Convincing Lina: A Bachelor of Shell Cove Novel (The Bachelors of Shell Cove Romance Book 2) (25 page)

Read Convincing Lina: A Bachelor of Shell Cove Novel (The Bachelors of Shell Cove Romance Book 2) Online

Authors: Siera London

Tags: #beach town, #African American, #military hero, #Romantic Suspense

BOOK: Convincing Lina: A Bachelor of Shell Cove Novel (The Bachelors of Shell Cove Romance Book 2)
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“I am sorry I upset you.”

“Don’t sabotage our accommodations,” she joked. “As your guest…” The smile fell away from his face.

“You are not my guest. After what happened between us in that bathtub, we need to discuss our relationship. Talk about our future together.”

“Yes, we do.”
Blood on stone tablet
she reminded herself. Though she acknowledged a part of her wanted Gideon any way she could have him, that approach would damage them both.

“Am I the pause button in your life, Lina?” She was incapable of pausing anything where Gideon was involved. Fast forward was the only button that functioned in her lust filled brain. “The temporary place holder in your relationship journey?” Could the man be further in left field?  

“You’re asking if I’m using you.” Yes, he had been there to keep her safe, but he had to know she loved him. Correction-cared for him. Love was off the table. “The answer is no. I genuinely like you Gideon. I want to be with you. I would never do that to another person.” Having to answer this question caused a painful ache in her heart. He of all men, knew her.

“Don’t look so hurt, sweetness. I wanted to hear you say that you desire me for the man I am.” She breathed a sigh of relief.

“I know you Lina, but I want to know all of you.” She stiffened. He was talking about sex.

“Stop minimizing my words. This is beyond our physical relationship. I want you to know me, too. And yes, sharing your perfect body with me is one part of it.” She gave him her best
stop playing

“Your body is perfect for me. I’m a big man and when I grab a hold of a woman I want to feel her touching me everywhere.” Her breath came in shallow, rapid pants.

“Put your mojo back in the bottle, mountain man. I’m not looking for a romantic involvement.”

“Good. Because you already found me.” He closed the distance between them, capturing her face, he lowered his mouth to hers and feasted on her lips.

Chapter 15

In the daylight, the drive into downtown Waverly Falls was a visit down memory lane he preferred to avoid. Main Street was near deserted, though it was approaching noon. The crisp, chilled air was a stark contrast to the near tropical conditions in Shell Cove. The weather reflected his mood. The sooner he figured out who was stalking Lina, the faster he could leave this place in the rear view mirror. Ned’s Country Store looked untouched by time. Lina was in the fitting room. The clothing selection was worse than Nai’s description.

“Gideon Spieth?” He stiffened at the sound of his birth name.

“You look just like your mother. I’d recognize you anywhere,” Mrs. Nedstetter’s thin voice cut like barbed wire.

“Hello, Ma’am. The last name is Rice, now.”

“That’s right. Emma and Jacob took you in.” He ground his teeth as the old wounds re-opened. The older woman ensnared him with a critical eye. All the old insecurities reared their vicious heads. He felt unworthy, less than, just like that.

“You look like you’ve done well for yourself,” she gave a faint smile.

“Graduated from medical school a few years back.” The woman’s brows disappeared into her hairline. Did everyone in this town think so little of him?

“I had heard something about you getting some education. Jacob must be real proud. You paying him back by making something out of your life.”

Where the hell was Lina?

“So, you a real doctor now?”

Did she think he was a witch doctor?

“I’m not sure what you mean, by that.”

“Well, my niece tells everybody she’s a nurse.”

“Nursing is a noble profession.” He was going to pull Lina out of that dressing room if she didn’t materialize in the next thirty seconds.

“Yes indeed, but she completed a nursing assistant certificate program over at the trade school on Fifth Street.” He saw where this was headed.

“I’m a psychiatrist. No trade schools involved for me.” Not that he had a problem with trade professions. In healthcare, it required the collaborative effort of every department working together to care for the patient. From the housekeeping staff that carted away infectious material to the surgeon ablating blood vessels. Each one depended on the other. But he didn’t feel like getting into that right now.

“A psychiatrist,” she frowned. “I guess that’s better than nothing considering your background.”

“Lina,” he yelled over his shoulder. Not caring who heard the throw away Spieth boy bringing the rafters down. She was at his side before he could blink.

“Hey. You should have told me you were an impatient shopper.” She brushed against his arm. His tense muscles immediately relaxed.

“Looka here, you must be new in town?” Mrs. Nedstetter’s eyes were practically glowing demon red. The whole town would know he was back in town within forty-five minutes.

“Hello, I’m Lina James.” A bony hand, dotted with brown age spots shook Lina’s hand in a loose grip. The old woman’s attention stayed on him as she spoke.

“You got yourself an interesting accent, missy. Gideon Spieth, you come back home with a big city girl?” Lina’s back went ramrod straight beside him.

“The county fair is in town. You two should head on over there. You being a big time doctor now.”

“Thanks for telling us.”

“Nobody gets to see you out by the falls. Folks round here didn’t think you would amount to a hill of beans. You should go to the fair. Show off your big city girl.”

“Some beans, grow into bean stalks,” Lina chimed in. Her pure saccharine smile warmed his heart. He loved it when she was in she-cat mode.

“I suppose you’re right.”

“We’d better get going, Mrs. Nedstetter,” he pushed their purchases closer to the register, since she hadn’t tallied one item. She took the hint.

“It was nice talking with you.” Yeah, it was as nice as having your teeth extracted with a toothpick. He gathered their bags, guided Lina in front of him, and made a beeline for the door.

“You too, Gideon. Oh, I meant to ask you, what happened to the other woman I met, back…” Gideon slammed the door on the tail end of that statement. Disaster averted.

Chapter 16

Her breath hitched in her chest when Gideon stepped onto the porch of the cabin. A tanned god, dressed in black from his broad shoulders down to his feet. Faded black denim clung to his powerful thighs. Scuffed, fine stitched sized fourteen cowboy boots looked well
worn, a perfect fit. She knew her eyes were wide with female appreciation as she drank him in. She licked her lips savoring the tasty treat in front of her. She was in love with casual, rugged Gideon. He looked at peace. She had never seen him so comfortable in his own skin. She needed a game plan. The cabin was stocked. The Rice clan had left hours ago. And the sexual energy between them was thick in the air. Their day together, had been perfect. Even that horrid old woman couldn’t put a damper on her spirits.

The Rice cabin was one of those luxury cabins on the front of a destination spa magazine. A total of four master suites, two on each level with a huge great room and a floor to ceiling stone fireplace. A mountain stream that was more invigorating than her sandy beach alcove completed the front room view. Rolling hills and mountains completed the picture, providing a panoramic frame. Thane’s company had designed and built the property. Jacob rented out the cabins for corporate retreats and other business functions. There were two additional rental properties on the ranch but this was the largest of the three. Gideon had warned her that his mountain would rival her beach. He was right. She might have a new favorite. She hadn’t believed him until the cool mist from the Waverly waterfall touched her skin. Being here with Gideon, she let the troubles in Shell Cove fall away. Staring across the stream at the mountains in the distance she felt like she could stay here forever.

“I know you love the beach. Now that I’ve shown you my mountain, what do you think?”

She didn’t answer him, instead she went up onto her tip toes, angled her head, and kissed him.

“Thank you for bringing me home with you.”

His large hand massaging her breast pushed her to deepen the kiss. She pulled at the hem of his shirt, her hands against his abdomen. She tugged him closer, giving her wayward body what it craved-finally. But, not totally. Lina forced her hands to leave Gideon’s skin. Introducing sex into one of her relationships signaled the beginning of the end. And she wanted their relationship to last. Tilting her chin up, she found Gideon studying her. Analyzing.

She liked everything he was doing, but she didn’t want him to know that. Before she could look away, he grasped her chin, lifted her head, until their eyes met.

“You left me. Where did you go?” Gideon asked.

“I’m here.” Trying to tear her gaze away was impossible with his strong hand supporting her chin.

“I have questions that need answering. Your responsibility is to stay in place and answer them. Understood?”

She nodded in understanding.

“Do you foresee a future for us?” Gideon asked.

 ”Yes.” She gave him the truth. Lina saw a future that included Gideon in it.

“Then why did you pull away?” He was a beautiful man, even with a crease between his brows. He hadn’t shaved this morning. Dark stubble covered his chin and continued down his neck. His jaw the perfect blend of angles and rounded lines.

“I think I’m making a mistake, Gideon.”

He sobered.

Those perfect angles were replaced by a stiff jaw and even stiffer spine.

“You don’t want to take this next step with me.” His hand, which had been supporting her chin fell away. This was her out. She could walk away with her heart intact.

“I want you too much,” she admitted, unwilling to allow him to believe anything different. Lina felt her heart beat double time at the admission. His arm tightened around her waist and she held onto him as sure as he held her.

“We will be happy together.” Tears sprang to Lina’s eyes. Her heart thudded in her chest.
. Her stomach churned. She looked away from him.


“No promises. We can take this next step together, but no promises.”

“It doesn’t work that way, sweetness. Our making love signifies our promise to each other.” The firm note in Gideon’s voice brought Lina’s gaze back to those gray storm cloud eyes she loved.

“Why complicate what we have with promises?”

“Because I want all of you,” Gideon said, his tone softer. Could she be open to love, again?

“Gideon I want to believe.” Oh gosh, her throat felt tight. A buzzing sound filled her ears. This was so not sexy.

“Could you love me?” he whispered
She was sure she already did. Gag order. She wouldn’t utter that word bomb. She nodded her head, knowing to keep her lips sealed before he ran for the hills.

“Then let go. Trust in us. Let it happen.” She blinked away the sensual fuzz in her brain. What would he think of her if he knew what she wanted to do to him? That she wanted more, too. Storm clouds rolled in those steel gray eyes that she had come to love. This was her last chance. She had racked up so many man-fast violations. She needed a parole officer. Even now, she could feel the length of his erection pressing into her hip. His masculine heat was seductive. She found herself sinking into his muscles. Compelled to press closer to him. If she surrendered to her kryptonite, she wouldn’t have the power to resist him. The bang up job she’d done to this point was the subject of psychiatric journals. She had to be crazy to take a chance, but it felt like an alternate form of sanity to give herself to him.

“How do we begin?” She didn’t want to mess this up. She hadn’t a clue how to build a relationship rooted in trust and love. Gideon stilled in front of her. “Show me.” Her voice steady and sure. She inhaled a deep breath and gave in to the all-consuming sensual storm swirling around them.

Gideon’s lips were on hers demanding entrance. His hands cradled her face. His touch was gentle. More gentle than the onslaught of tongue pressing into her mouth. Stroking her, devouring her. When he broke the kiss, his heat lingered. Marking her as his. She felt a feather light kiss to her head.

“I know you’re accustomed to taking care of yourself, but I will always be here for you.” No more words were needed. Enough had been said. They both were walking into this with their eyes open. “I’m going to take care of you.”

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