Cousins (Cousins #2) (29 page)

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Authors: Lisa Lang Blakeney

BOOK: Cousins (Cousins #2)
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After my birthday fiasco, and Juliette and Joseph's subsequent cold war, they finally made up, and now they're stronger than ever. Of course Joseph had to promise to give Roman his mother's whereabouts as well as give Juliette a month long trip to a new continent every year. So Joseph finally retired, for real this time, and now they're in Egypt touring the Pyramids.

For a variety of reasons I have yet to deeply explore with Roman, he's refused to takeover his father's business. Instead deciding to only take Mendez with him as a client and moving on.

Clearly there is more mending that needs to occur between Roman and Joseph to salvage their relationship, which I am dedicated to make happen. I absolutely want Roman to have some sort of relationship with his parents however surface it may be. I just want as much normal for him as I can manage to create. He deserves it.

My parents are also a work in process. They refuse to come visit me while I'm "playing house" with my cousin, but at least we're talking. My mother has started back texting me about the going ons of the neighbors and my father … well at least I hear him tell my mother that he said hi during our Sunday phone calls.

Baby steps.

Even though getting our family on board with our relationship has been like pulling some very painful impacted wisdom teeth, the fact that we have the support of our closest friends has been a lifeline. One that I don't take lightly. We're a small little community, the six of us, and I love it.

I especially love the center of it all ... Roman.

"You finally woke up sleepy head?" He asks while climbing the staircase to the loft.

"I stayed up way too late last night."

"Talking to that guy in India instead of what you should have been doing."

"I think we do plenty of that." I grin.

Roman sits on the edge of the bed and swings me around to straddle his lap.

"It can never be too much, Duchess."

"Roman." I whisper. "Not while everyone is in here."

"Glamazon!" Roman turns his head and yells downstairs. "When are you going to do the whole curtain thing up here that we talked about?"

"Calm your tits Black Knight. I'm on it!" She hollers back. "Damn! You act like you live here."

I giggle because she's right, he does practically live here, although technically he still resides in his penthouse. I needed to have some control.

"You two are absolutely hysterical." I say to him.

"Keep laughing and I'll fuck you right now in front of my friends and yours."

"Shut up. No you wouldn't."

Roman pulls my hips and butt in closer, and I immediately feel just how serious he is right in between my legs.

"Stop it." I whisper again in his ear this time. It's a half-hearted stop though, because I kind of find myself wishing we had some sort of privacy barrier up right now too. There's not a moment that I don't want Roman touching me, kissing me, inside of me.

He pauses for a moment to look into my eyes. Then he grasps a few of my stray hairs in his hand, rubs them between his fingertips, and gently places them behind my ear.

"Are you happy?" He asks me with a fierce intensity that I'm not sure I've ever seen from him before.

I place both of my hands on the sides of his face and use my thumb to gently rub back and forth over his scar.

"Ecstatically Masterson." I assure him.

Then we kiss passionately, languidly, and without reserve while Mr. Tibbs licks the bottoms of my feet.

I think that I'm finally growing on him.

~The End~





Dear Reader,

Thank you for reading Cousins 2. I hope you enjoyed the conclusion of Roman & Elizabeth's story. It was my pleasure to write it. There's something about this couple that will always be near and dear to my heart. I frackin' loved them! I hope you did too.

I am a reader first and an author second, so my goal as an author is to tell stories that readers love, that's why your feedback is critical to me. If you'd like a book written for any other character in Cousins or even if you still want more of Roman and Elizabeth, I'd like to hear about it.

Please write me at
[email protected]
or visit me on Facebook at
and tell me your thoughts.

Also, I need a favor. If you enjoyed the Cousins series, I humbly ask that you please leave a review for both books on Amazon and recommend the series to your friends. This really helps me as an author, as those ratings are so very important to us independent authors and allows other readers to find our books.


P.S. Make sure to
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Group to be notified immediately of my next release.


Do people really read this section? Okay then, I guess I'm starting to realize what it must feel like when an actor wins an Oscar or an Emmy. They know they have to give an acceptance speech and thank everyone, and they're terrified that they're going to forget someone. I'm feeling that right the frack now!

Let me start by saying that I have to thank first and foremost
(hubby and girls) for putting up with my "free for all" dinner nights. Every man for himself so to speak. I want to also thank you for all your enthusiasm in supporting my journey in writing this series even though none of you are going to read them:) Not until you're 40. I also want to thank my extended family members who I finally confessed what I'm doing everyday at the computer to. Thanks for being so supportive and excited for me. It really meant a lot (In-laws, Godmother, sisters, cousins, aunts)!

Thank you to my inner circle of girlfriends. Women who I've known since I was just a kid. Women who have supported everything I've ever done and did once again with the publishing of Cousins:
Kelly, Donna, Robin, Tracy, Vicki, Erica, Stacey, Kelly J.
Love you all:)

Thanks to my amazing editor
Marla Esposito
, fellow NYU alumnus, and all around amazing woman. Thanks for making my words shine and sparkle!

Thank you to my author mentors:
Liv Morris & Jordan Silver
who have without a doubt supported me in countless ways during this amazing ride.

Thank you to
Yolanda Ann
Art Of Romance
. This woman is really dedicated in a very real way of supporting indie authors and has been so very helpful to me every step of the way. She also helped me break my Facebook cherry:) The good karma that is coming back to you is going to be phenomenal Yolanda!

Thank you to
Ena & Amanda
Enticing Journey Book Promotions
and all the book bloggers who have supported me in promoting both Cousins 1 & 2. I didn't know how on earth new readers were ever going to find my books, and now I understand that a lot of it has to do with the voodoo that you all do!

Shout out to all my amazing
Alpha Romance Warrior Ninjas
, fellow
and fellow
VBB Vixens
. You know who you are! I wouldn't be here without any of you. That is for dang sure.

Thank you to all of the
amazing indie authors
I have met so far. Perhaps you purchased my book and liked it, maybe you spread the word about my book to your social media circle, perhaps we did an author takeover together, maybe we even chatted it up casually at some point. In whatever way you've supported me, thank you so very much. As you know, this can be a very lonely profession. It's nice to have some author friends who "get me".


Hi, I’m
Lisa Lang Blakeney
. I grew up an only child gorging myself on daytime soaps, night time dramas, and romance novels. I write about strong alpha men and the smart women they seek to claim, and I tend to favor continuing storylines and sagas, although I will write a stand alone novel when inspiration strikes.

I wrote my first novel
because I enjoy stories that contain something a bit taboo, alpha men, lots of dirty language, and mature content … so be warned:) If this sounds like the types of novels you enjoy too, then I’m the writer for you.

I live in the great state of Pennsylvania and am married to an alpha male I met in college. We are the proud parents of 4 girls and 2 dogs. I LOVE talking to readers! So please connect with me via email or stalk me on the web at:

[email protected]






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