Crashing Waves (5 page)

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Authors: Graysen Morgen

BOOK: Crashing Waves
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"I can definitely drink to that! Cheers, mate!" Rory leaned in and tapped her glass against Martie's.


~ ~ ~


The limo pulled up in front of the twelve story Palace Hotel and both women exited the car when John opened the door. Martie turned back towards him.

"I'll call you when we're ready to go. I don't see a need for you to hang around in the lot, unless of course you want to. It's up to you."

"Thank you, Martie. I'll be right outside when you're ready to leave."

Both women walked into the hotel and Martie directed Rory over to the elevator, handing the attendant her invitation. He took them up to the penthouse floor. Rory had no idea what party it was until the elevator doors opened and she saw the sign by the penthouse entrance doors. The party was being held by 'On The Edge', a surfing and snowboarding magazine out of Los Angeles.

"I thought we were going to a bar."

"We got a last minute invitation," Martie shrugged.

As Rory and Martie made their way into the party and towards the bar, they ran into a few familiar faces from the surfing and snowboarding network of people that were their business acquaintances. The full liquor bar ran along one of the side walls. Martie ordered a dirty martini and Rory ordered a whiskey. Just as Rory was handed her drink, the magazine editor greeted them.

"Hello, Rory and Martie. I'm Frank Wright, editor of On The Edge Magazine. Thank you both for coming. We're happy you could make it."

"Thanks. If you will excuse us, I see someone I want to introduce Rory to," Martie said, pulling Rory away. "That man's a scumbag. I heard he's banged just about every employee, male and female," Martie muttered.

Rory cringed. "Gross."

Martie walked over to a group of women standing near the window, talking. A few of the women recognized Rory and Martie immediately from articles that they'd written.

Rory and Martie introduced themselves to the writers that they didn't know.

 "How's business going, ladies?" A tall brunette named Carina asked. Rory acted nonchalant as she sarcastically answered back.

"Well, being as how we're coming into snow season with surf season around the corner I'd say business is on the launch pad waiting to be fueled."

Martie laughed, loving her best friend's odd sense of humor. A few of the other women chuckled as well.

Carina eyed her suspiciously, but Rory simply shrugged and walked away. She'd never been a fan of the cat and mouse game and hooking up with some random person wasn't her style.


~ ~ ~


Two and half hours later, Martie and Rory were both ready to ditch the party. They'd both had enough entertainment to last at least six months. Martie called John, who was readily available and waiting for them outside. After the half-hour drive back to Long Beach, Rory decided she was ready to call it a night. John dropped her off at home and Martie went on to another party.

Rory walked inside, tossing her jacket on the couch as she moved into the kitchen. She grabbed a beer out of the refrigerator, kicked her shoes off, rolled the bottom of her pants up a bit and put on her flip flops, before walking through the French doors and out onto the pool deck. She opened the beer bottle as she opened the gate and slipped through the dunes, down into the cool sand near the water. She didn't have a destination in mind as she walked a little ways, drinking her beer and listening to the waves crashing against the shore.

About a half a mile and a quarter of a bottle later, she walked past someone sitting in the sand near the dunes. At first she paid no attention to the person, until the moonlight lit up her face and she realized it was Austin, the young girl that had been trying to contact her.
Oh bloody hell. I really don't need you right now. Damn it, Rory, you idiot, you just had to go for a walk didn't you? But this is a private beach she's sitting on. Hmm… at least she's not on my property. Oh well.
Rory kept walking and finally came to a stop when she heard her name being called. Austin jogged slightly, catching up with the woman who had once been dubbed the queen of surf.

"Hello, Rory. I wasn't expecting to see you out on New Year's Eve."

"Yeah well I wasn't expecting to see you out on my beach at eleven thirty at night either."


"Look, mate. I'm not really in the mood for a stalking session or whatever this is ok."

"Actually, I'd just like to walk with you if you don't mind."

"You don’t give up do you?" Rory sighed.

Austin grinned.

Rory walked away, drinking her lager and Austin fell into step next to her. They walked in silence, listening to the soft crash of the waves against the shore as the moon lit their path. Five minutes later, Austin spoke softly.

"I used to watch you on TV and I bought every magazine that you were in."

Rory kept walking quietly, wishing she'd poured herself a whiskey instead of opting for a beer.

"I admire you as much now as I did then. You inspired me to follow my dreams. You used to surf with such skill and determination. You were the best in the world, one with the ocean, and then all of a sudden it was ripped right out from under you."

Rory stopped suddenly, turning towards the young woman at her side.

"What's in the past stays in the past. I don't live my life around the past and neither should you. Now if you don't mind, I'd prefer to walk along thinking about the future. It's New Year's Eve, mate!"

Austin started laughing, which only pissed Rory off even more.

"What the bloody hell are you laughing at?"

"Well your accent must come out heavier when you're mad or drinking, but either way, it's cute. I almost forgot you were from Australia. I guess I've never really heard you talk much, though. The accent sounds a little funny coming from you, but it's…I like it."

Rory hadn't even realized her accent had surfaced, thicker than ever. It generally only ever came out when she was back in Australia or too upset to think about what she was saying. She calmed down slightly before speaking again.

"Look, whoever you are, I'm not in the mood to discuss things that happened a long time ago…"

"Rory, I really didn't mean to upset you, honestly. I was only being truthful and trying to make small talk. Here let me start over." Austin stuck her right hand out. "Hi, I'm Austin Tinsley. It's nice to meet you. Once upon a time, I was a huge fan of yours and still am to this day, but that's not the reason that I'm here talking to you."

"Okay, Miss Tinsley. You've been trying for weeks to get my attention and now you have it. Five minutes is all I can spare," Rory said.

Austin noticed the New Year had arrived, looking down at her watch. It was two minutes after twelve. She threw caution to the wind.

"Rory, it's midnight and it's bad luck to ring in the New Year without a kiss," she said quickly, stepping up close to Rory and pressing her lips against Rory's. The kiss lasted a mere second before Rory backed away with a shocked expression on her face.

"Excuse me, what the hell do you think you're doing?"

"Ringing in the New Year with good luck." Austin smiled.

Rory could hardly stand still. She wasn't sure what to do. Her lips tingled and her heart raced and the girl standing in front of her barely looked old enough to be legal.
Oh My God, Rory. You have to set this kid straight, right now!

"Look, Miss Tinsley, I uh…well this is…shit…ok, listen, mate. I'm a lot older than you and this crush you have is never going to work. So…"

Austin couldn't contain the laughter as she watched Rory struggle with her words, trying not to use her buried accent.

"Please call me Austin and although I am most definitely old enough, I'm not looking to sleep with you. I just believe in good luck that's all. I'm not pursuing you to have a sexual affair, alright."

"Well, that's certainly nice to know. So, Austin, why
you pursuing me?"

"Rory, like I've said before, I'm a huge fan and always have been. I'm a surfer myself and I'd really like to get to know you. I want to learn everything you know. I want to be a pro surfer and I want you to teach me everything you know and train me so I can join the tour."

Rory started walking in the direction of her house. She stayed quiet for about five minutes. Austin strolled along next to her. This had been the last thing she'd expected the young woman to say.

"Okay, so let me get this straight. You've been stalking me because you want me to be your trainer?"

"Well, I haven't been stalking you, just sort of trying to get your attention."

"Right, well, in my world that's stalking, but that's neither here nor there." Rory burst out laughing. "You're serious aren't you?"

Austin stopped walking and starred at Rory with a determined look on her face.

"Of course I'm serious. I moved from the East Coast so that I could have good waves and a better opportunity. You're by far the best of the best and who better to help me."

"I haven't had anything to do with surfing in over four years. What can I possible do to help you?"

"Come on, Rory, it's like riding a bike, you never forget it and you know it."

"Yeah, well this old horse has been rode hard and put up dry. I'm afraid she
forgotten….everything." Rory took the last sip of her lager and began walking again. She started up the path through the dunes to her house. Austin stopped at the beginning of the dunes. Well aware that she was on Rory's private property.

"By the way, I'm twenty-one. I'm an adult, not some little kid like you seem to think."

Rory answered back. "Yeah well, I'm not Australian like you seem to think. I'm American. I was born in California. As for the accent, my mother is Australian and I spent most of my childhood on the Gold Coast, so I guess you could say I picked up the native slang."

Just before Rory entered her house, Austin spoke once more.

"Rory, I'm only asking you to give it some thought. Just toss around the idea. Please?"

Rory turned back towards the darkness where she knew Austin was standing.

"Miss Tinsley, the answer is as it always will be, no. Happy New Year."

Rory walked inside, locking the door behind her.
Austin Tinsley, you're one very headstrong young woman. Life's not always perfect sets and double overhead waves. One day you'll learn that. I just hope I'm not the one that has to teach it to you.


Chapter Four



New Year's weekend had passed and on Monday morning, Rory's blue Audi bolted through the streets of Long Beach and onto the highway. Thirty minutes later, she sped into the parking garage for her office building with the convertible top down and loud music blaring on the radio. Martie arrived shortly after, catching up to Rory as they entered the main doors.

"You look good today. The gray shirt contrasts nicely with those gorgeous eyes of yours."

"Stop trying to flirt, Martie. It's not going to get you anywhere." Rory smiled as she stepped into the elevator.

"I'm not flirting, smart ass. I was giving you a compliment. So anyway, how did the rest of your night go? We dropped you off way too early!"

"Well, I'd tell you, but you'd never believe it, so let's just say I spent a quiet night out on the beach."

"Wouldn't believe it? You couldn't possibly have hooked up with anyone. Number one, that's not you and number two, you live around a bunch of rich old people."

Rory was laughing as the elevator doors opened to their floor. Alex was sitting at her desk. When Rory had first hired her, Martie had bet Rory that she'd never last and Alex had surprised them both. She'd turned out to be the most punctual person in the entire building.

"Good morning, ladies. It certainly sounds like you're enjoying the New Year. Everything must have gotten off to a great start for you."

"Yes, well it's another year so what the hell, right?" Rory replied.

Rory sat down at her desk and turned her computer on. She smiled when she noticed the email at the top of her inbox.


TO: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

Subject: Some thought




I'm very serious about our conversation. I'm willing to do whatever it takes. Please give it some serious thought before you completely make a decision. I understand you're very busy with your company. I'm not asking for an arm or a leg, just your brain and whatever you decide to throw in with it. I'm not even sure I can afford this, but I'm willing to do everything I can.



A.C. Tinsley


Rory laughed slightly as she read it. Still unsure whether she should reply or not, she simply clicked the reply later button. There was no way she could devote her time and attention to training someone; much less a surfer. She'd vowed the day she finished her physical therapy that she would never surf again. The only reason she stayed in the industry was because surfing would always be her life and she'd been able to put her college degree and years of surfing knowledge to use when she'd started her own company.


~ ~ ~


At three o'clock that afternoon, Martie walked into Rory's office. Rory took off her glasses and slid the paperwork she had been reading to the side as she leaned back in her chair.

"What's up, Martie?"

"Spill it. You've been acting a little weird today and I'm starting to worry about you. What exactly did you do after the limo dropped you off Saturday night?" Martie asked, sitting in the chair across from her.

Rory smiled and couldn't contain the laughter any longer knowing the suspense was killing Martie.

"Nothing happened really. I walked on the beach and drank a beer. Then I went to bed."

"Somehow I just don't believe you."

"I ran into my stalker. We had…"

"Oh my God, Rory. Did you call the cops? Where was she? I swear I've had it with this kid!"

"Calm down, Martie, she's okay. We actually just talked for a little bit when she walked the beach with me. Her name's Austin Tinsley."

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