Cops - A Duology (10 page)

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Authors: Kassanna

BOOK: Cops - A Duology
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She wiped at her cheeks with the back of her hands.

He reached out to capture her wrists.

Her bones felt small, precious in his grasp. She was the reason he never found another woman good enough. He never admitted it out loud, but his Silacious was why he could never settle down; he needed her and only her. The fury that had been roiling through him on the drive morphed into something else. Desire replaced the anger and his erection grew. He leaned forward, forcing her back.

Bird chirped around them. Branches brushed against one another in a light breeze. The sun beamed down on her making her cocoa-colored skin glow. A bead of sweat rolled down her nape.

Silacious narrowed her eyes and scrambled back. “Whatever is going through your head, Jethro, forget about it.” Rhythmic beating of her pulse made the hollow in her throat jump. He watched as it sped up.

“Baby, how did we become such a mess?” He caged her with his arms. It was a moot question; he knew what happened and he knew the man responsible for it all.

“I lay the blame on your shoulders.” She cocked her head.

“It’s a responsibility I’m prepared to rectify.” He gripped her ankle and yanked her toward him. He snaked an arm around her waist and jerked her close. “I don’t care if it takes a lifetime to make amends.” Andy lowered his head

“Don’t do this. I don’t have the energy to fight with you,” she whispered. “You were my fantasy for so many years. I’m scared the reality of you won’t live up to it.”

“There’s only one way to find out.” He brushed his mouth against hers. “No one will get in the way of claiming what’s rightfully mine a second time around.”

He traced her lips with his tongue. “Open for me, baby girl. I’m not sure how much longer I can last without a taste of you.” Andy pressed his tongue to the seam her closed mouth formed.

Slowly her lips parted. Mint washed over his taste buds as he licked at the deep recesses of her mouth. Her soft curves molded to his. He inhaled deeply, taking in her unique scent of fresh laundry and her sweet warm skin. Being wrapped around Silacious was right, like there had never been years or problems that separated them. Her heart beat in time to his against his chest, the solid thump reassuring him she was real. Not some dream in the dark of night.

He ground his pelvis against hers and took in the moans escaping her. Silacious squeezed her hands between them and tugged at his shirt. He reared back to give her space and broke the kiss. She yanked and buttons on his shirt popped off, flying in to the grass. He snatched at the apron covering her front, shoving the rough material up around her bust. Andy couldn’t wait and fumbled with the snap on her jeans, slipping his hands under the waistband. Soft skin greeted his calloused palms as he pushed his hands farther along her hips, forcing the denim as far down as he could. He lapped at her collar bone, whispering. “I can’t wait. I won’t be gentle.”

The urge to possess Silacious drove him as he suckled her neck.

She clawed at his back, squeezing his hips with her knees. “I don’t remember asking you to.” Her tone was breathless. She dropped her head back, and he slid his tongue up the tendon starkly exposed in her throat.

“Stop talking.” He bit her earlobe. She melted in his arms and he grasped her shoulders, holding her up. She wrapped her fingers around the back of his neck, directing him toward her mouth.

Silacious skated her other hand around his waist and tugged at his fly. The button gave way and the sound of the lowering zipper melded with the birds tweeting in the trees. She eased her hand into his pants and cupped his balls.

His knees went weak and he dipped, breaking contact. He groaned as he lifted his head. He was dying to be inside of her. Hooking his thumb under the waistband of her jeans and panties, he tugged. She flexed her pelvis and the material rolled down her legs. Her shoes caught on the fabric. He grunted in frustration, gripping the tennis shoes by the heel and snatching them off.

He pulled away from her lips, and yanked the clothing free from her legs. Andy stepped between her thighs and rested his forehead on hers to hold her gaze. Gently she reached into his jeans and freed his cock of its confines. He inched forward, slipping his rod between her thighs. Her body heat bled into him and peace filled him. He was home. She pushed up against him, curling her arms around his shoulders. Her blunt nails dug into his back.

He couldn’t go slow. They could savor each other another day. She bowed into him and he desperately wished there were no other clothes between them. He drove his cock into her channel. Flush with her pussy, he reached down and hiked her legs higher.

Silacious released him and dropped back on her elbows. “Fuck me like you never left.”

Andy flexed his hips and his jeans dropped down his calves to pool around his feet. He rolled his pelvis and jammed his shaft into her passage again, forming a rhythm. She rested her feet on his calves.

He pounded his cock into her pussy, picking up speed. Silacious gripped his triceps and hauled herself up. She placed her mouth on his neck as her wails reverberated across his skin. His heart beat double-time, pumping so hard he was sure it would burst from his chest. Currents coalesced at the small of his back, making the fine hairs stand on end.

“Whose pussy is this?” he grunted, maintaining his rhythm.

She shook her head and the bandana rubbed his chin.

He stopped, mid-stroke. His breath caught in his chest, making it hard to breathe and his dick throbbed. The desperation to move was making his body spasm.

“No!’ she cried out.

“Whose pussy is this, baby?” His words were gruff with emotion. He thrust slowly, the muscles in her channel tightened around his shaft.

She rolled her hips, grinding against him, taking his cock deeper. Ripples of awareness flowed along his nerves. He slammed his rod into her sheath. Her pussy constricted around his dick. Sweat made his hair damp, the muscles in his thighs tightened. Pressure built up, her moans matched his thrusts.

“Yours!” She slumped back in his arms.

His eyes crossed and everything blurred as his seed erupted into her channel. He blinked several times to clear his vision. Something was vibrating between them. Andy held her for a few minutes before releasing her legs. The buzzing stopped and resumed.

He kissed her temple. “You’re pulsating, babe.”

She gazed up at him through half-lidded eyes. “It’s all your fault.”

“I’m okay with that. As long as you’re satisfied—I mean, if I make you vibrate, shit, I’m good if I do say myself.” He kissed the tip of her nose and stepped back. “We still need to talk.”

Silacious dug into the pocket of her apron, now bunched up around her waist. The buzzing began again. The apron shook. She pulled her cell phone free and slid her finger across the screen. She made a funny face, pursing her lips and scrunching up her nose as she pressed the phone to her ear.

“What’s that face for?” He yanked up his pants and tucked in his dick.

“I need to wash off. I feel sticky.”

“There’s plenty of bay…”

She held up a finger and yelled to make herself heard. “Yes, Ms. Sadie, you called?”

“Jethro is with me, but Chase isn’t.” She was quiet as her brows came together. “What do you mean Chase has disappeared?”

Andy stepped closer to listen to the conversation.

“Oh God! No ma’am, you did right to call nine-one-one. I’m on my way.” She slid off the car and pushed past Andy, jerking the door open.

Unsure of exactly what happened, he trotted behind her. Andy grasped her wrist and pulled from the seat. “I’ll drive you and you can tell me what’s going on.”

She rushed past him and ran around the rear end to the passenger side.

His heart constricted.
If something happened to Chase…

He just discovered the child’s existence. Andy shook his head. He wouldn’t let his thoughts go anywhere dark. His son was fine.

Just in case, he said a little prayer as he started the sedan.






Chapter Five


The car jumped the curb, tires spun on the grass and the aroma of crushed vegetation permeated the area, as Jethro drove across the grass.

Silacious had the door open and was vaulting out of the car before he had come to a full stop. Several police cars were parked in the driveway and yard. A news crew was setting up cameras on the concrete walkway that led to the house.
How the hell did they get there before her?

A wave of dizziness sent her weaving on her feet and she wavered mid-step. A strong arm yanked her close, and she glanced over to see Jethro’s profile. The grim set of his jaw was an indication of his anger. He’d had the same expression in high school a few times right before he was suspended for fighting.

She tucked into his side and soaked in his strength. Despite their disagreements, she needed him now and he was the only man she could trust. She searched futilely for Chase among the faces of people loitering around. Her hopes that this was a nightmare she had yet to wake up from shattered when she didn’t recognize anyone in the crowd. Her heart sank.

On the drive over, she’d held the small hope alive that Chase was simply playing hide and seek, and he would be found safe and sound by the time they arrived at Ms. Sadie’s house.

They hurried along the worn path with Jethro whispering against her scarf how everything was going to be okay.

Ms. Sadie stood on the porch, her shoulders slumped. Wisps of white hair had pulled loose from the tight bun at the back of her head. She spoke quietly to an officer.

Silacious stared intently at the older woman. Brackets framed thin lips, and her otherwise smooth skin was furrowed with deep lines fanning out from her eyes and across her forehead. Ms. Sadie appeared to have aged years in a few hours.

She stopped speaking and faced them, her eyes shiny with unshed tears. “I told him to stay in the yard. I only went into the house for a few minutes to check on supper.”

Jethro released Silacious and closed the small space between him and his grandmother. “Chase probably followed some critter deeper into the bayou. I bet he’s embarrassed about getting turned around and hiding.”

“That boy know the area better than you. He wouldn’t make such a mistake.” Ms. Sadie shook her head.

“Who are you?” A cop stepped up next to them, pen poised over paper

Silacious spoke up quickly. “Jethro is Chase’s daddy.”

The cop’s eyes narrowed and he gazed down at a notepad clutched in his palm. He lifted his head and twisted it between the three of them. “According to my notes, his father is a Dante Smith.”

Those words yanked Silacious back to a blistering reality. She’d been so caught up in her emotions she forgot about Dante and his note.

“He’s got a warrant out for domestic violence and fleeing the scene of a crime.” She blurted the words out as she dug in her pocket. “He’s back—”

“Ma’am, how do you know this?” The officer peered at her intently.

She produced the wrinkled sheet of paper left on her windshield that morning. “This was left for me.” Silacious thrust the note in the policeman’s direction. “I need Detective Johnston, he’s the lead on my case.”

Jethro peered over her shoulder. A deep growl escaped him.

“Why didn’t you mention this earlier?” Jethro snatched the sheet from her fingers.

“We were busy discussing other things.” She held his gaze. It was something else to blame her for.

She dropped her shoulders as guilt and sadness comingled within her. She’d failed to protect her son again. Her failures were piling up like stones tied around her ankles to drag her down. She tapped down the ache forming in her chest and hiccupped.

“This ain’t your fault, girl,” Ms. Sadie muttered. “Dante will pay for his foolishness.” She turned and, leaning heavily on her cane, hobbled into the house.

Additional news crews arrived at the house and started setting up. Their different voices mixed and droned on. Keys words caught her attention:
Amber alert, possible
kidnapping…parent involvement
. This was probably the biggest news to hit the area since the last hurricane. She stared at the various vans dotting the lane.

“I’m with Little Rock PD and this is
my son
you’re referring to…” Jethro stepped in front of her.

Her phone’s ringtone tinkled while vibrating in her pocket.

Absently she tugged it free. “Hello?”

“Involve anyone else in our conversation and you will never hear from me again.” Dante’s agitation was clear in his tone.

She inched toward a vacant corner of the porch. “Where are you?” Her grip tightened on the slim device.

“Don’t take that tone with me.” His voice rose. “Bitch, I am the reason for your fucking existence.”

Silacious breathed in through her nose and slowly exhaled. She injected a thread of meekness into her voice. “I’m sorry, baby, you know how anxious I get about Chase.”

Get her son back first, then she could take care of Dante.

“That’s better.” He went quiet for a minute. “I’ve been thinking. I want us to start over, somewhere new, without the little bastard. You’re going to give birth to my progeny. So as a show of good faith, I will turn Chase over to his real father.”

She was trying not to cry. Her shoulders trembled under the weight of what Dante was saying.

“What do you mean?” Silacious feigned stupidity. He already thought she was dumb.

“Why do I always have to break things down for you? You idiot, why do I always come back to you? There are so many more deserving women for my time.” His exasperation filled the earpiece.

“Now, baby…” She spoke sweetly.

Jethro walked up to her, settling at her side. He touched her wrist and she twisted away from his touch. He shifted to stand in front of her and lowered his head to place his ear next to the cell. Silacious spun around to avoid him and he gripped her arm to hold her in place.

“Tell my old friend if he wants the kid, he needs to meet me at the Houma High School Stadium in twenty minutes.” Dante snickered. “I bet you couldn’t wait to spread your legs for your old boyfriend. I’m going to make you pay for that.”

“What are you talking about?” She didn’t have to fake confusion. She truly had no idea what Dante was talking about.

“Jethro! I know Jethro is back! He’d be foolish enough to involve the police. Make it clear I will feed this boy to the gators whole if he doesn’t come alone!” His tone escalated.

She flinched at the anger pouring through the phone.
No fear
, she reminded herself. This was about saving her son. “Jethro ain’t got nothing to do with us.”

“Wrong, that backwater white boy has everything to do with us. All you had to do was leave him in the past, but you couldn’t do that and now you’re going to pay for it…”

Jethro yanked the phone from her grasp and pressed it to his ear.

“No!” she screamed.

Officers and reporters glanced her way. Jethro gave a faint shake of his head and pressed his lips together. His nostrils flared and he turned away from her.

“Listen up, you son of a bitch, anything happens to Chase and there ain’t a place on this earth where you can hide from me. I will hunt you down like the rabid dog you are and I will put you down.”

Silacious strained to hear the other side of the conversation. Silence.

Jethro’s fingers turned pale at his joints as he clutched the phone tighter.

“I am a little country. Start checking over your shoulder, dumb ass, ’cause this Cajun is coming for you…” Jethro growled.

The space between statements was killing her. She didn’t know what Dante was saying. Silacious tugged at Jethro’s shirt. She needed to hear what her soon-to-be ex was saying.

He looked around before shrugging her off. “Threats? I don’t do those. I make promises. Now you understand this—I swear with everything in me if even one stand of hair is damaged on that boy, I will rip my retribution out of your hide. Now tell me where I can find my son!”

Jethro lowered the cell and swiveled on his heel to face her. “I’m going to get Chase.” Gone was the vibrancy she witnessed in his eyes earlier, replaced with coldness that made her shiver. He marched toward the front door.

“What did Dante say?” She grabbed at his bicep. “Let’s just tell the detective.” She’d plead with the devil to save her son.

Jethro tore away from her grip and stalked into the house. She trailed behind him. “Please, Dante is crazy. I won’t let you play with my child’s life.”

Ms. Sadie discreetly shut the front door, closing off the white noise from outside.

He rounded on her. “Is that what you think I’m doing? I listened to this fucker once and I lost you and the chance to get to know
my son
. The son of a bitch won’t get a second chance to hurt my family.”

He clutched her shoulders and shook her. “I will get Chase back, but you have to trust me. There is no time for me to involve the authorities. Give me twenty minutes, then tell the cops. Send them after me. That will give me plenty of time to secure our boy and beat the shit out of Dante.” He released her.

She crumbled to the floor. Jethro had no clue how cruel and conniving his ex-friend could get. Sending him to retrieve Chase was probably exactly what Dante wanted, a way to settle his perceived wrongs. She sucked in several breaths and her heart beat sounded like a stampede in her ears.

“This ain’t the time for you to be breaking down. Get up! You got to be strong now for your son.” Ms. Sadie shuffled to the closet and rummaged through it, producing a metal box. She pushed with her cane, walked a bit and pushed it some more until it rested in front of Jethro’s feet. Digging into the pocket of her house dress she pulled out a set of keys and held them out to her grandson. “Your granddaddy’s forty-five is in there. I keep it clean and loaded.”

“Yes, ma’am.” The keys tinkled as he claimed them and dipped to open the case. The rusty steel squeaked as he lifted the lid.

He slipped his palm around the butt of the gun, and she felt a sliver of fear for what could happen. “Please, Jethro. He’s all I’ve got.”

It was a plea. Save their son, save them. So many more words she needed to say and couldn’t find the voice to utter them. She was placing her faith and hopes in a man who’d abandoned her ten years ago.

He lifted his head and stared into her eyes. “You have me and I will bring Chase back.” He rose.

“You can’t use the front door, boy; too many eyes. Go out the back and down the lane. Ms. Macy will let you borrow her car. I’ll call her.” Ms. Sadie urged Jethro toward the sleeping porch. “Remind that sorry ass what Cajun justice feels like.” She shoved him through the screen door.

Silacious watched as he disappeared down the stairs.

Ms. Sadie twisted around and shuffled toward the kitchen. Her hand hovered over the handset of the phone mounted to the wall. “What you still doing on the floor? Get up, chile. You heard my boy; he need some time before we can tell the police.” She squinted as she stabbed the numbers. “Macy, my boy coming to borrow your car. Let me use it, please. We’ll talk in a bit.” She hung up and returned to the closet.

“What are you doing?” Silacious rose to her knees.

“Preparing.” The old woman’s word was muffled.

“For what?” She got to her feet and strode toward Ms. Sadie.

“Dante, he smart and stupid rolled into one.” She huffed as he straightened. “But he also a coward, too.” She held a small black device in her palm. “Take this, and put it in your pocket.”

Silacious peered at the apparatus, skimming her fingers over the smooth surface she pressed her thumb against the button on the side. A blue current passed between two metal tips. She lifted her digit and the electricity stopped. “Ms. Sadie what are you doing with this?”

“I’m a single old lady, living on her own. I watch television, and perverts ain’t unusual.” Ms. Sadie’s words were cut off as she continued to dig through items. Her small frame wiggled and little grunts escaped her. She backed up and spun around, clutching a twenty-two rifle.

“Oh, wow. Is that Jethro’s gator gun?” Silacious shoved the stun gun in her pocket and reached for the weapon.

“This gun done served two generations of LaRues. If that sorry-ass husband of yours shows up here, it might be belittling to the gun, but I won’t hesitate to shoot the asshole.” Ms. Sadie clutched the barrel and set the butt on the floor. “Now we ready.”

“Ms. Sadie, Dante isn’t foolish enough to come here with so many police hanging around.”

“Chile, he coming.” Her elder placed the gun against the wall and walked to her front door and swung it open. “Excuse me.” She cleared her throat. “I said excuse me.”

A uniformed officer trotted to the screen. “Ma’am?”

A long sigh escaped the elderly woman. “Please help. My grandson just got a phone call and rushed out of here mumbling something about the high school.” She softened her voice. “Lord, I don’t know what to do. I think he might have taken a weapon.” She produced a handkerchief from her bust and patted at her eyes. “The caller claimed he had Chase.”

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