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Authors: Cheyenne Meadows

Cowgirl Up (14 page)

BOOK: Cowgirl Up
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kinda got that impression by the way you kissed me back last week.” He grinned
down at her, pleased with her truthful reply. Hope flared along with his
ever-growing desire.

would just have to wait.

No way
would he chance making a hash of their first time together, and common sense
told him that she needed time to heal before doing more than sharing a kiss or
three now and again. It would happen. He just needed to bide his time. After
all, she was well worth waiting for.

rolled her eyes. “I would certainly hope so or I was doing something wrong.”

did everything right. Trust me.” His lowered his voice and traced the tip of
his finger over her dimpled chin.

eyes lit up with humor. “That’s good to know. I would hate for my kissing
abilities to fall short.”

grinned wickedly. “I’d be more than willing to teach you, if that were the
case. Still, practice never hurt anyone.”


washed over him. He could stand in her little apartment and banter with her all
day. Relaxed and feeling at home, he enjoyed this little unexpected encounter.
Too bad it couldn’t last and they weren’t able to follow the natural progression
of things.

Soon. One day soon.

guess I should get dinner warming.” Flashing him a small grin, she picked up a
plate, and placed it in the microwave. A couple of poked buttons later, he
heard the device kick on. That task done, she opened drawers, pulled out
silverware and handed it over to him. “Would you mind putting these on the
table while I get glasses?”

A couple of steps carried him to the small wooden dining table where he lightly
dropped off the utensils.

drinking glasses followed already full of ice before Trinity retraced her steps
only to come back with a large bottle of soda and two smaller ones of water. “I
didn’t know what you wanted, but I have both.”

shrugged. “Either or. I’m not picky.”

A beep
indicated the food had warmed enough. Trinity took the plate out with hot pads,
carried it to the table, then set it down. “Go ahead and dig in. Mine will just
take a minute or two.”

He took
the nearest seat and watched the way she moved around the small kitchen,
finding no hesitation or grimace with each step. In fact, if he didn’t know
better, he’d believe she had no iota of pain whatsoever.


were known for their mental and physical toughness amongst other things. Even
when wounded, they continued to battle and always pointed the medics to the
worst injured in the group.
The SEAL way.

would have made a good one.

smirked at the thought of her running around in camouflage, carrying a backpack
nearly as big as she is, and toting around a rifle longer than one of her legs.
He didn’t doubt she could do it, but instinctively knew she would lack
conviction to duty. When push came to shove, she could do anything. But,
tossing her in the middle of a war would kill the gentle spirit he’d come to
crave in her.

gathered her meal, gingerly sat down opposite him, and dug in. A low moan
escaped as she closed her eyes for a long moment, then reopened them to stare
at him. “Carmen is the best cook ever.”

took a large bite and immediately agreed. “Delicious. That woman has talent.”

yeah. I’m trying to get her to teach me a few good recipes when she has a

smiled and opened his bottle of water. “Planning on fattening me up?”

A faint
blush appeared on her face. “You work too hard to ever get fat. Besides, how
did you know I was thinking about you?” She arched an eyebrow in blatant

“I have
a feeling you don’t kiss just any guy that comes around.” He met her gaze
steadily. “Besides, we’ve already established you can wrap me around your
little finger with a pie or two.”

smiled softly. “So the way to a man’s heart is truly through his stomach?”

grinned wickedly. “Only one way to find out.”

An hour
later, the dishes were washed and put away, the kitchen sparkled, and they sat
in the small living room in companionable silence.

yawned for the third time since they finished eating.

she was at the end of her rope, Cody stood and offered her a hand. “I think
you’re more than ready for bed.”

allowed him to pull her back to her feet. “Yeah. I think so.” Her gaze darted
to the bed in the corner of the room, then back to lock on Cody’s chest. “I’ll
just change clothes. You can use the bathroom first, if you want.”

small bout of nerves amused him. “I don’t have any clothes to change into.”

gaze flew up to meet his. “Oh, I forgot. I don’t have any clothes to fit you,
but I do have an extra toothbrush. Feel free to shower too.” She strode toward
the bathroom and pulled items out from the cabinet underneath the sink. “Towel.
Toothpaste. Unopened toothbrush. Soap should be in the shower.” Standing while
spinning around, she bumped into him.

steadied her and grinned. “I’ve roughed it more times than I can remember. I’ll
just put my old clothes back on after a quick shower. No biggie. I’ll even take
the recliner for the night.”

stared up at him and shook her head. “I can’t fix the lack of pajamas, but I
refuse to let you sleep in that chair. It’s not comfortable and I’m pretty sure
your large frame would find it snug.”

didn’t argue, having already ascertained that fact in the few minutes he sat in
the chair earlier. Still, he didn’t want to press her and sleeping in the same
bed seemed like a big step right now.

On the other hand, who am I to
argue with the lady?

softly, he stepped to the side to let her pass. “I’ll be quick.”


shut the door behind her.

shucked his clothes, turned on the spray and made record time. He put his jeans
back on and brushed his teeth, feeling clean and whole again. Even the dirty
clothes didn’t bother him too much. How many days had he gone without a bath
while overseas? Weeks? So long he could barely stand the smell of himself,
that’s how long.

For a
second, he held out his shirt and contemplated whether to wear it or not. He’d
sleep better without it, but didn’t feel this was the time to just walk out and
expose Trinity to his disfiguring scars. He’d learned surprising a woman with
them wasn’t quite bright and set him up for failure. Besides, Trinity had
enough of a shake-up today with her fall and worry over her horse. She didn’t
need anything else to deal with. Not now, but definitely later.

the time felt right.

tugged on his shirt and buttoned it up. After brushing his hair, he opened the
door and stepped out.

stood across the room, pulling down the covers on the double bed. She glanced
up and smiled softly.

heart skipped a beat.


She entered with a handful of clothes, presumably her sleepwear.

He plopped
down in the chair, listened to the water run, and stifled his imagination every
time images of Trinity bathing in the nude tried to run through his mind. They
were great, but his jeans didn’t allow much room for a boner. Basic comfort
outweighed erotic daydreams. For now.

water stopped and a few minutes later Trinity emerged. Her long blonde hair
hung straight down her back, still damp. Instead of jeans, she now wore loose
pajamas, a light blue top and matching bottoms, which only hinted at her curves.
On anyone else, he would find them a turn off. On Trinity, he couldn’t stop the
natural physical reaction in the form of the erection he grappled with earlier.

Damned horniness.

smiled at him as she walked to the bed. “Why didn’t you climb in already? I
thought we already established we’re adults and can share just fine.”

rubbed his forehead. “True. But, I didn’t know which side of the bed you sleep
on. My luck, I’d get it wrong.”

chuckled, a melodic sound he had fast grown addicted to. “I’m flexible.
Besides, I’m not about to kick you out of my bed just because you’re on my

stood and strode across the room, stopping on the far side of the bed from her.
While she was in the shower, he set his boots close to the door, checked the
lock, then slid his handgun under the bed. He really didn’t think she’d freak
at the sight of a pistol, but tonight wasn’t the time to find out. “Then, what
reason would you kick me out of your bed?”

“Oh, I
think you’re good.” She sat down, tucked her feet under the covers and slid in.
Peering up at him, she patted the spot beside her. “Come on. I won’t bite.”

He bit
back a groan. What she didn’t know was the thought of her nibbling on him only
added to his desire. He plopped down on the bed, flipped on his side, and
pulled the blankets up. Habit dictated that he face the door when sleeping.




He relaxed into the surprisingly comfortable mattress. The close quarters
allowed him to hear Trinity breathe, feel her every move, and smell the sweet
floral scent of her soap.

Most likely the same aroma I
carry now since I used her stuff. Just wonderful.

his eyes, he adjusted his pillow and blew out a slow breath.



won’t kick you out of the bed for snoring, but I might have to smack you.”

grinned. “Since I don’t snore, I think we’re both safe.”

Well, that’s nice to know.”



came quickly and easily to him that night.


Cody awoke
like usual, instantly alert, though he didn’t move an inch. Instead, he spent a
long moment gathering information about his surroundings before opening his

what he found pleased him.

spooned up against his body, tucked in nicely, a perfect fit. Her rear lodged
against his groin as her upper body molded his trunk. One of his arms draped
over her body as if protecting her during the night. The other stretched out
under her head and neck, offering support and softness, as they shared the same
pillow. Her top covered everything still, but tugged tight and downward, giving
him a bird’s eye view of the tops of her modest, pretty breasts.

sighed in her sleep and wiggled her rear against his already interested cock.

morning wood hardened that much more.

Well, hell.

He had
no recollection of getting into such a position during the night, but wasn’t
about to complain. Not when she felt way too good in his arms.

the sun shined through the window, alerting him to the time. Horses whinnied
nearby and an occasional beat of hooves carried to his ears. The normally
welcome sound reminded him that morning had arrived and chores needed done
before Trinity dropped him back off at the rodeo.

didn’t lament the quickly passing night for a couple of reasons. First of all,
he slept better than he had in forever. No nightmares visited him while he
slept. A small miracle. Secondly, he wanted to get back to speak to Lacey. He
had a plan about finding Trinity a horse to ride the next weekend and
everything revolved around Trinity’s best friend on the circuit.

to get to work on his goal, yet hesitant to move, he savored Trinity curled up
trustingly in his arms for one more second. With a promise to share her bed
again soon, he placed a soft kiss to her neck. “Trinity?”


grinned at the sleepy murmur. “Come on, sweetheart. Up and at ‘em.”

eyelids opened. For a second he could almost see the hamster wheel spinning in
her mind as she realized a few facts. She squirmed, her eyes widened, then she
cleared her throat. “Ummm.”

He grinned and brushed his lips over her crown, thoroughly enjoying her morning

squirmed and managed to flip onto her back. Peering up at him, she blinked a
couple of times as if to clear the cobwebs. “What time is it?”

checked his watch. “Almost seven.”

good grief.” Trinity threw the covers aside, jumped out of bed, hurried to a
dresser, and started pulling out clothes.

propped up on one elbow, watching her with amusement. “Does that mean you’re

spared him a glance. “Kinda.”

keeps track of tardiness?” From what he deciphered from his brief meeting with
the farm stallion manager, she could be tough if needed, but he doubted Trinity
ever saw that side of her boss.

not that I know of, not with me anyway.”

what’s the big rush?” Intrigued, he watched her drag out fresh underwear and
add it to the growing pile of clothes in her arms.

“If I
don’t feed these guys on schedule, they
make my life hell today.”

started at her, then began to laugh.

frowned. “You don’t believe me?”

waved his free hand. “Oh, I believe you. Those animals are damn persnickety
when they want to be. Vet here. I know that for a fact.”

mouth curled up at the corners. “Then I better get a move on.” She entered the
bathroom and shut the door behind her.

scrubbed his face and looked around the room.

I could get used to this.

unexpected thought threw him for a loop. Sure, he’d become quite attached to
Trinity, but moving in with her? Living in the stable together? Talk about
putting the cart before the horse.

had a few obstacles to overcome before he could even entertain the idea of
living with her, including finding out her reaction to his scars.

last night, he kept his clothes on, especially his shirt. Under normal
circumstances, he would have stripped down to his boxers or even just his
jeans. The time hadn’t seemed right, thus he didn’t dare shed any garments.

safe than sorry.

the reality check, he threw aside his covers, dangled his feet over the side of
the bed, then dropped to the floor. Finding his gun and holster where he left
them, he quickly pulled up his pants leg, strapped the leather holder on, then
replaced the denim to cover the small handgun. The chances of needing a weapon
in his line of work bordered on nil, but old habits die hard. Since his time in
the SEALs he felt naked without some sort of weapon hidden on his person. From
what he gathered, most of the other guys experienced the same thing.

another tidbit that he carried back from war. The most benign one, perhaps.

squeaking door drew his attention.

emerged dressed in her typical outfit, jeans and a long-sleeved T-shirt to keep
the morning chill of fall away. Her hair resided in a ponytail, which swayed
with each step. Despite being devoid of makeup, she exuded plenty of natural
beauty, more than enough to keep his attention and make him come to attention
like a bird dog on point.

rubbed at her eyes. “Let me get the feeding done, then I’ll work on breakfast.”

I thought I’d help you feed first, then take you out to breakfast.”

blinked up at him. “Are you sure? I don’t mind cooking something.”

“Not at
all. It’s on the way and that way you won’t have to be rushing around to get
everything done before taking me back to the fairgrounds.” As much as he liked
the idea of returning to her room and sharing a nice breakfast, he wanted to
take care of her this morning, to pamper her a bit. She would be sore as hell
and worn out. No sense in making her work anymore than absolutely necessary.

flipped the lock on the door and held it open. “Lead the way.”

paused next to him and rose up to press a soft kiss to his lips, pulling back
before he had the chance to take over and kiss her with all the passion
currently rolling through his veins. “You’re always taking care of me. Thank

nodded, ushered her out, then closed the door behind him. “I want to take a
look at Legacy this morning, first thing. See if he’s favoring that leg any.”

“I was
thinking the same thing.” She made a beeline for his stall, finding the area
empty. She threw the bolt, entered the area, then called to her horse.

lifted his head from grazing and eyed her with ears pricked.

on. Breakfast time.”

whinnied and came at a fast trot.

watched the movement with professional interest, finding no sign of a limp.
Still, he wouldn’t know for sure until he could get his hands on the animal.
“If you hold him, I can get a closer look.”

She took hold of Legacy’s halter and led him into the aisle of the barn.

see.” Cody ran his hand down Legacy’s side, then on down the left leg. The
stallion sidestepped and smacked him with his tail. Not to be deterred, he
followed the animal’s every move, and finally convinced Legacy to lift his leg.

swelling. No tenderness when he gently pressed on the area. Nothing in the
horse’s behavior indicated a problem. With a relieved sigh, he stood and patted
Legacy on the rump. “As far as I can tell, he looks great.”


swung around, turned his head, and lipped at his shirt. Cody stood still,
watching the large stud closely, not entirely sure Legacy wasn’t about to take
a hunk out of his hide.

You’re supposed to be nice to the good vet.” Trinity ran her hand over the
stallion’s nose. “Biting gives you a bad reputation.”

snorted in response.

grinned at the horse’s antics and scratched his neck. “He’s a handful all

smiled at him. “I wouldn’t have him any other way.”

Nor would I.
His gaze found Trinity, saw the
happiness on her face, and felt his heart thump against his ribs. They’d come a
long way since the first rodeo of the season, through baby steps. He was ready
to step up to the next level. If only she felt the same.

far, she responded to him well, both accepting and giving. Yet, her pretty
blushes and signals of nervousness kept him in check.

As much
as he’d like to take her back inside, lay her down on the bed, cover her, and
finally sink deep into her delightful body, he knew she’d balk. He had to stay
the course and let things happen naturally. No impatient hunter brought home
dinner, after all.

led Legacy back into his stall where he rattled the holder for his feed bucket.
An obvious summons for his meal.

shook his head. “He’s a character.”

Trinity shut the stall door and strode toward the line of buckets.

He beat
her to them, picked up the first bag of feed, and filled them to her direction.
Once they all contained the appropriate amount, he helped her carry them to the
stalls, waiting in the aisle while she took each one inside and placed it in
the holder.

the sounds of crunching carried through the barn. Soothing. Relaxing. Something
he could get used to.

glanced around the ritzy set up, complete with brick floors and wide stalls
that opened into separate paddocks. A classy place with some big name
thoroughbred stallions in residence. For the first time in a while, he felt at
home. No restlessness. No feeling lost without direction. Whether Trinity’s
home or the woman herself held responsibility, he didn’t know. But, he vowed to
find out. After all, he’d struggled with re-entry into society since his injury
and leaving the SEALs. To find a place that offered peace ranked up there as a
small miracle and one he wouldn’t take lightly.

you ready?”

voice broke into his thoughts. He glanced down at her and smiled. She was in
her element. And the way she looked at him…

shifted weight from one boot to another in an effort to ease the tightness of
his jeans. “I’m ready when you are.”

let’s go before Carmen gives me pitchfork duty this morning.”

don’t I believe that is as much as a threat as you let on?”

shrugged. “Maybe because it’s not.” Grabbing his hand, she gave him a firm tug.
“Let’s go. I’m hungry and I’m sure you have some clients waiting for you at the

walked beside her, lessening his strides to match hers. “Trying to get rid of
me already?”

turned to stare up at him. Her lips twitched. “No way. Why would I want to
throw away the only man who doesn’t snore in my bed?”

is that.” He grinned.

you are handy with horses and grain bags.”

Amusement washed over him. He enjoyed their light banter immensely, but
couldn’t resist the urge to nudge her for further disclosure on her personal
feelings toward him. Sure, he already had a good idea, but confirmation never

gaze raked his body before returning to his face. “Lacey was right. You do have
a great backside.”

arched an eyebrow. “So, you’re keeping me around because I’m eye candy?”

giggled. “Did I say that?”

pleased with her admission and bubbly attitude this morning, he took her hand
in his. “What about my kisses?”

A pink
hue covered her cheeks. “Those…are exceptional.”

than my ass?”

peeked around him once more. “Too close to call.”

chuckled and shook his head.




spun around, spied Cody walking toward her, and met him halfway. She’d been
worried after watching horse and rider fall last night and leave without a
follow-up report. Trinity seemed fine, but Legacy in a cast sent shards of
worry through her. If anything happened to that stallion, her friend would be
devastated. “How’s Trin and Legacy?”

is bruised up pretty bad, but should be fine. The equine clinic checked Legacy
out thoroughly, found him sound, but recommended he take a week or two off in
order to make sure.”

“A week
or two?” Lacey did the math in her head. “Trinity’s on the bubble to make the
top twenty-five. If some of the other girls earn points this weekend and next,
she’ll be out.”

rubbed his forehead. “Which is why I’m here. Do you know anyone that might have
a back-up barrel horse Trinity can ride?”

BOOK: Cowgirl Up
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