Read Cowboy Payback Online

Authors: Donna Michaels

Tags: #Contemporary,Western,Friends to Lovers,Military/Cop

Cowboy Payback (17 page)

BOOK: Cowboy Payback
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It was great to see her parents having a good time and to visit with them, but she had to admit, she looked forward to their departure in the morning. Selfish, she knew, but it meant she only had to spend one night away from Brett at the main house.

“Thanks for your help with Monica this week,” he said against her temple, their bodies swaying as one to a Luke Bryan ballad.

She drew back to stare up at him. “For what? I kind of feel it was a no-brainer. I really didn’t do much.”

“You did enough by responding to my public advances,” he replied.

A smile tugged her lips. “Again, no-brainer. I enjoy kissing you. Why? Did you think I was acting?”

“No.” He shook his head, sinful gleam in his eyes making her stomach flutter. “I wasn’t acting either. I love putting my mouth on your body.”

Her smile broadened as she wrapped her arms around his neck and melted against him. “Mmm…and I love when you put your body on my body, cowboy.”

“Yes, ma’am,” he said, dipping down to kiss near her ear. “Any time.”

“Tonight?” she asked hopefully. “I don’t suppose you can sneak into my room?”

He pulled back, regret dulling the heat in his eyes. “No, sorry. It just seems disrespectful to your parents, as well as you, knowing they’d prefer we didn’t share a room while they were here.”

She nodded and sighed. “Yeah, I know. I’m just glad your mom is okay with me sharing your cabin. When I think of all we could’ve been missing out on…” She shuddered and burrowed into his chest.

He was so dang noble. Always putting others before himself. It was one of the things she loved most about him.

Her steps faltered.

She turned her face into his neck and inhaled his fresh, woodsy, male scent. God, he smelled great. It warmed her from the inside out. Another thing she loved about him. One of many.

Ah…dang it.

It was time to face the truth. She
in love with Captain Brett Brennan. Had been for some time. He was a strong, reliable, fierce marine, and a noble, fair, hardworking cowboy. The combination captured her heart…now she just needed to figure out if she fit into his future.

“I’ll make it up to you tomorrow night,” he whispered against her ear, wicked hands roaming over her back in a sensual caress. “I promise.”

That was it. With her knees threatening to buckle, she clung to him tighter and made
a promise. She wasn’t going to worry about next month. Just the present and the great-smelling cowboy in her arms. He was the only thing that mattered.

She brushed her lips across his strong jaw, loving the way his body heated under her touch. Admittedly, the empowerment sometimes went to her head. He was so handsome and strong; to think she had the ability to rev-up his engines did all kinds of crazy things to her body. She also loved how she could count on him to kiss her stupid by uttering one word. A word Trisha deliberately used often.

“I’m going to hold you to that…


July flew by, and before Brett knew it, August rolled in, along with his least favorite guest. Clarissa.

The woman didn’t drive, so she arrived by shuttle, along with a few other guests. The vehicle had barely unloaded their clients when the blonde bombshell made a beeline straight for him, even though he was holding Trisha’s hand.

“Brace yourself,” he muttered as his stalker drew near, seductive smile on her face, determined set to her shoulders.

“You’re home.” Their guest clapped her hands and squeaked.

The annoying sound ricocheted through him like fingernails on a chalkboard. Hiding his grimace, he cocked his head. “Yeah, hi, Clarissa. I’d like you to meet my fiancée.”

“I’m so glad to see you’re safe and sound,” the woman said, pulling him in for a hug, completely ignoring his announcement.

And Trisha.

“Hello?” The spunky redhead wedged her way between him and the pest. “I’m not sure if you heard, Brett, but I’m his fiancée. The name’s Trisha, Trisha Jennings.”

Clarissa reeled back. “You’re his what?”

“Fiancée. The girl wearing his ring.” She held up her left hand and flashed the diamond in front of the blonde’s frowning face. “Brett is no longer free, so I’d appreciate it if you backed off.”

Ah hell
. The others were glancing in their direction. So much for keeping things low-key.

“All right,” Cammie said, stepping toward the gawking crowd. “What do you say we get everyone checked in?”

Next to her, Finn smirked at him.


“This way we can all meet for lunch before we saddle up,” his brother said, and along with Cammie and the other guides, ushered the rest of the guests into the main building.

“Come on, no hard feelings. Let’s get you checked in,” Trisha said, hooking her arm with Clarissa’s as she led the bombshell toward the ranch, talking nonstop about how much fun they were going to have that week.

But judging by the saucy look the newcomer sent him over her shoulder, his stalker wasn’t through with him. Not by a long shot.

An hour later, Brett was yawning as he saddled his horse next to Finn in the vacant stable.

“Hot date last night? You look exhausted,” his brother joked, then must’ve seen something in his eyes because he sobered and lowered his voice, even though the others were still outside. “Trisha have another nightmare?”

He blew out a breath and nodded, slipping the bit into the palomino’s mouth. Although he enjoyed every damn second of making Trisha
better half the night, he worried she was using sex with him as a deterrent, instead of seeking treatment.

“She getting worse?” Finn asked, glancing at him over his stallion.

He shrugged. “Maybe. Hard to say. Children definitely trigger them.”

“Ah.” His brother nodded, a knowing gleam entering his eyes as he secured the saddle on his mustang. “Maddie went with them to get fitted for the wedding yesterday.”


His cousin’s six-year-old daughter Madison was a sweetheart and excited to be Finn and Cammie’s flower girl.

“I pulled Cammie aside last night to ask if Trisha had any issues. She told me no, but I knew they’d surface during the night.”

Finn nodded again. “Do you want me to ask around for a therapist?”

“No. I have one.” His gut clenched tight, hating that Trisha was hurting and bottling everything inside. “I’ve tried to get her to talk after her nightmares, but she always…” He paused, not at all thrilled with himself for letting her distract him.

But one well-placed stroke of her hand or the feel of her naked, warm curves as she pushed him back on the mattress, and all the blood left the head on his shoulders and rush to the one farther south.

He muttered a curse. “I’m such a guy.”

“Let me guess, she distracts you with sex?”

His head snapped back, and he narrowed his gaze on his brother. “Yes, how’d you…?”

“I’ve done it myself a time or two, bro. Not with Cammie. This was before her.”

Brett stilled and stared at his brother.
, he hadn’t known. He should’ve known. He let his brother down, and now he was letting Trisha down, too. It made him feel like a good for nothing piece of shit.

“There wasn’t anything you could’ve done, so don’t beat yourself up about it,” Finn said, reading his mind as usual. “I eventually came to realize I needed help and got it on my own. Trisha will, too.”

He hoped to God that was true.

“I’ve already talked to a therapist I know. She said she’d fit Trisha in anytime. Now, all I have to do is get her to agree.”

“Well, give yourself a break over the sex thing. You’re a red-blooded guy, and she’s the gorgeous, propositioning woman you’re in love with. Of course you can’t resist.”

“Right.” He nodded, then stilled. “Wait? What? I’m not in love with…” His protest trailed off at the serious expression on his brother’s face.

“Do you think of her all the time whether she’s with you or not?”

He blinked. “Yeah, but—”

“Does putting a smile on her face become your number one priority every day?”


“Last question, and this is the biggie, bro. Is it Trisha you’re eager to get home to after a long day on the trail and
Royal Pines?”

His heart slammed into his ribs as the truth hit him with the force of an Abrams tank.

“Shit…yeah…it is.” He slumped against his horse. “I’m in love with my fiancée. How the hell did that happen? It’s just supposed to be a fling.”

Finn chuckled. “I know. I get it, bro. It hadn’t been my intention with Cammie either, but I fell for her hard.”

“Which is a good thing.” He straightened and smiled for what seemed like the first time that afternoon.

“Yes, it’s very good. And it looks like the twin thing with us happened again. You know, us doing things together without intention.” Finn waved a hand between them. “Although, this time, it’s not Boy Scouts or high school sports or joining the military.”

“What do you mean?”

“We both did it backward,” his brother replied. “We got engaged before we fell in love.”

He would’ve laughed if it wasn’t so damn sad. If he wasn’t so damn far out of his depth. “But what the hell do I do now?”

“I’m not going to lie to you, Brett. It won’t be easy,” Finn said, cupping his shoulder again. “Once I realized my feelings for Cammie ran a hell of a lot deeper than lust, it was a game changer. Things might get a little rough, but that’s when you ask yourself what is important, and then you change your life accordingly.”

“Right. Great. I’ve no idea where to even start.”

“I have faith in you,” his brother said, before stepping back. “Just remember, it’s true what they say…nothing worth having comes easy.”


By Thursday, Trisha was tired. Tired of Clarissa’s bullshit antics and blatant flirting, brushing up against Brett whenever possible, positioning herself with him when they broke into groups for outings. Her insides would twist into a tight knot and a foreign anger heated her blood at the sight of the blonde making a play for her man.

Fake engagement or not, Brett
her man. At least while she was at Royal Pines.
was sleeping with him.
panted his name while his mouth did delicious things to her body, and it was
name he ground out when he was buried deep inside her.

Until she left for college, Brett was hers, and she was his…end of story.

It was tough watching the poor guy try to be diplomatic when she knew he wanted to send the woman packing. She was tired of watching him endure that crap. Tired of watching him be nice to avoid a law suit.

She was just plain tired.

What happened to the vibrant, happy girl she used to see in the mirror? She was growing out of touch with that Trisha. Why?

Yawning, she contemplated the questions as she carried her lunch tray toward Brett’s table in the chow hall, intending to sit in the spot he’d saved for her when Ms.
beat Trisha to it.

She stopped dead, fighting that rising anger so quick to make an appearance these days. The stalker wasn’t helping, not when she brushed his arm with her boobs, leaning into him to whisper something naughty no doubt, while her hand did who knows what under the table.

Judging by the tight jaw and pulse bunching in Brett’s neck, he knew and wasn’t happy.

That’s it.
Her spine stiffened.

She was done. All bets were off.

Marching right to him, Trisha thrust her arm between the store-bought boobs and Brett’s biceps, pushed the woman’s tray to the right, and set hers down. “Excuse me,” she said, wedging her way in, not caring there wasn’t much room on the bench for a flea, let alone her rear. But she shoved in anyway.

“Don’t bother. There’s no room here. Let’s move,” Brett said, standing up, holding his hand out to her. “We can sit with Finn and Cammie.”

Smiling, she held his hand as she stepped over the bench seat, hip-checking the chick again. “Sounds good.” She grabbed her lunch and followed
man to Cammie’s table without looking back.

“Nice use of your hip, Marine.”

She sat across from her friend, set her tray on the table, then fist-bumped her fellow marine with a “Oorah,” uncaring that Clarissa could see them. She was done treating the chick like royalty.

Finn grinned. “It was great. Clarissa almost wore her lunch.”

Brett turned to her and grabbed her hand, no grin or smile visible on his face. “I’m sorry, Trisha. That spot was for you.”

“I know.” She patted his hand. “You can’t help it if you’re irresistible.”

His brother snorted. “If that’s what you are, then I’m glad I’m not. That lady has been nothing but trouble for years.”

“That’s what I don’t get,” Trisha said, digging into her open-faced, turkey sandwich. “I know her dad and yours were friends, but really, why do you put up with her?”

Brett sighed. “Her father is also a senator. We don’t need the bad press, and believe me, she’d do it, too.”

Trisha’s stomach churned. He was right. The spoiled brat would twist words and events to suit her own needs. It made her sick.

Now she understood. His hands were tied. He was part owner of a business that relied on word of mouth. The Brennans couldn’t afford the bad press, as he’d said. Still. Trisha couldn’t just sit back and do nothing. She met her friend’s gaze across the table. Cammie’s brown eyes were dark and narrowed, and her mouth tight. Yeah, the woman was pissed. It was a good thing Clarissa didn’t have her sights set on Finn.

But they
set on Brett. Her knotted stomach churned as heat seeped into every pore.

“It’s not right. It has to stop.” She shoved her tray away and stood. “I need some air. Excuse me.”

There had to be something she could do to rectify the mess. He was not only her friend and lover, Brett was also her former captain, the man who had always had her back, and he needed help, and
, she wasn’t going to sit back and allow the woman to continue to harass him year after year.

She shoved the door open to the bathroom, happy to find it empty. Good, she wasn’t in the mood to be pleasant. She needed a few moments. Splashing cold water on her face, she inhaled, then exhaled slowly, releasing some of her tension and unwanted anger. The woman wasn’t worth it.

BOOK: Cowboy Payback
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