
Read Uninvolved Online

Authors: Carey Heywood

BOOK: Uninvolved
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Carey Heywood



is a work of fiction
Names, characters, places, and incidents
are either
the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously
Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


Copyright © 201
by Carey Heywood




Published by Carey Heywood

Smashwords edition


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Dad, you always encouraged me
. I miss you.




Chapter 1


"No more shots!" Becka mumbled as her frie
nd Crystal nodded in agreement.

Becka glared at Lucy, the ringleader of the multiple
It was Saturday night
and t
hey were at a bar
in downtown Phoenix that Lucy lived near. Which was great for Lucy
could pass out in her own bed, but it meant Crystal and Becka would have to figure out who got the sofa
would have to
sleep with Lucy and get kicked all night. Becka had planned to be the designated driver but
since this place was within walking distance from Lucy's house
she was talked into partying with them.

Becka had twisted her long brown hair up into a bun ages ago but still felt too hot
vinyl seat covering of their booth was sticking to the underside of
Now, also f
eeling parched
got up
a glass of water
from the bar
Becka slid
past the guy she had been flirting with most of the night
had already forgotten his name twice and was not going to ask him for it a third time. He was cute and seemed nice enough
e had
bought the last couple of rounds.

seemed into her, which was flattering
but Becka just wasn’t feeling it. He hadn’t even tried to kiss her
. Becka liked it when a guy came on strong but not too strong. This guy was kinda
coming on
Making her way through the crow
d took some
effort. Every guy she
appened to t
ouch saw it as an invitation
to hit on her
if the guy happened to be with a girl then Becka got the stink eye

Geez, Becka
thought to herself
wasn’t even trying to touch anyone. Ugh
nd it was so loud
Becka really wanted to do was go home.
It took her a moment to flag down the bartender
call was approaching so the bar was crowded.
Becka leaned against
the bar once she found a spot that wasn’t sticky and sipped
her water, hoping she had not taken one shot too many and wo
uld be regretting it overnight.

looked ove
r at the table where her friend
s sat. Crystal seemed bor
ed and sleepy, which meant she
d a good shot
getting the sofa, and
arguing with some guy about politics.
Lucy, a spitfire most days
leaned to outright belligerent after a few drinks.
Becka wasn’t going to touch that conversation.
Becka was out for one reason
to get hit on.

The guy that she had met that night seemed nice enough
and he was giving all o
f the right signals. Usually Becka
would have been all over him, but something felt different. If anything
she felt déjà vu
was bored. He caught her eye
and she smiled back at him more out of reflex than anything else. He came over to meet her at the bar to, as he put it, check on her. Becka went through the motions,
at his jokes
like she didn’t see him check out her boobs.

Becka's shirt was pretty low cut
would almost be offended if he hadn’t been looking.
He offered to buy her another drink
and she admitted honestly
given how she felt
probably wasn’t a good idea. He seemed to take it in stride
, which was a relief.
of the guys that seemed intent on getting her falling down drunk. So that at least was a plus for this guy. Becka
wished she could remember his name since it was well past the appropriate point in the conversation for her to ask what it was
He moved closer to her to make space for some other people ordering.

At that point
Lucy came over to inform Becka that Crystal had passed out in the booth. No longer needing an excuse to ditch whatever that guy's name was
she followed Lucy to retrieve Crystal. Not to be deterred
mystery man followed them with offers to help. At first
Becka was annoyed th
at she hadn’t been able to lose
but before long
she was grateful for his help with Crystal.

He ended up having to fireman
carry her to Lucy's
Crystal's penchant for short dresses left little to the imagination in that position. Becka had to snap a pic before whatever the hell that guy's name was set her down.
Lucy got her set up in her bed, tummy
down, trash can ready. While Lucy
was doing that
was in Lucy's living room with him
thanking him over and over. He leaned in for a kiss
and Becka figured it was the least she could do. They broke their kiss when Lucy came back in. Doing her best to speak to Lucy with her eyes
Becka was able to get her to stay in the room. Seeing as though they would not be able to go further with an audience
the guy got up to go.

He got her
number and
under the guise of not knowing how to spell his name
Becka handed him her phone for him to enter his own info. He may have been on to her when he questioned her not knowing how to spell Ben. Becka waved him off
saying she was too tipsy to spell
period. After he left
Lucy and Becka collapsed in giggles. Lucy
her if she needed to know his
name she
could have just asked her. Lucy was crazy good with names, no
er how many drinks she had.

"It's my superpower."

"Remembering names is not a superpower."

"Um, you only say that because you don’t have it."

"So what is my superpower?"

"Your hair always looks good
do you ever get spilt ends

"Shut up
such a sucky superpower
and you don’t get split ends if you get your
trimmed a lot. Give me a better superpower."

"Let me think
" Lucy stood
and Becka watched as
left and right over and over as she thought
our superpower could be
breaking up."


"That is so it
I have never met anyone so good at ending things with someone. It's a gift."


"For non
holding people
breaking up with people is really hard. You have it down to an art form."

kind of amazing at it."

It was safer that way. Becka had made the mistake of trusting someone with her heart before. That wasn’t something she was interested in ever doing again.
Lucy got them a snack
and they gossiped about people they worked with until Becka couldn’t keep her eyes open and Lucy went to bed.

The next morning
Becka woke up cursing Lucy's sofa for the crick she now had in her neck.
This sofa falsely gave every appearance of being comfortable, and it was
or sitting. Something happened when anyone would try to sleep on it, almost as though it would randomly shrink a foot causing whoever was on it to have to contort themselves into a neck
inducing position to ensure their limbs fit.
Happened to her every time, though still better than the kicking she was sure Crystal had dealt with. Lucy came out not long after Becka woke up
bitching about how her room smelt like puke. Becka grimaced
hoping Crystal hadn’t had too bad of a night.

"Where's Crystal?"

"Still wrapped around the toilet
o take her picture so we can blackmail her with it at some point
" Lucy grumbled.

Becka giggled and went to peek in the half
bath that was connected to Lucy's bedroom. Poor Crystal
she thought, snapping a picture anyway. They never shared any of the pictures, and there were many. Crystal had been pretty good in general recently
so she was due for a
sloppy drunk picture
. Since Crystal
did not look like she was going to be moving anytime soon
Lucy agreed to drive her home so Becka didn’t have to wait around for her. This was music to Becka's ears because all she wanted to do was roll through a
D's drive
for some grub and go home

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