Cousins (Cousins #2) (19 page)

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Authors: Lisa Lang Blakeney

BOOK: Cousins (Cousins #2)
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It renders me frackin' speechless and I begin to tear up.

"You know that tears don't move me, Duchess. Not even yours. You fucked up again. So we're going to have to start this shit all over again."

"What's the lesson I'm suppose to be learning again?" I challenge.

"That nobody touches what's mine, and you let that asshole Ethan put his hands on my hips and my ass. They belong to me."

"Right … okay I think I've learned my lesson, Roman."

"What the fuck did you just say?"

"I meant Masterson. I've learned my lesson, Masterson."

"No," he shakes his head. "I don't really think you did."

Oh. God.

"This time I want you to get up."

"Are you going to take this thing out?"


I'm moving a little slower than normally, because I've just had two earth shattering orgasms, and I have a vibrator stuck up my hoo hah; but I still manage to stand up. Roman gives me a light peck on the lips and then lies down on the chaise watching me. I'm anxiously awaiting what comes next. So I ask him the required question.

"What are you going to do next, Masterson?"

are going to go in the kitchen and get me a glass of water. I've been working hard eating that pussy. I need a cool drink."

I clench my eyes shut for a moment and gather my resolve. Fine. He wants water. I'll get it and throw it in his face. He's just being plain ole' mean at this point.

I take several steps, allowing myself to become adjusted to the foreign object inside of me when I hear and then feel the familiar buzz inside of me again.


I stop in my tracks and then so does the vibrator.

When I start walking again, he turns the vibrator up again.

He continues this torturous game of starting and stopping his little toy until I reach the island in the kitchen and lean on it for dear life.

My breathing is very heavy now. My legs quivering.

I want to come.

I want him inside of me.

I want to kill him.

I wonder what he'll do if I throw this damn fruit bowl at his head.

I turn my head to glower at him, and I catch Roman staring at me with those smoldering coal eyes. I know that he wants to get inside of me in the worst way, but he thinks he's proving some point by punishing us both with this orgasm bully game of his. I can't wait to get this frackin' glass of water! I swear it's going right in his face.

After a few deep breaths I continue on my journey to the cabinet for a glass. Then to the water dispenser on his fridge.

"I want ice." He calls out in the most cavalier manner.

I mutter the word jackass under my breath, but not quietly enough, because he hears me and turns the vibrator up on what I think is speed nine or ten.

My knees start to buckle, so I grab onto the edge of the kitchen sink.

Then he turns it off.

"Don't be a smart ass, Duchess. Just get the water and bring it here."

"Shut up, Masterson!" I yell with tears streaming down my face.

Even at my expense, the rumble of his laughter warms me from the inside out. I love it. I think I love almost everything about his sadistic ass. That's my damn problem.

"Come on, baby. Bring me the water." He says in a soothing tone that I've learned over time not to trust one single bit.

I fill the tall glass with crushed ice and then water. I fill it only three quarters of the way in case he turns this thing back on, on my way back. That way I won't spill any if I have to suddenly stop. I start walking very slowly back across the living room and surprisingly Roman doesn't turn the vibrator back on. Thank goodness. I think he knows that if he did, I'd come immediately, and I'm pretty sure that defeats the purpose at this point in his little game.

I know that I said I was going to toss the water in his face, and I seriously considered it for three seconds, but I'm not a moron. I know that there'd be hell to pay if I did that. And not in the sexy, playful Masterson way– but probably in the mean, nasty Roman way.

"Thanks Duchess."

"You're welcome." I say a little sarcastically.

He smirks at me while he takes the glass and throws back the entirety of it in two long gulps. Then he gingerly licks a droplet off of his top lip when he's done, and in the moment I start to fantasize just where that tongue really belongs. He's so damn sexy it's criminal.

Then Roman swings his legs to the side of the chaise and starts to silently undress. First his boots. Which he unlaces and places neatly by the wall very slowly and precisely. Then he pulls his T-shirt off, revealing the body ink I love to trace with my fingertips every time we're together. Next he stands up with his back to me and drops his pants to the floor in one smooth move. When he turns around I can't help but be immediately drawn to the large erection bulging through his black boxers.

We lock eyes and in that moment, he slides his boxers to the floor and steps out of them. Then he lies back down on the chaise with his arms bent and hands clasped behind his head.

"Come sit on my face, Duchess."

I'm hesitant at first because I'm not sure how steady I can remain straddling Roman across this chair, but he holds onto my hips and ass while I mount up and makes sure I'm stable before he reaches on the side of the chaise and turns the knob of that dreaded controller.

This time he only turns it to just a slow buzz. Not enough to send me straight to the moon, but just enough to annoy the frack out of me … until it doesn't. It starts to feel really good after a minute or so, and that's when I place my palms flat on the wall above his head to stabilize myself, because I know what's coming next.

His mouth.

It doesn't take long for me to explode.

Roman is precise and thorough when he uses that dirty mouth of his.

My breathing is quick and labored now. My body is hot and sticky. I see flashes of blinding white light and am probably speaking in tongues as Roman reaches inside me and pulls out the vibrator. He tosses it on the side of the chaise for the time being and quickly rolls on a condom, then lifts me to position me directly above his jutting cock.

As I slide myself down, the feeling is absolute bliss, and it's in this moment that I know for sure that I'm where I belong.

So we stay like that for the next twelve hours.



When I return back home from Roman's for the weekend, I feel like a teenaged girl who's covering up a hicky from their parents and can't look them straight in the eyes.

"Is everything all right Elizabeth?" My aunt asks with concern etched across her face.

"Yes, Auntie, I'm just tired from hanging out with Sloan all weekend."

"You guys went out I take it?"

"Well … we stayed up late."

"It's been so long since I had a girls night out, I forgot what they were like. How's the job going?"

"It's fine."

"Roman isn't riding you too hard is he?"

The irony of that statement is incredible.

"No, Auntie. He pretty much lets me do all the work."

"Ah, that's good. I thought he was going to be a problem for a minute."


"Good then. I'm roasting two rosemary chickens tonight, and thought I'd invite him to come for dinner. As long as you two are getting along, it shouldn't be a problem right?"

"I didn't say we liked each other."

Dinner tonight is not a good idea. Especially when I can literally still smell Roman all over me.

Juliette chuckles. "Well you don't hate each other either."


"Well then we can have a family dinner."


"Sure, ok. I look forward to it."


Exit stage right. Texting Roman now.

Me: Juliette is going to ask you to come for dinner. Say no.

Roman: Hi baby.

Me: Grrr! Hi. Did you hear me?

Roman: I miss you too.


Roman: What's she cooking?

Me: Why?

Roman: Because I want to know.

Me: Rosemary chicken.

Roman: Oh hell no! I'm coming.

Me: Don't tell me. That's your favorite meal too.

Roman: Hell yes.

Me: You like everything she cooks.

Roman: If you cook for me I won't have to eat her cooking.

Me: I don't cook.

Roman: Well you better learn because as you can see I like to eat:)

Me: Obviously:)

Roman: You have a dirty mind Duchess.

Me: And you're just dirty period.

Roman: You love it.

Me: So are you coming or not?

Roman: What do you think?

Me: Can you call me right now plz?

My cell phone rings immediately.


"What'd you want to tell me?"

"Think about what I'm saying, Roman. They're going to figure it out if you come over here."

"No they won't. I'll be on my best behavior."

"Didn't you say Joseph was super smart and can sniff that sort of thing out?"

"I got this Duchess."

"You're sure?"


"All right then I'll see you later."

"Wear a dress."

"I thought you said you were going to behave!"

"Only if you wear a dress."

"All right, Roman, but I swear–"

"I know, I know. I'll see you tonight."

"All right bye."


Juliette's chicken smells heavenly. Maybe it's because I've been on the computer all day and forgot to eat, or maybe it's because she actually missed her calling and should have been a chef. I can tell by the variety of savory scents wafting upstairs and the fact that the sun is going down that dinner is very much ready.

I jump in the shower for all of five minutes, just long enough to rub body wash over my entire body and do a quick rinse, then I lotion and throw on one of my favorite floral dresses with Roman's mustard and black lingerie underneath minus the garters.

I know. I'm just asking for trouble.

The flower print of the dress isn't too overwhelming, just a soft yellow rose print, on a cap-sleeved black dress that hits my legs right above the knee. I brush my hair back in a messy bun and apply a pale pink lip gloss. I think I look clean and attractive, but not like I've tried too hard.

"You need any help, Auntie?" I ask in an unusually chipper voice.

Oh crap. I've got to tone it down. I'm so worried about how Roman's going to behave when it's me that's most likely the weak link.

"Oh I love that dress Elizabeth."

"Thanks. It's old but really comfortable."

"Oh really? You wouldn't know it was old. It's pretty and it's perfect for you. Well, let's see. I'm pretty much done here. The chicken is finished. I roasted some root vegetables with it. I stuffed it because Joseph likes stuffing. I also made a side of roasted brussel sprouts too and of course I picked up some fresh sourdough bread from the Smith Bakery."

"That all sounds really good. I'm starving too."

"I figured you were. You haven't been in the kitchen all day. How's your website thing going?"

"It's an app, Auntie."

"Oh right an app."

"Things will be better soon. I'm going to hire a coder soon who's going to help me work out the kinks."

With the seventeen thousand dollars Roman gave me.

"Oh that's great, and if things don't work out with that investor you pitched, you know you can always ask your uncle for the money. He would love to invest in your business."

"I know he would, but I’d rather keep trying to get funding on my own."

"Of course sweetie. That makes perfect sense."

The doorbell rings.

"Oh that must be your cousin. Get the door honey. I swear I don't understand why that boy won't use his key."

When I open the door all I see is over six feet of pure hotness staring down at me like I'm a hot fudge brownie sundae or something else really good to eat.

"Good evening Miss Hill." He grins.

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