Convincing Her (4 page)

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Authors: Dana Love

BOOK: Convincing Her
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“Of course I do. I’m proving it. You only have one life son, live it on
your own terms.”

“You’re sure you’re not drunk?” She’d never referred to him as son.

“I’m not drunk. I promise. I may be later though. Your dad is taking me
out tonight. So, are you bringing a girl out there with you?”

An idea formed in his head, “Maybe. I haven’t asked her yet.”

“So you’re dating someone?” She sounded genuinely interested.

He laughed bitterly, “No, I sort of blew it on our first date.”

“Then ask her. Use this summer to make it up to her. But remember, no

“I just might do that. Thanks mom.”

“Bye Richard, have a good rest of your evening. I know I will.”

After hanging up he stared up at his ceiling. If he was going to
convince Angie to come with him, it was going to take more than a cheesecake.

Chapter Four


“No.” Angie shut the door in Rich’s face.

He frowned and knocked softly, “That’s it? You won’t even think about
it?” He called through the door. After the talk with his mom and a short
conversation with Pete he’d decided just to go for it. When he’d shown up at
Angie’s dorm a few minutes ago he’d presented a well-rehearsed speech. 
He’d known getting her to agree to go with him wasn’t going to be easy, but he
hadn’t considered the possibility that she would flat-out refuse.

“No.” He heard her soft reply through the door. “Have a good time. Call
me when you get back.”

Rich turned and leaned up against the adjoining wall. Well, what now? He
was torn between taking this time away from her to get his head straight and
find a way to get over her and figuring out a way to get her to go. After
several minutes he knocked again, “Let me in for a minute, please?”

The door cracked open and Angie poked her head out, “You’re still here?”

“Yes, let me in. If you don’t want to go that’s fine. I just want to
know why.”

She looked at him for a long time, then finally turned and walked into
her room, leaving the door open behind her.

So far so good, “Why don’t you want to take off for a while?”

She sat on her bed and began chewing her bottom lip, “Do you really want
to do this? I mean, we’ve been getting a long great. We’re friends, this is
good right?”

He considered his words, “Sure, it’s great. I don’t see how that has
anything to do with you not wanting to go with me. So yes, I want to do this,
tell me why.”

“Well,” she began twirling her hair around her finger, “two things could
happen on this vacation of yours.”

He nodded his head even though he had no clue where she was going with
this, “Okay, and those two things are?”

She stood and began pacing in front of her bed, “One, we could go and
have a great time together. You could be your charming self, and I might –
well,” she paused and began working her lip again, “I might develop
for you.” She help up her hand to stop him from interjecting, “Or two, we could
go, fight like cats and dogs, and end up hating each other. Neither possibility
is okay with me.”

“Why would it be so bad if you developed feelings for me?” He sat down,
“More importantly, why did you say it like it was the worst of the two

“It would be the worst outcome, at least for me. I don’t do feelings. I
don’t do relationships. I’m not ready, and I’m not sure if I’m ever going to be
ready. But you’re missing the point. Either way, if we spend this time
together, out in the middle of nowhere all alone, the end result will not be us
returning as friends. I like being your friend Rich.” She finally sat and the
hair twirling and lip biting came to a stop. Now instead of looking nervous she
looked miserable.

“You’re forgetting something here. I don’t do relationships either.” He
admitted the obvious. “I’ve never had a real girlfriend, and I’ve always been
completely okay with that. I’m not asking you to marry me, I’m asking you to
hang out with me and see where this could go, if anywhere.” The last part was a
lie since he knew there was a connection between them, but he was trying to
prove a point.

“Two people who don’t do relationships can’t just make one work. You’re
a smart guy Rich, you know this. We still have at least two years of school
left. I’m still not even sure what the hell I’m doing with my life. I can’t
throw a man into the mix.” She let out an exasperated sigh.

He was at a loss for words. He’d thought he’d considered every defense
she’d throw at him while he was preparing his stupid little spiel. This hadn’t
been one of them. “So your issue is about what might happen? We can’t predict
the future. We can have a good time now though. If you don’t want to hang out
with me the whole time there will be other people there. I mentioned that
Pete’s bringing a girl right?”

“That’s another thing. I don’t do well with new people. You know that
right? You, Tyler and Cam, and now maybe Teresa, you’re my only friends. I like
it that way. I’m not a social person.” She was back to twirling her hair, “I’ve
always wanted to be, sort of, but I’m just not. Your brother and his friends,
they won’t like me. I’m quiet, and I have a weird sense of humor, and it’s just
not going to work.”

Realization dawned on him and smiled, “Why does it sound like you’re
trying to convince yourself more than you’re trying to convince me?” Who would
have thought that this beautiful girl would be insecure and worried about
people liking her?

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Yes, you do. You want to go.” He knew it. He could feel it. She wanted
to spend this time with him.

“You’re wrong. I’m trying to be nice here.” She sighed and muttered, “I
knew I shouldn’t have opened the damn door.”

He stood and then knelt in front of her, taking her hands. “Come with
me. You can bring a big box of books and hole up in your room if you want. I’ll
tell the others to suck it if they have a problem with you.”

She tried to pull her hands away but he held firm. If they were ever
going to see what this connection between them really was this was the time.

“I can’t Rich. I really appreciate the offer. I hope you have a really
good time. I’ll even miss you. Call me when you get back?” She gave his hands a
squeeze as she looked up at him through her lashes.

“You can and you should. You just won’t.” He stood, “I’m not giving up.
I’m leaving next Thursday. Just think about it okay?”

She didn’t respond and though it frustrated him he decided to let her be
for now. He gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and exited her room while he
pulled out his phone.

When his
friend answered he turned on his charm, “Hey Tyler, I need your help.”

By Wednesday Rich was packed and ready to go. Pete was already headed up
to the house with his friends to check out what supplies they would need.

Angie hadn’t responded to his last few texts and he hated to admit it
but he was feeling pretty defeated. Despite Tyler’s agreement to try and
convince her to go and a pumpkin cheesecake he’d had special ordered from the
bakery he’d gotten nowhere. He’d tried to figure out what her relationship
issues were. Though he’d known her for a couple of years now he’d never really
questioned why she didn’t have anyone in her life. Had she been hurt by someone
she was involved with when she was younger? Was it more than that? The
questions continued to form, but no answers were available. Even Tyler wasn’t
sure exactly what Angie’s issues with relationships were. If she’d just talk to

To make matters worse, Chris had shown up to their room the night before
with two drunken girls. They were hot and completely willing to help him out of
his funk, but he’d declined. His roommate had given him shit for a while until
he’d finally taken him out into the hall and explained he was really into
someone else. Luckily, his friend was cool about his situation. He was also
more than a little happy to have the two girls to himself, so Rich had excused
himself so they’d have some privacy.

It had been years since he’d gone without regular sexual contact and his
dick was not happy with him. Even after relieving himself in the shower that
morning, twice, his hard-on wouldn’t quit. At the slightest thought of Angie he
sprang to attention.

Chris had taken off that afternoon, promising to hit him up as soon as
he returned after the break. Rich considered checking out some porn, but the
images in his head were all he needed to get fired up. He figured it wouldn’t
hurt to relieve a little tension.

Gripping his length, he closed his eyes and imagined Angie was with him.
He could still remember the feel of her small cool hands as she worked him. He
could almost smell her, feel her weight on him. Her lips had been so soft and
warm. His hips got into the action, fucking up into his fist. Moisture seeped
from the tip and he used his thumb to spread the wetness over the thick head of
his cock. If he ever had the chance to be inside of her again he was going to
take it. He needed to feel her, needed to hear her moaning in his ear as he
pounded into her.

He gave himself up to his fantasy, pumping his dick as he considered all
the possibilities. He would touch her softly at first, caressing her silky skin
for as long as she’d allow. Then when she was ready he’d grasp her breasts in
his hands, teasing the nipples until she was begging for more. When she was
bare before him, he’d suck and lick every inch of her body until she screamed.

His hand moved faster now, picturing her naked and needy. He’d place
kisses down her stomach until he was finally between her legs. A low groan
escaped his throat and he brought his other hand into the mix, cupping and
tugging at his balls gently. He knew she’d taste amazing and feel so good
against his mouth.  He’d grip her hips and fuck her with his tongue until
she came on his face. Even then he wouldn’t stop, he’d place soft kisses to her
inner thighs and belly until she calmed, then lick her glistening slit gently
until she was ready for more. He’d tease her clit, alternating between licking
and sucking until she was begging for him to fuck her.

Rich moaned her name as he released onto his taut stomach. His eyes were
squeezed shut, lost in the sensations coursing through him. After several
minutes he finally came back to earth, more convinced than ever to try and
persuade her to come on this trip with him. He had to have her. He was willing
to risk their friendship for something more.


He tossed his last bag into the back of his car and pulled out his

Rich: Last chance Angel

He sent the text and sat in the driver’s seat, waiting. The drive would
take three hours or so, plenty of time to wallow in his failure. He couldn’t
believe he hadn’t figured out a way to persuade Angie to go on this trip.

He punched the steering wheel in frustration and started the engine.
When he returned, she would be the first person he went to see. Maybe she really
would miss him. He couldn’t believe he was pining after her like this. It made
him grateful that he’d never crushed on anyone in high school like some of his
friends had. He had given them so much shit for being hung up on girls. He
laughed at himself, if they could only see him now. Finding a classic rock
station on the radio, he cranked up the volume and pulled out of the parking

About thirty minutes later he decided to stop and get an energy drink at
the gas station on the highway. After making a quick trip to the restroom, he
grabbed some donuts and his drink and climbed back into his car. He eyed his
phone, tempted to shut it off completely. He swiped the screen and shot Pete a
quick text that he was on his way, asking if there was anything he needed to
pick up before he arrived. While he waited for the response, he downed his
donuts and half of his drink. His phone sounded and he wiped his hands before
grabbing it.

Angel: I give come get me

His stomach did a weird little flip.

Rich: 30 min

He put the car
in reverse and flipped around, heading back into town. Now all he had to do was
not fuck this up.

Rich placed Angie’s bag into the back seat of his Nova. When he’d
arrived at Tyler and Cameron’s she’d been waiting outside on the steps braiding
her still-damp hair. She’d given him a look that was filled with part
trepidation and part embarrassment, so he’d kept his mouth shut.

She climbed into the back seat, resting her head on her bag, “How far is
this place?”

“We’ll be there in a few hours.”

Pulling out her phone and some ear buds from her purse, she placed them
in her ears, “Wake me up when we get there.”

Okay then. He
wouldn’t complain, she was in his car and they were on the way.

Two long hours had passed in relative silence. He could hear the faint
sounds of her music and her even breathing as she slept. The scent of her
shampoo filled the car and he knew he would be able to recognize that smell
anywhere. His eyes drifted to his rearview mirror, resting on her face, so
peaceful. He forced himself to focus on the road, he’d never get a chance to
make her his if they didn’t make the trip.

“Will it be much longer?” She murmured.

Her voice was husky with sleep and sexy as hell, “Not too much longer.”

She surprised him by climbing over the seat, settling beside him, her
knees bent and her legs pulled up underneath her body.

“So, don’t you want to know why I changed my mind?” She asked as she
turned off her phone.

“It doesn’t matter. I’m just glad you’re here.” He answered honestly.

She laughed softly, “You’re a smooth talker Mr. Remington.”

“That just sounds weird. I think I’d rather have you call me Dick.” He
shot her a grin, pleased when she smiled at him in return.

“All right then, Dick. I’m going to tell you anyway. I thought I could
handle being around Ty and Cam. I was prepared for raging boners everywhere I
turned. It was the way they looked at each other. They’re so in love. It’s
sickening. I thought they would have cooled off by now, but it just gets worse
every time I see them.”

He laughed at her tone, “Huh, I thought you’d be more of a romantic. All
those dirty-girl books you read and all.”

She let out a giggle, “Those books are about sex silly, not love.
There’s a big difference. I read smut, not romance.”

“Maybe I’ll have to check a few of them out.” He was able to get the
words out with a straight face, surprisingly enough.

Rolling her eyes, she huffed, “Men are visual creatures. You wouldn’t
like them the way I do. After all, there aren’t any pictures.” She teased.

“Hey, I have a good imagination.” He felt his cheeks heat at the thought
of his fantasy the night before. “I bet I could even write one if I tried. It’s
all about bodice ripping right?”

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