Covet (4 page)

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Authors: Felicity Heaton

BOOK: Covet
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Lilah sighed and focused on the feel of him inside her, claiming her body. It felt so right. She gripped the edge of the box and leaned forwards, arching her back so Javier could go deeper, could claim all of her. He groaned and ran one hand down her back, forcing her further forwards. Her hip hurt but she didn’t care. She kept her right foot on the wall and her eyes on the show as he pulled out of her and eased back in, stretching her and reaching deep inside. He moaned again, uttering her name in a low sexy voice that made her tremble with a need to answer him.

“Javier,” she whispered and her lips parted, breath leaving her on a low groan as he thrust into her again.

He ran his hands over her bottom and lifted her skirt, exposing her backside to the cool air. She tiptoed as he began to thrust, his fingers curling around her hips, clutching her and holding her in place. He wasn’t gentle but wasn’t as rough as she had expected. He plunged deep and hard into her, burying the full length of his cock and causing his balls to smack against her pussy.

It was thrilling and every bit as exciting as she had anticipated as she watched the show, watched the man on stage fucking the woman while Javier took her, filling her with rough desperate strokes of his long cock. His grip on her hips tightened, his groans so low she could barely hear them. She couldn’t contain hers any longer. They fell from her lips, interspersed with his name as he plunged into her, his pace quickening as she started to clench him, seeking her pleasure.

Fear that someone would hear them only added to the thrill of it all.

Javier muttered things she didn’t understand, his voice harsh and guttural, divinely commanding. He pressed his left hand into her stomach, pulled her up against him, and kept pumping her, thrusting his length as deep as he could go as if he wanted to possess her, to ruin her to all others. She moaned and leaned back into him, letting him at her throat. He whispered profanities against it and licked and sucked, devouring it with his lips as he took her, his thrusts turning rougher and more desperate. He placed his mouth on the curve of her neck and she could feel his desire to bite her, could sense the need ripple through him. He stayed there as he plunged into her and she yearned to feel the press of his fangs against her flesh, could barely breathe with the anticipation.

He cursed softly and kissed back down to her shoulder. His free hand covered her pussy again, fingers seeking her clit, and he circled it as he filled her roughly with his cock, thrusting hard and fast. Lilah couldn’t hold on any longer. It was too much as she tensed around his length and he pumped into her. She moaned loud enough she was sure that someone would have heard her and fell apart, quivering all over and barely able to remain standing as her orgasm crashed through her, heat chasing outwards from her core and carrying her away.

Javier stilled inside her, his groans low and barely audible over the noise of the performance. He remained there for a few seconds, as though absorbing the feel of her body trembling because of him, and then withdrew.

Lilah frowned.

She didn’t understand.

Javier carefully lowered her leg for her, turned her around and leaned her against the curved wall of the box. He eased to a crouch before her, picked up her discarded black panties, and slipped them back over her feet. She watched him, heart hammering and head still reeling, trying to grasp what was happening. She shivered when he finished dressing her and caressed the front of her knickers.

He hadn’t climaxed.

His hard cock jutted out of his open trousers, wet with her juices and dark with need.

“Someone would know,” he said, as though it was a reasonable explanation for leaving himself unsatisfied.

It was completely unreasonable to her. She didn’t care if anyone smelt him on her and she was sure that the one person who she didn’t want to know was already aware of what she had done with Javier. Lord Ashville.

Javier stood and went to tuck his erection into his trousers. She stopped him by touching his hand and he looked at her. The longer lengths of his sandy hair on top of his head had fallen forwards, masking one dark eye. She took his hand away from his cock and moved to kneel in front of him. He groaned and shook his head but it didn’t stop her.

Lilah licked his thick length, tasting herself, and took him into her mouth. He groaned and tensed, his hips bucking forwards. She closed her eyes and sucked him, rolling her tongue around the blunt head each time she withdrew, hoping to drive him out of his mind. He was cool under her tongue, rock hard with desire, and she rubbed her thighs together, her sated body starting to ache with need again. Each moan he loosed only added to her arousal. She sucked harder and he grabbed her shoulders, uttering her name in the most delicious way, driving her on.

She quickened her pace, swiftly swallowing his cock and then sucking hard each time she withdrew. His hands trembled on her shoulders, alternating between clutching her and pushing against her, as though he wanted her to stop. She wouldn’t. Not until he felt as satisfied as she did.

He groaned her name again and she looked up at him. He was watching her rather than the show and the feel of his eyes on her only heightened her growing arousal. She wanted to feel him inside her again, pumping his seed into her as he came, claiming her body as his.

Javier growled and shot his load into her mouth, his cock throbbing and hips thrusting shallowly. His eyes changed, pupils narrowing and stretching, turning elliptical, and red flooding his irises. The sight of them and his fangs as he breathed hard and fast, coming down from his climax, frightened her a little but she refused to look away. She sat back on her heels and stared up into his eyes, seeing him for what he was.

Not a vampire.

Just the man she had been slowly falling for these past two years.

His pupils gradually changed back, the crimson drained from his irises, and his fangs receded. He continued to stare at her, his breathing heavy and trousers down around his knees.

Javier swallowed, held his hand out to her, and pulled her up onto her feet.

For a moment, she thought that he would kiss her.

He smoothed her clothes down, tucked himself away and fastened his trousers. He lifted his hand as though he was going to touch her face, curled his fingers into a fist and lowered it again. A soft curse left his lips and he turned and walked away.

Lilah stared at the red velvet curtain of the box as it fell back into place. She leaned against the low curved wall and listened to the crowd applaud as the show ended, feeling bereft and confused.

Was that all he was going to give her?

It wasn’t enough.

She needed more than just one brief moment with him and had done since the first night she had seen him. He had to feel that way too. She had caught him watching her more than once and had always wondered what he was thinking to make his eyes so dark and full of hunger. Now she knew and she wanted more of him. She wanted to see that look in his brown eyes again and know that he wanted her and needed her with the same ferocity as she needed him.

She couldn’t just let him walk away.


She knew the consequences of what they had done and she feared for him and for herself, but it was too late to turn back now. They had crossed the line and she was going to make the most of every second she had with Javier. She would savour them all and would face her master with him when the time came.

Lilah grabbed her broom and her cleaning equipment, tucked the seat covers under her arm, and hurried from the box. She raced along the red-walled hallway heading for the stairs down to the next floor, and then the next. When she reached the bottom, she dumped the covers in the waiting trolley and dropped her red plastic box and broom. She shoved the mahogany doors that led to backstage and rushed through them.

It was pandemonium backstage. The vampires from tonight’s performance were discussing the show and the two males who had been with the human females paused to watch her as she passed. One of them wiped the back of his hand across his bloodied mouth and sniffed. Lilah kept her head down and kept moving, aware that they could smell Javier on her. Her cheeks blazed. She wished they could smell him inside her as she had wanted him to be. She broke into a run, passing the stacks of props, and reached the other side of the stage. She didn’t stop running until she had reached Javier’s office on the ground floor. Her hand shook as she knocked. No answer.

She hesitated before opening the door. He wasn’t there.

Lilah closed the door and headed through the black-walled double-height room to the stairs. She had cleaned the apartments of the owners once before and knew where his was. She moved as quickly as her legs could carry her but they were tiring now, weak from supporting her in an unusual position while Javier had driven her to the most mind-blowing orgasm she’d ever had.

She slowed to a walk as she reached the top floor of the building and the beautifully decorated black and gold hallway that ran between the four large apartments. Lilah hesitated when a snarl sounded from one of the rooms close to her. It wasn’t Javier. His apartment was at the end of the corridor.

She held her breath and snuck towards the door, afraid that it would open. She knew who lived in that apartment. When she had come to clean them that one time, the vampire who occupied it had turned her away, telling her that it wasn’t safe for her to be around him. She had never seen anything like him. His overlong white hair and startling red eyes had shocked her.


She had heard all sorts of rumours about him since then. He was old and dangerous, prone to dark moods in which he could drain three humans dry and still hunger for more. His brother was the only one allowed in his room. He was liable to kill anyone else who tried to enter.

Lilah pressed against the wall opposite and didn’t look back when she was past his door. She hurried to the end of the hall and knocked on the mahogany panelled door there.

No one answered.

Lilah knocked again.

The door finally opened and Javier stood before her.

Her nerve failed and her gaze drifted from his eyes, down the slope of his straight nose to his bowed mouth. It lingered there for a second before she dragged it away, across to his left ear. It caught on the start of a thin silver scar just below his earlobe and she followed that down over the cords of his neck to the middle of his left pectoral. From there, her eyes roamed over the enticing display of hard honed muscle barely hidden beneath milk-white skin. It drifted over the ridges of his abdomen, past the dip of his navel, to the dark thatch of hair that led her gaze downwards.

To the top of a black towel tied around his waist.

Was he going to shower?

Had he intended to scrub her scent off his body as though that could erase what they had done?

That hurt her and she didn’t know what to say as he stared at her.

If she told him what she wanted, if she confessed her deepest desires and what she kept hidden in her heart, would he turn her away or would he say the words she needed to hear?

Would he tell her that it was just the show and the heat of the moment?

Or would he confess that he felt something for her too?


avier remained still as Lilah stared down at the black towel slung low around his hips, telling his body not to start getting the wrong idea. It wasn’t a good time for it to slip free of his control. He needed to keep a firm grip on it even though the sight of Lilah in the tight short black dress and the scent of him on her was driving him closer to the edge with each passing second.

“Were you going to shower?” The tremble in her voice along with the agitation in her blood gave away her muddled feelings and when she finally raised her golden eyes to meet his, he could see the edge of hurt in them and knew what she was really asking.

Was he going to wash away her scent?

He didn’t want to wash the smell of her off his skin. He wanted to keep it on him until the passing of time rendered it beyond his senses, wanted to lose himself in her so that moment never happened and so he would forever smell of Lilah’s sweet fragrance.

He needed it with a ferocity that astounded him. He longed for her to belong to him even when it was impossible. Her master would have known the moment he had given up his fight for control and touched her tonight. He had violated the sacred law and sentenced himself, and nothing he did now could save him.

Nothing he did now could make things worse either.

Javier stepped aside, holding the door for her. “Come in before someone sees you and wonders what you’re doing here. I’m in enough trouble as it is.”

Lilah remained standing on the threshold of his room. He sighed, reached out, took her hand and pulled her into the room. He felt her tense when he slammed the door and she remained with her back to him, her wrist held tight in his grip, so fragile beneath his fingers.

So delicate.

She was a rare flower and he felt as though she had bloomed for him tonight, had filled his dark world with the scent of her intoxicating fragrance and given it colour for a brief moment.

He wanted that again.

Needed it.

Needed her.

“Where is your master?” he whispered and turned towards her, his gaze on his hand where it held her wrist. The sight of his fingers locked around her, touching her at last, fascinated him. He had wanted this for so long that he couldn’t deny his desire for her. Even this simple touch was too much for him, filled him with hunger and flooded his veins with the heat of passion.

He wanted to pull her against him, twist her into his arms, and kiss her. His gaze dropped to her rosy lips and he realised that he hadn’t touched them yet. They were virgin territory, too pure to taint with his. He feared he would ruin them, would lose control of himself and his need and would cut them so he could taste her delicate blood in the kiss. He wasn’t worthy of touching them. He was a beast and no matter how much he desired this beauty, she was beyond his grasp.

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