Read Convincing Lina: A Bachelor of Shell Cove Novel (The Bachelors of Shell Cove Romance Book 2) Online

Authors: Siera London

Tags: #beach town, #African American, #military hero, #Romantic Suspense

Convincing Lina: A Bachelor of Shell Cove Novel (The Bachelors of Shell Cove Romance Book 2) (19 page)

BOOK: Convincing Lina: A Bachelor of Shell Cove Novel (The Bachelors of Shell Cove Romance Book 2)
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“You were hurt?” The sadness in her eyes was so foreign for the vibrant, confident woman he knew.

“I wasn’t, but Estrella…they are telling me I can’t go with her to the hospital. Why is this happening to me?” His jaw tightened. A roar sounded in his head. She asked questions he wished he could answer.

“Sweetness,” he said cupping her delicate features in his big hands.

“Who are you?” Gideon felt the arms around his neck tense. He lowered his hands, but kept a possessive hand on Lina’s waist. He heard her inhale a deep breath before she turned to face the officer. She often did that deep breathing thing when she was stressed.

“He’s my,” she glanced over her shoulder in his direction, “I meant he’s…Gideon what are you to me?” He’d never seen her so lost.

“I’m all hers,” he heard himself say. “What happened here?”

“Beachcombers called us,” the uniformed officer offered. He was past his prime, with a thick waist, a ruddy complexion and a dirty brown comb over that failed to conceal the baldness.

“Did anyone see anything?”

“Nothing much that I can tell. Appears there was a break-in. The neighbor heard the disturbance. The neighbor went to investigate and was physically assaulted by the perpetrator.”

“When I arrived she was lying on the kitchen floor, beaten and barely conscious.” Lina’s voice shook worse than before as she described Estrella’s condition. Tremors raked her body as she spoke but she didn’t seem to notice.

“Did you notice anyone, a car, anything large or small Lina that could be important?” Looking at him, she shook her head no and Gideon recognized the emotion. Guilt.

She would’ve looked away, but he held her shoulders steady.

“What happened here isn’t your fault.”

“Isn’t it?” Her voice climbed higher. “That beating Estrella took was meant for me.” A panicked expression crossed her face before she schooled her features into a fragile mask.

“You don’t know that,” he said in a firm voice. The self-reliant woman in her balked at his tone, the terrified little girl was relieved he was there and she didn’t have to face the big, bad wolf stalking her alone.

“He’s right, ma’am. There is no way to know how the person or people who did this would have reacted to your presence.”

“I don’t want to hear anymore. I’m going with Estrella to the hospital.”

“We’ll follow behind the ambulance, then you are coming home with me.”

Chapter 12

Shocked and scared witless. The roses, the vandalism, nothing made sense in Lina’s world. Not wanting to completely crumble, she stared ahead as Gideon drove in silence. The warmth of his large fingers curling over her hand, nearly undid her. She’d never been great at accepting help from other people, especially men, now Gideon’s touch was the only thing keeping her together. She was an independent woman capable of taking care of herself, but she didn’t know how to protect herself from the monster that nearly beat her friend unconscious.

“I need to call my mom.” Her hand shook as she pulled her purse up between her feet where they rested on the floorboard of the car. Rifling through the depths of her tote bag, not seeing the phone only served to heighten her anxiety. Not finding it, her breathing rate increased, she felt like she was suffocating, panicked. She wanted to scream.

“Can you lower the window, please? I need some air.” Gideon briefly glanced in her direction and what he saw must have alarmed him, because he hit the right signal light and pulled over onto the shoulder of the highway. The passenger window lowered and humid air rushed into the car.

“Lina, breathe,” Gideon’s voice was firm and directive. The tone a drill sergeant would use with a grunt, she realized. His face was closer to hers, but she couldn’t see any details of his face. The sound of tires against the asphalt intensified, and each vibration penetrated her body, and settled in her chest until she felt as though she was coming apart at the seams.

“I’m trying.” She felt his hand tightening on hers, but it did nothing to alleviate the pressure in her chest.

“Look at me.” The mental images of the blood stained roses, and slashed furniture, the broken glasses slammed into her mental strongholds. Near toppling her defenses. Someone wanted to scare her. It was working. “Look at me, now.” Holding her left hand securely in his grip, he cradled her cheek in his large palm angling her face toward him.

“I’ve got you. You’re safe. No one will get to you as long as you’re with me.” God, she wanted to believe him. But they didn’t know what or who they were fighting. How was she supposed to defend herself? He leaned across the center console then, pressing a gentle kiss to her cheek.

“I’ll keep you safe. I promise.” She didn’t realize what she was doing until it happened. She pulled her hand from his, snaked it around his neck, threading her fingers into his lush, dark curls. Pulling him close she pressed her lips to his and took what she needed to quell the fear rising in her. He wasn’t resisting her, but he didn’t respond to her touch. Rejected. She wouldn’t let the tears fall. Not here, not for him, not ever. No man would have that type of power over her again.

She moved to pull away, but his hand around her nape kept her in place. She lowered her head, embarrassment competing with the fear for purchase in her overtaxed brain. She felt his fingers caress her cheek, before he lifted her chin, turning her face in his direction. The pads of his fingers were calloused but not abrasive. Her skin tingled and heated where his warm breath fanned over her.

“I want your sweet taste in my mouth,” came his low rumble. “Kiss me back if you want me beyond this moment, and then take whatever you need.” Fire lit his smoke gray eyes as he bored into hers. The evening breeze lifted her hair blowing strands into her face. Lina closed her eyes when he brushed the hairs from her face and tucked them behind her ear. Biting into her lips, she savored the moment, the feeling of connection was unlike anything she’d shared with another man.

His lips claimed hers. The kiss was slow and sensual, but not gentle. His mouth was hungry on hers. His lips were soft. He caressed her lips with his own over and over, until she surrendered and he pressed inside.

Once inside, he teased her tongue, delivering long strokes that she felt down to her toes curling in her shoes.

“Take, Lina,” he spoke into her mouth. His willingness to give was so unexpected, emotions she had long ago abandoned in a relationship stirred deep within her. Pleasure she hadn’t realized was possible flooded her senses and she reached for it and held on.

“Yes,” and that’s what she did. Took what she needed, had denied herself too long. She drove into his mouth like a drowning woman reaching for a life preserver. And he answered her demands with his own. When she felt his strong fingers over her breast, she jumped, breaking the kiss.

“I’m too old for back seat of the jeep escapades.” She ran her trembling fingers across her forehead, “kissing you was a major man-fast violation.”

“We both needed that kiss.” He flashed a wick grin and winked as he released his grip. “Sweeter than my dreams. You wanted that kiss as much as I did.”

“Half way to the finish line, I can’t quit,” her voice rose.

“You know and I know, that there will never be another man in your life. Or in your bed.” Her eyes flew to his, dumbstruck.

“What are you saying?”

“You can deny yourself anything you want, except me.” She shivered, picturing all of Gideon’s hard muscles over her, driving into her. The endorphin release flooded her system and her insides quaked. Yeah, he was definitely an escape from her current state of unrest. Releasing her, the car engine purred to life and they ate up the miles in companionable silence. His house. A house that she probably shouldn’t think of as a refuge. But, she didn’t want to be away from him. She trusted him to keep them safe. She trusted him with her life.

“You are safe with me, but you’re never too old for good loving.” She was vulnerable to another type of harm if she stayed with him. How could he save her from her own desires? She wasn’t sure she wanted to be rescued anymore.

Lina is mine
auto played in his head the moment he pulled into the circular drive in front of his home. Gideon would never let her go. This was the first time a woman had crossed the threshold to his home since… Not wanting to go there, Gideon focused on the fact that Lina was here with him, finally. Sharing his home. The home that he had commissioned an architect to build for his family.

Unlocking the front door, Gideon reached for the dimmer switch on the lighting panel. Warm light washed the sunken formal living room in a soft, yellow hue. White washed oak furniture had been artfully placed by an interior decorator. Chenille throws and pillows were added to give a cozy feel of provincial country living. He could have brought Lina into the house through the attached garage that led to the mudroom, but he wanted her to view the house as a guest might. He didn’t want to be alone anymore, and he’d do everything in his power to impress her, have her stay with him, and make it a home.

She was motionless behind him. Her feet planted under the brick arched entryway, indecision was clearly written on her face.

“Come inside with me Lina.” He reached for her, but didn’t go as far as to touch her. This had to be her decision. They both knew this moment would change everything about their relationship. And it was a relationship. Recalling the situation with her brother, he’d transferred Bishop to another psychiatrist on his team. Gideon could serve as a consultant on his case if needed, but no way in hell would he stop seeing Lina.

“Gideon.” The vulnerability in her voice tugged at his heart. A heart that was beating again because of Lina. She looked better than during the ride over, but a sense of panic, confusion, and fatigue surrounded her.

“Yeah, sweetness.” He could see her gracing his bed. Opening herself to him as he explored every nook and curve of her beautiful body.

“I’m really vulnerable right now. What happened in the car was wrong. I used you to ease my own fears and I can’t promise I won’t accost you again.” He released a low chuckle.

“Your type of abuse is my favorite kind. What else do you need me to ease, tonight?”

“I’m being serious.”

“So am I. Now, come on in the house. I know how to protect myself from a she-cat.”

“I’ve got your she-cat.”

“I’m counting on it, sweetness. Get it here, you need to eat and get some rest.”

“A hot bath would be nice.”

“I can arrange that, too.” He led her through the family room into the first floor guest suite.

“There’s a walk-in shower and linen closet to your left. The large soaking tub is in the master suite. You’re welcome to use it.”

“Thanks, I will. I don’t have any clothes with me. The cops wouldn’t let me take anything from my house.”

“I have something that will fit you.” Preferably him, between her legs, open in invitation. “We’ll worry about tomorrow in the morning. Let’s get through tonight.”

“Your house has feminine touches. Any secret girlfriends lurking in the bushes?” His spine stiffened.

“No. If you don’t like this room you can choose from the four upstairs. My room is on the opposite side of the front office.”

“Hey, Gideon,” she touched his cheek as she spoke, “I didn’t mean to offend you. It’s just most guys, don’t have a six bedroom house fully furnished. Your house is beautiful, a bit monochromatic for my tastes, but it will do in a pinch.” She thought his house was boring.

“We can change it more to your liking.” Lina looked anywhere other than his face. Slow down, she’d be running for the hills if he was more obvious that he wanted her to stay.

“Your house is fine. I’ll take you up on the swim in your tub. You lead the way.” She followed him through double doors that opened into the master suite.

BOOK: Convincing Lina: A Bachelor of Shell Cove Novel (The Bachelors of Shell Cove Romance Book 2)
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