probably be a victory lap at this point. Hey, I want you to meet someone," Rory replied, grabbing Austin's attention.

"This is my mate, Austin," Rory said. "And this is Dr. Macauley, Adler's girlfriend."

"Oh, hi. It's nice to meet you," Austin replied, shaking her hand.

"Please, call me Cason."

"I'll see you guys in a bit. I need to get ready for that interview," Rory patted Austin on the shoulder before going back through the crowd.

Austin watched her walk away until she could no longer make her out in the crowd.

"How long have you been together?" Cason asked.

"What?" Austin turned back to face her.

"I asked how long you've been together."

Austin shook her head. "We're just friends."

Cason pursed her lips. "All in due time," she said, smiling as she watched the next rider come down the pipe.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Austin raised an eyebrow.

"Anything or nothing. It's depends on how you perceive it."

"I'm a marine biologist, so I'm not the airhead that you seem to think I am just because I'm a surfer," Austin growled.

Cason looked at the angry young woman staring back at her.
My God, she's like Adler's little sister!
"I'm sorry. We seem to have gotten off on the wrong foot. I didn't mean anything by it and I certainly wasn't insulting your intelligence. I have no idea whether either you have a boyfriend or girlfriend or both. It simply looked to me like you were together. I'm sorry if I've offended you."

"What made you think that? I mean, that we were a couple."

Cason smiled. "It's obvious that she cares for you in the way she looks at you and you…well you light up when she's around. Don't get me wrong, there isn't anything wrong with that."

Austin looked down, kicking the fluffy white snow with her boot. How could a total stranger see right through her?

"She doesn't know does she?" Cason said softly.

"No. I'm pretty sure she's straight anyway," Austin sighed.

"Don't be so sure. These things take time. Not everyone crashes into each other and finds love at first sight." Cason smiled, patting her on the back.

"Is that how you and Adler met?" Austin laughed.

"Oh yeah, she practically knocked me out." Cason grinned. "Long story," she said, shaking her head and watching Adler drop into the half-pipe for her victory lap.

Adler knew she'd won the gold, but threw down a wicked ride full of tricks anyway, showing off her skills all the way down the icy pipe, throwing her hands in the air at the bottom. Her USA teammates bombarded her as she came to a stop, landing like a pile of football players on the ball. She finally scrambled out from under them as the medal podium was being put together at the base of the pipe.

"You're an Olympic Gold Medalist, Adler Troy. How does that feel?" the TV reporter asked.

"I'm stoked! This is unbelievable! I know I wouldn't be standing here right now if it wasn't for two people. My girlfriend, Cason, gives me amazing strength and encouragement and I love her madly for it and Rory Eden for her complete openness in her decision to sponsor me and get me on the best equipment in the world! Also, the girls on team USA have more drive and determination than I've ever seen in anyone. They motivated me more than I ever thought possible."

"Congratulations, Adler. I think they're waiting for you," the reporter said, turning back towards the podium with the silver and bronze medal winners already standing on it.


~ ~ ~


After the medal ceremony and countless other interviews, Rory finally caught back up with Austin. They left the park to have a quiet dinner away from the groups of people that were scattered all over the mountain. Adler and Cason had been invited, but decided to go to one of the resort parties that Rory had also been invited to, instead.

"I know it doesn't look like much, but Mathias mentioned that this place is really good," Rory said as they were seated at a small table.

"This is fine," Austin replied, sitting adjacent to her at the square table.

Each woman ordered Swedish meatballs since that was the special of the day and had smelled divine when they'd first walked in.

"Did you have a good time today?"

"Oh my God, yes. I think my body became a popsicle about midway through, but I really enjoyed it. Are you sure you don't want to go to that party?"

"Yes. I've had enough of the mobs of people for one day. Besides, I'm definitely not a huge fan of the cold weather either. I'd much rather be in shorts and a t-shirt with sand between my toes," Rory said.

"I knew there was a reason I liked you so much," Austin grinned. "By the way, Cason was interesting to talk to."

"Oh, really? I've talked to her a few times. She and Adler seem really happy together." Rory smiled as the waitress set their drinks on the table.

"Yeah. She thought you and I were together too," Austin said.

"What!" Rory exclaimed, spraying a mouthful of water onto the table.

Austin laughed.

"What did you say to her?" Rory asked, wide-eyed.

"I told her that you and I are just friends. I don't think she believed me though."

"Well, that's absurd. Not every woman in the world is a lesbian," Rory huffed.

Austin shook her head. "Why is this bothering you so much?"

Rory was thankful that their food arrived, interrupting them and stopping her from replying. She wasn't sure what she'd say anyway. Why did it bother her? She was a lesbian, albeit a closeted one. Still, she wasn't ready to come out, especially to Austin.

"Are you going to answer me?" Austin finally asked, between bites.

"About what?" Rory questioned.

"Why does it bother you so much that Cason thought we were a couple? Surely, you're not homophobic. I mean, you know Adler is out and proud and she's the face of your company. Plus, you seem to know her pretty well."

"It has nothing to do with that and I'm definitely not a homophobe. I just don't like it when people jump to conclusions."

"What if I told you I—"

"How's your food? I think these are the best meatballs I've ever had. Do you need your drink refilled?" Rory cut her off, waving the waitress over. "Can I have a vodka on the rocks with a lime please? Do you want anything?" she said, looking at Austin, who was staring at her with an odd expression on her face and shaking her head no.

"Are you okay?" Austin questioned.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Rory answered.

They spent the rest of their meal in silence. Austin wanted so badly to know why Rory abruptly took offense to the idea of them being a couple. Surely, she wasn't a homophobe. From the mixed signals Austin had been receiving, she was confused as hell about Rory's sexual preference. Maybe Cason was right, all in due time.

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