Courted by the Vampire (24 page)

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Authors: Sandra Sookoo

BOOK: Courted by the Vampire
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“Sorry to disappoint you, bounty hunter. I’m nothing that grand.” She
kissed his dimple then went to retrieve the bags. “We’ve got a date with a hotel later tonight, and I don’t intend to miss it.”

As her hips swished in an exaggerated fashion, he groaned. Of course he
would follow her anywhere. Hannah was his world, and she held his heart in her more than capable hands.




“Edwin, what are you doing in there?” Up to her chin in rose-scented bubbles, Hannah didn’t really care what the vamp was doing. The bath was heaven.

’d checked into the hotel only an hour before. As soon as they had reached the suite, Edwin had stripped off her clothes, wrapped her legs around his waist, and made hot passionate love to her against the wall. She smiled with remembrance. If he’d wanted to be certain she remembered only him in some stupid display of machismo, then so be it. Afterward, he had swatted her rear then drew a bath.

“I am watching a science fiction program which takes place on a starship.
I very much like one of the crew members named Spock. His logical assessment of the issues is sound. That stupid Captain Kirk would do well to heed his advice.”

She smiled and drew her prune-like fingers through the bubbles. “I’ll be
done in a minute.”

“Take your time
. I know of your fondness for bubble baths. It is a marathon of this series, apparently. It is fortunate we have a television tonight.”

Her lips twitched.
He’s so cute.

Vampires are
not cute.

Draining the tub, she toweled dry then slipped on a satin nightgown of ice
blue, trimmed with black lace. While Edwin had ordered room service for breakfast, she’d popped into the high-end gift shop to purchase the nightgown as a surprise. She liked it because it reminded her of his eyes. “I think I have something that might take your mind off the television.” She stepped into the bedroom and struck a pose. “Do you like it?”

The desire that flared to life in his gaze was answer in itself. “Did you
think I would not?” He switched off the TV then propped himself up on a mound of down pillows. “I did not think I could be more attracted to you but I was wrong.” His eyes darkened while a lazy smile crossed his lips.

Hannah sighed. Butterflies stirred in her stomach. She climbed into the
high bed and nestled under cool sheets of soft cotton. Luxury hotels were a definite improvement over bedding down in a hollowed out oak tree. “You are too kind, sir.” A thrill flashed over her skin upon discovering he lounged in bed nude.
Damn, he’s sexy.

That is a word I will allow you to call me.
He pulled her into his arms, a sly grin curving his lips. “I thought you required sleep.”

“Can’t a girl change her mind?” She twirled a finger through his chest
hair, loving the feel of its coarseness. She slid her hands along his rock hard abdominal muscles and reveled in the pure, solid maleness of him. “You’re enough to drive me completely and utterly out of my mind.” Pressing tiny kisses all over his chest, she giggled when he held her wrists in a gentle grip and pinned them over her head. “What do you have planned this morning, bounty hunter?” She smiled up at him, anticipation causing a shiver to race through her.

We need to talk.”

Cold fingers of dread gripped her spine.
Nothing good ever comes from those words.
She struggled into a sitting position. “Are you gonna break up with me? Just because we’re getting ready to go somewhere dangerous doesn’t give you the right to make decisions for me. We’re partners, remember?” Panic set in to cling like chilled molasses. Hannah swallowed around the fear that rose in her throat.
I won’t let you leave.

“This tendency of yours to jump to conclusions is not a good character
building exercise.” He pulled her into his lap and peppered her lips with soft kisses. “I am concerned about what will happen to you in the next forty-eight hours. When I told you days ago I did not want to become involved romantically with anyone, it was for this very reason.”

She steeled herself for his next words. He tipped her chin so she had no
choice except to meet his gaze. “But—”

“Please listen.” His smile didn’t reach his eyes. “There is every chance that
one or both of us may not make it out of the meeting with Andre alive. It will kill me, in more ways than one, to see your life end because of me.”

“We’ve already talked about this.” She traced one of his silky eyebrows
with her finger, followed the strong line of his jaw to the sensitive spot near his Adam’s apple. “I’m in it for the long haul. If we’re going to die then we’d better take Andre out first.” She blew into his ear then smiled when he stilled her hands. “I want to leave knowing that the paranormal world is safe.”

“Honestly, woman, I can satisfy your appetite for sexual pleasure soon,
but first you must listen to what I have to say.” Reaching over to the bedside table, he retrieved what looked to be an invitation and shoved it into her hand. “Read this. I found it under our door while you bathed.”

It was an invitation.
Dark green ink scrawled across the beige vellum in a heavy hand.


“Edwin Mason,

You are cordially invited to the unveiling of a one of a kind museum.

Nowhere else on Earth will you be able to see such a unique menagerie.

Please feel free to bring Hannah. There is always room for one more…

Cocktails will be served at 11:00 p.m. tonight.

Entertainment begins shortly afterward. No doubt the fate of the world depends on your participation. Please don’t be late.

Black tie required.

Signed, Andre Valkaret.”


“It’s just like my dream.” Hannah frowned. “He’s built a museum, but inside magical beings from all over the world are held captive. He’ll drain their power to merge with his own so he can challenge the Immortals—just as Danu told me. He feeds on power, craves it like a drug.” She met Edwin’s gaze and fear clogged her throat. “He’ll stop at nothing to get it.”


She tossed the invitation aside. “You died in my dream, Edwin. If I have a Gift like you believe, if you go to that party tonight, you won’t make it out alive.” Ice-cold panic welled within her, threatened to steal her breath.

, look at me.” His eyes swirled, catching her on their torrent, sweeping her away. “I have known this day would come for a long time. It is already part of the plan for my life—yours as well. I have no choice but to go.” He swallowed then brushed a thumb over her cheek. “Recent events have changed the outcome of the plan. Xavier will help. I can feel it. He may be many things, but he is dependable.” He gazed deep into her eyes as if searching her soul. “Please stay here. I am asking you to remain safe, out of harm’s way.”

“No.” She shook her head. “I can’t let you go alone. I’m not a coward. I
want to fight with you.” Hannah licked suddenly dry lips. “To fight for you. It’s my destiny, too. Because I’m an Enhancer, isn’t that what you said? I’ll go. What kind of a woman would I be if I let you fight my battle for me?”

Edwin sighed, the long-suffering and defeated sound synonymous with
his personality. “Somehow, I knew you would say that, but it makes me proud you are so brave.” He took the chain from her neck and released the three pendants it held. They clinked onto the comforter. “I want you to carry this.”


He removed the platinum ring from his finger then slipped it on the chain. “This talisman will keep you safe from harm as it has done for me.” Edwin fastened the chain around her neck. He pressed his forehead to hers, infinite sadness in his gaze. “If the unthinkable happens to me, find Xavier. Go with him. He will take care of you.”

“No.” Confusion clouded
her mind. She tried to tap into his thoughts, but the thick gray wall kept her out. “I’ll stay with you, no matter what.” Tears threatened, but she ruthlessly shoved away. “Xavier is nice, but he isn’t you.”

, do not argue with me. This is our last night together unless we witness a miracle. I would like to remember only happiness.” He brushed tears from her cheek. “Xavier will take care of you. If I cannot have you in my life, then at least you can be happy with the next best thing. I have known him for years. He is an honorable man. His biggest fault is his taste for expensive things.”

“Is that a joke?” Another tear escaped.

Edwin crushed her hands in his. “Promise me you will do as I ask, just this once, without question, without argument.”

She nodded, unable to speak around the lump in her throat. A cry of
sadness welled from deep within. Hannah extricated herself from his embrace to huddle at the end of the bed, giving in to the tears that overwhelmed her. “I finally find the one man I can love without reservation, and you talk as if you’ll die. Maybe that will never happen.” Tears drenched her cheeks as she glanced at him. “I only had five days with you. It’s hardly a lifetime, but if that’s all I’m allotted then I can’t complain—much. Just know in those short days, I finally lived. I mattered. It was my soul that was redeemed—not yours.” Another sob. She collapsed on the bed, her sorrow complete.

“My poor, sweet Hannah.” Edwin pulled her down the bed and into his
arms. “Your sadness does not eclipse my own. I searched years for you, remember. You have taken my twisted heart, gave it back as a gift, shining with hope and love. I can never repay you. I am in your debt and plan to spend my lifetime in the attempt to repay you.”


“I am not finished.” He pressed a kiss into her hair. “If I love you any more, I will go completely insane, and be quite happy to do so.” He skimmed a hand up her leg to pause on her thigh. “You are in me. I am in you. We are a complete and equal part of each other.” His gaze met hers. “I love you.”

nodded, distracting her sadness with a kiss on his Adam’s apple. “When did you learn such eloquent speaking?” She shivered when his hand moved over her hip.

“There are many mysteries you still need to uncover about me.”

“Then prove the universe wrong, and give me an eternity to learn them. Write your own destiny—with mine.” She teased one of his nipples with her tongue, heard his laughter rumble in his chest.

“You are not wearing under garments.”
He stroked her hip, drawing lazy circles on her skin.

“Neither are you, bounty hunter.” Hannah wriggled her body against his
arousal. His shaft hardened against her thigh. “Let’s make use of that fact.” She squealed with delight, her tears temporarily forgotten, as he took full advantage of the missing clothing.



Chapter Nineteen



“Will you be finished sometime in the next decade?” The irritation in Edwin’s voice matched his cagey pacing.

Hannah glanced at her reflection in the mirror that rested on the dresser
and a frown marred the smooth lines of her face. “Almost.”

Earlier in the evening,
he had called on the concierge to help find them suitable formal clothing. An hour later, a high-end black tux was brought up for him and a Vera Wang dress was procured for her. She had never worn anything so expensive. Shivery flutters of anticipation crept over her skin as she fingered the rich fabric.

Made of deep purple silk, the dress draped elegantly to the floor in soft
folds of cloth. A halter neckline displayed her chest and brought out the green of her eyes while a wide cummerbund of black defined her waist. She wore the strappy silver sandals to complete the outfit. Would she be able to walk in them the whole night?

Since her body type was much curvier than the designer’s usual buying
public, a seamstress accompanied the clothing for the alterations. The woman was a wizard with a sewing machine. Hannah primped in front of the mirror.
Hmm, or was she truly a wizard in real life? I can’t tell anymore.

Two sparkling hairpins winked under the overhead light as she slid them
into her hair. Edwin’s ring rested in the valley between her breasts, hidden inside the vee’d neckline. She met his gaze in the mirror. “Do I look okay? I mean, I hope this outfit doesn’t scream ‘I’m here to take down the host,’ does it?”

He blew out an exasperated breath. “
, if we were not compelled to kill the demon lord this evening, I would spirit you off.” He came up behind her, snaked his arms around her waist and nibbled her neck. “You are a vision of loveliness.” Edwin turned her then dropped a gossamer kiss on the tip of her nose.

You’re insatiable. We don’t have time for sex right now.
“I’m trying my best not to think of anything beyond tonight.” She hated the catch in her voice.

“That is too bad, because I find myself thinking of nothing but the future.”
He grinned, holding her gaze as his fingers brushed along her ribcage. And I do not just want sex. I want to make love to my future wife.

“What?” She stiffened. “Are you asking me to marry you?” Hope surged
through her mind in fluffy heart-shaped pink and gold clouds.

“Yes.” His eyes danced with blue happiness. “Once we deal with Andre,
we will go directly downtown to find a judge or other official adjudicate. You are trouble, Hannah Weybourne. I do not wish to unleash you on the public without legally being able to keep an eye on you.” Edwin claimed her mouth with a kiss so hot it could strip the paint from the walls—his lips hard and demanding, his tongue searching out her secrets and giving all he had in return. “Is that an acceptable plan?”

knees buckled. She clutched his arms to keep upright. “A very acceptable plan, but I wish—”

“Hush. We will think only of the present if that will set your mind at
ease.” He tipped her chin so she looked into his eyes again. “But we
have a future together.”

“I want to believe you.” As her eyes filled with tears,
Hannah pressed a kiss to his palm then moved away to collect a tiny black beaded bag. “I’ve bound the population of my magical jar into this bag. I thought they might come in handy this evening.” Her smile wobbled. “Every little bit helps, right?”

“It is good to be prepared.” Edwin met her gaze, but his grin didn’t reach
his eyes. “The car will be here soon.”

“Okay.” She nodded then wrapped a gauzy lavender scarf about her

checked his appearance one last time and tucked a turquoise pocket square into his breast pocket. The sight of him in formal clothes nearly undid her. The thought of barricading the vamp in the hotel suite until Andre had gone on his merry way crossed her mind. The turquoise vest, embroidered with an intricate pattern in silver thread, set off the inky blackness of his tuxedo. A black satin ribbon, tied at his nape, secured his shoulder-length hair.

It’s really too bad we have to waste the evening on a usurper to the Immortal
world. I’d love to go dancing, take you out on the town and show you off.

The rumble of his laughter reverberated in
her chest. “The consequences of leaving Andre to his own devices are much more hideous than ignoring him.” Edwin slipped his arms around her and claimed her lips. Sweetness and sorrow splashed across her mind’s eye in colors of rose and gray. “As much as I have wished we met earlier in life, I would not change one moment of the time we shared.” He kissed her once more. “Perhaps we can convince Andre to let us partake of a waltz before the end of the world tumbles down around our ears.”

“If anyone can do it, you can, bounty hunter.” She hoped her smile
relayed a confidence she didn’t feel. “Let’s go crash a party.”




Andre Valkaret’s grand mansion was located in a wealthy and affluent neighborhood on the north side of Indianapolis. Edwin grunted in annoyance when they were admitted into the house by a uniformed butler. Of course, the demon lord would want to flaunt his wealth. Light streamed from every window, laughter and the low buzz of conversation ebbed and flowed around them, as they stood transfixed in the foyer.

White tablecloths fluttered in a faint breeze from ceiling fans and each
intimate round tabletop supported candle-filled globes of blown glass. The tables littered a vast expanse of black marble that made up the foyer. Crowds of people mingled through the space, wineglasses of the finest crystal in their hands.

“He overcompensates for other things in his life.”
He glanced at Hannah, dismayed at her look of awe and envy. “Do not be misled by outside trappings.”

“Where does someone like Andre get the money needed to retain a home
this large?” She turned a slow circle, her eyes shining at each new luxury she took in.

Soft strains from one of Beethoven’s symphonies drifted over the sound of
conversation from the small five-piece orchestra that sat on one side of the room.

Edwin shrugged and accepted two glasses of champagne from a
circulating waiter. “Who knows what a person can accumulate once he sells his soul to the highest bidder.” He pressed one of the glasses into her hand then touched his flute to hers. “To our future.” His chest tightened when she smiled. He sent up a quick prayer to whatever deity listened that they would make it out alive.

“Here, here.”

He constantly watched the people in the crowd, evaluating, searching for potential problems. “Andre is not in attendance, at least not in the immediate area.”

“He isn’t on the upstairs level either.” Xavier sauntered into their space.
“However, there is a third floor currently restricted by two rather burly gentlemen who guard the stairs.”

Edwin lifted his flute in a salute to the newly arrived werewolf. “I
wondered when you would show yourself.”

A sardonic smile draped Xavier’s lips. Dressed in a tuxedo like every
other man at the party, his fashion sense set him apart by the fact he sported an ivory waistcoat and bowtie. A red rose bud reposed in his lapel while a black fedora completed the ensemble.

Admiration evident on Hannah’s face, she grinned. “Good evening,

“Ah Hannah, a vision, an angel. My evening is now complete.” He kissed
her hand then bowed. “It’s too bad we meet again under such dire circumstances.”

Obviously, he has learned nothing from our past meetings.
Edwin cleared his throat in warning. “You came unaccompanied?”

“I did. No other woman can compare to

he bristled, she laughed then linked her arm through his. “I must be the luckiest woman in the room tonight, being paid compliments by the pair of you.”

“While your assessment of Hannah’s appearance is flawless, I am troubled
our quarry has not yet made an appearance.” Edwin shot a glare at the werewolf.
Hannah, I would appreciate if you would end your association with Xavier.

He’s not a threat
. You own my heart, all of it. There’s not a piece left to give to anyone else.

Xavier desires you. He—
The thoughts stopped abruptly when she shut him out of her mind.

“Save it for the talk shows, Snookums.” She linked her other arm with
Xavier’s and ushered them through the crowd. “Let’s keep the conversation on the task at hand, hmm? Do either one of you know where Duncan is being held?”

He stiffened at the use of the banned nickname. “I have no idea. Andre’s
home is massive.” He glanced at Xavier. “Should we run a recon-mission?” Anticipation flared in his gut. He had been inactive for too long and the thrill of the hunt beckoned.

Xavier shrugged. “It couldn’t hurt. Why wait for Andre to come to us? We
could flush him out, and if we locate your friend in the process then it will be our lucky day.”

Edwin nodded. “Hannah, please stay on the lower level until we get back.
I do not anticipate Andre will do anything dire with all of these party goers in the way. We will only be gone for fifteen minutes at the most.”

She dropped their arms as if they both had caught fire. “Are you kidding
me? What happened to our partnership?” She glared at them. “I can’t believe you, Edwin.”

“I do not discard our partnership. I simply ask that you to stay here.” He
stifled a grin when she sneezed from the champagne bubbles.
At least you did not announce our presence with a wayward bit of magic

Oh, you pick now to develop your sense of humor?

Why did females have to make everything so difficult?

“Ah, angel, if you were mine, I would allow you to do whatever you
pleased.” Xavier bestowed a suggestive smile on her that was not lost on him.

“You push the bounds of friendship.” Edwin
curled his hands into fists as he moved a step closer to Hannah.

“Both of you knock it off.”
She elbowed the werewolf in the ribs then glowered at Edwin. “Do you even have half an inkling of how sexist this is?”

Edwin rolled his eyes to the heavens. “Please do not go into your equal
rights for women act.” This time, the look he exchanged with Xavier was one of patience.

“So you’re gonna go traipsing off to fight some imagined foe like a
testosterone crazed super hero?” She planted her hands on her hips. “What the hell kind of logic is that? Why do you always want to leave me behind? What good is it to be an Enhancer if I can’t put that power into play? Why can’t you accept the fact that I can help you if you’d ever remove the stick up your butt and let me?”

He blinked in surprise at the high octaves she achieved the more upset she
grew. “I can assure you I have nothing lodged in the region of my anatomy you mentioned.” He gritted his teeth when Xavier howled with laughter.

“Why do you have to be so literal all the time?” She poked a forefinger
into his chest. “I’m coming with you.”

“I cannot allow it.” His mouth settled into a hard line.

“I refuse to accept that. I demand a reason!” Her chest heaved as she stared him down, eyes flashing green fire, twin spots of color splashed on her cheeks.

“Because…” He shifted his weight from foot to foot, suddenly

“Because what?” The challenge in her voice was unmistakable.

“I cannot lose you again, Hannah. I am not strong enough.” He swallowed past the lump of fear in his throat and felt drained as if the admission took the whole of his energy. “Without you I am nothing.”

She gaped at him for the space of a few heartbeats as the party guests
ebbed and flowed around them. “Oh.” Scale-spanning emotion flooded through his mind as they reflected on her face. Hannah threw herself into his arms and kissed him, nearly knocking all reason from his being with the force of her embrace. “That’s a good reason.”

They gazed at each other, until Xavier cleared his throat.
“You are one lucky bastard, Mason.”

Edwin grinned in response, supremely satisfied with his life. “Your
assessment is correct.” He brushed his fingers along the curve of Hannah’s cheek, reveling in the softness of her skin. Even now, as they teetered on the threshold of a fight, his groin stirred in response to her. With regret, he blocked the sexual energy. “Stay out of trouble, please. I will be back.”

He patted her hand then he followed Xavier into the crowd.




Hannah blinked at the empty space they formerly occupied. There was no
way she would sit around and wait for his annoying self. She wasn’t exactly cut out to loiter docilely by the fire for her man to come home from work at the end of the day.

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